Fire Girl - Tumblr Posts

Drew this a little while back

Inktober 2019: day 21 - ink and water
She knows she’s supposed to use matches to light the fires.
This is another character who hasn’t really appeared before. You might see her again before the month is over.

Inktober 2019: day 25 - ink and water
She emerged unharmed from a deadly house fire, and now when she touches objects they ignite.
This is the same girl from day 21, somewhat earlier in life. By the time she’s employed as a servant she’s learned to control whatever is happening to her, but at first she would leave charred footprints everywhere she went.
I was tabling at London MCM from the 25th to the 27th, so I tried to keep them simple.

Here’s the rest of them! Right at the end of this month I decided I had run out of time, so the real life sketchbook has a few pages painted flat black between these.
I feel a lot better this year, but I have a couple of strategies planned in case things go badly again. I might go as small as A7 if a whole page is too daunting, and in the limit if I really can’t do anything on a given day I’ll paint it black again. That way I won’t have a backlog - either it’s done or it’s not.
Inktober is may favourite art event of the year so I hope this time goes better!

Inktober 2021, day 12 - plastic nib fineliners
Fire can't hurt her. Never has, never will.

Inktober 2021, day 29 - fountain pen
Everything burned, except her.