Shane Stardew Valley - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

Eeqeqeqrqkqrebsvsjak he looks so cute and happy, thank you! :3

Doodle request!: Stardew Shane with his chickens :3

(hope u feel better Siren!)

Doodle Request!: Stardew Shane With His Chickens :3

yes hehe

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9 months ago

Hello, Stardew Valley fandom

I am offering a gift for you

Hello, Stardew Valley Fandom

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9 months ago

This but make it farmer Zoey and Shane

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8 months ago

Therapist: Peeled Shane isn’t real, he can’t hurt you

Peeled Shane:

Therapist: Peeled Shane Isnt Real, He Cant Hurt You

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8 months ago
Hello Again, Stardew Valley Fandom
Hello Again, Stardew Valley Fandom

Hello again, Stardew Valley fandom

May I offer a Shane in these trying times?

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8 months ago
Grandpa Be Judging His Granddaughters Concerning Taste Of Men Even Beyond The Grave
Grandpa Be Judging His Granddaughters Concerning Taste Of Men Even Beyond The Grave
Grandpa Be Judging His Granddaughters Concerning Taste Of Men Even Beyond The Grave
Grandpa Be Judging His Granddaughters Concerning Taste Of Men Even Beyond The Grave
Grandpa Be Judging His Granddaughters Concerning Taste Of Men Even Beyond The Grave

Grandpa be judging his granddaughter’s concerning taste of men even beyond the grave

(I know he doesn’t show up til later in the game, just let me be funny)

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7 months ago
nik-barinova - Art By Nik
If Anyone Needs A Reference For Drawing Shane I May I Suggest Croatian Olympic Water Polo Man Josip Vrli
If Anyone Needs A Reference For Drawing Shane I May I Suggest Croatian Olympic Water Polo Man Josip Vrli

if anyone needs a reference for drawing shane i may i suggest croatian olympic water polo man josip vrlić 😳 yw

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7 months ago

Fuck it, I had to

(Shane x Farmer ficlet inspired by Any Other Name by Thomas Newman from American Beauty)

Fuck It, I Had To

The aching in her heart as he shouted those words only grew as the words were simply lost in her.

Zoey knew he was not the most perfect boyfriend, but damn her if she still saw him as someone who truly cared for the people around him. She would know that just by personal experience herself.

But, Yoba, why did it still hurt?

A metallic hand raised hesitantly, no words still spoken from her, as the tears welled in her eyes, clouding her vision the longer he stared at his huffing and crying form.

“Nothing!? Yeah! Th-That’s exactly what I thought! N—Nothing you could ever say can make me- *hhh*- make me believe someone- *hh* *hhh* -someone as good- a-and sweet as you are could ever love a fuck up like me!” Shane continued unable to control the tears and raw emotions coming from him.

It was killing her inside that he was saying all this— and yet there was not one ounce of alcohol in his breath. It was just one of the many ugly sides of depression he had been dealing with for so long.

“And ya know what!? I could give less of a shit- *hhh* -i-if you really do end up leavin’ me like any other rational person in my life! Y-You don’t *hhh *hh*- You don’t need someone as fucked as I am!” he continued on. “Push me aside! Leave me out like trash! Forget about me! I don’t care what you do! Just—“

A metal hand cupped his face ever so tenderly, thumb brushing away heavy tears rolling down his face.

Zoey had him look her in the eye as she got him to calm down for only a moment before the words she wanted to say finally came out.

“… Chi mi thu, a ghràidh,” she whispered sweetly. “Chi mi sibh uile… An’ I would nae ‘ave wanted tha’, either way.”

Hearing his girlfriend speak Gaelic after realizing what she said just broke him.

She cared not for his past, not for his demons, but for him. She wanted him to get better. She knew what a shitty person he was, and yet here she was still by his side.

Because she truly did love him.

It broke him.

It broke him, and he didn’t want to let go of her now; even as he held her tightly bawling into her shoulder. Her words only made him regain that sense of comfort he had long forgotten, that calming effect that eventually grounded him once more.

There was hope for him; he needed to be the one to take charge of himself and be the better person for himself.

Have A Little Of Shane Angst Bc I Need A Way To Express Negative Feelings And There's Nothing Better
Have A Little Of Shane Angst Bc I Need A Way To Express Negative Feelings And There's Nothing Better
Have A Little Of Shane Angst Bc I Need A Way To Express Negative Feelings And There's Nothing Better

have a little of Shane angst bc I need a way to express negative feelings and there's nothing better than to draw a drunk and chicken obsessed man from a farming game suffering a bit

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6 months ago

Okay not to be overdramatic or anything (and knowing these can’t even happen in the game but let me dream)

But hear me out on this:

My farmer OC Zoey going into Skull Cavern and losing track of time (as we all do) before running into a hoarde of skeleton soldiers, fighting them all off as best as she can until she realizes she can’t even feel or move her right arm then sees is on the floor of the cave

After escaping the cave, clinging onto life and her now cut off arm, she uses her totem to get back to her farm and rides on her horse as fast as she can to the hospital, going in and out of consciousness in the pouring rain before getting there and banging on the door, calling out to Harvey or Maru. She’s begging for someone to open the door but is slowly getting tired from exhaustion, pain, and blood loss until she does actually pass out in front of the hospital before Harvey spots her in the dark

Several hours go by and people are in the Stardrop, Shane getting to his usual spot, and notices Zoey wasn’t dropping by to annoying (much to his disappointment). However he does wonder where she actually is and, internally, it’s freaking him out; but he doesn’t like other people to know he’s got a thing for her

He then overhears Pam, Gus, and Emily talking about Zoey, at first not knowing it is her they were talking about

Then he hears the dreaded phrases he didn’t think he would hear again after the passing of Jas’ parents:

“Zoey’s in the hospital in critical condition.”

“She’s in rough shape.”

“Wonder if she’ll make it through the night.”

Man completely drops everything and runs to the hospital, not caring that his body’s not used to the action after so long of not doing any kind of running.

‘No! No! No no no no no! Not again! Yoba, no, not again!’

He bursts into the hospital, there’s actually the rest of the town gathered by the door to the actual hospital rooms. Everyone is muttering to themselves, worried for Zoey’s condition, as they are for Maru and Harvey. Shane can feel his heat pounding in his chest, his throat tighten, and his eyes water as he yells out for Zoey and run through the crowd. He’s pushing and shoving everyone out of the way to get in the room, all while still calling out to Zoey

And then once in, much to everyone else’s dismay, he feels as though his heart and soul shattered into billions of pieces at the sight before him

Zoey lying in bed fighting for her life, Maru using a resuscitation bag, and Harvey doing everything he can to stop the bleeding from her arm that was cut off

He says nothing at first but once he took a step forward everything came crashing and he screamed out for her, running up to her bedside while poor Harvey had to push him away as he worked on her. Eventually, Gus and Clint had to pull Shane off of Zoey with him crying out to her again and again, begging for her to live, wanting her to live

Marine had to come in to try and calm him down as they moved to the hallway, but Shane was such a mess from the sight he was inconsolable, sitting on the ground, face in his hands, and nonstop tears falling into the floor

It was the moment he truly let the town know he really did love Zoey more than he ever expected

Shane then refused to leave the hospital until she was well enough to at least speak, battling the idea of heading back to the saloon for a drink despite his ongoing sobriety treatment. There’s even a night out two Harvey caught Shane sleeping in the bed with Zoey just holding her and occasionally crying into her hair

He wants her to wake up.

Please, Yoba, for once, let her live

For him

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1 year ago



Shane propaganda:

“He starts out at rock bottom, hating his life and hating the player/farmer, and throughout the course of the game and after developing a friendship with the player, he gains clarity and becomes a better version of himself, trying his best to quit his addiction to alcohol, becoming a better godfather to Jas, and realizing that he has value and that, even though life is hard, there are people around him that love him and things to look forward to. Eventually he falls in love with the player and turns his life around, not changing his personality but becoming a better version of himself— still playful, still a little messy, and still the same chicken lover than we fell for. He quits his dead end job at the supermarket, JojaMart, and dedicates his time to the farmer and his growing family, as well as his pet chicken Charlie and at taking care of himself. The player doesn't "fix him", rather gives him a wake up call at the lowest point of his life, helping him become brave enough to take the first and hardest step to seek a mental health professional and better his alcoholism and depression.”

Naomi propaganda:

“Mechanic and nerd. Extremely adorable. Nuff said.”

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