So Perfect - Tumblr Posts
Ohhh my god this is lovely! Thank you!
Also: “Huh,” Hot Pie hums thoughtfully, having been sitting on Arya’s other side the entire time.
Ahahahahaha, that’s very Hot Pie!
Also, 14. We’re roommates but we’re falling for each other!
The fridge door slams shut. Arya looks up from her bowl of cereal with a quirked brow.
“Bad morning?” She asks, trying not to stare too long at Gendry’s arms as he grips tightly onto his bottle of juice. She wonders if he notices that he’s starting to cave it in.
“ ‘s fine,” he says through too many teeth for it to be true.
“You sure?”
His jaw clenches, then unclenches. He walks away. Then the jaw clenches again. He walks back.
“You know what? No.”
“I told you not to drink any of this!”
Arya’s brows draw together. “What?”
Pointedly, he slams the bottle on the counter. Then slowly rotates it until Arya can see a small series of black, horizontal lines etched on the side with permanent marker.
“You’ve…been marking your juice?” She asks, because it’s just such a Sansa thing to do.
“I had to! Because ever since you moved in, it’s been missing drinks and underwear that’s not mine mixed in with the wash and- and-!”
“And pay for your own fucking juice!”
Arya blinks slowly, not sure what’s happening. “Okay. I’ll buy you a replacement-”
“I don’t want a replacement! I want the juice to go back to how it was! Back to before it bothered me at all!”
“I can’t just undrink juice, stupid!”
“You should’ve thought about that before you had some and fucked it all up for me!”
“Shut up!”
“You!” Gendry slams the bottle on the counter again, glaring at her with slightly flared nostrils, before he turns and leaves.
Arya sits in silence for a moment.
“Huh,” Hot Pie hums thoughtfully, having been sitting on Arya’s other side the entire time.
“Huh what?”
“Nothing. Just reminds me of the time he was all mad cuz you went and put the toilet paper in wrong.” Hot Pie shrugs.
Arya swears. She had been a little drunk that night, and had to be helped back into the apartment by Theon of all people. She accidentally knocked the holder off the wall and had to clumsily re-install it the next morning.
“Or the time you got mud everywhere last week.”
When she and Mycah had gotten back from outdoor training and caught in a storm. Gendry had walked in just as she and Mycah had been throwing their shirts in the wash and had a conniption over the state of the floors.
Arya frowns. Theon. Mycah. Could it be…?
“Or when you let his plant die.”
She didn’t let it die. Just said she couldn’t plant sit that weekend because she was going to Podrick’s place to work on a lab project.
“And now juice,” Hot Pie shakes his head, lifting his mug to his lips.
Arya hadn’t touched the juice. She’d just gone on a date last night with Ned-
“Hot Pie?”
“What are you drinking?”
“Oh some of Gendry’s juice.”
She swears.
Hot Pie lets out the sound of a long, slow sip.
It’s not about the juice.

latest kitty commissions
i am such a sucker for art, but even more for art of magic animals

Void cat but space, with moon for eyes~
i am such a sucker for art, but even more for art of magic animals

Void cat but space, with moon for eyes~
An Unholy Alliance
Fandom: undertale AUs
AUs: underfell & storyfell
Ship: uf!Sans x ssf!Chara
Chapter Six (FINAL): Radix Malorum Est Cupiditas
Chara raises their knife, pointing it at Sans, nether of them breaking eye contact.
“Think about this, Sans. Please.” Chara begs, breaking the silence. “I know you want me to stay with you forever.” They begin, a look of sorrow taking over their face, “but we both know that’s not a possibility… so please… just back down.”
Sans sighs, summoning more bones behind him. “i’ve thought about it plenty, sweetheart. and i’ve made my decision.” He states. “i don’t want you to stay… i need you to stay. i can’t imagine living another day in a world without you.” He adds, taking a step forward, “come on, we don’t ha-”
“ENOUGH, Sans!” Chara yells, cutting him off. “I’m not backing down, and that’s final!” Chara pauses as their arm begins to shake, “Now… Make. Your. Choice.” They demand, voice shaky, all through gritted teeth.
The pair stand still in complete silence for several moments, until… Sans attacks, sending a conglomerate of sharp, red bones towards Chara.
Chara scatters themselves, reforming several meters away from Sans. They summon several circles of flower petals around Sans, who teleports out of the way each time.
Sans counterattacks, summoning five red blasters, aimed at Chara; who dodges out of the way, sliding under the energy beams.
The two stop attacking and face each other once more, “I don’t want to hurt you, Sans! This is ridiculous!” Chara yells in protest.
Sans takes steps towards them, “i thought you loved a fight? what’s with the change up?” Sans asks mockingly
Chara growls through their gritted teeth. “The difference is that I love you, moron.” They rebuke, standing up straight. “And because of that, I don’t desire to do you harm!” They explain.
Sans lets out a half laugh, “funny, cuz…” his eye begins flashing once more, “that’s the reason i keep going.” He adds, before attempting to throw Chara into a wall with telekinesis.
Chara begins to counter by locking themselves in place with vines, but is interrupted when Sans summons a wall of sharp bones beneath them. They use a vine to launch themselves in an opposite direction, still getting clipped by a few of the bones in the legs.
They summon a massive swarm of vines and petals aimed at Sans, who expertly maneuvers around them. Summoning red bones and blasters to attack Chara.
Chara scatters into vines, and digs themselves into the ground, reforming next to Sans and attempting to slash at him.
Sans teleports away, rapidly summoning sharp bones where he stood, managing to stab Chara in the stomach. “you really think i don’t know yer tricks sweetheart?” He asks demeaningly, “give up, you can’t win.”
Chara rips the bone out of their body, as the wound heals itself. “That what they all say. And they’re always wrong.” They respond, with a scowl.
Sans' cocky smile returns, as he reaches into his pocket with his left hand, grabbing ahold of a small remote. “maybe that’s true. but those sorry sons of bitches don’t know you like i do.” He responds, before pressing a button on the remote.
The moment he presses the button, the beautiful collar he gave to Chara, suddenly—and violently—detonates. Tearing a massive chuck of flesh out of Chara's neck, almost entirely obliterating their jaw, and causes them to collapse on the ground.
Chara, unable to speak only lets out noises of pure agony, shock, despair, and hatred, as their vision fades.
“remember what we said? that collar proved that you were mine. good to know it fulfilled that role to the end.” Sans says, before summoning an immense amount of bones, tearing Chara's body apart, until only bloody gibs remained.
[> LOAD]
[File 0 Loaded]
Chara stands behind Sans as he’s sat in his chair, contemplating. They immediately rip their collar off of their neck and throw it onto the floor, against the wall.
Sans perks up upon hearing the noise, teleporting behind the chair to face them. “that reaction, and expression, tells me that you fell for my little trick, and you’ve just died to me.” He says confidently.
Chara stares him down, knife drawn, eyes full of hatred and disgust. “You’ve been planning this.” They state, voice quivering with rage.
“and that look tells me you’re really pissed off.” Sans adds, taking steps back.
The two slowly circle each other. “I TRUSTED YOU!” Chara yells, “I would’ve died for you.” They add, stopping in place. “Stop this! We can talk this out. We can fix this!”
[File 0 Saved]
“you’ve clearly already heard my spiel, enough to know that that ain’t happening.” Sans retorts, summoning a wall of bones behind him. “let’s just get to the point.” He finishes, sending the bones at Chara in sequence.
Chara creates a massive wall of vines, blocking the attacks, before turning the vines on Sans.
He dodges, using red blasters to ignite the plants. He teleports to the opposite end of the lab, pressing another button on the remote; this time, a dozen laser drones hidden away in cabinets activate. “borrowed a couple of these from alph, i'm sure you remember them.” He says.
The drones direct their red lasers at Chara, who dodges out of the way, using vines to crush four of them. “How original.” Chara comments, annoyed.
Sans continues his attack, summoning swarms of bones, and blasters targeting Chara; all while the drones form complex barriers with their lasers.
Chara scatters, and doges out of the way of the bones, destroying some of the drones while doing so. Although they do get hit in the side by one of the blasters which burns the skin off their arm—melting some of the flesh as well—causing them to grunt in pain, before counterattacking.
“You’re going to run out of tricks eventually, Sans.” Chara says, before summoning a massive swarm of flower petals, all aimed at sans. He simply teleports out of the way.
“not quite yet. i still got shit up my sleeve.” He responds, using telekinesis to push Chara away; Chara attempts to use their vines to lock themselves in place, but the drones redirect their lasers on their vines; causing them to be thrown into the three sharp bones awaiting them.
Chara prepares to scatter, but is interrupted when all the drones focus their lasers on their chest, burning a massive hole clean through it. They collapse, completely paralyzed.
Sans wastes no time, using telekinesis to pick up a counter and crush their body, over and over again until it is completely unrecognizable.
[> LOAD]
[File 0 Loaded]
The second Chara is brought back, they use massive vines to crush the cabinets entirely, completely destroying the drones inside of them.
Sans looks at Chara, “so, you have die-”
Chara cuts him off, “This is pointless, Sans.” They state firmly. “No matter how many times you kill me, I’ll keep coming back. You KNOW this.” They add, shaking their knife in his direction. “So why- WHY do you keep doing this?” They ask.
Sans lets out a long sigh, “the only way to beat you, is to keep killing until you give up.” He replies calmly, “give up and stay with me.”
Chara laughs, looking down in disbelief. “How can you be such an intelligent man, yet be so foolish?” They ask, the anger in their voice rising as they speak.
Sans chuckles to himself, “sometimes, you have to take risks. and this is a risk i’m willing to take.” He responds.
“Very well then.” Chara replies, lunging at Sans and attempting to slash him.
Sans dodges out of the way, using as much magical energy as he can to summon hundreds of bones, and hurling them at Chara, along with summoning six large, red blasters.
Chara responds by scattering into flower petals, and weaving between the bones. Sans seizes the opportunity and fires all six blasters at Chara's scattered self, incinerating a large portion of the petals.
When Chara reforms, they’re broken, bleeding, missing: large chunks of flesh, their left arm, an eye, and much more. They shamble about, barely walking, gargling on their blood, before being shredded by bones once more.
[> LOAD]
[File 0 Loaded]
Chara wastes no time, attacking Sans. They summon countless vines and pellets, all dodged.
The two continue trading attacks for what felt like eons. All attacks either being blocked, or dodged, with the occasional hit on Chara.
Chara throws their knife at the exhausted Sans; he outstretches his hand and launches it back at them with telekinesis. Before it can hit however, Chara dodges out of the way and catches it with a vine extending from their hand, then flings it back towards Sans at insane speed.
Sans barely dodges the knife, as it cuts clean through his jacket and stabs itself into the wall behind him. With a panicked look, he walks towards Chara, away from the wall.
Chara's smile returns to their face, “You’re slowing down, darling.” They say tauntingly, before turning into vines and digging themselves into the ground, reappearing behind Sans, to grab their knife.
Sans doesn’t even respond, instead summoning a bone in his hand and charging Chara, who charges at him as well. The moment they get close, Sans teleports behind them and stabs them in the chest. “eat shit…” he says, through heavy, exhausted breaths.
Chara grunts in pain, turning around and ripping the bone from their chest. They look over to him, and start laughing.
They slash at him with their knife, as he barely dodges is; then again, and again, and again, all while laughing maniacally. They make one last horizontal slash, which Sans only dodges by less than a centimeter, but fails to dodge when Chara punches him in the chest with their left hand.
Sans -25hp (5/30 remains)
He flies back and lands on the ground, face planting, grunting in pain. He manages to pick himself up onto his knees.
Chara stops laughing, staring him down. “It’s over Sans. Unless you have any other tricks up your sleeves.” They announce, firmly.
Sans pants, closing his eyes, and reaching into his pocket. “well… i do have one last trick.” He says as he pulls a small black container out of his pocket, opening it, and retrieving the item.
“And what would this be?” Chara asks, both annoyed and curious.
Sans doesn’t respond, instead just throwing the container to Chara's feet.
On the container two, bold, red, letters are visible “DT”.
“No…” Chara shakily says, their face full of horror. “Sans, NO! You know that will do to you!” They yell.
He presents a small white pill standing up, and making eye contact. “i’m out of options, chara.” He says.
Chara holds out their hand, “Please, Sans, THINK!” They yell in protest, “Be smart about this… like the man I… once loved…” they say through a quiet, pained voice.
“I can’t let you leave, sweetheart.” He responds, “I wont let you leave.” He finishes, before opening his mouth and swallowing the pill.
“NO! NO! Goddamn it!” Chara yells in anger, their teeth gritting down, as their breaths become erratic.
Sans' body starts twitching, as his eye flashes on.
Chara approaches him, face full of anger.
Faster than they could react, a group of bones emanates from the floor, tearing their right leg clean off and barely missing the left one.
Before the second set of bones can hit them, they launch themselves out of the way using a vine. Landing roughly on the ground, they generate a vine from their right thigh to act as a temporary leg.
When they attempt to stand, they’re immediately put back on the defensive by dozens of red blasters circling them. They scatter themselves for a split second, just to get out of range, barely dodging a blaster aimed at them while doing so.
“just fucking die!” Sans yells in rage.
They attempt a counterattack, creating a gargantuan swarm of vines, but are magically thrown against the wall and impaled, by Sans. The dozen bones pierced their chest, arms, shoulders, and leg—barely missing their head.
As they look around, they see their once beloved collar lying on the floor, ripped, and dirty.
When they look back to Sans, they see him destroy their severed leg with blasters, and teleport over to them.
His face looks manic, yet prideful, as they hear him laughing his ass off.
He takes a step forward, “you remember how you said that you’d die for me sweetheart?” He asks, summoning a massive blaster. “go ahead and do that again for me, won’t you?”
In a move of desperation, Chara extends a vine from their hand, grabbing their broken collar, and throwing it into the open mouth of the blaster…
A massive explosion overtakes the lab, as all of the energy built up within the weapon violently escapes. The magic bones within Chara vanish, and Sans is sent flying across the lab.
Chara 25/500 hp
Sans 0.0795/30 hp
Chara picks themselves up off the ground, as their body heals itself. They feel their leg slowly reforming, replacing the vine. Face down, on the opposite side of the lab, lays Sans.
[File 0 Saved]
Chara limps their way over to him.
As he attempts to move, Chara plants their left foot on his back, immobilizing him. “It’s OVER, Sans.” They yell, before leaning down, up close. “You lost.” They say quietly.
All they hear, is the sound of Sans sobbing uncontrollably. They take their foot off his spine, and step back, looking at him.
Sans looks up, tears in his eyes. “i- i’m sorry… i’m so sorry…” he says, unable to even look up at Chara.
“Are you now?” Chara asks coldly, not believing him.
“yes!” Sans yells, becoming increasingly pathetic. “i love you. i love you so much. i lo-”
“SILENCE!” Chara yells, cutting him off. “I don’t buy that for a second.” They respond coldly, staring him down.
Sans sits up, his eyes full of disbelief, “w- w- what?” He stammers out.
Chara turns their back to Sans, looking over their shoulder. “You don’t love me. You’re obsessed with me. If you really loved me, you’d say your tearful goodbye and let me go.” They state, doing their best to hold back tears. “But you didn’t do that, because I’m not a person to you.”
Sans sits in complete silence, as Chara approaches, and kneels down to his eye level.
“Sorry to break it to you, but I’m not your pet.” They say, leaning in close.
Sans wraps his hands around them in a pathetic excuse for a hug, delivering apology after apology. “what can i do to make this right?” He asks desperately.
Chara gently pushes him away from themselves, holding him in place. “Despite all I’ve said, I still care about you, Sans.” They say, as tears form in their eyes, “so… if you send me home. All will be forgiven.”
Sans shoots up, life returning to his eye, “really?” He asks.
Chara simply nods, summoning green petals to heal Sans back to full.
The pair wordlessly walk over to the machine, and hug one last time.
“i’m gonna miss you, so fuckin much…” Sans says, through teary eyes.
Chara places one final kiss on his head, “I’ll miss you too, Sans.” They say affectionately.
Chara steps up onto the platform and Sans enters the confirmation code on the terminal.
“ready?” He asks.
Chara nods.
Sans starts to cry again, “goodbye, Chara.” He says.
“Goodbye, my lover.”
Sans slams his fist down on the activation button. In an instant, Chara is gone, returned home.
Sans collapses onto the ground, sobbing.
The End.
Previous Chapter
OOOOKKKK!!! 👀❤️🔥 I realize this is a drabble within a WHOLE UNIVERSE you’ve created and feel a bit silly for this being my introduction but I have no regrets and am looking forward to binging this whole series. Reader calling Yoongi ‘kitten’ UGH!!!! Fucking hell. I’m done for.

“You want to try something you have never tried before and with Yoongi as your boyfriend, you know you have nothing to be afraid of. You are in safe hands after all.”
Pairing: Yoongi x f.Reader
Gerne: established relationship!AU, domestic Fluff, Smut
Warnings: Yoongi being a cuddly bean, he is also very whiney about not getting enough headpats (while getting headpats), very dom switch!Reader, quite subby switch!Yoongi, oral (f.recieving), face sitting, breath play, choking, hair pulling, finger sucking (m.recieving), anal fingering, Yoongi’s dirty talk 🥴, Yoongi’s hands, praising, she calls him kitten & her pretty sex slave, he calls her princess (obviously 🥵), double penetration with cock+fingers, multiple orgasms (f. & m, recieving), an anal orgasm too, lotsa drool, squirting, major scent kink, creampies, lotsa cum, he doesn’t wanna stop fucking her, the aftercare :(
Wordcount: 10.4k
a/n: This is the SA!couple you guys. I can’t help myself, I am thinking about them all the time. This is also for all the lovely people asking me if I was ever planning on writing an anal scene where OC is the recieving part :-) yes, yes I was planning on writing one ohoho 👀 enjoy besties, this one just hits different 🥴❤

There is a knock on your door. You would have missed it, hadn’t you come out of the bathroom just this moment.
“It’s open!” you call out and disappear in your clothing room to fetch some pyjamas.
You hear nothing for a moment then suddenly you feel the presence of a shadow behind you.
A grin tugs at the left corner of your lips.
“Hey Yoongi”, you say.
“How. The hell. Did you figure out I was behind you?” Yoongi sounds shocked and offended now that his prank of startling you failed so miserably.
Keep reading
Namjooning 😍😍😍
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![Namjooning In The Soop [cr. C_a_leaf]](
![Namjooning In The Soop [cr. C_a_leaf]](
![Namjooning In The Soop [cr. C_a_leaf]](
![Namjooning In The Soop [cr. C_a_leaf]](
![Namjooning In The Soop [cr. C_a_leaf]](
namjooning in the soop 🌳 [cr. c_a_leaf]
Never Been Kissed

G | 371 words | no warnings
Harry freezes—mouth centimetres away from Draco’s, hands looped around his neck—and opens his eyes. He’d only closed them a moment before, as he stood on tiptoe to kiss Draco, but now he can see that Draco’s staring at him…and he looks terrified.
“I thought…” He tries to step back, but Draco tightens his grip on Harry’s waist, holding him firmly in place. “If you don’t want—”
“I do, really. It’s that, well I’ve never—I’ve never been kissed before.”
Draco presses their foreheads together, his quiet breath puffing across Harry’s lips, and Harry feels like he might die if he doesn’t get to kiss Draco. But he’s willing to wait. It’s been months already, and a few more minutes or hours or even days won’t change how Harry feels about him.
Closing his eyes, Draco lets out a shaky breath and says, “Distract me.”
“It’s too—I like you so much and I’ve never done this before and I need you to distract me before I go mad.”
Now Harry’s a bit distracted because Draco likes him and it’s the first time they’ve said anything about whatever it is they’re doing. Harry didn’t know he was into blokes until the start of term, then the first boy he liked was Draco Malfoy. They haven’t even kissed yet but Harry’s already head over heels in love, and everything is just very confusing.
“Um…well, my first kiss was awful. I couldn’t stop talking about nargles, Cho was crying the whole time and she kept bringing up Cedric—”
“Harry, what in Merlin’s name are you doing?”
“Er—distracting you?”
“By talking about your ex-girlfriend?”
“Oh…” So it’s not Harry’s best idea, but it’s hard for him to think when Draco’s standing so close and he wants to kiss Draco more than he’s ever wanted anything. “Bloody hell. Look, I like you too. I like you a lot and you make me so nervous and I just don’t—”
Draco kisses him.
They don’t quite know what to do with their hands, Harry’s fighting back a smile, Draco hasn’t moved his lips beyond crushing them to Harry’s, and the Bloody Baron floats by while ominously clanking his chains.
And Harry’s never had a more perfect first kiss.
Read on AO3. Masterlist on tumblr.
For the @hdcandyheartsfest prompt: first kiss. All my kisses to @slytherco and @academicdisaster24 for their help on this little fic.
cats are really useful for when you need a small animal to sit 10-15 feet away from you and stare at you with unceasing neutrality
“I’ve just had a thought.”
Kei looks up from his phone, eyes drooping, the hour you’ve spent lounging on the couch rendering him immune to the fact that his neck is bent at a disastrous angle against the armrest. It has you pulling him forward, taking the pillow from under your neck to stuff under his, but it’s a fine trade. Now you can lay against the warmth of his chest and settle into what Kei calls the pre-nap—or, what he used to call it, back when he was still too embarrassed to simply say that he wanted cuddles.
“Woah, careful there," he can't pass up the opportunity to start with. Then, "Good kind or bad kind?”
You hum. “Sickeningly domestic kind.”
“So… good,” he decides after a beat, setting his phone down on the coffee table.
Those long, gentle fingers you love slide into your hair, and it’s a wonder how they always sate an itch that only manifests itself mere seconds before the touch, just so they can be rubbed away by him and him alone; suspiciously wizard-like. “It’s not like I’m opposed to any of that. Since it’s you.”
“Honeycakes—” you coo obnoxiously, disguising his name in the endearment, which gets you exactly what you'd expect—the full moon's circumference of his palm eclipsing your vision, his grip light as he smushes your face around for a while, unable to rid himself of the urge. When he lets go a minute later, you share a look of mirrored contentment, all stupid smiles and rolling eyes, before you settle your ear over his heart and he resumes massaging your scalp.
Whatever video he was watching drones on in the meantime. Something about a supermoon coming up and dropping temperatures… Partly rainy with a high of seventy-three degrees and a low of sixty-eight degrees and—wow, he really got sucked into watching the weather channel... But it’s quiet enough to tune out against the steady drum in his ribs, so you both leave it be.
“Your idea, baby.”
“Oh, right. So I was thinking—y’know, when we start buying stuff for the house…”
“For utensils, what if we found the same forks you grew up using, and the same spoons I had, so that our future kid'll have pieces of both of our childhoods already built into theirs? Our own little mismatched set.” "You're right..." It's quiet for a moment. Then Kei blows out a breath, his mind positively sunnier with the image. “That is sickeningly domestic.”
You open your mouth to defend the idea—because it is a good idea, notes-app worthy, even—when he tacks on, “I’m not saying no. God, you’re just so cute sometimes...” the words followed up by him pulling on your cheek. “Is that why you kept hovering by the drawer when we visited my mom? ‘What if’ my ass. You already found them on google, didn't you?”
Your laugh gives you away. He’s right—they’re in your amazon shopping cart as you speak, just waiting on his two cents.
“What about chopsticks, then? And knives. And spatulas.”
Kei only shrugs in response.
“The rest can be new. I don’t want all of it to be us holding onto old things,” you pause. “But my star curtains are non-negotiable.”
“They have holes.”
“Those are the cutouts! And you even said they were pretty when the light’s seeping through them.”
“Okay, yes, they are pretty," he relents, setting his glasses down by his phone. Silencing the weather report with a slide of his thumb. “But furnishings aside, we’d still be missing one thing…”
“Tsukishima Kei, I know exactly what you’re gonna say…” You find yourself being rolled onto your back, his pupils pushing the golden-brown of his irises to the outer rims as they dilate. “And the answer is no.”
“What?” Kei smirks, almost sing-songy as he trails kisses down your collar. He’s not actually gunning for that part of your life together yet. Key word—yet. You’d both agreed to preserve the first year of your marriage for just the two of you. Figuring out the ins and outs of buying a house together and all the legalities that came with it had been hard enough on its own.
Everything after your one-year anniversary, though, is completely fair game.
“You’re the one who brought up a little Tsukishima…”
*dies from cutness overload* Oh my god??? How perfect is this???? Just think- if Fates hadn't been about making the ultimate dating sim, we could have gotten UNIQUE children. It would just take a bit of cut and paste editing, tweeking opacity on layers... everything fans do, companies with paid employees and far more resources could do faster and almost as well. But noooo, that would take time away from them making uwu waifus...

Shura Kana
I need to have a little conversation….why are Korean men just so hot like bro!?
Credits to the owner of the video🫶🏻
Recently can’t get over this edit🧎♀️🗣️
starting a thread of jungkook’s earrings/rings bc everyone’s i’m obsessed with it

Rammstein - Engel, Hamburg
hmmm. drabble idea maybe? nat and reader shopping for lesbian pride stuff and they cant find anything (cause be fr lesbians are left out all the time lmao) so natasha takes it upon herself to make something with the lesbian flag on it? maybe like a shirt, a pin, a bag – whatever. and readers just so <nat3
warnings: lesbian!nat x lesbian!reader, THIS IS FOR LESBIANS AND LESBIANS ONLY <333
A frown lines your lips when your fingers flip through the selection of flags; from the pansexual to the more general pride flag, you were certain that this store would’ve at least carried your’s.
No sight of the sunset coloured banner revealed itself to you, none of it’s lesbian colours appealing to your eyes even as Natasha approached your side in hopes to help you.
She notices your frown before you even realize the disappointment that ravages your body. Placing a hand on the back of your spine, her warmth rattles you back to reality.
“Find everything you need, love?” You shake your head at her question, letting your hand fall from where it was raised against the rack of flags.
You come up empty handed when Natasha goes up to the cash to ring her items. She’s got some pins for her bag pack, a new Stranger Thing’s graphic shirt, and some Black Widow merch she had saw you eye earlier.
Still you were hoping that you and your wife’s flag would be here, at least a pin, yet you came up empty handed.
And as much as you’d like to hide your disappointment, it was Pride Month! One of the many first that you’ve finally accepted what you are, and what better way to celebrate with the person who had supported you through every obstacle?
Natasha could see the gears turning beneath your zoned out gaze, and as she handed her card to the sale associate she leaned close to your side.
“Y’alright, honey?” The hand on your back strokes you with comfort. “It’s time to go...”
You go home with her with a weight heavy on your shoulder, a stone stuck between your chest enabling you to breathe.
It’s only when it’s late at night, you’re on the couch with your head laid on her lap as she reads a book. You’re on your phone, headphones in until you feel her halt her movements.
“I’ll be back, love,” she says, softly adjusting you on the couch as she leaves. Music consumes you for a little bit before you feel the vibrations of your wife’s steps.
She shows up to your peripheral, blurry and mushed together. You sit up to get a closer look and what you see makes your heart drop and chest tighten.
You’re not even entirely sure when you had started crying until Natasha had let go of the lesbian sunset flag that she had been holding up with pride and cupped your wet cheeks.
“Oh, I’m sorry, love,” her thumbs swept at the tears that stained your skin. “I’m sorry—Please don’t cry... I’m sorry...”
You shook your head, circling her wrist with your hands and tugged them to your lips. “Why do you have to’re so perfect!”
Natasha made a sheepish look. “If it helps, I also made matching pins!”
Your sobbing worsened and you melted against your wife’s chest. Your body shook and all Natasha could do was coo your name in hopes to calm you down.
“I bet you made tote bags too, didn’t you?” It was meant to be rhetorical but Natasha’s silence spoke thousands and you groaned.
“I love you,” you admit. “You’re my favourite lesbian.”
Natasha raised a brow. “Really?”
“Might be my favourite, period.”

Very Important Moments Part 3 in The Righteous Gemstones, I Will Take You By The Hand And Keep You