Fantasy Illustration - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Прекрасные и мрачные работы Ровины Кай.

Beautiful and dark works by Rovina Kai.


Ровина Кай (Цай) (Rovina Cai) — австралийская художница, иллюстратор.

Награды и премии:

-Всемирная премия фэнтези / World Fantasy Award, 2019 // Художник;

-Хьюго / Hugo Award, 2021 // Профессиональный художник;

-Всемирная премия фэнтези / World Fantasy Award, 2021 // Художник;

-Хьюго / Hugo Award, 2022 // Профессиональный художник.

Вот что Ровина рассказывает о себе:"

Меня зовут Ровина Кай, я люблю иллюстрировать истории из мифологии и сказок, смешивать мрачные образы с красивыми. Большую часть работ я создаю в жанре фэнтези/научной-фантастики. Прежде чем стать иллюстратором, я изучала графический дизайн, и до сих пор люблю барахтаться в богемных вещах.

Но когда я закончила учиться, я не обнаружила сообществ иллюстраторов или каких-нибудь курсов в Австралии, поэтому я пошла на факультет графического дизайна. Только перед окончанием университета, я попала на конференцию по дизайну и услышала, как пара иллюстраторов разговаривают о своей работе, меня это очень вдохновило и я решила добиться своей мечты, насколько бы трудной она не была. Я поняла, что иллюстрация — это то, чем я действительно хочу заниматься."

Rovina Cai is an Australian artist and illustrator.

Awards and prizes: -World Fantasy Award, 2019 // Artist;

-Hugo Award, 2021 // Professional Artist;

-World Fantasy Award, 2021 // Artist;

-Hugo Award, 2022 // Professional artist.

Here's what Rovina says about herself:

" My name is Rovina Kai, I love to illustrate stories from mythology and fairy tales, mixing dark images with beautiful ones. Most of my work is in the fantasy/sci-fi genre. I studied graphic design before becoming an illustrator, and I still love dabbling in bohemian things.

But when I finished studying, I didn't find any illustrator communities or courses in Australia, so I went to graphic design. Just before graduating from university, I went to a design conference and heard a couple of illustrators talking about their work, I was very inspired and decided to achieve my dream, no matter how difficult it was. I realized that illustration is what I really want to do."

Источник://, /, /, //,



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4 years ago


- Concept inspired by italian aesthetics and Versace -

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Demons (@thee_omet)
Demons (@thee_omet)

Demons (@thee_omet)

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5 months ago

Just a silly lil guy >w<

Just A Silly Lil Guy >w

idk what these things are but I made them in 30 minutes so...hehe


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2 years ago
The Hunter(s) And The Prey.

The Hunter(s) and the Prey.

New personal work – I wanted to tell a scary story here that is not immediately obvious but only at second glance.

Print available

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1 year ago


My submission for ArtOrder’s Tiny Dragons project! This was made with my usual mess of watercolor, ink, and colored pencil on 8x8″ hotpress watercolor paper…this time I really tried to pin down the value structure of the whole piece, and I’m feeling good about that aspect of it. :D 

Prints available here. 

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1 year ago
Instagram | Twitter
Instagram | Twitter

Instagram | Twitter

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5 years ago
The Last Mermaid! It Was Already Several Days Into June, So I Spent A Little More Time On This One. Im

The last mermaid! It was already several days into June, so I spent a little more time on this one. I’m very pleased with her tail. This mermaid lives in a lotus pond, and may be more of a water spirit than a physical animal. Thanks for following my mermaids! I’ll be collecting them in a little zine, so watch out for that if you liked the series. :3

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1 year ago

Recently finished reading this (not this particular printing, but the 1975 Bantam version, with the cover by Pauline Ellison, below). I tried reading it many years ago at my mother's recommendation (she also got me into Pratchett, and many other fantasy and scifi authors), and for some reason just bounced off it.

I'm very glad I came back to it; I can absolutely see why it's considered a classic of the genre, it's nice and short too, so I'd definitely recommend it to either fans of the fantasy genre, or even people curious as to where a lot of things we often take for granted within the genre.

Looking forward to reading more! :)

Front and back cover of the book 'A Wizard of Earthsea', by the author Ursula K LeGuin. The front cover depicts an island fortress with many towers, amongst which coils a montrous huge serpentine dragon. On the back cover is depicted a young man in light grey robes and a light creen cloak, steering a small sailing boat towards the island.
Brian Hamptons 1974 Cover To A Wizard Of Earthsea, ByUrsula K. Le Guin
Brian Hamptons 1974 Cover To A Wizard Of Earthsea, ByUrsula K. Le Guin

Brian Hampton’s 1974 cover to A Wizard of Earthsea, by Ursula K. Le Guin

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