Constantine - Tumblr Posts
Giovannis hand is above them.
He's giving his blessing <3


Zatanna: Bring Down the House #4 (2024)
written by Mariko Tamaki art by Javier Rodriguez
Vlad (presumably) leading to Maddies death , or at the very least that Maddie would rather die fighting than have Vlad do X thing has GOT to have fucked with him
DPxDC Prompt - A little something from the Grimdark 80's.
Batman looked over the edge of the building before dropping down cape out to slow his fall. He hit the lower roof and rolled... this used to be easier... to standing and then dropped to a crouch. The mutants were watching the street just below him looking for another victim.
He dropped again, without the cape, landing heavy on the first before snapping his fist out and punching the second, breaking the guys right orbit and nose with a sickening crack. "Hmm, you gonna swing that pipe?" to the mutant behind him, as he turned to face him, "or just stand there and piss yourself?"
The pipe clattered to the pavement as the mutant ran. "Smart,"
Robin stepped out from the shadows down the alley clotheslining the mutant knocking him to the pavement. "Not smart enough."
He gave a heaving sigh, "I forgot how strenuous this was" he thinks to himself. He cuffs the mutants and leaves them in the middle of the sidewalk. "Robin, call to GCPD get them here to deal with this trash.
She nodded, "You got it, Boss," and rang the cops letting them know where to pick the mutants up. The old man hadn't slowed down much, even at 55, and Carrie knew it was going to be a long night of busting mutant heads.
Danny was busy. Way fewer ghosts, but loads more gangs and other criminals as the US pretty much eroded into a hellscape. And the deals the vigilantes had to take didn't help. But his little corner of a corner in this hellscape that was Amity Park was at least mostly safe.
But heavy is the head and all that.
And it looked like Bruce was out of retirement if everything on the idiot box was correct. That wasn't going to go over well. Today he was dealing with his old friend Constantine; still looking 32 years old even after all these years, "Nice to see you still kicking, Johnny."
"Oh, Danny Boy! The pipes the pipes are calling," Constantine sang as he walked into the kitchen at Fentonworks with a bottle of his favorite Glen Elgin. "How's about a drink? I think it's gonna be a long talk, and I always talk better over a drink."
Danny nods with a smile, "You style yourself the king of whiskey, and there's no denying you've always got the good stuff." He waves over to a pair of glasses on the sideboard. "Pour, and have a seat. Better make it 3 Sam should be here in a few minutes, and she'd hate to be left out."
"Righto, Danny Boy!" As he pours a hefty 3 fingers in each glass, neat. "So here's what I've heard down the vine, beyond Bats coming out of retirement. Those Mutants? Their leader isn't just a big muscle man pissed off at the world. Word has it from a couple of good sources that it's Vlad back again, possessing him for... well I haven't quite figured that out yet. Figured you'd want to know and want to help."
"Yeah, we want to know," Sam said from the door. "You better pour another Tucker is behind me with the kid." She smiled, "You know little Maddie and her Uncle King Tuck," she chuckles and grabs a fourth glass as Tucker and the 14 year old girl walked in to everyone looking right at them.
Tucker looked at Johnny, Danny, and Sam and nodded. "Gonna be one of those kinds of talks, isn't it?" to everyone in the room. They nod. Then to little Maddie with a smile, "better skidaddle, short stop, I know you got homework."
Danny nods once Maddie had left the kitchen, "Vlad's back. And he's possessed the leader of the Mutants. Not good for Bruce, not good for anyone really."
Constantine picks up the conversation, "We're not sure what he's up to, but with the league dismantled there's really no one to take this on but us. So suit up you three, we're going to Gotham."
Danny sighed, guess he was going to Gotham. Maybe he should call Fright Knight. Na. That'd just be a mess.
Bruce is 55. This is The Dark Knight Returns timeline. Seriously go read it. Bruce is vicious at this point, and the comic is by Frank Miller. So you get the idea. He could kill Superman, legit straight up with a kryptonite arrow shot by a one armed Ollie Queen.
Robin is Caroline Kelly; she saved Batman in his first fight with the Mutant leader and earned her place as Robin. Athletic and smart, she is an excellent Robin.
Danny & Sam are 29, married, and have a daughter Maddie named after her loving Grandma who passed defending Danny in a fight against Vlad 10 years ago, after a good reveal 15 years ago. Jack is alive, a doting grandpa, and mad inventor for Sam's artillery as she helps Danny fight crime etc. Jack spends a lot of time in the Zone hanging out with Maddie's ghost when he's not helping his son and family.
Danny is King, but leaves the daily running of his realm to Maddie and Clockwork. He's king, that's what stewards are for. 15 years of heroing have done Danny's physique a world of good, not to mention those Jack Fenton metagenes. He's grown and matured, but still has that mischievous streak in his glowing green eyes.
Sam is a little bit like Poison Ivy with a minor connection to The Green. She only has a limited control over plants, but what she can do has she has honed to fighting perfection. Usually it's vines and thorns for attack, wooden barriers as defense. Nothing as elaborate as Pamela or Swamp Thing can pull off, but handy in a fight.
Uncle Tucker is their guy in the chair. Decked out in an armored and armed Specter Speeder with all the communication goodies he and Jack can think of. If things go sideways he can also tap into his past life as Pharoah, and step up for a fight.
No Dick. No Jason. No Tim. No Damian. Dick is not mentioned in DKR it's assumed he took the vigilante deal and fucked off somewhere or id dead, and it was written before Jason, Tim, or Damian were even a thought.
I even tagged this one.
Have a good one.
Hey y'all ive started a new danny phantom and the justice league fanfic so u should go check it out maybe its called vertical limit on ao3

Batman: Urban Legends #15 - “Bound to Our Will V” (2022)
written by Vita Ayala art by Nikola Cizmesija & Nick Filardi

father(Danny) and son(Constantine)
Constantine should be Raven’s Mentor

Maybe I’m a little late to the party because I’m admittedly only a newer fan of Constantine’s, but I honestly love the idea of John and Raven having something of a mentor/apprentice or father figure/daughter type dynamic in future media. Honestly, it’s kind of perfect. Both of them are religious magic users who primarily fight off demons. Raven’s biggest threat is her father, Trigon, who Constantine is straight up not afraid of. They have similar skills and focuses as heroes but are still unique enough in their abilities to not be boring copies of each other. Originally, the Teen Titans were basically the side kicks of the Justice League, and while Constantine isn’t in the main team, he is a part of Justice League Dark. Furthermore, there’s an inherent chemistry as their flaws can work off each other well. Constantine is a self-destructive Anti-Hero who might learn to take better care of himself if he has an apprentice to look after, and Raven is an emotionally repressed antisocial goody-two shoes. Raven is wise enough that she might help John deal with his own emotional baggage while also fostering a healthier lifestyle for John, while his charming nature might help to bring Raven out of her shell, become less afraid of her emotions, and even help her stand up to her father by training her more expressly in fighting demons like him. It’s obviously not perfect. There’s always the chance that his self-destructive behaviors combined with Raven’s tendency to suppress her feelings could result in them both hurting themselves and each other by not communicating, but these characters are edgy and troubled. I wouldn’t expect their dynamic to be cupcakes and rainbows. I would expect personality clashes and hurdles. But in the long run, if there was to be a revamp or new storyline where Raven started studying under Constantine, befriended him, or they fostered something akin to a family relationship, it could be a really neat relationship to explore and watch blossom. Just so long as it remains strictly non-romantic.

The Sandman (2022) II Constantine (2005)
я не вмію малювати але поцілунок Джорнардів то святе.

they are married!!

fuair mé an pictiúr seo...

Chinn mé John Constantine a tharraingt:

John Constantine agus Bernard Black, leannáin 🐈


John Constantine agus Bernard Black, ag damhsa


selfpromoting bc i can
its Bernard and John Constantine (reeves edition)

He dances like Bernard Black having a fit.

"It's probably the only that interests me in performing is this question of identity, and the question of transformation and I'm genuinely moved by the way in which all of us are. Society circumscribes us and we play into this feeling that we have to pick one identity and stick with it, and any natural transformation within our spirit is to be resisted at all costs. And if there is some great shift in one's life one is to feel nothing, but shame and failure. That's the thing I am constantly drawn back to." — Tilda Swinton on highlighting identity and transformation when selecting her film roles. +++ Tilda Swinton as... ... a hippie secret island community leader (The Beach) ... a cryogenics sales manager (Vanilla Sky) ... an androgynous archangel (Constantine) ... a fantasy warrior sorceress queen (The Chronicles Of Narnia) ... an haute bourgeoisie trophy wife (I Am Love) ... a 3,000-year-old hipster vampire (Only Lovers Left Alive) ... a grande dame hotel heiress (The Grand Budapest Hotel) ... a despotic post-apocalyptic prime minister (Snowpiercer)

Tilda Swinton's fierce costume design as the archangel Gabriel from "Constantine".
'Some of the boys are saying we dug a little too deep. We knocked on the door of Hell and now Hell is knocking back.'
- miner (Constantine series, 0102)