Steve Mcgarrett - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

H50: Plot? Where's the plot?

For research, I re-re-re-watch episode 2, season one, Hawaii Five-O. Only for research. *cough cough* for my fanfic. I need to know about THE plot. *Steve is hot and badass... đŸ€© Danny is adorable and grumpy...đŸ„°đŸ˜đŸ€©* hem... Yes. Plot.

It's hilarious because Husband re-watch with me for his pleasure too, because Steve is badass, is crazy, is furious and Danny grumblings is hilarious for him.

Hem... Divagations again. Ok. So, the famous plot. Kono is badass too, not forget. Ok, ok, I'm on THE plot. Oh! I said you how Chin Ho is awesome in his henley ecru? Sh... I'm not serious. Ok, seriously, THE plot. ... ... ... Danny gorges himself with malasadas, it's incredible. I think the actor love it too because he's like a tamia with these. OK, I forget about the plot, ok. It's horrible. I'm just totally hypnotizing by relationship between Steve and Danno, the badassery of Kono and how Chin is so freaking zen. I want to be zen like him.

I'm rewatching for, finally, just to fangirlish (it's a verb?) and now, I don't know how write again in my fanfic because I'm on block out after the first cargument of this episode between Steve and Danny, and the smile, this fricking little tender smile by Steve to Danny when his Danno tells him (in small words for Steve): "Ok, I can't change anything in you, because you are you, just give me a notice before your bullshits, I 'll take a breath, shield me and I'm on to be your best back up."

Literally: "I love you as you are". F... How do you expect the big goof not to fall in love with this?!! How?!! And I watch the fricking scene in my head and THE smile. In loop.

I'm so in deep with them, it's a joke against me to believe I can forget them after that because you'll must kill me and take all of them on my dead body. Seriously, I'm in the deep of the deep of the love with them. And I'll rewatch this TV Show and I know I'll suffer because they aren't canon.

My "spider" senses of Muse say me : "you'll write so much AU H50. Gosh! Woman, you don't have ideas how many you'll write about AU McDanno. You're screwed."

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6 months ago

Hormone explosion!!! *for Danno and me*

meelopee - Centre d'accueil de Plot Bunnies
meelopee - Centre d'accueil de Plot Bunnies

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6 months ago

This says so much about Danny and what he likes in his life partners. They must be determined, a little manipulative, and invade his life. Every aspect of his life.

Does Amber/Melissa fit into this category? Maybe. She lies about her past. She's "infilter" in the Danny life before she become the girlfriend (all the Steve's fault!). I don't know.

Danny Williams And Meet Cute.
Danny Williams And Meet Cute.
Danny Williams And Meet Cute.
Danny Williams And Meet Cute.
Danny Williams And Meet Cute.
Danny Williams And Meet Cute.
Danny Williams And Meet Cute.
Danny Williams And Meet Cute.
Danny Williams And Meet Cute.
Danny Williams And Meet Cute.

Danny Williams and meet cute.

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6 months ago





AO3 is now updated with all the stories from here, including this one! *throws confetti*

Written for one of the ultimate McDanno warriors, @meelopee, who prompted me with the idea of Steve asking for Grace’s blessing to marry Danny. This is a sequel to THE ONE, and a prequel to TEXTBOOK LESSONS, MAGIC KINGDOM & HE SAID YES. Read those if you would like context.



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5 months ago

French fanfic McDanno + first chapter translate in english

French Fanfic McDanno + First Chapter Translate In English

Une image vaut mille mots alors je vais me simplifier la vie. Je n'ai pas fini de poster l'intégralité de l'histoire, mais je suis encore en révision des derniers chapitres et je me suis rendu compte qu'il fallait que je redivise mes chapitres 6 et 7 en deux parties chacune.


Français : Une histoire de cheese cake qui ne contient pas de cheesecake mais du McDanno surnaturel

RĂ©sumĂ© : Danny est un Ondin qui doit vivre Ă  HawaĂŻ pour voir sa fille. Steve est un loup-garou alpha qui est aussi un Navy SEAL super fort mais un gros idiot quand mĂȘme. Et cela donne une bonne dose de crack-fic, de manigances mythologiques tournĂ©es et rĂ©inventĂ©es et les cheveux de Danny vont mĂȘme vous Ă©pater, Ă  un moment donnĂ©.

English : A story about a cheesecake in the title but in fact, that's not got a cheesecake anywhere. Just a supernatural McDanno.

Only first chapter in English now, I'll try to translate all my story, but I need more time for it. Like weeks. lol

Summary :

Danny is a Undin. Undin is the male of Undine (ok, it's my "french" adaptation because I don't love merfolk and that's not the good term, sorry, but it's true). Steve is an alpha werewolf, a super Navy SEAL too but above all the big goof. With some crack-fic, mythologiques shenanigans and my weirds delirium about mythology, like Hairs are magics.

At your own risk.

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5 months ago

Cheesecake McDanno, french, all posted

Les neuf chapitres en français sont officiellement tous en ligne.
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Ok, all the nine chapters for french McDanno fanfic are on AO3.

For readers in english only first chapter is online, I'll try tomorrow for the second chapter. And now, I'll go to sleep. đŸ„±đŸ˜Ž
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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5 months ago

Cheese cake McDanno in english

Second chapter, finally.

Steve background about his supernatural status.
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

OMG! Translation is a fricking adventure for mind. As something is okay and perfect in french and english came and destroyed it because I'm not a english writer, I'm like a mouse in a new territory with some old big scary other cats who look at me like their meal.

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5 months ago

I keep all @mcdannowave TAG because that's my jam. I'm here with you, I want it too. OMG!!! *fanning myself by imagining the scene that leads to this dialogue*

When You Get Frustratedcause Your Sister Decides To Listen To Your Husbands Advice Rather Than Yours.

When you get frustrated â€˜cause your sister decides to listen to your husband’s advice rather than yours.

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h50 9x23 face palm annoying hawaii five 0 reaction gif steve mcgarrett alex o'loughlin (look at that neck. Danny could bury himself there for a whole night.but Cmd McG can't show up at work w/ hickeys xD) (of course. that doesn't stop Steve from 'nibbling' Danny's body bc he's a possessive neanderthal.and maybe.some bites too) Danny don't complain 'at the moment' bc he's too busy having his bliss.but after? ''Oh.My.GOD! Look at this Steven! it looks like i was attacked by some creature!!''..Danny gesture to his body.after he leaves the bathroom ''Oh?Those are just some love marks.Danno.I know u like it--'''...''That's not the point u putz.I can't even take my shirt off for days'' ''C'mon. its not that bad''...''/not that bad?/Look at this scratches on my back!The position.What do u think people would realize I did?'' ''That u rode a very hung stallion and it was amazing?😏''..Danny closed his eyes.Steve knew he was counting to 5 to calm down ''Okay.okay.I'm sry..okay?''Steve got up the bed.'Ill be more careful.but u gotta show me some hints that we going too far or rough.okay?'' Danny knew Steve for yrs.and it was true.They knew what the other liked.and communication was fundamental for their relationship ''Okay''Danny simply put.light smile on his face.'But now.U're going to take the kids to this saturday beach event while i watch tv here'' ''What?!I thought u said u would do it?After i promised to take charlie to training the whole month?'' ''Well.You break u friend. I can't show up shirtless there the entire afternoon full of people.specially w/ lots of kids'' ''But Danno--''...''No.It says it's gonna be a 37C degrees.i'm gonna cook w/ a shirt.Don't forget sunscream.Love you'' And w/ a kiss. Danny put his robe and got out of their room for some food downstairs. While Steve still looked astonished After recomposing himself.Steve actually wasn't frustrated.It was worth it.Both the amazing time w/ his love.And spending time w/ the kids mine headcanon tags
5 months ago

McDanno's time for break after broke my mind with translation work

Get a hug, like Danny by his Super SEAL.

McDanno's Time For Break After Broke My Mind With Translation Work

Look at Danny eyes, how Steve's hug calms him, how his mind stops temporally to be anxious, sad or hurt.

McDanno's Time For Break After Broke My Mind With Translation Work

Look at Danny's eyes!!! And how all his face says "Steve is here, I'm safe, I'm not alone, Nothing will hurt more because Steve keeps me busy/safe/calm".

McDanno's Time For Break After Broke My Mind With Translation Work
McDanno's Time For Break After Broke My Mind With Translation Work

How Danny become in few times so calm, so peaceful even though Steve is completely destroyed at the thought of having almost lost his Danno. He is not only relieved. He is here, in Steve's arms, he is alive, he is safe, he is sure because his SEAL hugs him.

OMG! How I don't see before how with his corporal language, Scott Caan create real feelings of love, juste with his face and eyelids that close and flutter. He's not just a fricking bromance (Damn you PL!), it's love feelings. OMG! I'll take that and write it like it's biblic fact, like its THE TRUE! BECAUSE IT'S CANON!!! Danny closes eyes and flutter his eyelids when he's in Steve's arms.

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5 months ago
First Concern When Shot In The Leg? That He Cant Drive Danny Around Like Miss Daisy.
First Concern When Shot In The Leg? That He Cant Drive Danny Around Like Miss Daisy.
First Concern When Shot In The Leg? That He Cant Drive Danny Around Like Miss Daisy.

First concern when shot in the leg? That he can’t drive Danny around like miss Daisy.

A few minutes later ..

First Concern When Shot In The Leg? That He Cant Drive Danny Around Like Miss Daisy.

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5 months ago

Update Cheesecake McDanno

So, chapter 4 yesterday and now chatper 5.

I'll fight yet to translate 4 chapters, so, I hope to finish for the next weekend. Because Sterek goes with Muse to eat all my cookies!!! I need to keep them busy far away my baking!

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5 months ago
Hawaii Five-O 4x22
Hawaii Five-O 4x22
Hawaii Five-O 4x22
Hawaii Five-O 4x22
Hawaii Five-O 4x22

Hawaii Five-O 4x22

"O ka PiliʻOhana ka ʻOi - Family Comes First"

a.k.a. the (clown) cargument

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5 months ago

Update Cheesecake McDanno

I did it!!! Chapitre 7 up!

I didn't think I can to post today, because this f
 windaub eat and lost my work, I search during one hour to found and save my work on my laptop, on fricking help app. The anger felling, frustration, tension, worry
 aaaaaaaaaahhhh! I'm exhausted. That"s horrible. But yesterday I promised at myself to post the seventh chapter this tonight and I do it. Cheer up myself for my good work!

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5 months ago

MDanno fanart

I finished (FINALLY) this. I won my battle against the procrastination monster and younger son who wanted to help me about coloring

MDanno Fanart

Danny ranting (because he's Danny): I'll bake some pancakes, so, blueberry or banana? I take some or our clothes because you soaked me the last time, You Neandertal! I hope you don't bore about that. But it's your fault! So, you don't have choice. My clothes are in your dryer. I never come back again to see you early on Saturday. How are you dare to soak me? Animal.

Steve, 404 error, listening and looking at with heart in eyes: Danno? Mine... My heart... My Danno... In my clothes...

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5 months ago

Update translation Cheesecake McDanno
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Just one more, soon.

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5 months ago

Rewatching h50 2x15

And I can help but think about the similarities of Steve going running up a mountain with Lori and Steve and Danny's mountain date in s1.

I think the worst thing they did in the show for Lori's character was try and force some kind of romantic tension between her and Steve. She had so much potential, and the tension always feels forced because when she and Steve are interacting naturally they act more like brother and sister than anything else. And also because the more they try to push romance the more they make her a 2d instead of 3d character.

(And look my plan was not to go on a rant about how male showrunners can't seem to cast a female in a romantic role without destroying their character)

Anyway, my original Pont was that I find it interesting that in trying to get us to view them in a romantic light they decide to put her and Ste e in situations similar to what Steve and Danny have been in.

However, I also have to point out - even in this, Danny wins.

Cos I'm sorry, but taking your partner to view a nostalgic place from your childhood and talk about your memories of your dead father and open up is much more solid and romantic then hey, let's go exercise together. Just saying.

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5 months ago

More H50 2x15 mcdanno comments...

* the way Grace asks where her mum or uncle Steve are - she knows if Danny was injured one of them would come for her, which says a lot about Steve's place in her life

* the way when Danny says that Grace is at a tennis lesson, Steve tells Chin which tennis place she's at - he knows which club she has her lessons at, but Chin is not expected to know this

* the way Steve is so visibly stressed when they realise Grace has been taken and he can't get a hold of Danny and he needs to make a decision about what they should do cos he's the boss, but he's visibly trying to pull himself together and focus and even when he manages to focus he's so emotional in a way he never is with cases. Like, he always cares, but this time he's rattled.

* the way Steve just yells Danny's name (multiple times) when they get to the park. He sends Kono and Chin to deal with the bad guy, and his focus is just on Danny.

* it's Steve there with Danny when they rescue Grace, right beside him, untying her, etc.

Not mcdanno but...

I can't comment on this ep without also commenting on how much I appreciate Stan in this episode.

When Danny says he needs to meet him, Stan's first thought is Grace.

When Danny says he needs to shoot him or some guy is going to kill Grace - Stan accepts it. He basically agrees to it. Because it's for Grace.

And I know in s1 he's set up as the 'bad guy' from Danny's POV because he gets time with Rachel and Grace, but I so wanted them to follow through on this moment here - where Danny and Stan are united in their desire to protect Grace and willing to do anything for her.

It would have made such a great starting point for them to start understanding each other, etc. They may never like each other but they both put Grace first.

And think that's also very telling about Stan. That he's okay with getting shot if it's for Grace. He loves her. He cares for her as a father. He's not just putting up with her so he can have Rachel - and I think that's very important to acknowledge.

(But the show was far too focused on making Danny and Stan rivals for Rachel's attention because don't we all know that Danny's straight? Here's proof. No, I'm not bitter about the comphet at all)

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5 months ago



First, Steve and Eddie. Now, Buck and Danny. Takes place sometime after the events of HE SAID YES and DYNAMICS.



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