Shuckle - Tumblr Posts

Apparently, there's always someone that will love a certain Pokémon. And I found a certain Shuckle lover that wanted a fabulous Shuckle! Look how proud Shuckle looks!

Started using Masuda Method to Shiny Shuckle and ended up getting him today, a few eggs later!

Shuckle's surprise birthday gift.

Encountered this little guy on my morning walk, he was apparently not happy I realized he wasn't just a rock haha. I guess I should share some shuckle facts. While the most commonly seen shuckle, such as those from Johto have red shells, their shells can actually come in a variety of colors, this is because the color you see on the shell is a form of mold. Which is why Blue (often referred to as shiny) Shuckle are so prized, the mold growing on their shells is a breed of Penicillium. So if you have a mold allergy a Shuckle probably isn't the pokemon for you. I will say there was an interesting study done to see if shuckle can live without mold on their shell and it was found that they can, more interestingly it turns out they can, however it is something that needs more research done on it before it could be ever recommended to de-mold your shuckle. Let your little rock worm be moldy.
I just got to meet the words oldest shuckle (finally someone I can relate to haha) Ill show some pictures today or tomorrow when I get a chance, its a big ol' boy.
Here he is
This is one of the better pictures, he weighs almost 1k lbs. and his shell is six feet long.

Its shell is home to 24 species of mold, and if you have asthma do not come within like 100 ft. you will probably die. We had to wear masks because of the spores.
He's 184 this year. He's not with us I am in Alola right now on business and a group working a reserve here on Poni are tending to him, I got invited to come and see. Yes, he has trouble moving both due to age and size, which also limits what moves he can use. Otherwise most of his issues are due to age since shuckle usually live about 100 years so he's setting records and exploring new territory every day. Lil fun fact ol' Una (probably spelling it wrong) here and the previous holder of the record both have highly alcoholic juice. Shuckle berry juice usually contains some alchohol but not much, Una here has a lot (about 60%, normal shuckle juice is about 0.3%) and so the researchers think that this might have something to do with the longer lifespan, possibly a form of mutation, the previous oldest (I think they called him Ha'o) had a whopping 80% alcohol in the berry juice he produced and lived to be 140 years old. Sorry for rambling
Here he is
This is one of the better pictures, he weighs almost 1k lbs. and his shell is six feet long.

Its shell is home to 24 species of mold, and if you have asthma do not come within like 100 ft. you will probably die. We had to wear masks because of the spores.