Andromeda Shun - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

"Go, Nebula Chain!" 💚💕💚💕💚

"Go, Nebula Chain!"

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8 months ago
I Was Watching Knights Of The Zodiac While I Was Taking An Avatar Break And My God, How It Hurts That

I was watching Knights of the Zodiac while I was taking an avatar break and my God, how it hurts that instead of continuing with the adaptations of the film with a Final Fantasy feel, they took that thing off of Netflix 🥲

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8 months ago
"There's Something Crawling Under Your Skin"

"There's something crawling under your skin"

Shun hasn't said anything to anyone but he knows something is wrong with his body.

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4 years ago
Saint Seiya Ragnarok By Shonen Jump

Saint Seiya Ragnarok by Shonen Jump

Pegasus Seiya-Thor


Sailor Galaxia-Hela


Andromeda Shun-Heimdall




Zeno Guards-Asgardians Guards

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5 years ago
Check It Out
Check It Out
Check It Out
Check It Out

Check it out ✨

Shun fanart OwO

Compré marcadores hace un tiempo e hice éste dibujo para probarlos. Para ser mi primer dibujo con ellos quedo muy bien (supongo xd). Bueno, espero que les guste <3

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5 years ago
Christmas For Everyone
Christmas For Everyone
Christmas For Everyone
Christmas For Everyone
Christmas For Everyone
Christmas For Everyone

Christmas for Everyone 🎄🌟

Un pequeño crossover navideño de mis dos cosas favoritas del mundo mundial, Steven Universe y Saint Seiya 🌟✨❤

Lo se, Navidad pasó hace arto tiempo pero aún así tenía que subir esto. Como sea, espero que hayan pasado una linda Navidad y un feliz inicio de año y década :3 ❤

I love them 💕

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4 years ago
Andromeda Shun

Andromeda Shun 🔗🌸

Aloja! Quiero volver a estar activa por aquí, subir cosillas y eso. Así que por el momento un dibujito de Shun de Andromeda 030 💕

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1 year ago

Top 10 Roles of Hiroshi Kamiya: INPO

Top 10 Roles Of Hiroshi Kamiya: INPO

10. Tieria Erde - Gundam 00

Top 10 Roles Of Hiroshi Kamiya: INPO

9. Andromeda Shun - Saint Seiya Omega

Top 10 Roles Of Hiroshi Kamiya: INPO

8. Neuvillette - Genshin Impact

Top 10 Roles Of Hiroshi Kamiya: INPO

7. Trafalgar Law - One Piece

Top 10 Roles Of Hiroshi Kamiya: INPO

6. Levi Ackerman - Attack on Titan

Top 10 Roles Of Hiroshi Kamiya: INPO

5. Izaya Orihara - Durarara!!

Top 10 Roles Of Hiroshi Kamiya: INPO

4. Chalcedny Arcome - Tales of Hearts

Top 10 Roles Of Hiroshi Kamiya: INPO

3. Helbram - Seven Deadly Sins

Top 10 Roles Of Hiroshi Kamiya: INPO

2. Kou Ichinomiya - Arakawa Under the Bridge

Top 10 Roles Of Hiroshi Kamiya: INPO

1. Yuzuru Otonashi - Angel Beats!

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Yes, i love Shun

Shuns Face XD
Shuns Face XD

Shun’s face xD

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3 years ago
I Like How Seiya And The Others Happen To Be A Group Of Five But The Narrator Can't With Saying All Five

I like how Seiya and the others happen to be a group of five but the narrator can't with saying all five names.

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2 years ago

Aiolos was 14 when he was kill on the orders of his best friend.

Saga was 15 when he fucking assassinated the Pope Shion, tried to assassinate Athena and then to kill himself.

Kanon was 15 when his own brother locked him in a cave to die.

Shura was 10 when he was sent to kill Aiolos, one of his model.

Aiolia was 7 when his brother died and was declared a traitor.

The orphans were between 7 and 9 when they were sent around the world for training. Only 10 of them made it through the 6 years.

The Bronze and Saori were between 13 and 15 when they had to fight for their life and died for the first time. When they had to fight adults known for being almost invincible and kill them and been killed.

Saori was 13 when the weight of the world fell on her shoulders. When suddenly she had to fight for surviving but also to protecting her home, her friends and her whole world.

Seiya was 13 when he arrived in front of the Pope, after had to let his brothers behind and feel them dying for him to be here, knowing he is the last hope for Saori and he didn't have the time to mourn.

Ikki was 15 when he rushed the second half of the stairs, he passed in front of the corpses of his littles brothers who died hours before he was here. And no matter how much he felt like a failure and no matter how much he was angry against himself the only thing he can do was continued to run to help Seiya. Seiya who was the only one he can still help because he was the only one still alive and Ikki was so, so desperate to be here in time to not have a other dead body to watch.

No don't talk to me I'm not ok, I'm gonna cry. Why do my brain feed me with this, YEARS after I watched the last episode of Saint Seiya?

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2 years ago

The Gods in Saint Seiya really go: Ah yes more teens to traumatize.

the gods are a tragedy. one is a 13-year-old girl who has had people wanting to kill her from the day she was born. one is a 16-year-old boy who will never truly be free. one is a 13-year-old boy who never wished to hurt anyone but was forced to by a power he couldn’t control. the fate of the world rests on these kids’ shoulders, and they’re not strong enough to carry it.

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1 year ago

What if... Ikki and Shun swap cloths?

Aka Andromeda Ikki and Phoenix Shun au

It's an ua I see pass by time to time and I really love it, I wish there were more contents about it. So I decided to give it a shot with a brainstorming post. Maybe I will write a fanfiction with it one day.

WARNING: I do this without having a re-watch of the full series or a re-read of the full manga. It will be full of spoilers, piece of all type of Saint Seiya contents even non-canon ones and my headcanons/theories. Enjoy the ride :)


Ikki failed to convince Mr. Kido to switch Shun's and his faith. On this faithful day Ikki takes the boat to Andromeda's Island and Shun to Death Queen Island.

Now we know that the cloths have some kind of spirit/sensibility because they can choose their saint and "speak" in a sort of way. I believe this spirit is an echo of the original mythic entity behind the constellation. Since the greek mythology happened in Saint Seiya's canon.

ALL TO SAY. Andromeda watched anxiously at the brothers were separated. She always knew one of them will be her chosen saint, if Ikki awakes his cosmos successfully she will accept him with open arms. But Phoenix was more a picky chooser, even if he feels a connection with the boys it doesn't mean he will be soft.

I don't think the Phoenix spirit is about hate and revenge as Ikki's master said, the man only projected is own cruelty on the cloth. If it was the condition Phoenix would have rejected Ikki early in the series as he lets go his rage and hate.

On the contrary, Andromeda and Phoenix are the two faces of the same coin, that why they can bound with both of the brothers. They share this idea of sacrifice and reborn. Phoenix knows that something has to die and to be sacrifice for something new and stronger to rise from these ashes, he's willing to throw himself in death's arms to come back stronger, able to protect. Andromeda knows the way of resilience, that sacrifices need to be made for the greater good, she's willing to give up her own life to protect what she cherishs and to insure their safety.


On Death Queen Island Shun faced hell, half of the island is controlled by black saints and the other one is under his master, which is worst. Esmeralda was his anchor and so he was for her, two of the kinder hearts reassuring each other that yes goodness is still here, that there is more in the world that this blind hate the master teaches. Shun never wanted to hate anybody, neither to hurt them, but days after days his feelings toward his master became more and more... complicated. He didn't HATE him but as he hurts non stop his own daughter and the other disciples the boy starts to really really want him AWAY. Away from all of them, away from everybody so he couldn't hurt them anymore. Shun just didn't know how much away it need to be.

Then the others boys died or ran away to join the black saints - but he couldn’t run, he needed this cloth, he promised Ikki -.Then his master said that the only way for him to go back to Japan with the cloth was walking on his dead body. Then he killed Esmeralda because she tried to protect him.

For the first time in his life Shun felt pure, powerful rage. His heart was aching with sorrow and blind hate at the same time and it hurt so much and so indescribably that his cosmos burnt like it never did, like an eruption, or like pyre.

And in the ashes of this broken heart rise the Phoenix who for the first time in forever answered his call. A lot of sacrifices have been made, maybe even too much, and all sacrifices needed a payback so they won't be in vain.

Shun barely remembers killing his master, but he hates (truly hate) the feelings associated with this particular memory. The rage, the pain, the sadness, and then the emptiness as he watched the corpse, the disgust which made him throw up next to it and the, far more horrifying, satisfaction, knowing this man paid for his crimes and will never hurt anyone anymore. He was scared of himself, of what he can do, of what he did. He took another person life, just like his master used to do, now how was he different of that man?

The next days were at best blurry, he took back the Phoenix cloth the black saints had stolen, wearing it for the first time, it slightly calmed his racing heart as the cloth recognised him as its saint and anchor the bond deep into his soul.

I don’t know if he kills black saints on his way for the cloth, for the following arc to happen he need to have them at his side, so to gain their respect. But I wan’t to stay in character and I think even as the Phoenix saint Shun will kill as little as he can. However he certainly beats their ass, puts the fear of gods in their hearts and traumatises them in a way that made them sleepless for the rest of their life.

Then he received the letter from Kido’s corporation inviting/convoking him to the galaxian wars and he went ballistic. How dare they, after everything they (he) have to go through, to play with their life and their destiny once again like if they owned them ? They better be prepare because he’s coming, all claws and teeth out and cosmos raging as magma, for them.


On Andromeda Island Ikki faced hell, days hot as Sahara and nights cold as Siberia, but at least his master, Daidalos/Albiore (I’m not sure which one to use), was a good teacher, severe and rigorous but never cruel. On the contrary all the other disciples were brat, except for June, June was tough and the only one he liked a bit. He was clearly the strongest one of the group but his master was never satisfied, always telling him he missed something, telling him he didn’t understand sacrifices which made Ikki want to scream at his face. How could he doesn’t understand lose ? He, the boy who losed the last thing he had while coming here ?

Everything he did again and again tasted like defeat but he couldn’t abandon, he promised Shun. So in the last days of his formation, after his master repeated him that no he wasn’t ready to claim the cloth yet for months, Ikki used his last chance, the sacrifice. This ritual wasn’t really use these days, it was more common for the student to wait for his master approval but he didn’t have the time for that, six years had passed and he needed this cloth now.

Unlike what it can seem the most difficult part of the sacrifice was patience, waiting hours under the sun on chains, waiting for the tide to come, waiting with only his doubts turning non stop in his head. When finally he was under water he immediately started to drown, he knew he was strong but the panic of choking on salt water clouded his judgement and no matter how hard he pulled on the chains they just wouldn’t cede.

And in the desperate calls of this devoted boy drowned Andromeda who once again answered the prayer. Sacrifice wasn’t about fighting back, it was about letting go for something dearer in your heart than your life.

Ikki stood out of the water, chains in his hand and a cosmos profound and dangerous as the waves. Andromeda cloth had waited almost a decade for her saint and when he finally came, true to her words, she accepted him with open arms.

He wasn’t particularly interested by the little show the Kido planned but if it was the way to see his little brother again then he will participate even twice. As the tournament advance he saw, fought and reconnected with familiar faces but never the one he wanted to see more than everything.

Until he did. The little boy he knew and cherished, now surrounded by traitor saints and stealing the gold cloth, looks down at him with a crooked smile, a burning cosmos and eyes that now seems so empty. He stops his chain and stays deaf to his calls.

“Please ! Shun I know you.

-I don’t think you ever did.”


Okay so I kinda lose control and started some angsty shit. I will try to calm down and had the rest of my thoughts by tirets.

-Shun is in a complicated place at the start of the canon. He genuinely thinks he does the best for everyone (at least for the other bronze and he) following what he learnt the hard way on his island: Kidos can't be trusted and neither can be the Sanctuary. He still unconditionally loves his big brother but has also been convinced he's now a bloody monster Ikki would hate and reject so he didn't even try to reach out to him.

-Don't know what to do about Django (leader of the black saints), in the manga Ikki kill him while taking his cloth and in the anime he comes back killing him later as the man tried to refund the black saints. I think either way Shun will ultimately need to kill him even if he doesn't really want to because he need to learn that sometimes a death is necessary to protect other lifes, he couldn't fight in the Sanctuary arc if he didn't learn that before.

-Ikki will probably be closer to the other bronzes than in canon, like he’s already the big brother now that he doesn’t loiter at the other side of the earth he becomes the parent friend of the group. In this au he’s more open about his feelings even if he’s still reserved so bounding with them is easier.

-Linked to that question not sure if it will follow the anime route (the kids are randoms picked by Mitsumasa Kido) or the manga route (they are all half-siblings and Mitsumasa is their father) because it will change the dynamics.

-things will probably stay the same till Sanctuary arc (at least close to the manga because Andromeda is such a damsel in distress in the anime it’s a crazy running gag). But I don’t know if their fights against the golds needed to be swaped or not. On pros: Shun get to be closer to Shaka which make more sense for the future-virgo-saint thing, he is the one with the armure which can reappear itself for the final battle against Saga, he will probably be in the I-need-to-save-them-at-any-cost-to-apologise-for-my-shitty-behavior mindset so it makes sense for him to do that, the whole fight against Aphrodite is about avenging Daidalos/Albiore's death and in this ua he's Ikki's master. Cons: the most homoerotic HyoShun scene of all time will be Hyoga and Ikki and I don't know how I feel about that, the whole twist in Aphrodite's fight is that it reveals Shun's true power he hasn't using and I think even as Phoenix and Andromeda respectively Shun will limit his cosmos and Ikki will be a 100%-or-nothing bitch like in the canon... Meh still need to work on this question.

-the fights in general is something I need to work on.

-Shun is youngest kid going in his rebel phase coded.

-Shun is still Hades’ mortal because why wouldn’t he be?


I will probably do more post about this au in the future to go deeper in the different arcs. Maybe it’s a good occasion to re-watch the series.

PS: Shout out to @kainshana because it’s their fanart for saintober which give me the motivation to put into words what have been doing roller coasters in my head for x time.

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