Supersculpey - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago
I Made This Menacing Looking Boar In Red Clay Two Days Ago And It's Soon Dry Through And Through! I'm

I made this menacing looking boar in red clay two days ago and it's soon dry through and through! I'm going to try and bake it in my oven, which is the first time outside school for me (and the first time in an oven and not a makeshift furnace). I did this sculpt to warm me up before trying out my very first super sculpey sculpt! I'm making a poll you can vote in for what should be my first creature in this material, so check out my story, or comment a suggestion here😄 . . #scullture #supersculpey #redclay #boar #wildboar #art #artistsoninstagram #traditionalart #artist #minature #minaturesculpture #natureart #beast #animal #pig #swine

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6 years ago
I Bought A Lot Of Art Materials A Couple If Days Ago! Got Some Soli And Grass Effect Texture Paints That

I bought a lot of art materials a couple if days ago! Got some soli and grass effect texture paints that I look forward to test out when I make landscapes, a paint mixing glass, some scotch tape for armatures, a new super sculpey that was cheaper than the ones I've bought so far, that also had 3/4ths more clay, a new moleskin sketchbook, and a moleskin watercolour sketchbook! Looking forward to get to test all these out! Recently I've gone back and re-sketched or finished drawings from up to two years ago, and it's fun. But I needed a new moleskin to do new sketches. If you're a young/new artist looking for alternatives to loose paper or cheap sketchbooks, I'd strongly suggest you try a moleskin sketchbook! They don't have to be expensive, most have nice quality paper. They're hard covered, and ink/lead usually don't bleed or rub off that easily. #sketchbook #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #artistsupplies #artsupplies #moleskin #originalsupersculpey #supersculpey #clay #texturepaint #landscapepaint #miniaturelandscape #miniaturepaint

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6 years ago
Tiniest Giraffatitan I've Ever Made! Not The Tiniest Sculpture I Have Made Tho. #sculpter #sculpture

Tiniest giraffatitan I've ever made! Not the tiniest sculpture I have made tho. #sculpter #sculpture #art #artist #paleoartist #paleoart #supersculpey #supersculpeysculpture #supersculpeyclay #giraffatitan #giraffatitanbrancai #brachiosaurus #sauropod #dinosaur #dinosaurart #jurassic #jurassicpark #jurassicworld #jurassicworldfallenkingdom #paleblr #paeloblr

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6 years ago
I've Been Making A Few Prototype Tiny-dinos. Originally I Intended To Have Several Originals Of Each

I've been making a few prototype tiny-dinos. Originally i intended to have several originals of each species.. buuut i think i'll make one of each and cast them. So this little sinosauropteryx will be remade into something else 🙂 . . . #sinosauropteryx #dinosaurart #plasticine #paleoart #supersculpey #supersculpeyclay #dinosaur #sculpture #art #creaturedesign #artist #artistsoninstagram

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6 years ago
2018 Marked The Year Where I Started Sculpting Again, And Tried Super Sculpey For The First Time. I Think

2018 marked the year where I started sculpting again, and tried super sculpey for the first time. I think it shows that sculpting is the medium I enjoy the most. This page hasn't been live for a full year yet, but it has grown a lot! And so have I, and I look forward to grow more with my followers and fellow artists in the new year!❤️😊 #2018bestnine #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #artistsofinstagram #paleoartist #dinoart #dinofacts #sculpture #supersculpey #paleoart #happynewyear #hny

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6 years ago
This Is The Newest Dinosaur Discovered In The Tiny-dinos Series; Halszkaraptor! It Was A Small, Duck-sized

This is the newest dinosaur discovered in the tiny-dinos series; Halszkaraptor! It was a small, duck-sized relative of the mongolian dromeasaur mahakala, and mighy be the weirdest dromeasaur itself with its gracile swan-like proportions. It's the 2nd semi-aquatic non-avian dinosaur discovered after spinosaurus. It likely hunted small fish and arthropods in the oases of the Mongolian desert in the late cretaceous times. It lived at the same time and place as the famous velociraptor and protoceratops in the Djadochta Fomation For this one i tried a new technique to shape feathers, drawing them on rather than making each wing feather on its own, they really were too small and fiddly for that. . We're closing in at the end of the first round of the tiny-dinos! I'm looking for suitable materials to mould and cast. It's taking me some time due to translation stuff and finding similar stuff to what you can get elsewhere in the West😅 #artiststruggles #halszkaraptor #paleoart #paleoartist #dinoart #artistsofinstagram #dinofacts #sculpture #art #sculptor #sculptors #sculptors #theropod #dromeasaur #velociraptor #jurassicpark #jurassicworld #supersculpey #supersculpeyfirm #paleoartista #theropoddinosaur #dinosaur #dinosaurs #dinosaursofinstagram #toy #toymaker #toymakers #animaltoy

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6 years ago
Sneak-peak! Been Working On This 1:32 Scale (if I Remember Right) Utharaptor Sculpt The Past Few Weeks

Sneak-peak! Been working on this 1:32 scale (if i remember right) utharaptor sculpt the past few weeks when i've not been working or moving to my new flat. "Wings" need work, and then there's only the tail fan and texture details left to go! It's a very chunky bird this one! I decided to go with a half-lip on this one. #miniaturemaking #art #artist #paleoart #paleoartist #paleoarte #utahraptor #dromaeosaur #velociraptor #sculpture #sculpt #sculptor #artistsoninstagram #artistsofinstagram #jw #jp #jurassicpark #jurassicworld #cretaceous #dinosaur #dinosaurart #dinosaurartwork #supersculpey #supersculpeyfirm #wip #workinprogress

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5 years ago
Some More Photos Of The Underlying Armature And How I Built It Up For The Platybelodon Sculpt. I Think

Some more photos of the underlying armature and how i built it up for the platybelodon sculpt. I think i will keep making basic skulls for my sculpts as it gives a rather natural look imo, also it satisfoes my need for playing with and kearning better anatomy👀 one tuak is deliberatley shorter than the other to portray use and wear from a life of fighting. I'm always fascinated by battle scarred bull elephants. If you want to see more pictures of tge finished sculpture, check out my previous post! #miniature #artistofinstagram #artistoninstagram #paleoartist #sculptor #art #artist #paleoart #platybelodon #sculpture #supersculpey #armature #maquette #toy #elephant #animalart #sciart #dinosaurart #poboscidea #toymaker #prehistoric #prehistoriccreature #gompothere #creaturedesigner #creaturedesign #fossilfriday

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5 years ago
Some Progress Shots From A Newly Done Commission Of A Thylacoleo Carnifex. Looks Rather Alien And Bony

Some progress shots from a newly done commission of a thylacoleo carnifex. Looks rather alien and bony doesn't it? Steelwire armature padded with tinfoil, bound by soft steel wire, basic skull and skeletal structure, and premade custom size eyes and very rudementary anatomy "filling". Finished product up on Firday 10th. . Been thinking about doing process videos/time-lapse videos of sculptures. Would you be interested? . Been a few hectic and exhausting weeks! I haven't shown much from the animation project I'm working on for ADHDNorge and Extrastiftelsen..don't know why? Will show some soon as my contract is nearing an end✌😢 On top of this I've been working more on my more seasonal job lately, so, very little time energy to do anything but!😪 #armatureworks #armature #art #artinprogress #wip #artistofinstagram #artist #paleoart #thylacoleo #thylacoleocarnifex #dropbear #marsupial #animalart #sculpture #sciart #fantasyart #creature #creaturedesign #paleoartist #creaturedesigner #dinosaurart #iceage #iceageanimal #maquette #supersculpey #sculpey #supersculpeyoriginal

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5 years ago
Kelenken Is Doing A Lot Better After Some More Work And Support From Super Sculpey Soft. Still Hot Lots

Kelenken is doing a lot better after some more work and support from super sculpey soft. Still hot lots to do, but it's getting there. Decided to go for some larger tail feathers after all after looking at Jack Mayer Wood's @thewoodparable kelenken painting. I'm positive, but I'm also working out more and more stuff i want different with it😬 #miniature #artistofinstagram #artistoninstagram #paleoartist #sculptor #sculpture #supersculpy #paleoart #terrorbird #art #artist #jurassicpark #jurassicworld #dinosaurart #iceage #iceageanimal #kelenken #kelenkenguillermoi #paleontology #supersculpey #wip #workinprogress #phorusrhacos #phorusrhacid #bird

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