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1 year ago

The Sims 2 Storytelling: Werewolf Community Intro LOT TOUR + CC LIST “Deadmoon Lakes” Custom World Overview


(I will include my werewolf mods and correlated fur defaults in my next let’s play video with this household when we’ll see them transformed <3) 

Make sure you read every description carefully before downloading anything, use LazyDuchess’s HCDU program to check for conflicts and incompatibility with other mods. 

(I use ridiculous amounts of CC but I try to link to the main relevant downloads I can think of)


Sims 4t2 CAS Conversion Archive (I use a lot of the werewolves clothing) → link

Club Crimsyn (Fenris’s pants, and Dorians outfit are from this site, won’t let me link the exact page so go to TSR sets section, and on page 10 and page 1 I believe you’ll find them, I use a lot of CC from this site) → link

Mullet Dreads conversion by PlatinumApsiration → Link

Hazel Puff hair (Dorian’s hair) → Link

Hazel puff hair (Nora’s hair, I cannot remember the other hairs I have many hair dumps, if I find them I’ll add them, sorry!) → Link


Sims 4t2 Build&Buy Conversion Database for Werewolves, Vampires, Island Living and other CC (I use all werewolves items, cobwebs and cracks from vampires, and wallpapers and roofing from Island living, as well as other cc like growing together piano)  → link

Lord crumps 4t2 flooring conversions → Link

Michelle recolours many sims items (such as workout equipment, instrument recolours etc) →Link

Sims 2 Castaway Stories conversions collection (I use many items from here, including the two functional bongo (?) drum instruments, the stove, sofas, wardrobe, cracked mirrors, hammock and beds; this pack also includes cool objects like harvestable pineapple and papaya trees) → Link

Club Crimsyn for Walls (go to TSR Sets section, then click walls and floors below, I use 1959 wall set (page 1), Stone and foam walls (page 5), I use a lot of these in my game) → Link

PF’s Neon Set → link

PF’s Bubble blower → link

PSP Triple television conversion by PixelDolly Ghanima → link

Sims 1 Makin Magic Wine Rack as custom nectar bar → link

Club Crimsyn wall graffitis and deco (in Objects section page 2, and TSR Sets section page 1) -> link


Wild Mushrooms 2.0 mod by Sun & Moon →link

Pleasant Earth Pumpkin Patch crops mod → link

SimSlice Keg → link

The Sim Bouncer trampoline by NixNivis → link

Sculpture manufactory by Nadira (there are two versions, I use the first but you can have both) 

Version 1: link 

Version 2: link

Modular Buffet table and Pizza buffet by Paladin’s Place 


NO FREE LUNCH (open for business sales) → link



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1 year ago

Dorian Felix

Dorian Felix
Dorian Felix
Dorian Felix
Dorian Felix
Dorian Felix
Dorian Felix
Dorian Felix
Dorian Felix

Hair by @hazelpuff which I'm definitely not obsessed with and haven't used for many sims....

Outfits from Club Crimsyn -> Download (TSR Sets section, AM, Page 5 + Page 10)

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5 years ago
The Medicine Cabinet Which Came With Apartment Life Has Been In Every House I've Ever Created. I Love
The Medicine Cabinet Which Came With Apartment Life Has Been In Every House I've Ever Created. I Love
The Medicine Cabinet Which Came With Apartment Life Has Been In Every House I've Ever Created. I Love

The medicine cabinet which came with Apartment life has been in every house I've ever created. I love it, but the texture is ugly af - not gonna lie. I understand why though, the cabinet is open for about 2 seconds when you use it, so no need for a higher resolution texture, right? I can't agree

Anyway, I improved the texture and I think it's better, so I decided to share it in case anyone else out there dies a little inside whenever your sims opens the blurry cabinet of doom.

There are two files available for download:

"vegankaktus_DEFAULTmedicinecabinet.rar" contains one .package file and is a default replacement for both medicine cabinets' textures. You can only have ONE default replacement for them at a time in your downloads folder! Either replace it with mine or download my improved textures as recolors.

"vegankaktus_RECmedicinecabinet.rar" contains one .package file and is a recolor with my improved textures for both medicine cabinets.

My toothbrush and face-wash bottle you see in the previews are not affected by this default replacement (nor is the toothpaste).

The files are merged and compressed :^) If you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I'll fix it asap!


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5 years ago
UPDATE 2: You Dont Want These, Trust Me, Youll Want The Ones By Episims!
UPDATE 2: You Dont Want These, Trust Me, Youll Want The Ones By Episims!
UPDATE 2: You Dont Want These, Trust Me, Youll Want The Ones By Episims!

UPDATE 2: you don’t want these, trust me, you’ll want the ones by episims!

UPDATE: I fixed the text now so it isn't read backwards in-game, redownload for the fix!

Diaries! Dagböcker! and that's the only languages I know lol

First of all, you must have @midgethetree‘s Re-Enabled Diary Textures for your sims to actually use the diary's texture as a diary. Otherwise they will be writing in the skill book. My default replacement will still work, but they won't use it. This pen fix is also a must-have in my opinion (but not necessary for my diary). My replacement is unisex, meaning that all genders will use the same texture. I haven't created gendered diaries (like EA originally did and unlike EA, I hate gendered colors) and that's why you must choose a color and only install ONE of my files!

These are the colors you can choose between :^D


It says "diary" on the book in simlish, however, in-game it will be read backwards, "yraid" lol. I was too lazy to fix that ^^; this is now fixed! As seen below:


As usual, you can only have one diary default replacement installed at a time.

The files have been compressed :^D


Credits: Thanks to Photoshop, SimPE, SIMale for the simlish font, Slig for their default book replacements & texture (which I have used a bit of in this upload) and the doodles I found on Google :^)

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4 years ago


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7 months ago

Maxis Match CC Free Multi-Pt Mod

Maxis Match CC Free Multi-Pt Mod

I got bored of the multi-pt mod that I was using so I made my own! I wanted something maxis match. They all have black hair genetics because that's how I like it, but it is easy to change in simpe (feel free to ask for a tutorial). I have tested them and they look good in all lifestages and genders. I have PT21, PT28, PT32 and PT47 pictured in that order. It is CC free but you need the mannequin babies can be born fix for PT47 otherwise your game will crash or freeze upon the baby being born.

A thing that bothered me about other Multi-PT mods is that the baby wouldn't have the alien face anymore, so I made sure to mix in some of the alien face template into all of them. I have also used custom sliders and baby face templates on them, but you don't need them and not having them will not cause any issues, because it is part of the character file. This is what the babies look like:

Maxis Match CC Free Multi-Pt Mod

Additional Credits: Multi-PT_kit by fwiffo



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