Songs Of America - Tumblr Posts
I love how through all this Artie looks dubious to say the least, while Paul looks so proud of his gem of a song - if you watch the video you'll get it better than through pics, I believe.
Oh, the song they were listening to here was Cuba Sì, Nixon No, in case you were wondering.

I can't remember for the life of me who posted an article on here where Artie said that Paul is not a poet but a songwriter, or something along the lines - maybe it was you, @more-or-less-the-same ? Anyway, I thought I had a memory of Paul saying the same thing more than once over the years, in the 60s at least, and surprise surprise, Art's FB page posted an article where our favorite sensitive poet (cookies if you get the reference) says just this. Kinda interesting article, all in all, I think - "stretching to his full 5'4" height" must be my new favorite line about Paul.
"Just musicians being very together", you know.

We were buds right from the beginning, and we turned musical immediately. - Art Garfunkel
Pretending to sleep so he doesn't have to see/talk with Paul. Like a pro. 😎

His eyebrow tells a lot. Gotta love him.
this page is for all the Art Garfunkel Enjoyers.

so i start my little series with drama queen Artie and his eyebrow
I fuckin' LOVE the look in Artie's eyes in the second pic. I don't know how to explain it, but I love it. So essentially him.

If you ask me, The Harmony Game is THE documentary about them. I know it only covers Bridge, but it's so interesting, with lots of people sharing their memories, and most of all respectful of everyone involved.
You do get the sense of a group of friends who loved music and enjoyed each others' company while creating it.
This is how I think about them, this is how I'd love the world to remember them in years to come.

For me, most of all, it has the vibe between Simon and Garfunkel, and when I look at it nowadays I go, “Gee, we were so bonded.” Our sense of humor is inside, we knew each other, what we’re talking about. It comes off nice on-screen, it’s like a scrapbook photo for me. It warms my heart to see this early Paul and Artie. - Art on the Songs of America television special.
Artie looked like he was having fun teasing Paul in this clip, at least to me. Like when he asked him what, next Thursday? and stuff, and Paul was visibly struggling to remember what he was supposed to say. Ah, fun! 🤣

In which Artie coins ‘The Harmony Game’ and Paul clearly can’t stand it.