Please Someone - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

I don't know if I should post the sequel to my swisstom cowboy fic on the same work or on a separate one for the sake of tagging.... They would be in a series to make it easier to find but I still can't decide......

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5 months ago
My Story? Its Exactly The Same As Your Story, Just One Chapter Behind. I Chased A Man Across The Seven
My Story? Its Exactly The Same As Your Story, Just One Chapter Behind. I Chased A Man Across The Seven
My Story? Its Exactly The Same As Your Story, Just One Chapter Behind. I Chased A Man Across The Seven
My Story? Its Exactly The Same As Your Story, Just One Chapter Behind. I Chased A Man Across The Seven
My Story? Its Exactly The Same As Your Story, Just One Chapter Behind. I Chased A Man Across The Seven
My Story? Its Exactly The Same As Your Story, Just One Chapter Behind. I Chased A Man Across The Seven
My Story? Its Exactly The Same As Your Story, Just One Chapter Behind. I Chased A Man Across The Seven
My Story? Its Exactly The Same As Your Story, Just One Chapter Behind. I Chased A Man Across The Seven

My story? It’s exactly the same as your story, just one chapter behind. I chased a man across the seven seas. The pursuit cost me my crew…my commission…and my life. ↳ jack davenport as james norrington, dead man’s chest (2006)

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I need someone to hold me by the ankles and crack my body like a whip

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2 years ago

My secret guilty pleasure👇

My Secret Guilty Pleasure
My Secret Guilty Pleasure
My Secret Guilty Pleasure
My Secret Guilty Pleasure
My Secret Guilty Pleasure
My Secret Guilty Pleasure
My Secret Guilty Pleasure
My Secret Guilty Pleasure
My Secret Guilty Pleasure
My Secret Guilty Pleasure

Watching Tom X Jerry videos on yourube

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Idk why no one talk abt Finn and mr. Shue relationship in this fandom.

Like Shue being Finn’s Anderson in the beggining of the show and then both growing togheter, Shue being the father Finn never had and when Finn becomes a “professor” in season four and starts dressing just like mr Shue the person Who helped him to be Who he is and inspiration.

Omg i think i will never get over them

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3 years ago

New ask game

Send me a pic of ur rockstar crush and I’ll rate them 1-10 and roast them

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3 years ago

i’m gonna make a movie where two normal ladies fall in love. everything’s chill, no age gap, they’re both out of the closet, their families love them, everything’s fine. the catch is that one lady has a cat and the other lady never figured out what the cat’s name was cause the Owner Lesbian ALWAYS uses a dumb nickname and now it’s been three years and they’re getting married and it’s too late to just ask

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9 years ago
I Wanttttt Oneeeee No All Of Themmmm!!!

I wanttttt oneeeee no all of themmmm!!!

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9 months ago

Ugh omg i wanna see Aristocats web graphics sm

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10 months ago

I'm trying social :>

inspired by boop day, reblog this post if its ok for people to send you random asks and interact on your posts with no judgement. i want to talk to people.

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4 years ago

Hi so I've fallen into mandalorian hell there's no saving me. I'm also having a crisis because episodes 7 and 8 stole my spine and there isn't a second season yet.

So anyways I was struck by a thought. So like mandalorians just up and adopt orphans and if a kid happens to impress them they have the kiddo become a mandalorian.

So let's assume a post majora's mask young hero of time Link ends up in the star wars universe.

...How fast would Link get adopted by mandalorians?

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9 months ago

FNF mod concept: The World VS Drake

Kendrick Lamar is getting the world to join him in his quest to beat Drake to a pulp in his rap dissing. The very thin plot would be Kendrick going around to get people to join him (Metro Boomin', Yuno Miles, Lebron James (I think he likes Kendrick's music idk), etc.)

and having to beat them in rap to prove that they should join him. there should obviously be a secret Yuno Miles level bc it's Yuno Miles. I think it would be cool if the final level had Kendrick going super saiyan. I don't think this will reach any real audience but if someone wants to do something with this concept, go ahead :D !

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8 months ago

Is anyone willing to hear about an idea I had for a story??? I need to yap about it and I’ve already yapped to someone about it ( @imaginingmoonlight) but I want to yap to other people because yeah

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6 months ago

I’m begging someone


Please make Scottish miku

But not modern Scottish people with the puffer jackets down in Edinburgh and Glasgow

The traditional Scots you find in the furthest reaches of Orkney and Shetland

The genuine kindness of the people of Arran

Show them the rolling hills of my country

Show them the highland dress that thousands try to replicate

Please someone I’m begging you Scottish Miku

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