Teen Titans Raven - Tumblr Posts

Raven in Teen Titans 💜💜
I am also black exodia, please follow me on twitter. This is my twitter account:
I just thought of a quote that I think really fits Redeemed Durge... The quote by Raven from the original Teen Titans
"You may have created me... But you were never my father"
Just Imagine that they say it when they reject him

Raven fan art!!
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Top 10 Scariest Childhood Moments (Part 2) - TheHappySpaceman Reviews
Part 1
TheHappySpaceman finishes his list of the moments that scared him the most as a child.
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My attempt at drawing some more Girls in the DCSHG 2019 style. So far, Raven was my favourite. I loved working with her body type.
i just went on the teen titans 2003 tag. MAD MOD IS NOT ATTRACTIVE GUYS WTH
i know for a FACT his behind DOES NOT! stretch like that. he's so strange

this is technically a redraw from my 2020 quarantine art

Constantine should be Raven’s Mentor

Maybe I’m a little late to the party because I’m admittedly only a newer fan of Constantine’s, but I honestly love the idea of John and Raven having something of a mentor/apprentice or father figure/daughter type dynamic in future media. Honestly, it’s kind of perfect. Both of them are religious magic users who primarily fight off demons. Raven’s biggest threat is her father, Trigon, who Constantine is straight up not afraid of. They have similar skills and focuses as heroes but are still unique enough in their abilities to not be boring copies of each other. Originally, the Teen Titans were basically the side kicks of the Justice League, and while Constantine isn’t in the main team, he is a part of Justice League Dark. Furthermore, there’s an inherent chemistry as their flaws can work off each other well. Constantine is a self-destructive Anti-Hero who might learn to take better care of himself if he has an apprentice to look after, and Raven is an emotionally repressed antisocial goody-two shoes. Raven is wise enough that she might help John deal with his own emotional baggage while also fostering a healthier lifestyle for John, while his charming nature might help to bring Raven out of her shell, become less afraid of her emotions, and even help her stand up to her father by training her more expressly in fighting demons like him. It’s obviously not perfect. There’s always the chance that his self-destructive behaviors combined with Raven’s tendency to suppress her feelings could result in them both hurting themselves and each other by not communicating, but these characters are edgy and troubled. I wouldn’t expect their dynamic to be cupcakes and rainbows. I would expect personality clashes and hurdles. But in the long run, if there was to be a revamp or new storyline where Raven started studying under Constantine, befriended him, or they fostered something akin to a family relationship, it could be a really neat relationship to explore and watch blossom. Just so long as it remains strictly non-romantic.
"Gimme an eye, four eyes."

Devil child.