These Two Idiots - Tumblr Posts

Ok, follow me for a bit. In the poem he says, before Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid there were S&G, right? So he must be speaking of the movie, because the originals died in 1908. This means that in Artie's head, he and Paul looked something like this. Or at least had these vibes. Expectations...

Ok, Follow Me For A Bit.In The Poem He Says, Before Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid There Were S&G,

Vs reality:

Ok, Follow Me For A Bit.In The Poem He Says, Before Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid There Were S&G,

Source: Billy The Kid's Birthday

Fuck off already, Artie.

Paul Simon and Art “there is no gay component in the two of us that I am aware of” Garfunkel Valentine’s Day post.

Paul Simon And Art There Is No Gay Component In The Two Of Us That I Am Aware Of Garfunkel Valentines
Paul Simon And Art There Is No Gay Component In The Two Of Us That I Am Aware Of Garfunkel Valentines
Paul Simon And Art There Is No Gay Component In The Two Of Us That I Am Aware Of Garfunkel Valentines
Paul Simon And Art There Is No Gay Component In The Two Of Us That I Am Aware Of Garfunkel Valentines
Paul Simon And Art There Is No Gay Component In The Two Of Us That I Am Aware Of Garfunkel Valentines
Paul Simon And Art There Is No Gay Component In The Two Of Us That I Am Aware Of Garfunkel Valentines
Paul Simon And Art There Is No Gay Component In The Two Of Us That I Am Aware Of Garfunkel Valentines
Paul Simon And Art There Is No Gay Component In The Two Of Us That I Am Aware Of Garfunkel Valentines

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Because Artie couldn't sit properly, I guess 👇

Because Artie Couldn't Sit Properly, I Guess
Why Does Paul Get The Chair While Artie Has To Squat Awkwardly Behind It?

Why does Paul get the chair while Artie has to squat awkwardly behind it?

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Ok guys, one more round of...

The Ring(s)!

So, we're all familiar with Paul's ring he wore through the 60s and mysteriously disappeared by the end of '69/beginning of '70, right?

And most of us must be familiar with Artie's ring he apparently wore one time (at least on his finger) in '68.

Here are some nice pics where you can see both anyway.

So, let's speculate.

Ok Guys, One More Round Of...
Ok Guys, One More Round Of...
Ok Guys, One More Round Of...
Ok Guys, One More Round Of...
Ok Guys, One More Round Of...

Shall I start?

I do believe Paul's ring was very important to him. He always seemed to show it, too (poses and such). I don't think it's a coincidence that he stopped wearing it around the time things went bad with Artie. Might be a coincidence as well, but I don't believe in such things.

Artie's ring appeared only once thus far worn on the same finger of the same hand as Paul's (and we all know what that finger and hand mean, yeah? At least, where I'm from). To me it looks different but also somehow similar - it's kinda big, not the ring that goes unnoticed. Maybe it was a fashionable type of back then? These two don't really seem like they care about fashion items though, so I'd dare to say that Artie's ring probably meant something too. Fascinating how it only appeared once. Maybe he wore it as a pendant? Or kept it in his pocket?

Anyway, please let's talk about it once more!

Pics of the concerts can be found here - worth reading, too!

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Ok, maybe some of you can help me here.

I understand John's joke "are you guys getting back together again?" because obviously they always got asked that and stuff.

But I've never understood Paul's reaction, "are YOU guys getting back together again?" while pointing at John and Artie. What on earth does he mean?

shoutout to that time paul simon and john lennon hosted the grammys

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The fact that Paul still remembers a silly remark from their teenage years really tells a lot imho

Art Garfunkel “I’ll always be taller than you” will always be famous to me

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I came on Tumblr to share about Loki and my spiritual path, and maybe just lurk around a bit finding S&G goodies. Apparently, they took over this space. Anyway.

parsley-sage-rosemary-n-thyme - Livin' la Vida Loka
parsley-sage-rosemary-n-thyme - Livin' la Vida Loka
parsley-sage-rosemary-n-thyme - Livin' la Vida Loka
parsley-sage-rosemary-n-thyme - Livin' la Vida Loka
parsley-sage-rosemary-n-thyme - Livin' la Vida Loka
parsley-sage-rosemary-n-thyme - Livin' la Vida Loka

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Has anyone ever found a hetero explaination for this SNL episode in general, and this performance in particular? Asking for a friend.

Simon and Garfunkel performing My Little Town on SNL in 1975.

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Artie looked like he was having fun teasing Paul in this clip, at least to me. Like when he asked him what, next Thursday? and stuff, and Paul was visibly struggling to remember what he was supposed to say. Ah, fun! 🤣

In Which Artie Coins The Harmony Game And Paul Clearly Cant Stand It.
In Which Artie Coins The Harmony Game And Paul Clearly Cant Stand It.
In Which Artie Coins The Harmony Game And Paul Clearly Cant Stand It.
In Which Artie Coins The Harmony Game And Paul Clearly Cant Stand It.

In which Artie coins ‘The Harmony Game’ and Paul clearly can’t stand it. 

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These fags are always looking over me like the patron saints of gay sex

Story of my life, my friend. Story of my life.

love hookingup with oldguy music listeners cuz these fags are alway looking over me like the patron saints of gay sex

Love Hookingup With Oldguy Music Listeners Cuz These Fags Are Alway Looking Over Me Like The Patron Saints

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Serves him right, I say 😌

imagine paul simon reading art garfunkel’s what is it all but luminous: notes from an underground man and seeing his own asolescent words looking back up at him from another’s poem.

Imagine Paul Simon Reading Art Garfunkels What Is It All But Luminous: Notes From An Underground Man

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I think he understood, and chose to go/stay away all the same. Maybe he was all wrong, or maybe he had... reasons.

So long, Frank Lloyd Wright on the other hand... I hAd nO iDeA iT wAs AbOuT mE like R u 4 real?! 🤣

if I was art and paul had called me up and was like hey… I have this song that goes “Tom get your plane right on time I know your part’ll go fine fly down to Mexico” I would have understood. I’m sorry to art but I would have understood

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Our favorite bi Uncle 🥹

Art Garfunkel Isnt Real What The Fuck
Art Garfunkel Isnt Real What The Fuck

Art Garfunkel isn’t real what the fuck

Love affair, calling paul “damn good” and referring to himself as a midwife to deliver Paul’s song babies is just a coming out confession in its self

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11 months ago

Sorry I know I'm predictable, but I would like "3.) Smut Smut Smut Smutty Smut Smut" Pretty please


Tbh I couldn't even remember what it was until I clicked on it just now, haha. It's just a few scenes of cute smut between Joel and Benny that I never got to fit in anywhere. Have a snip:

It was only then that she caught his reflection in the mirror – and she paused, momentarily stunned. “I’m sorry – what are those?” She spun around immediately, her surprise morphing quickly into a wide-eyed grin.

Joel Miller, a man seasoned by the salt of a lifetime's worth of judgments, rarely tasted the tang of bashfulness. He'd spent his entire childhood being ridiculed by his peers for his threadbare clothes, his unruly hair, and the rust-bucket cars of his later youth – and his adulthood came with a whole different type of judgment, other adults (usually the parents of Sarah’s classmates, who were mostly older than he was) looking down their noses at his perpetual lack of everything (money, time, patience). And yet it rarely touched him, this prickling self-consciousness. But this was different somehow; his wife’s gaze, wide and shimmering with disbelief, suddenly a spotlight on something he didn’t know he was insecure about until this very moment. Heat crept up his neck, a brushfire warming his cheeks. He snapped the book shut, letting it fall flat in his lap.

“Don’t start,” he warned her, but his tone lacked bite. She edged closer to his side of the bed, one delicate hand tracing along the edge of the quilt. 

“Don’t start what?” Her voice was practically bursting with glee. “Where did you get those?”

“Tommy gave ‘em to me.” He shifted uncomfortably against his pillow, his fingertips brushing the black frames of his reading glasses. “Saw me squintin’ at the patrol log today, figured I could use 'em. Look, I’ll just –” With a sigh, he reached to remove the glasses, but her hand darted out, landing on his wrist. She perched herself on the bed’s edge right next to him, the mattress, worn and welcoming, dipping gently beneath her thighs. “You don’t…have to,” she drawled, and she met the tired raise of his eyebrow with a widening grin. “Why don’t you keep them on?” "Keep them on for…how long, exactly?" he huffed. Her hand drifted away from his wrist, traveling down until it could slide along the top of the quilt, running along his thigh. A shiver ran down his spine, her nimble fingers edging closer –

"Until I say you can take them off," she answered simply, and then she moved quickly; almost before he could react she swung her legs over the side of the bed and grabbed his book, tossing it to the nightstand so she had more room to straddle him – which she did, enthusiastically, as he groaned in surprise, her fingers already winding around the back of his head and threading through his gray curls. “Don’t tell me this is what does it for you,” he scoffed. She moved her hips against him, pressing against the length growing into the front of his sweatpants, and he immediately groaned. His hands found purchase along her thighs, following her purposeful movements. “I look like an old man.”

“Whatever you say, Mr. Miller,” she purred, her voice syrup-sweet, batting her eyelashes in a clumsy imitation of someone far younger and more doe-eyed than she actually was – a performance so exaggerated it felt like she was mocking the act of flirting itself. Joel snorted in amusement, the sound rumbling through his chest.

“No. We ain’t doin’ that,” he sighed, shaking his head. “S’weird.”

“I have an idea about some extra credit I can earn.”

“I got concerns about the teachers you grew up with.”

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