Sir Integra - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago
You Know, It Happens When You Get Inspired By Something So Chic, But Sometimes You Stumble, Firstly Because
You Know, It Happens When You Get Inspired By Something So Chic, But Sometimes You Stumble, Firstly Because

You know, it happens when you get inspired by something so chic, but sometimes you stumble, firstly because of your drawing skill, and secondly, I don’t know if this is a common phenomenon, but I have low self-esteem as an artist and I understand that the idea is bad or I don’t have the strength to just continue. But in the end, at least the sketch remained of this comic

Ahem, sorry for the long digression. In general, the idea was very simple, what do we associate with aristocracy? Social receptions, right. But, I would like to depict who and how they feel at them. Let's say, Vernal would be uncomfortable in a crowd, as would Pip, who is a mercenary and does not care about it. And Seras? I suppose she would often stick close to Alucard and repeat after him that she is an aristocrat from birth. The same with Integra, but she does not like all this, at least because she will have to change her suit for a dress and smoke less. And Walter, like an impenetrable rock, stands and smiles slyly, probably internally tired of preparing for the reception and also watching over the order and the servants.

The situation is standard and banal, and in anime there is less everyday life, but I often find it interesting to think about who would have reacted or done something in this situation 🤔

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3 years ago

Hi there! Your account is amazing and I was scrolling through to see that you also have Alutegra on your account! I was wondering if you shipped them? If so, may I ask what your favorite scene or aspect of them is? 💫

of course!! alutegra is such a quintessential dynamic! i have so many favorites of them together, but this one takes the cake for me!


even though i was bawling my eyes out like a toddler, i would give anything to experience watching this scene for the first time again. absolutely anything. it's even funnier because sometimes if im rewatching the entire ova for the 917381939239th time, i will skip over this just to avoid tears lmao. im so emotionally struck every single time.

integra is a woman of steel, an absolutely tough shell to crack. we never see her break often, and when she is put into a situation where most would cower away or shit themselves, she is the one who keeps her head all the way up. discovering walter's betrayal caught her off guard for a few moments, of course, but she sure went right back to business. she put her emotions to the side, silenced whatever cherish or sympathy she had left for him and quickly declared him an enemy of england.

that is why the one time she really does break, her panicked "don't leave me!" got to me more than any other heartbreaking event in the ova.

and his expression after she yells this, the mere moment of shock that captivates his face, because it is then that he realizes that there was someone who actually cared for him, who wanted him to be there, and he hadn't noticed that at all until his time was up and it was too late. her cry for help almost sounded as if she was that little girl all over again, running away from her uncle and into his quarters. and also notice that here, his face is so different. he almost looks angelic, as ironic as that is to say.

this scene combined with the thirty year timeskip of his return was really beautifully done in regards of their relationship, in my opinion.

it makes me melt even more to think about the fact; it took him 30 years to kill all 3 million+ of the souls that rested within him. he fought and fought until there was none but one left, and no matter how long it took him, he was determined to return home to his countess. he fought for her. and she was the first person he intended on visiting upon his arrival.

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2 years ago

No thoughts. Just imagining the Hellsing crew all visiting America 😭

No Thoughts. Just Imagining The Hellsing Crew All Visiting America

oh no! 🤣 a scene that instantly popped into my head as soon as i read your submission was alucard and integra standing inside a subway (new york) and she turns to someone next to her and asks "what time is it, if you don't mind me asking?" and someone else there mocks her accent and alucard IMMEDIATELY gets into defense mode!! 😭

No Thoughts. Just Imagining The Hellsing Crew All Visiting America

the united states is a whole ass mess, but has some very interesting places nonetheless!

i myself am from new orleans and the city's origin is all built on french foundation, so pip would totally love it here haha!

No Thoughts. Just Imagining The Hellsing Crew All Visiting America

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1 year ago

All credits to cry-ptidd for this glorious masterpiece <3


Alutegra (shes The One In Black)

Alutegra (she’s the one in black)

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10 months ago

I urgently need a blog creator to show how the characters in Hellsing would react, a reader who is half human and half angel, she was simply born that way, the reader has a supernatural angelic beauty, looking like a beautiful porcelain doll, extremely feminine, uses the kawaii style, and is very shy and sensitive, she is pure innocent, she normally wanted to live and have peace without anyone knowing that she was a half-human angel but with her beauty and her pure golden blood. Immaculada catches the attention of London's vampires (the darling came from Japan and started living in London)

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3 years ago

Две одинаковые картинки xD

Same Energy.
Same Energy.

Same energy.

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9 months ago

I can't express how much I love their dynamic

I Can't Express How Much I Love Their Dynamic

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9 months ago
"Don't Underestimate Humanity, You Freaks! Come On! Let's Have It!"

"Don't underestimate humanity, you freaks! Come on! Let's have it!"

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9 months ago
I Love Her Ultimate Version Better, But She Was SO Pretty In The 2001 Anime.

I love her ultimate version better, but she was SO pretty in the 2001 anime.

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8 months ago
Don't Ask Me Why, But Integra Just Seems Like She Would've Been A Horse Girl Growing Up.
Don't Ask Me Why, But Integra Just Seems Like She Would've Been A Horse Girl Growing Up.
Don't Ask Me Why, But Integra Just Seems Like She Would've Been A Horse Girl Growing Up.

Don't ask me why, but Integra just seems like she would've been a horse girl growing up.

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