Dalinar Kholin - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

So Kaladin tells Dalinar that he won't get back in time and Dalinar says "its ok, I can send a spanreed, Szeth can write". What would he have done if Szeth couldn't write?

Would Kaladin just have had to carry some random scribe with him for the entire book?

Would he send Lyn with him? That would be awkward, both because of their history, and because Lyn was initially annoyed at getting hired as a scribe instead of a team member, so now she gets promoted to... sky scribe?

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1 year ago

on the precipice of another Post i apologise in advance

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1 year ago
digital illustration of Dalinar at the kid’s table with Gavinor, both sitting in small kid sized chairs, both are wearing blue Kholin uniforms with white and gold details. Dalinar is trying to be better at his Grandfather duties than at being a father. Together the two Kholin‘s make an attempt at baby’s first glyph drawing. They are holding brushes in their right hands and sport a similar look of concentration. A fat smear of dark ink is decorating Gavinor‘s cheek.
This illustration shows Dalinar trying to stand up, brush and inkwell still in his hands, but the tiny chair stuck to his (suspiciously well shaped) butt keeps him from standing straight. He grouchingly looks down at it.

Dalinar at the kid’s table practicing baby’s first glyphs with his grandson.

Actually this came from torithedormouse on instagram, prompting me to sketch Dalinar stuck in chairs too small for his big frame, after a bit in chapter 44 of Oathbringer, which describes him sitting on a small stool and looking entirely too big for it. 

This third image is a small sketch which shows Dalinar from behind, his massive bulk of a body perched on a tiny stool. He sits with his thighs solidly spread and his hand resting on his knees, leaning forward and watching with interest whatever he is watching

So yeah 😁

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1 year ago

The number of things that are just

Wax Dalinar


is so many.

killed their first wife

bullies god into doing better

absolute catnip to Shards

will fight an entire army even if they have to do it alone

series kicks off with the death of their sibling (and oh, what were you up to, sibling)

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1 year ago

the jokes about dalinar not knowing anything about renarin and him being an absent father and stuff like that are very funny (and in the blackthorn era, very true!) but i hope that we are all remembering that dalinar and renarin are actually quite close post cultivation when we are making our serious meta posts. like i hope we are all recognizing that dalinar and renarin have the inverse of how most parent child relationships go where there was either no interaction or negative interaction during childhood but unconditional love and support for each other in adulthood. and i certainly hope we are not getting our wires crossed and taking adolin and dalinar's strained relationship and applying that wholesale to renarin and dalinar's relationship when dalinar treats adolin and renarin very differently. i dunno.

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9 months ago

Do you think she accepted the release of the flames with earnest? Do you think she always knew dalinar would get her killed?

I'll be honest if I was dalinar's wife I would be terrified. no wonder she wanted to extend the courting phase as much as possible

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7 months ago

Taking responsibility for your actions is so much more fun if you image you are denying a primordial being of pure hatred its ability to control you. Dalinar kholin who?

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7 months ago

Plot twist, you killed your wife

Taking responsibility for your actions is so much more fun if you image you are denying a primordial being of pure hatred its ability to control you. Dalinar kholin who?

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7 months ago

I love how it’s literally now canon that Dalinar adopted kaladin. Like. It’s no longer fanon

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6 months ago
Stormlight X Arcane Parts 1, 2 And 3
Stormlight X Arcane Parts 1, 2 And 3
Stormlight X Arcane Parts 1, 2 And 3

stormlight x arcane parts 1, 2 and 3

first post on tumblr im a lil nervous hello

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6 months ago

this is the best idea, i needed to draw it

This Is The Best Idea, I Needed To Draw It
This Is The Best Idea, I Needed To Draw It
This Is The Best Idea, I Needed To Draw It

theyre just little buggies…

I've been imagining chasmfiends and chuls as giant pill bugs instead of crab like creatures, I think it fits better

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6 months ago

Okay so is it going to be addressed that Adolin grew up with an alcoholic father (with the whole set of organising an intervention at 15, finding him black out drank etc.) oooooor will the story be just as oblivious to it as Adolin is atm?

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6 months ago
My First Tumblr Post: I Drew Ten Of Our Main Characters During The Way Of Kings! I Recently Drew A Portrait
My First Tumblr Post: I Drew Ten Of Our Main Characters During The Way Of Kings! I Recently Drew A Portrait
My First Tumblr Post: I Drew Ten Of Our Main Characters During The Way Of Kings! I Recently Drew A Portrait
My First Tumblr Post: I Drew Ten Of Our Main Characters During The Way Of Kings! I Recently Drew A Portrait
My First Tumblr Post: I Drew Ten Of Our Main Characters During The Way Of Kings! I Recently Drew A Portrait
My First Tumblr Post: I Drew Ten Of Our Main Characters During The Way Of Kings! I Recently Drew A Portrait
My First Tumblr Post: I Drew Ten Of Our Main Characters During The Way Of Kings! I Recently Drew A Portrait

My first tumblr post: I drew ten of our main characters during the Way of Kings! I recently drew a portrait of Jasnah and Shallan in honor of my reread, and that drawing started me on a kick of drawing as many of our Stormlight characters as I could as I finished rereading Words of Radiance with my fiancé. I love drawing out visual references of the characters for the movie in my mind that plays as I reread these incredible books! Ten for Honor, of course.

Probably my favorite characters to draw were Dalinar and Navani (I took some liberties with Navani’s havah, but I think a LITTLE scandalousness is in character for her), Adolin (I enjoyed the exercise of making him resemble his dad, but more handsome and less weathered), Kaladin (plus a possible eleventh character…), and Wit (whose smug face is very fun to draw). I also really enjoyed making Adolin and Renarin resemble each other, and I love how Navani and Jasnah turned out to look like older and younger versions of each other.

Please enjoy! I’m so grateful for the Cosmere community and to be able to be able to transport myself to the world of Roshar!

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6 months ago

Imagine if you came home to your beautiful wife and your beautiful house only to find that your wife had turned the house into a living being (a simplification), killed her wlw situationship, and invented antimatter bombs. And it barely breaks the top 5 craziest things that happened that week.

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1 year ago

Sometimes a family is a mom, a dad, their kids and the kid's spouses

Sometimes a family is a dad, the dad's god-like personal half spirit, his wife who is his kid's aunt, the wife's personal god-like half spirit, her daughter who is also the dad's neice, the daughter's personal half spirit, the daughter's immortal jester, the dad's eldest child, the eldest child's half-catatonic/dead but not really sword half spirit, his wife, her alter, her half-catatonic/dead but not really personal half spirit, her alive personal half spirit, the dad's younger child, his odd personal half spirit, his non-human boyfriend, the boyfriend's odd personal half spirit, and kaladin

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1 year ago

Big fan of characters realizing they don't get to die. They have to live. And grow. And be a person. And deal with shit they thought they'd never have to. And be fucked up about it. I would like more of this. Enough dying for honor or as redemption. It ain't. You're just a corpse. There is no moral value in dirt time.

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