Snw - Tumblr Posts

Random thought: I strongly disagree with the commentary that SNW Uhura is "masculinized". She's got makeup, sparkly earrings, walks with a sashay, and was a literal queen in one episode.

Random Thought: I Strongly Disagree With The Commentary That SNW Uhura Is "masculinized". She's Got Makeup,
Random Thought: I Strongly Disagree With The Commentary That SNW Uhura Is "masculinized". She's Got Makeup,
Random Thought: I Strongly Disagree With The Commentary That SNW Uhura Is "masculinized". She's Got Makeup,

Some of these negative comments regarding the character have hurt people, particularly Black fans with that very hair which is the subject of much of this commentary.

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I Have Been Working On This For Hours

I have been working on this for hours

Welcome to the Kirk-verse

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6 months ago
I Find It Adorable How In SNW It's Apparent That Spock Gets Invited To Girls' Night Out Frequently, And
I Find It Adorable How In SNW It's Apparent That Spock Gets Invited To Girls' Night Out Frequently, And

I find it adorable how in SNW it's apparent that spock gets invited to girls' night out frequently, and he just sits there with them at the bar with his glass of luke warm water listening to them tell stories he absolutely doesn't understand, but he seems to enjoy being there nonetheless.

And it is also like a cute little continuety thing with TOS that tells us why he's so comfortable and friendly with Uhura, playing the lyre as she sings and allowing her to flirt with him in a friendly way.

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1 year ago

Shoutout to SNW for going straight from silly fun time travel lower decks hijinks to everyone being like

Shoutout To SNW For Going Straight From Silly Fun Time Travel Lower Decks Hijinks To Everyone Being Like

and committing murder, and then right into a musical episode, all in under than two weeks.

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7 months ago
Anson Mounts Hair Transcends Art. I Butchered Him, Im Sorry. He Looks Like Alastor Now.

anson mount’s hair transcends art. i butchered him, im sorry. he looks like alastor now.

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7 months ago

I have a feeling i just drew reno instead of pike.

Anson Mounts Hair Transcends Art. I Butchered Him, Im Sorry. He Looks Like Alastor Now.

anson mount’s hair transcends art. i butchered him, im sorry. he looks like alastor now.

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7 months ago
Had To Do A Double Take In This Scene Because I Got So Used To Him With His Hands Clasped Behind His

had to do a double take in this scene because i got so used to him with his hands clasped behind his back that him crossing his arms was unexpected

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6 months ago

As I was watching SNW I remember thinking La'an was much more like Spock and she would have made a better temp romantic partner than Chapel. And this new Chapel was more outgoing and flirty like Kirk and would have worked worked better than him. Then it occurred to me what the writers did...

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6 months ago

If they actually made spock with claws I think hed be a little too cunty. It would just blow eceryone else into obscutity

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1 year ago
Would Anyone Be Hyped For A Powers Rangers StarTrek Series? | Art Is Not Mine | Credits To Roheermura_art

Would anyone be hyped for a Powers Rangers StarTrek series? | Art is not mine | Credits to Roheermura_art

Here’s an idea, if you want to make a fanfic about it. Plot: The Enterprise was promoted to ranger and Zord status. They each get Morphers, each color is Yellow, Red and Blue. They control a Zord called the Fleet-Zords and can make it into one giant Megazord. The USS Enterprise can also transform into a Megazord. The Fleet-Megazord and the USS Enterprise Megazord can also combine into an Ultra Zord. Along the way, they also meet an evil ranger that’s a Klingon.

Transformation Line: “What’s the Morphing Transcode? Transcode: 1966. Activate!”

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2 years ago

i think the vampire guy kirk and ethan peck should do this frame for frame in snw

I Think The Vampire Guy Kirk And Ethan Peck Should Do This Frame For Frame In Snw

god please please please

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la'an, within the first episode or so: people bullied me because the only trait they acknowledged abt me was that i'm related to khan:(

every single news article, post, and youtube video mentioning la'an: what is la'an NOONIEN-SINGH's relationship to the famed KHAN???! what traits has she got from HIM?? should we preemptively hate her?

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didn't get any photos with the actors but they were all so lovely, special shoutout to christina chong for letting us stroke runa and to jess bush for the sheer look of alarm on their face when @exit-pursued-by-a-lesbian started crying and then their awkward handshake to try and mitigate the situation lmao.

did get signatures and other pics tho!!

Didn't Get Any Photos With The Actors But They Were All So Lovely, Special Shoutout To Christina Chong
Didn't Get Any Photos With The Actors But They Were All So Lovely, Special Shoutout To Christina Chong
Didn't Get Any Photos With The Actors But They Were All So Lovely, Special Shoutout To Christina Chong
Didn't Get Any Photos With The Actors But They Were All So Lovely, Special Shoutout To Christina Chong
Didn't Get Any Photos With The Actors But They Were All So Lovely, Special Shoutout To Christina Chong
Didn't Get Any Photos With The Actors But They Were All So Lovely, Special Shoutout To Christina Chong

we also purchased tribbles (their names are oriana and andoria and i would do anything for them). all in all, very cool day!!

(art signed by terry farrell/christina chong is by me btw)

@belannaswhonkderfulworm and I are at destination trek together!!! We're seeing terry farrell, jess bush and Christina chong (hopefully runa too) omg I'm so excited holy sHIT

And we're cosplaying erica ortegas (me) and una (bww)

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1 year ago


STAR TREK SNW S2e1 The Broken Circle "We Must Steal The Enterprise"
STAR TREK SNW S2e1 The Broken Circle "We Must Steal The Enterprise"
STAR TREK SNW S2e1 The Broken Circle "We Must Steal The Enterprise"

STAR TREK SNW s2e1 The Broken Circle "We must steal the Enterprise"

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1 year ago

Not gonna lie, in my brain it sounds like sn-wuh

@stra-tek got me curious with their tags on a post I made

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5 months ago

love her😍

Jess Bush As Christine Chapel Star Trek | Under The Cloak Of War
Jess Bush As Christine Chapel Star Trek | Under The Cloak Of War
Jess Bush As Christine Chapel Star Trek | Under The Cloak Of War
Jess Bush As Christine Chapel Star Trek | Under The Cloak Of War

Jess Bush as Christine Chapel — Star Trek | Under the Cloak of War

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