Sy - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago
Reverse transmigrated Luo Binghe is glaring at the viewer and sitting in Shen Yuan's lap with his chin hooked over Shen Yuan's shoulder as Shen Yuan types on his computer. Binghe appears to be wearing Shen Yuan's clothes as his pants only reach mid-calf. Shen Yuan is wearing a light colored shirt, boxers, and socks. The wall behind Shen Yuan's computer have posters of Binghe and Nightmare Moon from My Little Pony. There is a Binghe nendoroid sitting on Shen Yuan's desk with the blushing gasping face.

reverse transmigration for dove for SVSSSAction!

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2 years ago

sy acting out his dream transmigration life when in his mushroom body is hilarious

it’s nice that he doesn’t have to hide how stupid he is

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9 months ago

my favorite version of cucumberplane is pre-transmigration in which theyre married but have no fucking idea who the other is online. Peerless Cucumber has been tormenting Airplane Shooting Through the Sky for years and calling him a useless virgin. Airplane has been replying to his forum posts and calling him a shut in who never gets laid. even after they go through the spider-man pointing meme of revelations ("you! my husband!!") they dont stop with the mockery. sometimes a new reader comes along and sees them flaming each other online and asks "why is the author talking to this troll lmao" and the veterans all pile on to say "theyre fucking married can you believe that"

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11 months ago

This is gonna be a controversial opinion but here it goes, Luo Bingge would not have been able to win Shen Qingqiu over as "easily" as Luo Bingmei did. The main reason why Bingmei has Shen Qingqiu wrapped around his finger the way he does is because he followed Shang Qinghua's advice that the way to a man's heart is to act pathetic, Bingmei mastered the art of crying and acting vulnerable on command for the sole purpose of wooing his Shizun and it worked. Bingge would not have been able to win Shen Qingqiu's like Bingmei did because his way of pitching woo is to show off how strong, charming and invulnerable he is, things that Shen Qingqiu is already aware of and while he truly admires it he's also terrified of him. In order to Bingge to win this man over, he'd have to channel the vulnerable little boy the world did their best to kill and he dealt finishing blow and unlike Bingmei he doesn't have Airplane around to teach him the way to man's heart so poor guy would have a hard time until he finally had a mental breakdown where Shen Qingqiu got to see it, if so they'd be wed in a week

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1 year ago

I mean, if Airplane had suddenly stopped updating, that could certainly instigate a full read-through! And as the updates continously failed to restart, SY could get more and more emotional - anger for the sudden stop and lack of any resolution, worry over why tf Airplane disappeared, more anger at the disruption and lack of any more story - leading him to make careless mistakes with his food and cussing out both the book and the author-

Because, when you do read the Airplane extra where he dies, it reads as if it takes place after any random update - he was even almost finished working on the next chapter!! That's why he was freaking out about his laptop breaking!!

I'd actually been thinking about a time gap between their deaths as well, but I never connected it with the 20 day reread! I headcanon my Peak Lords as younger - YQY as a head disciple when facing down TLJ, SJ being so stressed about the IAC because it's (one of?) their first as Peak Lords, why SJ only has a few inner disciples and a 16 year old as his head disciple - and honestly, their behavior tracks closer to under 35 than, say, 70. As I read on one post some time ago - imagine a bunch of 20-25 year olds shoved in charge of a university, and suddenly a lot of things make more sense.

(I'm only applying this to SQQ, YQY, SQH, and LQG - the other Peak Lord's might very well be a few years to decades older, given that all Peak Lords ascend simultaneously, so the other peaks might have been waiting a while.)

SQQ says he doesn't want to think about how old his body could be, but that's no guarantee he's actually that old! I generally put my SQQ at around 30 when SY transmigrates in - making it 14 years since TLJ was sealed, so 16- and with YQY presumably a few years older-

So. 30. And if SQH is about that age-

Give SY a week or so before he ends up going back and rereading the entirety of PIDW, and the number of days matches up pretty well with the number of years, for bonus synchronicity!

...but all that about the Peak Lord's ages is kust bonus speculation, and not necessary to support the original point.

(Also about the "following for years" - it's never explicitly stated, but when SQQ talks about how rhe story changed direction during/after the IAC, its implied that he was there - or at least, that he knew about it - before it became popular. Or, at least, that's how I read it! I like an SY who became invested in the protagonist and the world, and then could never bear to leave!)

(And also f* the idea that he read it for the first time 20 days before dying - he has a Reputation on the forum board!!! Airplane was thinking (and having nightmares) of him years after he died and transmigrated!! He compared Peerless Cucumber to a nagging wife, not a nagging quick fling!)

...actually you know what*, I'll check the canon myself tomorrow, but: do we actually know for sure that SY died immediately after finishing PIDW? because i remember he died cursing it with his last words, but not whether it was indicated that he died the same day as he finished reading.

Couldn't it happen at a later date? Because, like, just basing it on myself, there are some things that I finished 2 years ago and hated so much that I still have a rant pretty much lock'd and loaded, and I will start recounting it at the slightest provocation.** Couldn't it be the same case?

*inspired by a couple posts i saw before, about the discrepancy between SY following the novel for years (i didnt see this on my reread yet so idk source) and finishing it in 20 days (chap.1)

**yes, yes, the probability of transmigrating into woh/shl if i meet an unfortunate accident is something I have a healthy fear of

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He’s so cute☹️

I always thought that he pat MC's head but he actually flicks her forehead (?) 👀

I Always Thought That He Pat MC's Head But He Actually Flicks Her Forehead (?)
I Always Thought That He Pat MC's Head But He Actually Flicks Her Forehead (?)
I Always Thought That He Pat MC's Head But He Actually Flicks Her Forehead (?)
I Always Thought That He Pat MC's Head But He Actually Flicks Her Forehead (?)

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I feel like a lot of people haven't looked into Sylus's flower. Like for what I understand, yes, no defense zone was a dream, but I feel like Sylus WAS in that dream because of how he ended up calling you 'My Queen.' and how he knows you want to 'tame' him.

Let me explain, Datura is a dream flower aka hallucinating flower. Tribes would smoke its seeds to cross to the astral plane or talk to spirits but would be poisoned in the process at times. Also, ancient Greece priests would use this flower in rituals?

Sylus can look into people's desire with his eye, kind like how the devil can. The Datura in negative aspect can mean, seduction, hallucination, horror, and death. But positive, it means, mysterious in the night, love, dreams, intuition, beauty, and healing. But also giving this flower to someone can mean "to light them a path in dark times." also "Healing betrayal, abandonment and rejection." Sounds familiar with many things he says, right?

Datura is a flower of love :) or dreaming of love. It's a flower that is connected to the spiritual realm, which to me, makes sense when he told the mc 'If you're curious about my world, you'll have to step beyond the border of light and shadow.' He really is something unhuman I feel like, not sure a demon is right. But defiantly a creature of the night, underworld, spirit world etc etc.

BUT we shall see with his myth.

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