Fineliners - Tumblr Posts

Inktober 2017 : Day 21 - fineliner and felt tip Eventually the school agreed that Nettle should just sit out of P.E. lessons.

Inktober 2017 : Day 27 - fineliners and grey pen I was helping my pal Sammy on her table at London MCM for the last three days, so here are the Inktober pictures I did while I was away! Sammy requested ‘Poppet’s friends with a musical instrument’ so here are the two we didn’t see in the tea picture earlier.

Inktober 2017 : Day 29 - fineliners and felt tip pens
Here are some of the demonic features Leilus can use as his ‘I am a demon’ warning sign. The rule is it has to be something that will be immediately recognised as non-human, so it can vary according to cultural norms. He used to be able to use his black fingernails, but these days they just look like acrylics so they don’t count any more. Most demons choose something they can hide, like claws that they can hide under gloves, or hooves that can be hidden inside shoes. Leilus can just keep his long, disgusting tongue inside his mouth, so it’s by far the best option. The stereotypical spaded tail is probably the worst.

I’m still just very, very happy that Hōzuki no Reitetsu got a second series. I love the Zashiki Warashi’s creepy monotone laugh and their blatant favouritism.

Today on ‘I love spot colour and anime’, my two favourite pro heroes from My Hero Academia, Eraser Head and Present Mic. (Previously on ‘I love spot colour and anime’ - Hōzuki no Reitetsu)

Inktober 2018 : Day 3 - fineliners and grey pens I drew Sweetpea this way last year, so here is his best friend; Coriander! She belongs to a holly tree that grows right next to his oak, so they see each other every day. As an evergreen, her ear frills don't fall off like his do, but she does sometimes grow berries under them.

Inktober 2018 : Day 10 - plastic nib fineliner Lena is showing her friends how she can see the future in a bowl of water, but one of them is more on board with it than the other. I haven’t had a full day off work since September and I’m starting to make mistakes in my inking. TT_TT

Inktober 2018 : Day 22 - plastic nib fineliners May-Lee has spent so long being told to do painful or uncomfortable things, she no longer thinks to stop herself getting wet or cold. I had a long day at work, so I’m adding another one to my ‘oops I drew another girl looking straight ahead’ set. I wonder how many of these I can do before I run out of appropriate characters or different ways of inking?

Inktober 2018 : Day 23 - fineliners and felt tip pen I usually try to avoid using the same medium two days in a row, but yesterday’s fineliners were plastic nibs and these are normal fibre nibs, so it’s okay, right?

Inktober 2018 : Day 26 - fineliners and grey pens Poppet and her friends have dressed up as Koroks for Hallowe’en!

Inktober 2018 : Day 28 - fineliners and grey pens Here’s a Sweetpea to match Coriander from day 3! I normally try to avoid doing so many dolly style pictures in a row, but I was too tired for anything more complicated.

Another one inspired by DrawingWiffWaffles! This was a One Marker Challenge, although I did cheat a bit and use a colourless blender as well. I’d like to do some more of these using other markers. She’s not quite on-model, but this is the Dai Empress I mentioned in that set of 4 sci-fi eyes. She is very busy and important.

Day 9 is a very decorative mermaid, she’s proud of her long, delicate fins.

Day 20 is a merman! One of the prompt lists had ‘merman’ for today, so I turned one of my male characters into a merm. (I haven’t been using prompts in general, but I look at the lists if I’m stuck for ideas.) I wasn’t sure about the spot colour so I scanned it before colouring as well. I’m still not sure which one looks better.

I forgot to upload the rest of my mermaids! I got super-busy towards the end of May, so I’m afraid I only managed 28 in the end. I’ll finish the final three when I have time, but these are the last ones drawn during May. I did have another go at the coralmaid, like I promised! I’m sort of pleasantly surprised by my own work for this challenge, more of them turned out well than I ever expected! Did any of you manage all 31 mermaids? Did you have fun?

Inktober 2019: day 8 - fineliners
If you tell her to wait, she’ll wait.
I was going to shade this with grey pens, but I decided on a whim to try doing just clean line art instead. I’m quite pleased with it?

Inktober 2019: day 11 - fineliners and grey pens
He can’t speak, they cut out his voice.
I don’t like these grey pens as much as I used to, I don’t know if I’ve gone off this style in general or if I need to find a new brand of pen.

Inktober 2019: day 18 - fineliners and ink wash
Jessie can summon lightning even on a clear day.
I spent a good 20 minutes just staring at my sketchbook drawing a total blank on ideas, so in the end I decided to extend the ‘girls looking straight forward’ set from last year. Maybe I’ll do a few more?

Inktober 2019: day 27 - fineliners and grey pens
I was handing out minicomics featuring Patience at MCM, so I thought she could join in Inktober too! She’s the last character I can think of for the ‘girls looking straight ahead’ set, so I’ll have to come up with something else to do on busy days next year.

I had a notion years ago that it might be instructive to compare different methods of inking the same picture as a sort of tutorial. I never did make a tutorial, but on a whim I drew the comparison pictures a few days ago.
The top row is all fineliners, and compares three different choices a person might make about where to place their thick and thin lines. The bottom row is comparing water-soluble ink, a metal dip pen and a paintbrush.