Technical Pens - Tumblr Posts
Here’s the rest of them! Right at the end of this month I decided I had run out of time, so the real life sketchbook has a few pages painted flat black between these.
I feel a lot better this year, but I have a couple of strategies planned in case things go badly again. I might go as small as A7 if a whole page is too daunting, and in the limit if I really can’t do anything on a given day I’ll paint it black again. That way I won’t have a backlog - either it’s done or it’s not.
Inktober is may favourite art event of the year so I hope this time goes better!
Inktober 2021, Day 2 - technical pens and grey pen
It was quite a surprise the first time she made him fly.
Inktober 2021, day 8 - technical pens and grey pen
Her friends can be a bit rowdy, but they mean well.