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1 year ago

Roy episode predictions/ramblings <3

Roy Episode Predictions/ramblings

The closer we get to SM6 the more excited I get for both it and for the hatzgang episode just for the Roy content.

My theory for the episode is a little like this: Roy decides to mess with Skid and Pump but Ross and Rob refuse to join him so he decides to do it on his own. He finds the boys messing around in a somewhat secluded spooky place where he and the spookies encounter the episode's villain.

Most of the episode is the three avoiding the villain with Roy blaming everything on Skid and Pump but warms up to them over the course of the episode. Towards the end Ross and Robert, maybe even Roy's parents, decide to look for him and ultimately find him with Skid and Pump laughing not at them, but with them. They're all a little scuffed up but generally okay and the episode ends with Roy offering to take the spookies along with the gang for some candy... and promising that he'll actually pay for it this time. :)

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1 year ago

I keep forgetting to talk about this but the time has finally come, does anyone else wind it weird that Susie is the sixth playable character in the SM board game? Like, let's look at the others and then I'll epxlain.

Skid and Pump are the main characters so of course they're there, and the same goes for Lila. Roy has one of the clearer defined character arcs in the series and represents the Hatzgang as a whole. John is the more serious of the cops who have their own background plot which is building the overarching narrative. Kevin is the series main "comic relief" and a fan favorite as well as seemingly being a very major character in the next episode.

With all these characters, I'd probably guess the last one is Frank if I didn't know it was Susie, which tells me that Susie will become a much more important character than she currently is, which I'm really excited for. Unfortunately, this also might imply Frank's episode was one of the two to get cut and his arc will either be greatly reduced, though I hope I'm wrong about that.

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1 year ago

You know, I was looking at the Halloween drawing and comparing it to the new one when I had a horrifying realization.

You Know, I Was Looking At The Halloween Drawing And Comparing It To The New One When I Had A Horrifying
You Know, I Was Looking At The Halloween Drawing And Comparing It To The New One When I Had A Horrifying
You Know, I Was Looking At The Halloween Drawing And Comparing It To The New One When I Had A Horrifying

In both images Roy seems uncomfortable with being in a proper costume, but has no issue "making" a generic (and non horror adjacent) costume in Tender Treats.

I tried to figure out why when I remembered that specific costumes, usually with some morbid/horror twist, are sometimes used in roleplay which coupled with Roy's trauma would explain his aversion to traditional Halloween costumes and for the holiday in general, which could be a great parallel between him and the spookies.

(Also the ghost on the right in this year's image is meant to represent Dexter, you can tell by the mis-matchd eyes)

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1 year ago
Yeah :[

Yeah :[

Tbh Carmen and Richard interest me in general BECAUSE of the implication of them being cultists, since they're the first cult couple we see (assuming Lila wasn't part of it herself at one point), which just brings the question of HOW that happened, if one or both were born into it or if it was something that happened later

And I still think about this one drawing of them looking lovingly at a newborn Roy

Yeah :[

Like if they don't care anymore they did at some point, and I feel that's worse than them never caring at all

Now I'm just sad... Though, luckily, I think the most likely option is that they new Richard's brother was in the cult but not what "activities" he was engaging in outside of that.

If any currently established cultists will get redeemed, it's thankfully likely to be them.

...Or maybe I'm just overdosing on copium.

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1 year ago

Yeah yea, it'll definitely be something

Something I also thing could be interesting with this theory is that Rick worked at the post office in between SM4 and SM5, according to those Mother's Day and Father's Day illustrations Pelo made last year

Yeah, iirc that's where his last name was revealed.

Pretty sure you mentioned this before at some point, but I think it's kind of weird that Roy Against Society is basically the only fanwork that plays with the cultist Rick idea.

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1 year ago


Roy Against Society is a really good fic tbh, I love how it uses the characters

Esp with Rick (spoilers if you haven't read it): He used Roy's uncle dying as a way to finally escape the cult and had been changing jobs so much in an effort to lose their trail, but he knew he was only delaying the inevitable before they found him. Really interesting interpretation of his character

Yeah, I've read it, really solid character work all around.

Honestly, these smaller theories and discussions only make me more hyped for episode 6, can't wait for January!

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1 year ago

So, with there being 10 episodes, I feel this applies to episodes 3-9, since the first two episodes don't really have main villains and the last episode will be a grand finale.

So far we've had Bob-Gluttony, Moloch-Wrath (his main motive in UG was to escape and get revenge on the boys) and Dexter-Lust (bloodlust to be exact).

Given that it seems the villain of episode 6 will be a new demon, possibly Moloch's rival, I feel they will represent Envy. Especially because SM6 was likely originally supposed to be the Candy Dealer episode and that guy's main thing is being jealous of and trying to surpass the Candy Club.

This leaves Pride, Greed and Sloth split between the Roy, Frank and Spider episodes (assuming none of them were the second cut episode).

Okay I'm Gonna Fixate On The Antagonists Reflectijg The 7 Deadly Sins Forever Now

Okay I'm gonna fixate on the antagonists reflectijg the 7 deadly sins forever now

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1 year ago

Spooky Watch (a Spooky Month x Yo-Kai Watch au)

An idea first pondered by @crossover-enthusiast and actually "made" by me. This will involve both lore and hypothetical gameplay/structure.

The Premise

Due to (as of yet undefined) things his dad did, Skid naturally has the ability to see spirits, referred to as spooks.

He half-accidentally summons Moloch, who runs loose, in an effort to convince Pump the spirits he's seeing are real, as you could probably tell, Skid and Pump are less oblivious and somewhat more mature.

While trying to catch Moloch, the boys meet Eyes, who is the leader of all the spooks in town. Learning about what's happening, they gift Pump (as well as Roy and Kevin) a spooky watch (a visual cross between the yo-kai watch and the cult pendants) hoping to let humans and spooks better understand and befriend each other. Eyes is unaware that most spooks are going to use this "thinning of the veil" for their own ends.

After Moloch is dealt with Roy's parents and later mayor Evermore find out about the watches and form the cult in an effort to take and/or recreate the watches so they can enslave the spooks.


Moloch is mostly unchanged, with the exception of not having a lower body at all, as he's a molten gargoyle.

Dexter, specifically the Dexter Fella, is the one spook everyone can see, in the vane of Manjimutt from the anime, always being mistaken for a weird short man. But unlike Manjimutt, Dex intentionally scares people, just not for the reason he wants.

The actual Happy Fella and Sad Guy are also spooks, named Laughella and Gloomuy.

Ooga Booga is a spook that just wants to jumpscare people. In a hypothetical game, she would act like Babblong.

Frank is now Vanab, a van spook based on the toy van Frank from the Deadly Smiles credits. He would also act as the Spooky Watch Mirapo, except instead of teleporting you, he just picks you up and zooms you away.

The Thieves appear as the very yo-kai they were dressed as in the 2019 Halloween drawing by Pelo. Their goofy, reoccurring side villains.

Here Bob is Vealsin, a pig-devil spook who is obsessed with exotic food, an obsession he shares by inspiriting people. When the boys, Roy and Kevin all get to the abandoned Boys n' Grills where Bob declares them his dinner guests, then the eating rhythm game, and then the fight. Bob being a cultist is reflected in Vealsin willingly working with the mayor.

And lastly, SKIDAD! He appears from the mannequin after Moloch gets loose and acts as the Whisper. He looks like a sentient speech bubble.

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1 year ago

O yeah I know it's been a couple months but since I reblogged the post again:

0, 1, and 9 for Kevin

3, 5, and 8 for Roy



0- The background changes for his nervous breakdowns, art style shifts are always a pleasant surprise to me, especially when their associated with a specific character.

1- It's simple but effective. He manages to have the vibe of someone who (when Skid and Pump aren't around) generally enjoys his job without really being passionate about it. And I just plain love his little floof.

9- This poor bastard needs someone in his life and given who he's usually shipped with, I'd say their pretty good. The only one I take issue with is him and Lila since Kevin feels like a guy in his mid twenties, roughly ten years younger than Lila.


Roy (thank you so much for asking about him, I have so much brainrot of him)


3- The scene with his parents and him then giving the candy to Rob for his sister. It just does so much for all the characters and is the first major scene for Roy's arc, it's also more wholesome than a lot of the "individual" scene endings in both TT and past episodes.

5- Like Pump, he has some residual effects left over from his encounter with Eyes making him sensitive to supernatural energy. We might see this in a scene where Carmen and Richard come home from a "late meeting".

8- Roy's sensitive about his weight but in a very complex way. He was picked on for it when he was little, but Carmen would always console him, having been a heavier kid herself. The only issue is the same assurances also came from *you know who*, which left Roy feeling very conflicted. If someone makes a dig at him over it he would usually stand up for himself, but for a while after The Stars he would just kind of glaze over while Ross and Robert whooped a bitch.


Happy to see this game resurrecting.

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1 year ago

I think the current pair will be "rivals" of past villains, a new demon for Moloch in SM6 and the spider, a pest, for Dexter in SM7.

This leaves the Frank and Roy episodes. I don't think either of them will be villains, though there is the fact that they'll likely be two "redemption" episodes. One of those episodes will probably have Mr. Clown as the villain, so the other villain might be a new cultist. The robed cultist in the monster teasers is either Clown hiding that he's still alive or a way of hiding a cultist who hadn't and likely still hasn't appeared in an episode.

Okay I'm Gonna Fixate On The Antagonists Reflectijg The 7 Deadly Sins Forever Now

Okay I'm gonna fixate on the antagonists reflectijg the 7 deadly sins forever now

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1 year ago

Analyzing the SM6 cast line up teaser

More fun for the non-patrons as a height chart of episode 6's characters dropped and I have *thoughts*

Before we delve into the analysis, be advised that this will reference my SM6 prediction post, which can be found here.

And out last bit of preface

Analyzing The SM6 Cast Line Up Teaser

These three new characters teased in an earlier update are hereafter referred to as the businessman, the new mortician and the cat lady.

Bear that in mind.

Analyzing The SM6 Cast Line Up Teaser

So here's the 2 lined height chart, so let's start putting names to these blobs!

Line 1: The Thieves, Lila, Skid and Pump, Susie (she's pretty hard to see, but you can mostly notice her shirt and hair), Mr. Wonder, Jaune, Jaune's Husband (who was shown in full in an earlier update).

The next figure at first appears to be another shadow, but upon closer inspection seems to be Father Gregor, after that we have;

The Cat Lady, Dexter (likely in another missing ad or for his body being unpossessed, if for a moment), Patty, John and Jack, then we have the first totally new character, a massive person (taller than Frank, making them the new tallest human in the series) who brings me to my first new theory:

This character, whose proportions are highly evocative of a cartoon vampire, will be either yet another new mortician, or in charge of the hospital's blood bank. Funnily enough, this actually matches weirdly well to a half-joking conversation me and @crossover-enthusiast had the other day.

Line 2: Skid and Pump again (for reference), Ross, Robert and Roy, Kevin, Radford (in his teased casual outfit), the actor in the Happy Fella suit, Mayor Evermore, The New Mortician and then... Roy's Uncle??!?!

This might be my biggest validation yet, as I've had a thought for some time of us first seeing the New Demon in hell, torturing the Uncle, if this ends up being true, I am officially the king of the SM fandom!... Where were we?

Oh yeah, we then have; Ignacio, The Businessman, Frank and yet another totally new character, a portly person I have no solid theories on.

Before I leave, I'd like to mention some characters who are missing here (other than Moloch and any other supernatural characters who might appear). Those being; Lucky, the Actor and Actress and Rick.

Rick is the only notable outlier, as he's a relatively major character, so where is he?

Well, I think Rick's absence is quite simple to explain. While not outright confirmed, Rick is heavily implied to be working at Gonuts in episode 6, meaning he's wearing a new uniform. I think Pelo just didn't want to spoil this, and so left Rick and his new outfit out of the line up.

And that's all I've got! One last note before we're done here, I'm pretty sure next week's update will be the episode 6 trailer, so there's that.

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1 year ago

hi crossie showed me the roy one shot and OH MY GOD I LOVW IT SO MUCHJDBDJHDBDHDJ

it's so well written and amazing in the angstiest way possible i love it so much jdhdudjdjs

Thank you so much! It was actually partly based on a plotline from the special 20th anniversary season 4 of The League of Gentlemen, which saw a character confront the return of his mob-boss esque dad, only known as "Pop" There might be some more chipper stuff coming soon.

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1 year ago

Hollow Sorrows Trailer Breakdown LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO

Obviously, if you don't want spoilers, scroll away. If you've already seen the trailer, LET'S GO!!!

Hollow Sorrows Trailer Breakdown LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO

So when we first see possessed Patty, she looks mostly normal, you can't even see her demon teeth through the mask yet. John and Jack probably only came in since they heard a scream and/or struggle coming from the morgue.

Hollow Sorrows Trailer Breakdown LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO

So we get a shot of the boys being too chaotic, something Gregor points out and what will likely cause the "bad character development" Pelo ahs mentioned.

Also, since it's 100% what Pelo would do, Costume Bob is the guy in the HF suit. Mark my words.

Hollow Sorrows Trailer Breakdown LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO

The scene with the hatz is really interesting to me, since Skid and Pump just annoys Roy for a moment and leave. I think this might be all we get of the hatzgang this time, similar to how Frank only had a brief Appearance in Tender Treats. If my theory that episode 7 will focus on Roy is true, this little scene will be very interesting to dissect when the full episode drops.

Hollow Sorrows Trailer Breakdown LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO

We actually get out first proper glimpse at a new character and I think this old man is the very last character in the line up teaser

Hollow Sorrows Trailer Breakdown LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO

And there's also a pretty good chance he Roy's grandfather and given the way he reacts to the boys antics here, I can definitely see him being a another reasons Roy's the way he is.

If he actually is Roy's grandpa, then @crossover-enthusiast and I's Roy discussions are going to get really fun pretty soon.

Hollow Sorrows Trailer Breakdown LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO
Hollow Sorrows Trailer Breakdown LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO

Here, Skid is clearly holding a framed photo, meaning this will almost certainly be the first time his father is brought up directly.

Also, yeah, with Pump's line about "hangover spooky month", it seems my theory about Lila in this episode was at least half right.

Hollow Sorrows Trailer Breakdown LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO

Yet more proof that the boys' absent parents will be more of a focus. The trailer as a whole gives me some ideas regarding the Wonder parents, but I feel they're best saved for another time.

Hollow Sorrows Trailer Breakdown LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO
Hollow Sorrows Trailer Breakdown LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO

The boys get into trouble with the cops and I have 2 theories regarding when, either Gregor tries to get them sent home before going to the hospital, but they talk their way out of it, or they actually do get sent home at the end of the episode.

John's expression here immediately makes we think that something Skid or Pump said reminded him of his daughter. Another plot thread that has yet to be directly acknowledged.

Hollow Sorrows Trailer Breakdown LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO

Ignacio watches Gregor lead the boys away, maybe he lives down the street from Skid and Lila to keep an eye on them for the cult?

Either way, I'm surprised his appearance won't take place in the hospital as I previously predicted.

Hollow Sorrows Trailer Breakdown LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO

"I will be your guide. And I know your parents would be proud of you."

There's something undeniably sinister about this line, but how sinister hinges on whether Gregor is a cultist or ex-cultist. Whatever the case may be, he definitely knows more about or sees more in the boys than he lets on.

Hollow Sorrows Trailer Breakdown LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO

A great title card, and thought the blood everywhere is definitely concerning, I don't think there's anything to really say here, just wanted to get a screenshot of it.

Hollow Sorrows Trailer Breakdown LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO
Hollow Sorrows Trailer Breakdown LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO
Hollow Sorrows Trailer Breakdown LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO

And it would appear the character I've referred to as the cat lady will have the unenviable role of a hapless victim to the episode's villain. But honestly, I'm more surprised by her being at the hospital in the first place and why that never occurred to me before.

The actual progression of Patty's possession confirms to she's possessed by something other than Moloch. And what seals it for me is, fittingly, the eyes. The white of her eyes becomes a more vivid yellow, yet her pupil snot only don't form Moloch's typical spirals, but they're a more vivid shade of baby blue, a color that has never had any significance in the series before. Moloch will mostly be trapped in Dexter before eventually possessing Gregor, I will die on this hill.

Hollow Sorrows Trailer Breakdown LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO


Alright, that's all, only a month now. We're so back!

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1 year ago

I saw someone else point out tie-guy as being Richard's dad and like- yeah I can absolutely see it now, but tbh that makes it even funnier bc it implies Roy's uncle got shit luck in the hair department lmao

But also!!

This is also just straight up the dude from the Tender Treats photo

I Saw Someone Else Point Out Tie-guy As Being Richard's Dad And Like- Yeah I Can Absolutely See It Now,

Which makes me wonder why he's even here, if he's supposed to be Richard's dad? Were Richard and maybe even his brother at that barbecue too, just offscreen? Or was he there for something else?

Also looking at it, I think he's the middle guy in that character sneak peak Pelo posted

I Saw Someone Else Point Out Tie-guy As Being Richard's Dad And Like- Yeah I Can Absolutely See It Now,

(note the build and the hair swoop)

Which means the only one of the three we haven't seen yet is the guy on the left

Yeah, don't know how I didn't pick up on him being the man in the photo, but I think you're overlooking the big implications from that.

First off, someone asked if the man next to Bob is someone he knows, Pelo said the only person Bob knew was his "friend" how took the photo. Someone else asked if we knew 'him' and Pelo said yes. Now we know he was referring to the person taking the photo, who I am CERTAIN is Mr. Clown.

Also, given the grandpa's definitely aged since the photo was taken, he isn't/wasn't a cultist, which makes me think Roy's family only became involved with the cult when someone (Bob if it happened earlier, Evermore if it happened later) inducted Richard's brother.

And yeah, I think you're right, he probably is that guy, and not the last person in the lineup.

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11 months ago

so remember your spooky watch au? 1 thing i was curious about is: how much of the spooky month cast are spooks! and how much are still normal humans?

Apologies for the belated answer.

The general rule of thumb is that episode villains, and most potential villains/antagonists are spooks, the big exceptions so far being Roy and Evermore. We'll have to wait and see how future episodes change this.

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11 months ago

10 Days to Hollow Sorrows

I'll be dropping a random SM headcanon every day until the new episode comes out!

Today's headcanon: Out of the Hatzgang, Ross is the biggest anime fan, and he's doing his best to keep this knowledge away from Robert and especially Roy.

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11 months ago

Horror Lingers in Hope

So, this is my first proper SM ficlet, and it's Roy angst because of course it is. I wrote this about a month ago, but refined it since and am posting to get extra hype going for the impending release of HS!

TW: Nothing explicit, but there is reference to past CSA, as should be expected from a Roy angst fic.

Roy was honestly surprised when his parents let him invite not only Susie, but Ross and Robert over. He was obviously glad, it just seemed a bit sudden. "Man, this place rocks, Roy!" Robert said as he looked around the lavish living room. "Heh, yeah, it does." was all Roy could muster, it was nice to not worry about anything for a bit, just enjoying a day with the people who mattered. "Now try coming here for dates all the time." Susie chirped, "With this fine specimen." She playfully tugged at Roy's cheek and got a little chuckle out of him. “So, being the great host I am,” Roy half-joked, “I wanted to ask; What do you guys want to do?” “Wait, you said you were writing a song, right? Can we hear it?” Again, Ross’s question took Roy a little off guard, it’s not that he didn’t like the attention, It was just something he wasn’t used to, at least not in this way. “Only, and I mean only, if  you promise not to make fun of how cheesy it is.” Which it was, a ballad he was working on for Susie, he’d never admit it, but it started as a birthday present he didn’t finish in time. Before he could get too lost in his thoughts, Susie butted in, “AND if you promise not to get jealous of his singing voice.” “Oh, yeah” Ross joined in, “I don’t think I’ve heard you sing, man.“ “Then you’re missing out. Trust me.” “Why are you saying that like I’M the talented one?” “Roy, you’ve heard me sing, you know which one of us has that kind of talent!” “I know, I know, you’re just a lot of fun to mess with.” And without missing a beat, Susie responded to her boyfriend the exact way he expected from her and loved her for, “Yep, we’re really in sync like that.”

That was when Roy's mother poked around the corner "Does anyone want anything? I've been meaning to try some new smoothie recipes." "Nope, but thanks for the offer, Mrs. L." Ross responded for the group, he really had a way of reading the room.

Just then there was a knock at the front door *knock--knock* Roy's hearing suddenly clouded as he heard his father in the next room say "Ah, on time for once." Suddenly everything seemed darker, everyone turned to him. Their mouths didn't seem to move, yet he could hear them, in unison "Go on Reynold, answer it." He suddenly found himself right in front of that door, the knock came again, faster *knock-knock* Roy felt something in his hand, nevermind the fact that it hadn't moved. The door opened and there he was. "Hey little man. Long time no see."

Suddenly Susie entered from Roy's peripheral vision approaching that monster, a calm, accepting smile on her face, yet her eyes full of tears, pleading through acceptance. "Thanks for this little number, Roy. Still not quite on par with those 2 treats you got me a few years back." "No-NO, NO! You're dead, you died that Halloween! You're gone! GONE!" Even with the door open, that knocking persisted *knockknock-knockknock "Thanks again, kiddo." He said as he wrapped his arm around Susie's. Her voice sounded so peaceful as she said; “Don’t worry, Roy. This is how it was always going to be.”. "You've done wonders for you're dear uncle." His voice rang out as the knocking turned into a near constant drone of beating against Roy’s mind. He tried to reach out, to pull Susie away, to do ANYTHING. But he couldn’t, he ran faster and faster, but with every step he felt like something was pulling him down.

Roy damn near fell out of his bed when he lurched forward as he awoke in a frigid sweat. The quiet of the night and the air around him feeling like a gentle hand on his shoulder telling him to leave that horror behind. Telling him to leave it behind in the exact way he couldn't leave it behind. Not alone. But he already told Ross and Robert everything, they'd already helped as much as they could. There wasn't a snowball's chance in hell he could tell dad, not yet. Mom, maybe, at least she wouldn't feel betrayed be her own blood. And Susie… how would he even start telling her? It didn’t matter, he had to tell them... Soon, sometime soon....

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11 months ago

The Tree Banshee theory

This is a theory predicting the role of Spooky Month's most enigmatic monster, one many fans might not even know about yet, so sit back and enjoy!

The Tree Banshee Theory

Watching HS for a second time, Gregor's pose here stuck out to me, so I went back to check my hunch...

The Tree Banshee Theory

Yep, he's in the same pose as the figure on the left wing of the gate. But what about the tree like figure on the right wing?

Well, for that, we turn to the movie theatre, many fans know about the demon priest poster that foreshadowed HS back in TT, well we see a very interesting poster for a second in episode 6

The Tree Banshee Theory

"The Forest Sight", huh?

Now for the clencher, we turn to an image from the arg

The Tree Banshee Theory

The same eye patterns, and a ghoulish being I've come to call the Tree Banshee, you might remember it for it's scream in TT or for an illustration of it in the book from the TT arg.

I believe this entity also somehow benefits from sacrifices made to Eyes and that it will be a/the major monster of a future episode, which lines up well with my idea of Roy's episode being about him chasing Skid and Pump into the woods, where they get lost.

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7 months ago

Spooky Month Library AU

In a surprising turn of events, I'm not dead! And what is more, I've recently concocted a new AU to share with you all!

And before we get started, a special thanks to @crossover-enthusiast and @spookyscaryskidnpump / @woomy-wormy for helping develop this AU

The Premise

A library is briefly tasked with storing the mysterious Starborn Manuscript which is in truth a spell book. The librarian unknowingly reads a spell from it which leads to characters from the library's books coming to life as tiny paper people at night.

The Basic Lore

When close to the book of their origin, characters have access so abilities they have in the book but otherwise can't use.

Characters can be "tainted" by and sometimes reflect misdeeds of their authors.

Characters who are directly related (parents, grandparents, siblings) in SM share a book of origin. Other relatives are from different books by the same author.

The characters believe Eli the librarian, the only human they've caught brief glimpses of, to be their god.

Characters only come to life within the confines of the library.

Before we move on, let's appreciate this artwork curtesy of @woomy-wormy

Spooky Month Library AU

The Characters and their books (some of them, anyway)

Skid, Lila and Skidad- Leads in a book from a kids' horror anthology wherein the father of the family is replaced by a monster, as the real dad doesn't directly appear in the story, the on that's brought to life is the monster.

Pump, Susie and Mr. Wonder- The main family in another book in the same anthology as Skid's family.

Roy, Carmen, Richard and Garcia- Carmen and Richard are the leads in a fantasy romance novel, Garcia orchestrates an elaborate scheme so Richard can be with Carmen and Roy is introduced into the story after a timeskip.

Ross, Jaune and Aaron- Ross is the protagonist of a cyberpunk YA dystopian novel

Robert and Radford- The leads in a lighthearted slice of life story.

John- Lead in a noir story.

Jack- Supporting character in a different noir story.

Rick- The main character of a newspaper strip which has a compendium in the library, speech bubbles appear when he talks.

Dexter and Michelle- A reclusive family from a gothic horror novella.

Hobomen- Tankmen doodles on a torn off and wadded up page of a student's notebook that rolled under a shelf

Bob- He's just a normal chef in his book of origin, but his author's recently outed violent tendencies have lead to him becoming much more violent than his book counterpart.

More characters to come soon, so stay tuned!

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