Son And Father - Tumblr Posts
felt a little silly, might delete later

also… do my ears deceive me? hello? ruin called jack a rabid dog😭
just some doodles here (bc I need my daily posts🤓😈😈)
im sorry i get so lazy on these (they take me 5 mins so oh well)
I skipped the anatomy layer- 😼🔥🔥 (I didn’t mean to but oh well i messed up- either way)
another under the cut

Idk why no one talk abt Finn and mr. Shue relationship in this fandom.
Like Shue being Finn’s Anderson in the beggining of the show and then both growing togheter, Shue being the father Finn never had and when Finn becomes a “professor” in season four and starts dressing just like mr Shue the person Who helped him to be Who he is and inspiration.
Omg i think i will never get over them
I remember water and I’m dying to see something green. Voila. Crisis averted…..for now.
Where are you?!?
Crossed wires, miscommunication, and one big fight. Izuku does the only thing he can think of. He runs away, but Toshinori looks for him.
Length: 🍨
CW: Angst
“Excuse me, ma’am, have you seen this young man?” Toshinori asked, showing the woman a picture of him on his phone. “He’s about this tall.”
“No, I’m afraid I haven’t. Sorry,” she said. “I hope you can find him!” she said.
Toshinori thanked her, then slumped against a telephone pole, sighing. It had been hours. Hours.
And Izuku Midoriya was nowhere to be found.
The two of them rarely, if ever, fought. The boy practically worshipped him, and he adored his successor. He was such a bright, spirited, and obedient student, so how could he not? But as of late…things had started to change.
“You’ve been doing well channeling one-for-all through your whole body and channeling it into one limb. But with practice, you’ll be able to use both at the same time. Or quickly switch between the two,” Toshinori said.
Izuku beamed and started channeling one-for-all but stopped when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He glanced up at his mentor.
“Not right now, son. We’ll work on that once you’re able to get your percentage a little higher, that way you’ll have a better chance of having plenty of your quirk’s energy in your body while you’re focusing part of it into one limb,” Toshinori explained.
Izuku frowned. “Aw, really?” he asked. “I think I could do it now!”
The man shook his head. “I appreciate your enthusiasm, and I’m sorry you’re disappointed but trust me, it’s better if you wait and increase your percentage first.”
Izuku shrugged, a little more than let down. He felt like he’d finally been making progress, significant progress, and now his mentor wanted to slow him down? They continued with training, but it was obvious that Izuku wasn’t happy. He barely said anything, and while the strength behind his moves hadn’t change, his expression did.
Toshinori watched carefully. ‘I knew he’d be disappointed, but I won’t let him go crazy and push so fast that he hurts himself again. No. I won’t let him be like I was,’ he thought.
Thankfully, the boy seemed to get over his mood by the time they ended their training. They walked back to the dorm, chatting amiably like they always did.
But as the day went on, Izuku couldn’t help but think back to that moment. He’d been warned multiple times in the past to be careful, be safe, slow down, and not hurt himself. And while the logical side of him understood that Toshinori and the others had a point to what they were saying, the emotional side of him was sick and tired of it.
‘Doesn’t he trust me? Why does everyone think I can’t do anything? Doesn’t Dad realize that I only work so hard because I got my quirk so late? Most kids already have some kind of handle on their quirk by the time they get to high school! I just got mine! Of course, I’m going to push myself! I have a lot of catching up to do!’ he thought. And the more he thought about it, the more frustrated he got. Then, he had an idea. He quickly pushed it away and tried to ignore it.
But the thought kept nagging him in the back of his mind.
‘As long as you’re careful and don’t hurt yourself, you can practice doing that special move right now! Then you can shove it to Dad! Prove that you’re strong and you know your own limits! He won’t have any excuse to hold you back anymore!’
Izuku shook his head. ‘No! I can’t do that! I can’t go against his orders! And besides, with my luck, I probably will get hurt. And then he’d be mad at me…or worse…disappointed, or both!’ he thought.
He managed to fight that thought for the night, but during his next quirk training session with Toshinori, the thought came back with a vengeance.
“Midoriya, pay attention.”
“Ah, sorry.”
“As I was saying, you have to adjust your footing. If you keep jumping from that position, you won’t get enough momentum to strike. And stay focused. I don’t know what’s distracting you, but you can’t afford to lose focus for even a second in battle. If it’s something serious, we can talk about it, but if not, then let’s try again.”
Izuku fought the urge to roll his eyes. Contrary to popular belief, he was still a teenager. So, while he idolized his mentor, he still had the urge to contradict him sometimes. But seeing the trouble his classmates had gotten into and the worry of disappointing him had been enough of a deterrent for him.
“Careful! Be sure to keep an eye on your surroundings as you attack. You nearly broke your ankle on that tree root,” Toshinori said.
“Here, let me show you again. Position your hands like this, then jump back and do a three sixty kick while channeling five percent of one-for-all.”
“I told you to use ten percent! Not twenty! You’ll exhaust yourself too quickly and then you won’t be able to finish training today. And you know as well as any other student that you have to work at a lower level of strength until your body adjusts to it, then you can continue to work up from that higher level of strength.”
Izuku sighed and obeyed, trying to conceal his growing irritation at every correction. By the time they finished training that day, the boy had made up his mind.
He was going to do it.
The next day after classes and group training, Izuku snuck off by himself into a well-hidden area of the U.A. campus, filled with trees and perfect for hiding. It was where he and Toshinori usually trained, but since they only did that every other day, he wouldn’t be discovered.
He trained long and hard for several hours, proud of himself for being able to somewhat do the move that Toshinori had described. Unfortunately, while he could do it with his arms, he didn’t have as much luck with his legs. He jumped and kicked at the dead branch of a tree, but he ended up short circuiting. The percentage of one-for-all that he had pulsing throughout his body fizzled out since it was at such a low level and in a contrast to the high level in his limb. He couldn’t fully separate the two percentages yet, so while he kicked the tree branch far away, the rest of his body slumped at the sudden drop of quirk energy, causing him to fall roughly onto the ground and make his leg red, itchy, hot and swollen, though the bone wasn’t broken. He lay on the ground, groaning. Eventually, he managed to get himself up on his feet, wincing at putting pressure on his leg.
Thankfully, it wasn’t noticeably swollen. So as long as he didn’t wear shorts and concealed his pain, he could get away with it.
‘I hope I won’t have to go see Recovery Girl for this…’ Izuku thought. ‘Then I’d really be in trouble!’
Turns out the leg could heal by itself without any medical attention. The only question was, how could he hide it from Toshinori the next time they trained together?
The next day the students would have some special survival and combat training with different weapons.
Toshinori had excitedly told Izuku about the little cherry bomb type weapons they’d been given for testing, as well as transforming ninja spheres, metal balls that could transform into various types of blades and cause minor injuries as well as pin someone to the wall by their clothes.
“Amazing little things!” Toshinori said. “But they’re also incredibly dangerous and have to be handled with care. Do you want to help me with my demonstration tomorrow? Not to worry, I’ve got some display ones we can use, similar in functions but they won’t actually harm anyone.”
Izuku gasped. “Really?!?! Yeah! I’d love to!” he said.
By the time training came and it was time to do the demonstration, Izuku was practically vibrating with excitement. He talked with his classmates as they all gathered into a group in the area for survival and weapon training.
Five minutes passed, Toshinori wasn’t there.
‘He’s probably just running late,’ Izuku reasoned, glancing at the bag of supplies he’d brought. He’d been tasked with bringing the supplies, the fake, safe ones as well as the real ones.
Another five minutes past, and three more after that, Izuku couldn’t wait anymore. He pretended to get a text, then stood up in front of his classmates.
“All right guys let’s get started! Sensei asked me to help with the demonstration today, and he just texted and asked me to start since he was running late.”
Surprisingly, his classmates didn’t protest beyond a confused look and an accepting shrug. Though Bakugou was giving him a death glare and folded his arms, muttering under his breath.
The demonstration was going great, everyone was listening intently, and he was speaking with confidence. Pride rose within him as he grabbed the ninja ball out of the bag, not taking the time to make sure he’d gotten the right one.
“Remember, the safe ones have a blue circle on them, the real ones don’t have anything on them,” Toshinori had said.
Izuku held up the ball. “This little contraption is amazing and really handy! Haha! Get it? Handy? Cause it’s a hand weapon? Eheheh…anyway! While holding the ball, you make different hand movements for different weapons, and then you throw it. The ball leaves a magnetic field on your hand, so it’ll come back to you open and close your hand a few times. So, you do this for a blade, you do this for a knife, and you do this for a ninja star! Ha!”
Izuku threw the ball and the class gasped in awe as it transformed into a ninja star and flew around the room and into the wall. Grinning at their amazed reaction, Izuku opened and closed his hand to call it back, not realizing how fast it would come back. It scratched the side of his face before falling to the ground and then turning back into a ball.
“Ah!” Izuku cried, reaching up and touching his face, his eyes widening with horror when he felt blood.
“I thought you said Sensei gave you fake, safe ones,” Kirishima said. “You okay bro?”
The class turned and saw their Sensei standing there with his hands on his hips, looking less than pleased.
“To answer your question, Kirishima, I did. But Midoriya neglected to inspect the ball for the key difference that separated the safe from the dangerous ones. And he was also supposed to wait for me and help me with the demonstration, not do it himself. Take this as a reminder to listen to your Senseis and be careful,” Toshinori said, giving Izuku a look as he tossed him the small, portable first aid kit that he carried with him. “Now then, let me show you how to tell the safe ones from the dangerous ones so you all don’t make the same mistake. Once I feel that you all have a good handle on the safe ones, I’ll let you practice with the real ones.”
The boy blushed and sat down, embarrassed at being called out like that.
Training went by well for everyone, except Izuku. He worked with the items like everyone else did, but he was irritated that he never got to use the real ones.
“I told you to wait for me, and to be careful. I think it’s fair. You still get the practice, but you don’t get any other opportunities to get hurt. And don’t worry, you will be allowed to practice with the real ones at some point,” Toshinori said.
Izuku huffed and furrowed his brow, choosing to stay silent and keep working.
‘He’s holding me back, again! Ugh! I know I’m gonna get hurt, but geez! He doesn’t have to babysit me! I can take care of myself!’ he thought moodily.
Toshinori raised an eyebrow at his successor’s sullen attitude but didn’t comment on it. He figured the boy was embarrassed, which he’d expected. What he didn’t expect was that the attitude persisted and was very obvious when it came time for them to train.
Izuku was already working by the time he got there.
“Ah, getting an early start?” he asked, grinning cheerfully.
Izuku barely even looked at him. He gave him a quick, “Uh-huh,” and kept working.
And before Toshinori could ask him what was wrong, his jaw dropped as he saw Izuku attempt the attack he’d told him to wait on practicing.
Even though his leg still hurt like the dickens, Izuku was determined to prove that he didn’t need to be held back anymore and that he could push through his injuries and take care of himself. But it happened again, just like last time. The energy in his body fizzled out and caused him to slump over and fall. He cried out in pain as his leg hit the ground.
“Son! Are you alright?” Toshinori asked, rushing over. He knelt next to him and felt his leg, wincing when the boy shrieked in pain. “It doesn’t feel broken, so I don’t think the fall could have done that much dam—” Toshinori cut himself off. He’d pushed up Izuku’s pant leg to reveal the swollen, red, hot to the touch shin he’d given himself. “You’ve done this before, haven’t you?”
Izuku glared at him, mainly from the pain he felt in his leg.
“No wonder you were trying to stay off your feet today, or why you almost cried when you bumped your leg against the doorway. I thought I told you not to practice that move until I said you were ready!” Toshinori scolded as he helped him up. “Come on. We’re going to Recovery Girl, and then we’re going to have a little talk.”
Izuku didn’t say a word, scowling at the ground.
Toshinori walked with him, his mind spinning. ‘What’s going on? It’s not like him to act out like this. Did someone say something to him? Did he suffer a personal loss that he’s having trouble coping with? Did I do something? Is it my fault?’he wondered.
After the boy was healed, they went up to his room.
Izuku sat on the bed with his arms crossed, and Toshinori in his desk chair.
“Son, what’s going on?” he asked gently, aiming for a calm approach first. “It’s not like you to deliberately disobey me like that.”
“I could have done it. I just…it was a fluke,” Izuku mumbled.
“What was?”
“The special move. I’m ready, but you wouldn’t let me.”
“Your leg said otherwise. And I’m your predecessor. I’ve had one-for-all for much longer than you have, and we’ve known each other for months now. I think I have a pretty good idea of what you can and can’t handle.”
The anger that had been building up inside Izuku exploded at hearing that last sentence. He stood up. “Don’t you think I know my own limits? Seriously! You and the other Senseis, but especially you, are holding me back, all the time!” he snapped.
Toshinori glared at him. “Don’t use that tone with me, young man. You’re welcome to disagree and discuss things with me, but I won’t tolerate this kind of attitude,” he said.
Izuku rolled his eyes. “Whatever. My point still stands. You’re holding me back!”
“What are you talking about?”
“Everyone was already miles ahead of me when we started here, so of course I’m going to train as much as I can to get ahead! I have a lot of time to make up for! But every time I try, you hold me back and say—”
Toshinori stood. “That you should slow down and do things accurately instead of quickly! How on earth are you going to be a future hero if you’re rushing around trying to catch up, as you put it, and end up killing yourself in the process?”
“I know my limits!”
“Do you? Because the amount of times you’ve gotten seriously hurt says otherwise! Do you know how many bones you’ve broken since I’ve given you one-for-all?”
“Maybe if you’d trust me and stop babying me, I wouldn’t get hurt so much!”
“If you didn’t get hurt so much and be so reckless, I wouldn’t have to baby you! And it’s you who doesn’t trust me! I know what’s best for you, and I’m just trying to look out for you!”
Izuku scoffed and narrowed his eyes. “You’re just trying to look out for yourself. You don’t want to give up the spotlight to me yet. Endeavor may have taken your spot by default, but you know that once I’m a pro-hero, everyone will forget all about you and that’s why you never let me do anything!”
Toshinori’s jaw dropped.
“And you’ve been on my case all week!” Izuku continued, invigorated at how freeing it felt to finally speak his mind and let all his anger out, even though his brain was screaming at him to stop. “Getting after me about my chores, asking me about assignments, and let’s not forget about embarrassing me in front of the class today!”
“How dare you speak to me that way!” Toshinori snapped. “I am your Sensei, your predecessor, and your father, and you will speak to me with respect! I only got after you because you’d been neglecting your responsibilities to the point where it was ridiculous! The weeds were up to my knees, and your room was disgusting! And you’re normally good about your homework, but lately your grades have been slipping, and you embarrassed yourself in front of the class—”
Toshinori froze. His heart shattered, and he did his best to keep a straight face while his eyes got misty. “We’ll talk about your consequences later once you’ve calmed down. Midoriya,” he said, his voice husky.
Izuku glared at him and watched him leave. He stared at the shut door for a grand total of sixty seconds before what he just said finally registered in his brain. He sank to the floor and wept.
Toshinori walked away from the boy’s room and down to his office, then shut the door behind him, sat at his desk and finally let his tears fall.
‘What have I done? What did I just do? Why did I do that?!?!’ Izuku thought frantically as the tears flowed from his eyes. He cried harder at the memory of his adoptive father’s face, hurt, and his eyes filled with tears. ‘I can’t…I can’t face him. Not after how I’ve acted, especially not after what I said…’ he thought. ‘He shouldn’t have chosen me to be his successor…or his son…’
Riddled with guilt and shame, Izuku began to pack a bag, his mind too clouded with emotions for him to think straight. ‘Yamada-Sensei is taking some of us out shopping for new school clothes today, so, I can sneak onto the bus and sneak out when no one’s looking.’
And his plan worked perfectly. He climbed out of his window, closed it, and used one-for-all to stabilize his fall as he jumped from the ledge, and then jumped a few more times after coming down, eventually landing evenly and being fine. He made it downtown and started walking around, his hoodie up and his headphones in as he enjoyed giving himself some space to breathe and tried to sort out the tangle of wires that was his thoughts.
He walked around for a good few hours, but with his headphones in and his thoughts muddled, he wasn’t really paying attention. When he stopped at a nearby street stand, he realized that someone had picked his pocket at some point. Slightly embarrassed and disappointed, he was hungry, he kept walking.
‘I can’t believe I said that to him…Dad…I’m so sorry…’ he thought, his head hanging lower and lower. And as if things couldn’t get any worse, it started to rain. Hard. He ran, trying to find shelter, but tripped and scraped his knee badly. He winced and forced himself up, eventually finding an alley, one with a bench in it that was beside a restaurant. He laid himself on the bench and pulled his hoodie as tightly as he could around him, shivering from the cold.
Meanwhile Toshinori had been looking for him for hours. He'd come back half an hour later to talk with him, only to find his room empty. He knocked on the doors of a few other students to see if he'd gone to visit them, but no one had seen him.
"Yamada-Sensei went out shopping with everyone, maybe he went with them," Kirishima suggested. He and Jirou were hanging out in his room playing cards.
"You're probably right. I'll give him a call, thank you."
Toshinori had already texted and called Izuku a few times, but he wasn't answered. But he knew the boy could be okay because he'd been left on read. He called Yamada.
"Heyyy Yagi! What's up?"
"Is Midoriya with you?"
"No, isn't he with you?"
"No. And you know that students can't get out of the school property without an escort."
"Shit. Search party?"
Toshinori sighed. "No, not yet. I'll go look for him. You finish up with the kids, then bring them home and let me know when you do. If I haven't found him by then, we'll start a search party."
"Gotcha. I hope you find our little listener! Keep me posted!"
Toshinori got into his car and parked downtown, then spent the next few hours walking up and down every street, looking in every store, and asking the different shop owners and even random strangers if they had seen him, showing his picture.
“Excuse me, ma’am, have you seen this young man?” Toshinori asked, showing the woman a picture of him on his phone. “He’s about this tall.”
“No, I’m afraid I haven’t. Sorry,” she said. “I hope you can find him!” she said.
Toshinori thanked her, then slumped against a telephone pole, sighing. It had been hours. Hours.
And Izuku Midoriya was nowhere to be found.
'My boy...where are you? I can't lose you! Please, please be alright!' he thought, trying to hold onto the sliver of emotional resolve he had left, fighting the urge to cry as it started raining. He took a cleansing breath and tried to keep his composure as he kept walking, looking around.
Izuku couldn't hold his sobs back any longer. He'd been quietly crying for a good ten minutes before the guilt, shame, and desire to be reunited with Toshinori became unbearable. Burying his face in his hands and curling up as much as the bench would allow, and wailed.
Toshinori's ears perked up at the familiar sound. It was raining hard but he could still make it out. 'Crying? Izuku!' he thought, then ran, slipping and almost falling a few times as he followed the sound. Finally, he reached the ally.
"M-Midoriya!" he stuttered, his heart whirling around, unsure of whether to break at the sight of the poor boy or slow down in relief. He rushed over and sat next to him. "Are you alright?" he asked, helping the boy sit up.
Izuku peeked through his fingers and then pulled his hoodie strings tight so he wouldn't have to look at him. He was still crying, and then cried harder when he felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around him and pulled him close, rubbing his back.
Toshinori let his tears fall, relieved that his boy, his son was alright. "It's okay, it's okay. You're safe now. I'm here," he said, rubbing his back, extremely grateful for the awning that hung over them from the restaurant, keeping them dry.
"I...I can't," Izuku mumbled, pulling away and putting his hood down, trying to regain some composure so he could speak, almost breaking down again at the sight of his mentor...his father, so hurt.
"You can't what?"
"I can't be your successor...or your son...not after what I said...I...I'm so sorry, Sensei. For everything," Izuku said, his voice wavering. "For d-disobeying and being disrespectful and for know. I'm sorry! I know I'm not worthy to be your successor anymore, or your son, but...will you please forgive me?"
Toshinori cupped his face with one hand. "Absolutely and completely, son," he said, the corners of his mouth turning upwards at the shock on the boy's face. "That's right. Son. I'll always think of you that way, even if you don't see me as your Dad anymore."
"But, I do! I do! I just...didn't know if you'd take me back..."
"Izuku, son, I will never leave you," Toshinori said, taking hold of both his hands. "I get after you, because I love you. I hold you back, because I care about your safety. I force you to slow down because I know that quality overcomes quantity. I had to learn that lesson the hard way. I was in your shoes once, you know. I also felt like I had a lot of catching up to do, but rushing only caused me to burn out and hurt myself. I'm sorry for not explaining this clearly," he said.
Izuku blushed and looked away. "I'm sorry for not listening..."
"Izuku, it's important to know that I really am doing my best to look out for you, and I'm trying to protect you and teach you and train you, and I love you. If you look back, you can see how important it is to obey, both with past things and what's happened recently. Even when you don't want to, or you don't understand why, it's important that you obey me. I will tell you as soon as I can if not immediately. Just, trust me. You know I love you, and if you have questions or want to talk, you know that I'm always here and willing to listen. This isn't to say that I haven't made my fair share of mistakes either, but..."
"But, I need to communicate better...instead of lashing out like that," Izuku finished. "I'm sorry," he said, his eyes filling with tears again.
Toshinori gave his hands a gentle squeeze. "I forgive you, and hey, look at me. I love you, son."
Izuku's heart broke and he threw himself into the man's, no, his father's arms and wept, extremely relieved and happy to finally have everything restored between them. "I l-love you too, D-Dad," he managed to say through his tears.
Toshinori held him a little tighter, feeling relief flood him and tears fill his eyes for what felt like the millionth time that day. But he didn't mind. All he cared about was the crying, trembling, precious boy in his arms.
Eventually, they both calmed down and Toshinori called Yamada and Aizawa to give them an update. They made it back to the dorms safely, and after dinner, a shower, and getting ready for bed, someone knocked on Izuku's door.
"Come in!"
Toshinori came in, holding a bright yellow notebook. "I know we've settled everything between us, but there's still one more thing," he said, his tone serious. He handed the notebook to him.
Izuku opened it and frowned, seeing a sentence at the top saying, 'I will speak respectfully to my Senseis.'
"There are a few more in there, but I promise it's nothing too overwhelming. I'd like them done by the end of the week, and you're on cleanup duty after training for the next three days. You're also grounded to your room for the rest of the week, that one's for the training incident. It's more of a precaution or reminder than a consequence," Toshinori said. His tone was serious, but not unkind.
Izuku pouted and looked away, a faint blush spreading across his face, but he nodded. He knew he deserved this.
Toshinori lifted his chin, the smallest of smiles on his face, his eyes glimmering with affection. "Hey, even though I'm doing this, that doesn't mean I don't love you anymore. It's because I love you that I'm doing this, okay? Hopefully this will help the lesson sink in and you'll learn from it."
Izuku, though he was still unhappy about being in trouble even though he knew he deserved it, managed a little smile back, then barrelled into the man for a hug. "Okay Dad," he said quietly, relaxing as he felt his hug being returned. "Love you."
Toshinori held him a little tighter. "I love you too. And I'll never, ever stop," he said.
Izuku was quiet for a moment and then let out a little huff. "Okay, well, now you're just being corny," he said, breaking the embrace and fighting a smile.
Toshinori couldn't help grinning. He ruffled the boy's hair. "Well, I don't hear you complaining about it," he said.
"Daaaaad! Quit teheheheasing me!"
Austin: I don’t know what’s worse.
Austin: the fact that I was related to Octavian..
Austin: or the fact that my soon to be brother—in—law just threatened to break my saxophone if I played it at one in the morning again. I mean, everyone knows that’s the optimal time for saxophone!
Apollo, watching from Olympus: I get you so much, son