Say Goodbye - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
What A Unique Home It Has Everything Ready For All Its Inhabitants And Offers The Best Conditions For

What a unique home it has everything ready for all its inhabitants and offers the best conditions for every form of living creature. Were it not for this one arrogant creature that has taken itself out of the ranks of all living beings and sees itself as the crown of creation.

What A Unique Home It Has Everything Ready For All Its Inhabitants And Offers The Best Conditions For

But it is the grand design joke of evolution, a naked ape with a high level of technical understanding, an upright gait and far too high a potential for aggression and ashy territorial behavior.

Everything is connected to everything else and exists in a highly complex system, but the crowning glory of creation is thinking and existing outside this system of dependencies. The word environment already shows that even linguistically it is not understood or expressed that the human being is part of a system. Russia and China are thinking of a new world order what a joke nature is shitting on everyone's table and changing the situation so that China has more people than food and Russia's forests are burning. All geopolitical games for power and influence will turn into ridiculous monkey business when climate change has reached its point of no return.

The religions always have the idea that the end of the world is a bang, far from it dear people you must know it because you can see it day by day species disappear quietly step by step without a bang and the world does not end. Your actions have already caused so many species to disappear and did you hear a bang when the last freshwater dolphin disappeared in China? No, not Armageddon. So if you don't wipe yourselves out with a bang, there is only dwindling from one generation to the next until the last one is gone.

I am the good that negates and only wants good and yet creates evil. Ultimately, greed has made you disappear and the realization of the inability to understand complex systems and their dependency.

What A Unique Home It Has Everything Ready For All Its Inhabitants And Offers The Best Conditions For

How long do you think the disappearance of humanity will take?

The oceans are full of micro plastics, your drinking water is running out, a large part of the currently still habitable planet is becoming increasingly too hot for you and so on..... by the way, one of the most stupid ideas at the moment is deep sea mining...... that just shows you have no safe word!

Satan more or less

Earth, The Blue Marble, Photographed During The Apollo 17 Mission On This Day In 1972.

Earth, the Blue Marble, photographed during the Apollo 17 mission on this day in 1972.

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11 months ago
There Is A Film About An Artificial Intelligence Network That Has Finally Determined That Humans Are

There is a film about an artificial intelligence network that has finally determined that humans are the biggest pest and then wants to eliminate or contain them.

At OpenAI, AI now also creates videos

Pioneer OpenAI presents another advance in the development of artificial intelligence: new software can produce short videos based on text specifications. The first sample sequences of a woman in Tokyo, for example, are astonishing.

There Is A Film About An Artificial Intelligence Network That Has Finally Determined That Humans Are

What is interesting overall is that no matter what risk technology mankind is involved in, whether in chemistry, biology, atomic physics and now AI, it is always carried out according to the same procedure: first do it, then think about it and then realise that the development can be misused.

Chemistry = chemical warfare weapons

There Is A Film About An Artificial Intelligence Network That Has Finally Determined That Humans Are

Biology = biological warfare weapons

There Is A Film About An Artificial Intelligence Network That Has Finally Determined That Humans Are

Atomic physics = nuclear weapons

There Is A Film About An Artificial Intelligence Network That Has Finally Determined That Humans Are

AI = dangerous real-time altered reality applications, AI-controlled weapons technology, sociological cultures economic changes to the entire world of work ,.......

But now to the present

OpenAI has developed an application with which you can create a completely Ki-controlled reality.

This reality, which is not a reality, can no longer be distinguished from reality.

Open IA explains that you cannot create politicians with the application and embed them in a fake reality in order to abuse it for your own benefit.

What rubbish, why do you need politicians if you can't create real events which you can then use to incite ethnic groups against each other in order to pursue your own goals. The seizure of power on the basis of the disintegration of national unity.

Yes, next to it we have a few nice films that are completely harmless - no, not really.

How about the text entry: in the bible belt of the united states of america a trump supporter is brutally killed at a por life demonstration by three woke liberal demonstrators.


This here in the middle of Jordan a fundamentalist Jewish settler shoots a group of Palestinian refugees.

Only stories made up by us which can of course be brought to life by a AI to the detriment of us all and to the benefit of a few who only pursue their own goals which are not in harmony with humanity.

And it will happen whether you mark it or not - it will become abuse. And the makers will, as always, not take responsibility but only generate money for the benefit of their shareholders.

Warning signs for AI weapons

As always, no one bears the responsibility and we all bear the risks!

It's time to create rules that everyone should abide by and thereby recognise those who violate them. Let's do nothing about it and if we do then only half-heartedly.

So these AI "impacts" will happen and we will all suffer as a result.

It will change the world and not for our benefit, but for the benefit of individuals.

The drone with facial recognition and AI as a weapon, the social score idea coupled with ki to dominate a people,.....

Hooray and this is more modern..... Insider ๐ŸŒ‹๐ŸŒ‹๐Ÿ‘


AI could support us in the fight against climate change, but that is not the business model that the makers of ki have in mind. Neither technology nor ki can solve the problems of climate change, both parts can only help to slow down the rise in temperature.

Political will and social responsibility based on action are the foundations for securing our future. AI can improve the world for us, but then societies have to be reorganised so that everyone benefits. AI tax for jobs that are lost due to AI, basic income, voluntary social work with responsibility paid from AI foundations, AI companies that take on social responsibility. .......

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10 months ago

How do you think everything could go down the drain?

How Do You Think Everything Could Go Down The Drain?

Just vote for Trump, he'll privatise America completely without those pesky human rights and nonsense like equality before the law.

Is that somehow good?

Yes, of course, if you're rich as shit and your company is then treated like a natural person.

Or you're in the inner circle of the future despot, sorry president!

that doesn't sound so good!

He has said that he will only play the dictator for one day!

This is historically a problem, nobody plays a dictator for one day.

How Do You Think Everything Could Go Down The Drain?


What has become of the ideals when a man of his ilk without any morals or understanding of the law can become the top candidate of a former Democratic Party? A country without value based on equality and equality before the law can become America, but then China will rise so fast that the rest of our democracy will be dizzy.

China is better at dictatorship and also has all the raw materials and means of production.

America will become the keleptodracy of a nazism obsessed orange hairy old man and his minions and hangers on.


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9 months ago

Well, if children in Britain, which has left the EU, are already so pissed off, the exit was probably a complete success, smile!


Well, children are already learning about the effects of nonsensical decisions by propaganda morons in the effects of inflation.

Bloody hell.

Nigel, Boris Johnson thanks for nothing.

Three years after Brexit

โ€œAn economic disasterโ€

The UK had high hopes for the domestic economy after Brexit. But three years after leaving the EU, the track record is poor. This year, the country is likely to be the only major economy to slide into recession.

The forecast on the third anniversary of the UK's exit from the EU is unflattering for the Conservative government. The weak growth is mainly due to the lack of labor, the director of the Institute for Fiscal Studies, Paul Johnson, told the BBC on Tuesday. One of the triggers for this was Brexit, which made immigration from the EU considerably more difficult. There is a shortage of workers in many sectors, such as catering and logistics, which used to be carried out by EU citizens. However, many of them changed their focus during the pandemic and around Brexit. Now it is no longer easy to come to the UK to work due to expensive visas.

Exporters stop sales to the EU

The proportion of smaller companies in the UK exporting abroad has also fallen following Brexit. โ€œOne in eight exporters have temporarily or permanently stopped selling to the EU - and a further tenth are considering doing so,โ€ said Lucy Monks from the Federation of Small Businesses, which represents smaller companies and the self-employed. Currently, around a fifth of these companies are still exporting their goods or services abroad - the lowest level since the start of the pandemic, when restrictions caused overall trade to slump, according to the association.Boris Glass, senior economist at ratings agency S&P Global, said the increasing red tape in trade between the UK and the EU had affected the competitiveness of smaller UK manufacturers in particular, as they had fewer resources to deal with it.

Brexit is seen as a mistakeIn view of this development, many Britons are now asking themselves what part Brexit has played in the difficult economic situation. After all, the campaign to leave the EU promised that food prices would fall, more money would be available for the NHS and the economy could operate more innovatively.

Let's face it, the two girls would definitely be in favor of joining the EU, if only because of the bloody hell ice cream prices!


you can hear the accent without unmuting the video

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6 months ago

Regardless of the underlying motivation, the presence of a coherent and unambiguous message is inherently beneficial. The ability to adhere to a clearly defined set of principles is a valuable asset in any context. I extend my best wishes for a fulfilling and prosperous life, regardless of the specific tenets you choose to uphold.


Regardless Of The Underlying Motivation, The Presence Of A Coherent And Unambiguous Message Is Inherently

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6 years ago
So, I Was Bored Yesterday And Started To Watch "Say Goodbye" (an Antisepticeye/Halloween Video By Jacksepticeye)
So, I Was Bored Yesterday And Started To Watch "Say Goodbye" (an Antisepticeye/Halloween Video By Jacksepticeye)

So, I was bored yesterday and started to watch "Say Goodbye" (an Antisepticeye/Halloween video by Jacksepticeye) so I started to draw Jack, then colored him today! Please tell me how to improve because I don't know what I'm doing! Hope @therealjacksepticeye sees this!

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