Temple Rvb - Tumblr Posts
Biff and Temple capture the flag scene digital art redraw I did, spiced it up a little with some of my stylistic choices
TW: there is going to be gore, if this bother you then scroll on and take care of your eyes :]

The shading on biff's visor is so good for no reason, I loved this dou fr even though they barely had any screen time. Gotta love the biff and temple moments when they were wholesome

so I’ve been posting all of my RvB sketch dumps on my DA but I thought I’d share my shit w/ y’all bc I’m real proud of ‘em lmao
I don’t know how tumblr formatting is gonna butcher the quality but if you can’t read it just open the image in a new tab!
Blue Team is definitely my most favorite ones to draw, and after binge watching the series twice in two weeks I’m honestly??? So Proud?? of Washington??? He goes through so much shit! Likewise with The Church family, they make me so fucking sad man :(!!
I don’t know if any of you know much about Tarot, but I am in the process of drawing an rvb tarot deck and these are my thoughts for which character should be assigned to each of the major arcana cards.
Included in parentheses after the character are some trailers generally associated with that arcana (to my understanding)
Please feel free to let me know in comments/tags if YOU think these fit/what fits better so I can potentially make the deck!
_____________ {arcana below fold} _____________
💙 Fool- Caboose (new beginning, fresh start, risk, a chance, new cycle, originality, fearlessness, travel, innocence, being green, trickster, acting foolish)
❤️ Magician- Tex (talent, skill, power, magic, control, manifest, tools, mastery, willpower, focus)
💙 High priestess- CT (intuition, feminine wisdom, hidden knowledge, secrecy, initiation, receptivity, spirituality, the inner world)
❤️ Empress- Allison (feminine power, abundance, fertility, pregnancy, marriage, creativity, receptivity, pleasure, mothering, nurturing, giving birth)
💙 Emperor- The Director (Order, structure, authority, power, boss, masculine, father, ownership, autonomy)
❤️ Heirophant- Sarge (tradition, structure, teacher, mentor, counselor, religion, dogma, advice, status quo, organization, conformity, rules, church, obedience)
💙 Lovers- Grif and Simmons (romance, partnership, love, choices, duality, opposites, union)
❤️ Chariot- Shiela (triumph, directed willpower, control, direction, movement, progress, vehicle)
💙 Strength- Carolina (strength, inner power, self control, calm, endure, willpower)
❤️ Hermit- Epsilon (inner wisdom, solitude, withdrawal, quiet, teacher or guru, research, seeker)
💙 Wheel of fortune- The Triplets, or the Chorus Rebels??? I can’t decide (luck, change, a turn of events, karma, movement, shift, improvement, fate)
❤️Justice- Doc & O’Malley (fairness, court, justice, balance, weighing options, seeing both sides, consequences, integrity, honesty, truth, law, middle path)
💙 Hanged man- Temple (sacrifice, letting go, faith, suspension, waiting, hang-ups, martyr, illusion, surrender)
❤️ Death- Felix (ending, transition, transformation, release, change, severance)
💙 Temperance- Lopez (moderation, balance, healing, alchemy, middle ground, patience, blending, harmony, guardian angel)
❤️ Devil- Meta/Sigma (bondage, materialism, negativity, slavery, addiction, stuck, jealousy, deviance, excess)
💙 Tower- Kimball (chaos, disruption, tearing down, rebuilding, uncertainty, blow, enlightenment, unexpected change, overthrow, revolution)
❤️ Star- Donut (hope, optimism, healing, balance, spirituality, health, well being, peace, wishes, vulnerability, success, balance)
💙 Moon- Wash (intuition, illusion, deception, darkness, reflection, fear, subconscious, dreams, difficulty, fear, imagination)
❤️ Sun- Tucker (optimism, success, joy, birth, happiness, health, inner child, energy, enthusiasm)
💙 World- Rooster Teeth Founders? Or Blood Gulch? Or RVB kill switch? (completion, ending, success, travel, closure, graduation, Universe, freedom, environment, rebirth)

^^possible link for meaning reference
<<I have individual assignments for nearly all the minor arcana too, but that would be far too long to post here>>