Caboose Rvb - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
So Ive Been Posting All Of My RvB Sketch Dumps On My DA But I Thought Id Share My Shit W/ Yall Bc Im
So Ive Been Posting All Of My RvB Sketch Dumps On My DA But I Thought Id Share My Shit W/ Yall Bc Im
So Ive Been Posting All Of My RvB Sketch Dumps On My DA But I Thought Id Share My Shit W/ Yall Bc Im
So Ive Been Posting All Of My RvB Sketch Dumps On My DA But I Thought Id Share My Shit W/ Yall Bc Im
So Ive Been Posting All Of My RvB Sketch Dumps On My DA But I Thought Id Share My Shit W/ Yall Bc Im
So Ive Been Posting All Of My RvB Sketch Dumps On My DA But I Thought Id Share My Shit W/ Yall Bc Im
So Ive Been Posting All Of My RvB Sketch Dumps On My DA But I Thought Id Share My Shit W/ Yall Bc Im
So Ive Been Posting All Of My RvB Sketch Dumps On My DA But I Thought Id Share My Shit W/ Yall Bc Im
So Ive Been Posting All Of My RvB Sketch Dumps On My DA But I Thought Id Share My Shit W/ Yall Bc Im
So Ive Been Posting All Of My RvB Sketch Dumps On My DA But I Thought Id Share My Shit W/ Yall Bc Im

so I’ve been posting all of my RvB sketch dumps on my DA but I thought I’d share my shit w/ y’all bc I’m real proud of ‘em lmao

I don’t know how tumblr formatting is gonna butcher the quality but if you can’t read it just open the image in a new tab!

Blue Team is definitely my most favorite ones to draw, and after binge watching the series twice in two weeks I’m honestly??? So Proud?? of Washington??? He goes through so much shit! Likewise with The Church family, they make me so fucking sad man :(!!

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2 years ago

also this

Also This

i just want church to be nicer to caboose.

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1 year ago

what if Lopez started speaking english au? anyways, heres like two doodles of ideas for that from 2 months ago

What If Lopez Started Speaking English Au? Anyways, Heres Like Two Doodles Of Ideas For That From 2 Months
What If Lopez Started Speaking English Au? Anyways, Heres Like Two Doodles Of Ideas For That From 2 Months

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11 months ago

Idk what to say cause like. To me, Simmons and Donut are trans. Caboose is genderfluid. Doc is nonbinary. Kai is intersex. And locus is agender


I was thinking about trans hcs in the rvb fandom, tiering the levels of average to bonkers and the popularity of each character being trans in my brain, but i don't know if my opinions are universal

Rb for sample size and, if you feel like it, drop everyone you hc as trans in the tags!

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11 months ago

a humble request for kai and tex cuddlepile if it please thee 🙏

A Humble Request For Kai And Tex Cuddlepile If It Please Thee

i have a feeling this is gonna be a really long image ..

the og badass herself amen !!

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9 months ago
Red Vs. Blue Face Headcanons! Since Y'all Wanted Em Out Before Season 19 Dropped!
Red Vs. Blue Face Headcanons! Since Y'all Wanted Em Out Before Season 19 Dropped!
Red Vs. Blue Face Headcanons! Since Y'all Wanted Em Out Before Season 19 Dropped!
Red Vs. Blue Face Headcanons! Since Y'all Wanted Em Out Before Season 19 Dropped!

Red Vs. Blue face headcanons! Since y'all wanted em out before Season 19 dropped!

In defense of Simmons not being a red haired twink: big buff DnD and science nerd.

Red Vs. Blue Face Headcanons! Since Y'all Wanted Em Out Before Season 19 Dropped!
Red Vs. Blue Face Headcanons! Since Y'all Wanted Em Out Before Season 19 Dropped!

And some extra notes under the cut:

You can take all these with a silly grain of salt, I'm not a long-time RvB fandom frequenter but did like some bits.

Simmons: Dutch-Irish but keeps getting called 'of a Latino persuasion' by Grif. Also funnily uses 'cracker'. (so mixed.) Cybernetics built from the same sort of stuff Lopez is made out of, visibly running down the left of his face, neck, ribcage, and arm. His arm worked the best for Grif because they're around the same height.

Grif: Too lazy to cut much of his hair, but it's necessary when his helmet doesn't properly secure. Also, a beard is beneficial for catching some little save-for-later snacks. Carving started out as a fidgeting task if he somehow couldn't sleep.

Donut: Just barely hits the twunk allegations in comparison as the lankiest out of a group of fat and buff guys, somehow more durable than all of them despite it and is still above average in build. Started really trying to compensate for his image because of his scar, which developed into really being able to love himself.

Sarge: LOVES his sergeant stripes. Don't tell him but his eyes might be blue. He will say they're grey, though. Don't ask about the bullet hole in his head, either. It's not that he doesn't want to talk about it, just that he'll probably go on a rant about Grif.

Church: Rest in piss Jimmy. Church doesn't naturally feel sleepy though, not like he has this body for long. The scar on his neck was smooth enough to not raise any alarm, and a lack of sleep may have hindered his fight-or-flight reflexes while he still lived...

Tucker: A few scars from his alien encounter, a glimmer in his eyes a slight indication of his connection with the blade-key along with the visor changes. Poor guy couldn't grow his hair long because of the helmet.

Caboose: Most head trauma of anyone ever, injuries hidden by his thick curly hair. Sure doesn't keep him down! It may contribute to a loop of him losing teeth and continuing to worry about the tooth fairy being mad at him, though.

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9 months ago

Hello rvbblr, rvb tumblr, the 3 people always liking my posts.

I bring my first ever fanfiction. and its rvb. idk how ao3 works so im just gonna drop it in here and hope thats accceptable.... erm... anyways

Everyone got seperated; the reds and blues were scattered in a pirate stronghold. Their long range comms were down and pirates lurked around every corner trying to hunt the sim troopers down.

Washington had just survived a scuffle, breaking into a run as he heard familiar shouting not too far off. Just around a couple shipping containers, Wash found Caboose standing over a pirate, Freckles' barrel smoking from fresh fire.

The blue caught the solider in the side of his vision and raised the ai-assisted rifle towards him, confetti dispersed from the gun.

"Friendly Signature Detected."

"Agent Washington! Uhm, he was like that when I got here."

Wash pushed the thought of Caboose firing at him away, he was just glad to see a friendly face.

"Caboose! Have you seen anyone else?" Wash asked, jogging up to the larger character.

Caboose looked back down at the pirate he was resting his foot on,

"On our team Caboose."

"Oh! No." Caboose shook his head and moved away from the body, sizing up to Wash.

"Are you doing okay? You hurt anywhere?" Wash started to walk and the other followed closely.

"I'm a little stressed out... and hungry.." he started. "We should find Griff next!"

Wash chuckled and patted Caboose on the back, "Hey Freckles?" The gun chimed in response, "can you find any other friendly contacts?"

"Nearest Friendly Tag is 356m away. Identification: Lavernius Tucker."

"Awesome, Can you guide us to him?" Wash asked. The custom laser sight on the rifle turned on and pointed forward. Caboose stared curiously, turning the gun from side to side, the line remained aimed toward its original path. Caboose gave a coo of amazement.

"Lets get going, the sooner we find the others the better."


Wash and Caboose followed Freckles' guide until they hit a large pond in the cave; they could see the remainder of the pirate stronghold on the otherside, but the water seemed to stretch to the walls, and they couldn't see the bottom. The laser ran true straight across the water.

Washington stopped for a moment to think while Caboose took a couple steps into the pond.

"I saw something over here! It might be those sim troopers!"

A voiced called from not too far away. Wash cursed to himself, a group of red dots were moving towards them on his motion tracker.

"Maybe they know how we can get across!" Caboose cheered, turning around towards the noise and started walking. Wash caught him by the arm,

"Caboose no they're trying to kill us remember?"

"Oh yeah.."

"There's no time, we're just gonna have to go through it." Wash sighed, leading the blue giant back towards the water and stepping in.

"Uhm I can't swim very well.." Caboose started, standing a bit back from Wash.

"We're not swimming, our suits will recycle air for a while, we should just be able to walk along the bottom." Washington informed him. The other man didn't argue, stashed Freckles, and followed along, both of the started to move as fast as they could in half-ton armour in water as the shouting grew louder.

They were fully submerged for a while before Wash started to notice something wrong, he was wet.

"Uh 'boose.... buddy, not to scare you or anything but I think my armour is filling up with water." Wash could feel a cut in his kevlar around his neck. He must have gotten it in that fight earlier.

"Wuh oh.." Caboose had stopped and turned to look at Wash, somehow he had managed to be moving faster than the freelancer. "Should we go back?" There was a tinge of panic in his voice.

"We can't... we just have to move faster, it can't be that much farther now" He tried holding his hand to seal the hole but water still managed to seep through his fingers, the water was hitting his waist now.

Caboose nodded and reached back, grabbing Wash's free hand, and started pulling him along so their treck sped up.

At some point, the weight behind him stalled.

"Agent Washington?"

"It's in my helmet."

Wash couldn't see, but Caboose's eyes widened. He moved closer to Washington,

"Freckles uhm.. how much further?" The blue asked as he began picking up Wash and slinging him over his shoulder without protest.

"Nearest Friendly Tag is 189m away"

Panic was rising in his voice, "okay thank you Freckles!" His speed was considerably lessened with the extra weight but that didn't stop Caboose from making his strides as quick as possible.


Wash had stopped responding about halfway from their predictament. Caboose didn't stop moving until they breached the shore on the other side.

Caboose laid Washington on the ground and unholstered Freckles, laying it behind them.

"Freckles you lookout for bad guys."


Oh crap oh crap oh crap... Caboose's hands shook as his fingers fumbled with the clasps on Wash's helmet and chestplate.

Water poured out as the seals broke, Wash's hair clung to his forehead. His chest laid still.

What do I do what do I do?? Think Michael think!! Caboose tried to remember what Doc had taught them ages ago. CPR CPR...

"First check to see if they're breathing! If they're not then you'll probably have to perform CPR. Since Grif already knows how to do it he'll be my demonstration."

Caboose glanced at the still freelancer, his chest was still, their chest moves when they breath right?

"Remember, you guys are wearing half-ton armour so you won't have to compress as hard as you would if you weren't. You should press down twice per second, there's songs that help but Beyoncé is timeless so we're gonna use Crazy In Love." Caboose positioned himself above Wash, tried to remember the correct hand shape, and hovered above the freelancer's chest. What if I mess up I don't want to kill Wash he's not special like Church is... he won't come back..

He took a deep breath in an attempt to calm his nerves. He started compressing, finding it easier to just count than remember Doc's silly song.

"Every 30 or so compressions try and give rescue breaths! Tilt their head back a little while pinching their nose to open their airway. Then you're gonna blow into their mouth a normal amount just enough so their chest rises; do that twice. If it doesn't rise make sure they don't have anything stuck in their throat. Grif is that gum I see in there?"

Caboose quickly brought his face to Wash's, blood splattered across his visor.

"Haha whoops sorry Washington!" He brought his hands back to unclasp his own helmet and set it to the side; turning back to brush away some of the bloody nose with his hand.

Caboose lingered slightly, he could feel the air around them now, he could also feel the lack of air coming from Wash's mouth. He cradled the back of Wash's neck in his hand, pinched his nose with the other and started his rescue breaths.

He fell into autopilot, repeating the steps in his mind over and over as he did them until a sharp breath came from Washington, as did a mouthful of cave pond water.

Caboose helped him sit up as Wash coughed up his missing breaths; his gaze fixated on the older man's movement.

"Caboose?" The blue's eyes bore into Wash, he seemed terrified. The feeling broke at the sound of his name however.

"Agent Washington you're okay! You should avoid drinking pond water, I don't think it's good for you." There was smeared blood on Caboose's face, Wash dipped his hand into the water and rubbed it against the stain.

"How'd you get blood on you 'Boose? Where's your helmet?" The other blue wore his helmet so often it was rare to see his face, his hair had gotten a bit longer and Wash could see wearing smile lines from his angle.

"Oh uhm! So when we got out of the water you weren't breathing so I tried to give you Cee Pee Arr but I forgot to take my helmet off! So now you have a bloody nose and you shared it with me when I gave you rescuing breaths!" He smiled, reaching beside him to grab his helm and snapped it back on, his second face returned.

Wash rubbed the back of his hand against his face, his helmet was off as well, and his own blood smeared against the glove.

"Holy shit you saved my life Caboose."

"I did?" His head tilted and he perked up again."I did! Oh my god does that mean my team kills go down? Because I saved you?"

Wash chuckled, clasping his breastplate back on and grabbing his helmet.

"Sure it does."

"Oh! You should probably cover that hole in case we have to go swimming again, Church always packed some for me..." Caboose dug around in his utility belt and procured a large patch used for underarmour sealing; he handed it to Wash and watched as the freelancer slapped it against his neck and rubbed it down.

"Geez thanks Caboose, you're really on it today." Wash said as brushed his hair back and locked his helm back in place.

Caboose wiggled from his seated position, paused, and grabbed Freckles before firing behind him.

Confetti dispersed from the rifle.

"Friendly Signature Detected."

"Caboose what the hell?! Did you really just try to shoot me?"

"Hi Tucker!"

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1 year ago

Rvbtober day 22: Caboose’s wisdom!

Rvbtober Day 22: Cabooses Wisdom!

I loved making this one so much, in my head Caboose is info dumping about something and Andersmith is enthralled, hence the notepad so he can remember things later and ask better questions when this inevitably happens again. Also Caboose isn’t actually much older than the cadets so he’s more of a cool older other figure to Andy, man I love drawing happy stuff with Caboose, heals the soul, especially after yesterday’s prompt. See y’all tmrw for a Chex drawing :D

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1 year ago

Update! I DID IT! :D

Update! I DID IT! :D

Fun fact! I haven’t seen sailor moon, so this was me grabbing a reference of all the sailors and then going “these two have similar colour pallets/vibes” and rolling with it, so I hope it turned out okay, I have no reasonable explanation to why their in this scenario except for “I thought it’d be cool and I said so” so hope y’all like it :]

May or may not have decided to draw all of blue team as the sailors from sailor moon... whoops :/

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5 months ago

Pastrytrain fans rise dumb blonde used to go to war...

My first romp in toonboom! Really love it so far.

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