Tenya Lida - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Thank you for 10 notes so here is yandere Iida family 2

Also if you can’t read cursive hear is what i said “Thank you for 10 notes so here is yandere Iida family 2” also I know they don’t show the Iida family

When the drugs wore of you woke in a familiar room. This was one of the rooms you cleaned when you were there maid. With the amount of books it might be Tenya’s room. You tried getting off the bed but a hand stoped you. You looked up and saw Tenya and Ms.Iida standing with food. “Are you ok you have been sleeping for 12 hours” Tenya asked. “I’m fine but where am I” you asked looking around the room. Ms.Iida lowerd thé food she hand. It was a normal Japanese breakfast. You tried to remember what happened yesterday but your memory was foggy. Then you suddenly remembered. ‘‘Where is my boyfriend’’ you screamed. You tried to get out of tenya’s grip but he was to strong. ‘‘Please my love calm down he is not dead’’ he screamed hold in you down. ‘‘ then where is he Tenya’’ you asked still trying to get free’’. ‘‘he is in jail’’ he said. When you finally realized what he said you kicked his chin and ran. You Yan to the bath room and locked the door. You heard Ms.Iida shouting for you to get out of the bathroom. “Dear please come out I promise we won’t hurt you” she yelled. You were scared they’re banging and pounding on the door you felt like they might break it. After a few minutes the banking and yelling stopped. So you popped your head out of the door. You were soon dragged bye strap of your bra and got pushed to a wall. “ where do you think you’re going”  Tensei asked. Great the one person you did not want to meet. He than carried you bridal style back to Tenya’s room were you saw Ms.Iida on the bed like she was gonna cry. You were about to say sorry when Tensei said “save it I think instead of saying you’re sorry show it”. You looked up him confused until he said “ what I mean is give her a hug”. They are much stronger than you so you have no choice. You wanted to believe someone was gonna save you from them but you know that was probably not gonna happen

I’m sorry it’s short

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9 months ago

A little bit of Fairy Dust 01

A Little Bit Of Fairy Dust 01

Umemoto Hiromi is the daughter of Lady Butterfly and Lightshow, both Pro-Heroes. Despite her Quirk, Fairy, not being traditionally powerful, she is determined to prove that she has what it takes to be a successful hero and surpass her parents. A little Self-Insert!

A Little Bit Of Fairy Dust 01

Hello, yes I know I have enough stories I should work on, but I have this sickness called, Make-More-Stories, also I always wanted to be a hero >.<

So here it is, me, living my dream.

Pairings are undecided, but it will be flirty, I love all my babes and they all will get love. 

(Beside Bakugo and Mineta, the bully and perv, get a kick in the behind!)

Enjoy now, this wild ride!

Prologue: The beginning of a fairy tale.

Once upon a time,

exactly 18 years ago,

two heroes met and fell in love.

The woman was known as Lady Butterfly, her Quirk Butterfly.

She had beautiful blue Monarch-Butterfly wings and could fly higher than anyone.

Lady Butterfly was a rescue hero with her whole heart.

The man was known as Lightshow, his Quirk Light Manipulation.

He could form the light as beams to attack or as a shield to protect.

Lightshow was a villain fighting hero with his whole heart.

These two meet, you guessed it, during a big catastrophe created by a villain.

They worked together to save the people and defeat the villain.

The two saw something in each other, something they had searched their whole life for and so they fell in love.

They married and had a child two years into their marriage.

A baby girl.

Lady Butterfly and Lightshow were over the moon for their small wonder.

As all parents, they know their child would be special.

And they lived happily ever after!

Well, this would be it if this was a real fairytale, but it’s not.

The world I live in is more like a comic book.

And it all began in China, in Qingqing City.

There was news that a baby that gave off light was born.

Ever since then, superpowers have been discovered in various places, and time passed without the cause being identified.

Before we knew it, the supernatural became normal, and dreams became reality.

The world has become a superhuman society, and about 80% of the world’s population now has some kind of special trait.

In this world swirling with chaos, the profession that everyone once dreamed about and admired came into the limelight.

 A superhero!

I have the luck as you read to come from two Pro-Hero.

Their Quirks merged and turned me into a fairy.

Yes, like the one in fairytales.

All see my delicate wings, how my Fairy Dust can cure and think I’m some kind of cutesy healer.

But I want to be so much more.

I want to fight!

I want to show what a fairy really can do.

And this, this is the beginning of my journey!

From the Dairy of Umemoto Hiromi also known as Pro-Hero Titania!

A Little Bit Of Fairy Dust 01

Tags :
9 months ago

A little bit of Fairy Dust Index

A Little Bit Of Fairy Dust Index

Umemoto Hiromi is the daughter of Lady Butterfly and Lightshow, both Pro-Heroes. Despite her Quirk, Fairy, not being traditionally powerful, she is determined to prove that she has what it takes to be a successful hero and surpass her parents. A little Self-Insert!


Chapter 01

Chapter 02

Chapter 03

Tags :
9 months ago

A little bit of Fairy Dust 02

A Little Bit Of Fairy Dust 02

Umemoto Hiromi is the daughter of Lady Butterfly and Lightshow, both Pro-Heroes. Despite her Quirk, Fairy, not being traditionally powerful, she is determined to prove that she has what it takes to be a successful hero and surpass her parents. A little Self-Insert!

A Little Bit Of Fairy Dust 02

Chapter 1: Umemoto Hiromi: Origins

"Come on Hiro, we are going to be late!"

"Tenya, we are an hour here earlier than we should be, we can never be late!"

"As the best students of the Somei Private Academy, we must be earlier here for the U.A. Entrance Exam. We would bring shame to our school if we didn't."

"Of course."

"Also we want to both enter U.A. This will show the principal and teachers what trustworthy and punctual heroes-to-be we are!"

"Whatever makes you sleep at night."

Seeming satisfied with her answer Iida Tenya marched on to U.A. High School, while Umemoto Hiromi just deadpanned behind his back.

Tenya was her best friend since kindergarten, but he was sometimes too much with his obedience to rules and his perfectionism.

She liked rules too and followed them, but sometimes you had to rebel a bit.

Not all rules were good, as too much freedom wasn't good either.

It needed a good balance.

Being the only daughter of two Pro-Heroes Hiromi or Hiro, for her friends and family, had often with them philosophic discussions over good, evil and the grey zone.

Her parents tried to raise her free and to be a good person, however, she still had a curfew and other rules to follow.

Like any teenager, she, besides Tenya apparently, fought some rules and rebelled.

Alright, it was a soft rebellion.

Mama and Papa were open with her about why this rule was important, so she didn't feel the need to break it.

Hiro only sometimes stayed out later than her curfew.

For example: maybe the movie she wanted to watch ended after curfew, so yeah then she broke the rule.

It is not like her parents caught her often, being busy with their big Hero Agency and their 50 sidekicks.

If she didn't have Tenya and his family, Hiro would be often alone.

She was thankful to have the Iida's in her life.

Still, did they need to be this earlier at the Entrance Exam?

As Hiro guessed the doors were still closed and they had to wait.

Tenya and her were the first teenagers to arrive.


Her best friend wasted no time and re-read a book about being a good Hero, while she saved some pins on Pinterest about her favourite fictional boys and girls.

She liked to read too, but she didn't think to bring a book along while they waited, so... thirsty over drawings was it.

It was also the only action she ever got, thanks to Tenya the cockblock.

Tenya saw her as his little sister and had this crazy idea to protect her virginity or some similar shit when Hiro just wanted to date someone.

Girl, boy, neither, all, she didn't care!

Yes, she wanted to be a Pro-Hero, but she wanted to experience love too.

Maybe she would find a nice partner here in the U.A.?

But for this, she needed to ace the entrance exam.

Yeah, only one of these two things could happen.

Hiro wasn't that lucky.

Her Quirk was Fairy, not Leprauche.

Not that she needed a pot of gold, however, some Irish luck would be nice.

After one hour they finally could enter the school.

Since they were from the same school, they sat beside each other.

The auditorium filled slowly and a teacher handed out printouts.

On the printout was the information what they would expect to face today.

A writing exam and a mock battle scenario.

Her butterfly wings flutter a bit in excitement.

She couldn't wait to show all how hardcore a fairy was.

Not some cutesy little things!

As the last examines arrived the Pro-Hero Present Mic came to the stage and greeted them.

"For all you examinee listeners tuning in, welcome to my show today! Everybody says “Hey”!"

Present Mic waits for a response but gets none.

"What a refined response. Then I’ll quickly present to you the rundown on the practical exam! Are you ready?! Yeah!"

Again silence.

Hiro even yawned.

That's when she heard a voice mumbling: "It’s the Voice Hero, Present Mic! Wow! I listen to him every week on the radio. I’m so moved! All the teachers at U.A. are pro-heroes!"

Curious about who was talking so loudly to himself Hiro turned around and saw the most adorable boy she had ever seen in her life!

He had spiky green hair, soft green eyes and adorable freckles on his face.

Hiro's heart beat faster.

He was so cute and how he was so excited made him even more adorable.

She wanted to kiss his freckles!

"Hiro!", whispered Tenya. "It's not nice to stare, turn around."

Oh, ups!

Thankful, beside Tenya, no one saw her drolling for Green Cutie.

The girl returned her attention to Present Mic, who explained the mock battle scenario.

It was simple, they would be brought to a fake city district and robots would hunt them down.

With the help of their Quirks, they needed to destroy them and earn points like this.

Any robot has a different value, so be careful when choosing your opponent.

More points meant the robot was also more dangerous.

That's when Tenya raised his arm.

"May I ask a question?"

"Okay!", said Present Mic.

Tenya holds up the printout of the robots and points at a fourth one they hadn't discussed.

"On the printout, there are four types of villains! If that is a misprint, then the U.A., the most prominent school in Japan, should be ashamed of that foolish mistake! We examinees are here in this place because we wish to be moulded into exemplary heroes!"

"Tenya, I'm sure there is a logical explanation for this.", she whisper-shouted to her best friend.

Dear Amaterasu, only him!

However, Tenya didn't hear her and even turned to Green Cutie.

"In addition, you over there with the curly hair!"


"You’ve been muttering this whole time. It’s distracting! If you’re here on a pleasure trip, then you should leave immediately!"

"I’m sorry…"

Nearly everybody started to laugh.

Annoyed Hiro gave Tenya a little slap, he looked at her betrayed, before she turned to Green Cutie and whisper-shouted to him: "Please excuse my best friend. He is practically married to rules and regulations and that makes him a huge pain in the butt sometimes."

Green Cutie blushed so red that he looked like a strawberry now and stuttered something like that it was alright.

Hiro gave him a cute smile, which made him even redder before she turned back to Present Mic.

The Pro-Hero explained how the fourth robot was the biggest and most dangerous, but he gave zero points.

He was there to make their lives difficult.

Nothing more.

Tenya thanked him for the explanation and set back down.

Then with the words Plus-Ultra, and Go Beyond they were dismissed.


Hiro warmed herself well up with stretching as she waited for the mock battle exam to begin.

Sadly Tenya was in another battle zone, they probably didn't want friends and classmates to help each other, so she had to get alone ready.

She warmed up her wings by fluttering with them fast, but not flying.

The red-haired girl heard how some people talked about her and pointed.

"Hey, do you see the little fairy?"

"The red-haired one?"

"Is there another fairy? That's the daughter of Lady Butterfly and Lightshow!"

"What? A daughter of two Pro-Hero? That's unfair!"

"I don't know dude, she is so tiny and cute, can she even fight?"


"Well, one last rival to worry about."

Hiro stopped her stretching and sent this idiot's killer intent that they started to shake.

"What did you say about me?!", she said calmly, cold as ice.

"Nothing, nothing! We are sorry.", they cried like babies.

She stopped her killing intent and gave them a sweet smile.

"Good, I thought I heard something bad about me."

"No, no!"

"Okay, start!", sounded the voice of Present Mic over the speaker around the area.

All were just confused for a second before a guy with blond spiky hair ran into the mock city and an explosion where to be heard.


The Exam has started.

Hiro either didn't waste time and flew into the city.

A robot was waiting for her, however, she shot a light beam from her hands and melted it so.

"Okay, one point. I need more!", she mumbled to herself.

So she started to hunt for robots.

Sometimes she saved the other examinees if they were in trouble, she wasn't an asshole and her parents always said a hero has to help people.

Then when the 10 minutes were nearly up the giant robot turned up.

Hiro wanted to show off.

She wanted to bring him down, but sadly the spiky-haired blond guy with the explosive hands was faster than her and destroyed the thing.

Blinking Hiro flatter in the air.

"I wanted to do this!", she whined.

So much for showing off!


One week later, Hiro found the accepted letter from the U.A. in her mail.

Her parents were at work, so alone she watched on the Hologram how All Might congratulated her on passing the writing exam and how she made fifth place in the battle exam.

The U.A. didn't only count the villain's points, for destroying the robots, but also rescue points, for helping others.

The Hologram turned itself off and Hiro just stared at the TV.

Well, she had made it.

She would go in April to the U.A.

She even managed to make the fifth place.

This was good.

The middle was good.

Just...it would be nice to celebrate with someone...

Maybe her mama or papa were in their office.

Hopeful she called, yet only their secretary picked up.

Like the obedient daughter she was, she told the secretary she had just good news for her parents, but she would wait for them till they returned home.

Signing she rolled herself into a ball and could feel the tears in her eyes.

Was she sure about becoming a Pro-Hero?

Hiro wanted one day a family too.

A husband or wife or partner and at least three kids.

A cute little house with a garden and a cat.

Maybe even a dog.

But, when she was a Pro-Hero she would be like her parents, barely there for her children.

She didn't want them to feel like she felt right now.

Ha! If someone would want to start a family with you, you little freak!

Hiro shook her head to banish this evil voice in her, as her phone sounded with a message.

It was Tenya.

Tenya-Bro: I got in! I got in! And I saw you made fifth place congratulations Hiro!

A smile formed on Hiro's lips.

Count on Tenya to lift her spirits.

She wrote him back.


April came faster than she thought and Hiro was on the way to the U.A.

She wore her new school uniform with black tights and with pride.

Her parents had celebrated big with her for entering the school and making even fifth place.

Papa was also a student from the U.A. once and only had made tenth place.

They were so proud of her!

It had been an amazing day.

A whole day with her parents and doing whatever she liked.

But now she was back in reality.

Her parents are at work and she of to school.

U.A. was beautiful as it was huge.

Hiro know her classroom was 1A, the same as Tenya.

Seemed that both would go forever in the same class.

As she entered the room she saw her best friend squabbling with the spiky-haired blond who took the big robot from her.

"Hey Tenya, what's wrong?", she asked and walked up to them.

The blond gave her a once over and seemed to dismiss her.

Okay, she already hated him, while Tenya explained how he tried to tell their classmate it was not right to put his feet on the table.

Before Hiro could answer the door opened.

"It’s him…", said Tenya.

Like the rest of the students, Hiro turned to the newly arrived.


It was Green Cutie!

He made it too!

Hiro was happy for him.

Also, he looked adorable in the school uniform.

Meanwhile, her best friend stepped towards Green Cutie and declared: "Good morning! My name is Iida Tenya from the --"

"Yeah, I-I know!", interrupted Green Cutie stuttering.

Gosh, he was really so adorable.

"Uhh… I’m Midoriya Izuku. It’s super nice to meet you…"

And he had even a cute name.

Hiro stepped to them, as Tenya said something about Midoriya finding out the true reason for the entrance exam.

Midoriya seemed just lost for words.

"Hi, I'm happy to see you again.", greeted Hiro with the best smile on her red lips.

Izuku blushed up a storm and hid behind his arms as he met again the pretty fairy princess who was nice to him during the entrance exam.

She looks so good in her school uniform...

Not knowing Midoriya's thoughts Hiro gave him her name: "I'm Umemoto Hiromi, but call me Hiro. All do it."

Now everyone was whispering after hearing her name.

"Umemoto? Like Umemoto Hikaru or Lightshow the Prohero?"

"And his wife Umemoto Chou alias Lady Butterfly! I love her!"

"Wow, two Pro-Hero parents, how cool!"

Hiro just deapannend.

Always the same.

Tenya patted her head.

He knows her.

Izuku wondered why pretty Hiro with the beautiful wings, shining red hair and blue eyes like the sky seemed so annoyed now.

That's when a girl's voice shouted: "Hey, I recognize that messed up hair! Falling boy!"

It was the other pretty girl he had met on the entrance exam.

Both girls he found attractive in one class wouldn't be good for his nerves.

"Not that I’m surprised -- that punch was amazing! Take that!", exclaimed Ochaco, not knowing either what Midoriya thought.

Hiro got curious.

"What punch, if you don't mind me asking?"

The brunette girl faced her...and Hiro's brain short-circuited.

Oh no!

She was beautiful!

That's the second attractive person for her in one class!

Was this heaven or hell?!

"Oh the boy is super strong, he demolished one of the big robots with just a punch!", explained Ochaco and had to hide a blush.

The red-haired girl reminded her a bit of Bloom from Winx Club, her first fictional crush.

And now a real-life fairy was before her.

This was so amazing!

But she needed to be cool, so Ochaco blurted happily: "What do you think we’re doing today besides orientation? I wonder what our teachers are like! I can’t wait to meet everybody!"

Hiro couldn't answer the brunette beauty since a hobo in a sleeping bag called them out.

The hobo turned out to be their teacher Aizawa Shota, who told them to change into their gym clothes and meet him at one of the sports fields.

Confused the teenagers did as they were told.

In the locker room, Hiro meets the other girls in her class.

One was invisible and really energetic.

One had short black hair and seemed to be a rocker.

One looked like a cute alien and was super social.

Then there was a beautiful girl, her black hair in a ponytail and her boobs.


Hiro's head slammed formally into the gutter.

Just a tiny squeeze...

No bad hormones!

She gave her libido with an imaginary frying pan a hit.

Then there was Cutie Brunette and a girl who was frog-like, but still super cute!

There were only seven girls?

Talk about gender discrimination.

Anyway, the girls made their way over to the sports field and met up with the boys.

One boy in particular caught Hiro's eyes.

But not in a good way.

He was tiny, had lilac balls as hair and formally drooled over all the girls.

That was a perv, Hiro was sure.

She felt it in her gut.

Aizawa-Sensei stepped to them and told them they would do a Quirk assessment test.

The class repeated it confused and Cutie Brunette even added they would miss orientantion.

Their sensei didn't care and told them life was unfair and he could decide how he taught his class.

He called for a Bakugo, who was the angry blond spikes dude who stole Hiro's robot kill and told him to throw a softball with his quirk.

Bakugo got ready, he even screamed die and the ball flew 705.2 meters.

Now nearly everyone got excited to test out their Quirk, but Aizawa-Sensei stifled this joy by telling them who would be last in the class would be expelled from school.

Oh no!

I have to give my all! You can do it, Hiro!

The first test of eight was a 50-meter dash.

Okay, Hiro could handle it!

She batted her wings as fast as she could and made 4,55 seconds of time.

Not bad.

The second test was Grip Strength. Hiro only managed 50 kilos.

Uurgh, she needed more muscles!

Standing long Jump, the third test, was no problem for her since she gave herself a boost with her wings.

In Repeated Side Steps, she can only help a bit with her wings to be faster, but it is also okay.

The fifth test was a ball throw.

Brunette Cutie managed to hit infinity and Hiro wanted to marry her.

This was such a turn-on!

When it was Hiro's turn she used her light beams to make the ball fly faster.

She got a good 703.3 meter.

When it was Midoriya’s turn all turned into a drama.

Apparently, Midoriya’s Quirk demolished always his bones and Aizawa-Sensei wasn't having it. 

With his own Quirk, he erased Midoriya’s Quirk, outing himself as the eraser hero Eraser-Head.

Aizawa-Sensei gave him one last chance and somehow Midoriya managed to only break his finger.

He was still standing and now Hiro wanted to marry him.

He was so cool

But it could be a problem since Bakugo wanted to kill him and called him Deku.

Anway Aizawa-Sensei prevented Midoriya from homicide and they continued on with the tests.


After they did the rest of the fitness tests it was time for the moment of true.

Who would get expelled?

Hiro hoped for the little perv since Bakugo was way too good with his Quirk to get expelled.

Since Aizawa-Sensei had no interest in explaining to them how the point system worked, so he would show them the classification.

He pressed a button on his smartphone and a hologram appeared.

The classification was like this:

Momo Yaoyorozu

Shoto Todoroki

Katsuki Bakugo

Hiromi Umemoto

Tenya Ida

Fumikage Tokoyami

Mezo Shoji

Mashirao Ojiro

Eijiro Kirishima

Mina Ashido

Ochaco Uraraka

Koji Koda

Tsuyu Asui 

Yuga Aoyama

Hanta Sero

Denki Kaminari

Kyoka Jiro

Toru Hagakure

Minoru Mineta

Izuku Midoriya

Oh, she was fourth, this made Hiro happy, but no, poor Midoriya.

He didn’t deserve to be expelled.

“By the way, I was lying about the expulsion.”, told them Aizawa-Sensei dry.

All the teenagers just stared in disbelief at him.

What the hell?!

Why did he trick them?!

“It was a rational deception to draw out the upper limits of your Quirks.”

“WHAT?!”, shouted Tenya together with Midoriya and Brunette Cutie.

Hiro just made a facepalm in disbelief.

How could she fall for such a trick?!

“Of course, that was a lie.”, agreed Momo with their teacher. “It should have been obvious if you just thought it through.”

Besides Momo no one had thought of it, they all had feared for their future.

Aizawa-Sensei declared the hour for over. 

He advised them to go to their classroom to pick up handouts with the curriculum.

Then he handed Midoriya a note, so he could visit Recory Girl to get healed.

With this class, 1A left the sports field.


"I'm proud of you Tenya.", told him Hiro as they made their way out of the school. "That you want to be friends with Midori after you were so mean to him."

"It's Midoriya, Hiro."

"Midoriya, right! Look he is there."

They both called for Midoriya.

He stopped curious.

“Is your finger healed?”, asked the taller boy.

“Yeah, thanks to Recovery Girl.”, answered Izuku.

The three started walking together.

“I was really taken in by Mr. Aizawa. I even thought, "This is the best of the best" and such.”, told them Tenya. “I didn't think a teacher would encourage us with a lie.”

"I was disappointed in myself that I didn't catch the lie.", lamented Hiro.

Again they heard someone calling for them.

This time it was Brunette Cutie.

“Hey! Guys! Going to the station? Wait for me!”

So they stopped.

Smiling the girl came to a stop before them.

“You're the infinity girl.”, said Tenya.

“I'm Uraraka Ochako. Um, you're Iida Tenya, she is Umemoto Hiromi and you're Midoriya Deku, right?”

Surprised Midoriya shouted Deku? How did she think it was his name?

Her explanation was how Bakugo had called him Deku.

Shy Midorya explained how Kacchan aka. Bakugo used this name to mock him.

“An insult?”, repeated Tenya and Hiro together, while Midoriya nodded.

“Oh, is that right? Sorry!  But "Deku" sounds like the Japanese word for "You can do it!" so I kinda like it.”, told them Uraraka.

Midoriya turned so red that he formally steamed and declared: "I'm Deku!"

This surprised anyone.

Wasn’t Deku an insult?!

Why the sudden change?!

Midoriya mumbled something about a Copernican Revolution.

Uraraka was confused, while Hiro only remembered the Copernican Revolution from school, which meant the paradigm shift from the Ptolemaic model of the heavens, which described the cosmos as having Earth stationary at the center of the universe, to the heliocentric model with the Sun at the center of the Solar System.

So Midoriya turned Deku into another meaning?

Hiro was confused too.

Whatever, in the end, the four teens walked together to the tram and learned about each other.

In her heart, Hiro felt that she had made two super cute new friends and had still her best friend on her side.

She couldn't be happier.

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9 months ago

A little bit of Fairy Dust 03

A Little Bit Of Fairy Dust 03

Umemoto Hiromi is the daughter of Lady Butterfly and Lightshow, both Pro-Heroes. Despite her Quirk, Fairy, not being traditionally powerful, she is determined to prove that she has what it takes to be a successful hero and surpass her parents. A little Self-Insert!

A Little Bit Of Fairy Dust 03

Chapter 2: The Battle Trail

Her second school day at the U.A. started for Hiro and her friends like in any other normal Japanese high school.

With normal subjects like English.

After morning classes, it was time for lunch.

Finally, a chance to socialize and eat.

Hiro wanted to learn more about cute Izuku and pretty Ochaco.

The first thing she learned about Izuku was that he must be a huge hero-fanboy, then as the Pro-Hero Lunch Rush came to their table to check if anything was alright with the food, he nearly fainted.

So cute.

"So I guess you like heroes a a lot, right Izuku?", she mussed, as the Pro-Hereo left them.

He blushed adorably.

"Is it so obvious?"

"Yeah!", told him Ochaco, eating her rice happily.

The poor boy blushed more.

Hiro's wings fluttered a bit.

So cute!

"Having Pro-Heroes parents, I know a lot of Pros. They are kinda like uncles and aunts to me.", told Hiro, taking a sip of her water.

"Truth, your dad is Lightshow and your mom Lady Butterfly!", remembered Ochaco. "I love Lady Butterfly she is an awesome rescue hero and so beautiful like a fairy queen!"

This made Hiro giggle.

"I will tell this to my mama when I see her."

"Hiro.", began Izuku. "Why do you want to become a Pro-Hero?"

This caused Tenya to snort for a second, which made Izuku and Ochaco stare at him in disbelief, while Hiro hit his arm.

"Tenya it's not that funny!"

"Oh, it is Hiro!"

"Aww, now I'm curious !", Ochaco was formally jumping up and down on her seat. "If Tenya laughs it's a good story."

Both who didn't know the story looked at them with wide big sparkling eyes.

Hiro sighed and smacked her head against the table.

"You were there Tenya, you can tell it."

She felt him patting her back, but he didn't have mercy on her.

"Alright, imagine these guys. You and your best friend just turned four. All have their Quirks besides your best friend. Hiro proclaimed her Quirk would be so awesome that's why it took time. Then the next day...a cute little fairy, Hiro here, steps into the kindergarten. You could see how embarrassed she was."

"Oh dear.", laughed Ochaco and even Izuku had to hide a smile.

"Then some guys made fun of her and Hiro turned into fury herself. She jumped them and beat them up, her red hair swinging around, she looked more like a demon than a fairy at this moment."

"No!", shouted Ochaco, while Hiro groaned.

"The teacher called my parents, only my mama could come to clear the situation."

"Hiro didn't see anything wrong with her action and proclaimed loudly she would be the most badass fairy ever and beat up all bad guys when she would be an adult!", added Tenya. "And this in the arms of her fairy mother, who was a known rescue hero. Umemoto-San looked embarrassed."

Ochaco giggled, even little giggles escaped Izuku.

Hiro raised her head from the table and put her head on a hand.

"Yeah, I want to become a Pro-Hero to show this judgmental little shits how strong a fairy can be, also I was raised to help when I could. So it was a no-brainer."

"When you don't turn demon.", called Tenya in.

"When I don't turn demon...hey!", shouted Hiro and hit Tenay playfully over and over on his arm. "I don't turn into a demon when I get angry!"

"Really, you could foul anyone, how your eyes get so dark and your red hair swings around!"

"Guys, guys, stop!", laughed Ochaco loud and wiped away tears. "I can't anymore."

"I think it was a cute story.", admitted Izuku with red cheeks.

"You are my new best friend Izuku!", told Hiro and took his hand.

The poor boy blushed crimson red and thought: "A girl is touching my hand!".

"Hiro don't be like that."

"No, you are out Tenya."

"Oh god my stomach!"

"Come on, it's a funny story."

"For you all, for me it's embarrassing."

"I don't know, beating up all these mean kids sounds cool!"

"Thanks Ochaco!"

"Erm Hiro.", whispered Tenya quietly to her. "I think you should let go of Izuku's hand, he is an alarming shade of red."

Surprised Hiro checked Izuku and yeah, Tenya was right.

Doing so as if it was nothing she let go of his hand and continued to eat.

Well, at last, she learned one thing.

Izuku was at least attracted to her!


Now just to check with Ochaco.


It was finally afternoon which meant: Hero Basic Training!

“I am...coming through the door like a normal person.”, shouted THE All Might in greeting as he entered the classroom.

Everybody got excited seeing the number one hero.

"It's All Might!", shouted Denki.

"Wow, he really is a teacher!", celebrated Kirishima.

"That's a costume from the Silver Age, isn't it?", wondered Tsuyu.

"Its style is so different, it's giving me goosebumps.", admitted Ojiro.

“I teach Hero Basic Training.”, explained the Number One Pro Hero turned teacher. “It is a subject where you train in different ways to learn the basics of being a hero. You'll take most units of this subject! Let's get right into it! This is what we'll do today— Combat training!”

Hiro clapped her hands in excitement. She couldn't wait to show all her cool moves!

"And to go with that are these!", proclaimed All Might.

He had a little remote control and pushed a button on it.

Out of one of the walls, shelves with numbered metal suitcases popped out.

"Costumes made based on your Quirk registrations and requests you sent in before school started. After you change, gather in Ground Beta!"

"Yes, sir!", chorused the whole class together.

Hiro couldn't wait for her costume.

She had taken inspiration from the old Winx Club cartoon and hoped it would look so good as she had imaged it in her head.

After Class 1-A dons their hero costumes, they assemble at Ground Beta to participate in the Trial of Battle.

All Might tell them: “They say the clothes make the man, young men and ladies. Be fully aware...From now on…you are heroes!”

All young heroes-to-be posed cool before their teacher.

"That's great, everyone. You all look cool! Now, shall we begin, you zygotes?”

All shouted a yes.

That’s when Izuku turned up and…why did he look like a bunny?

Ochaco said to him he looked really down to earth, in contrast to her who got a skintight suit.

Well, Izuku certainly liked what he saw, since he was holding nose blood in.

"I think you both look great.", called Hiro.

Izuku and Ochaco turned to their friend...and now both were blushing and, jep there was blood out of Izuku's nose.

Hiro was wearing a short white-silver glittering jumpsuit with a long right sleeve that widened towards her hand. 

Her left arm was bare, aside from a black arm bracelet and a black fingerless glove. 

She also wore high-heeled boots in the same colour as the jumpsuit. 

Hiro's hair was styled, and with her already pretty fairy wings, she looked like a vision.

She was gorgeous!

"You look like Winx!", gasped Ochaco with red cheeks. "No even better, isn't it right Deku?"

From him came only a fast nod.

Cutely Hiro posed, the hearts of Ochaco and Izuku nearly jumped out of their chest, and thanked them.

Then the little pervert, Mineta was his name if Hiro remembers correctly just gave a thumbs up and said how the hero course was the best.

This got Izuku and Ochaco out of their admiration, while Hiro discreetly kicked the little perv away.

All Might called for attention.

He explained that the class would be divided into ten teams, with half being heroes and half being villains.

The villains' goal is to protect a nuclear weapon that they plan to deploy, and the heroes' objective is to stop their plan.

If the heroes manage to capture the villains or reach the nuclear core before time runs out, they win.

On the other hand, if the villains can hold onto the nuclear core for the entire duration or capture the heroes, they win.

The teams would be randomly selected by drawing lots, as in real life, heroes often have to collaborate with other heroes whom they may not know well.

After anyone drew, the teams were clear.

Izuku was with Ochaco.

Hiro felt sorry for poor Tenya who was with Bakugo in a team.

This Bakugo seemed like a grand asshole.

Her teammate was the tall shy boy Koda Koji.

Mmh, she didn’t know what Quirk he had, she hadn’t paid attention yesterday, so she asked him what he could do.

Silent and shyly, oh he was adorable, he explained his Quirk.

Its name was Anivoice which allows the user to communicate with and command animals through speech.

“Alright, my Quirk is Fairy, I can fly and shoot light beams out of my hands. I can use the light also as a shield, but my most special move is my Fairy Dust. It's a fine powder my wings produce which can cure wounds and even illness, only I can heal other people with it, healing myself doesn't work. We shall see if we will be heroes or villains and then come up with a strategy to use our Quirks together.”

The big shy boy nodded.

Aww, he was like a big teddy bear.

Such a cutie.

The teams were drawn by lots, and All Might announced that Team A (Izuku & Ochaco) would face Team D (Bakugo & Tenya).

It's interesting to see her friends pitted against each other and with a difficult teammate in the mix.

Since she doesn't want to play favourite she gives her three friends just a thumbs up and follows the other to the monitor room, where they could watch, but not hear what happened.

Five minutes passed, and Team A entered the building.

Before getting too far, Bakugo attacked them.

His sneak attack only managed to damage half of Izuku's mask; the latter was able to evade while saving Ochaco.

“A surprise attack from the start?”, said Momo.

“Bakugou, that's cheating!”, shouted Kirishima. “A surprise attack isn't manly at all!”

“A surprise attack is a strategy, too.”, corrected them All Might. “They're in the middle of a real battle right now.”

“Midoriya avoided it!”, praised Mina.

“There goes Bakugo!”, warned Denki, like Izuku and Ochaco could hear him.

Bakugo wants to hit Izuku with his right fist, however, Izuku does a perfect Judo-Throw and Bakugo is on the floor.

Izuku says something to the ground laying Bakugo, he seems to shout and declare something.

Then Bakugo gets up again.

He activated his Quirk and shouted at Izuku back.

The hero team of Izuku and Uraraka emerged victorious in the end.

It was an intense battle, with Izuku being knocked out and brought to Recovery Girl.

Ochaco also fainted during the fight.

The hero team won, but Fumikage remarked that they had won the battle, not the war.

All Might then gathered the three remaining participants for a post-exercise review to assess everyone's performance.

“Well, even if I say that the MVP for this battle was young Iida!”, told them All Might.

Almost everyone was surprised by this.

“It's not either of the winners, Ochaco or Midoriya?”, asked Tsuyu a loud.

“Hmm, well...Why is that? Does anyone know?!”, asked All Might.

It was Momo who raised her hand.

“Yes, Mr. All Might. That is because Iida adapted the most to the context of the training. From watching the match, it appears Bakugou acted on his own because of an obviously personal grudge. And as Mr. All Might said earlier it is foolish to launch a large-scale attack indoors. In the same way, taking into consideration the damage he received Midoriya's plan was also rash. As for Uraraka, she let her guard down mid-battle and her final attack was too reckless. If she treated the papier-mache as a real weapon she would not have been able to do something so dangerous. Iida had prepared for his opponent's arrival and assumed it would be a fight over the weapon which made him late in responding to the final attack. The hero team only won because they took advantage of the fact that this was training. They were practically breaking the rules.”

Everyone, including All Might, was astonished by Momo's precise and well-thought-out explanation.

“W-Well, young Iida also has parts of him that could be more relaxed but well that was correct!”, confirmed All Might with a thumbs up.

“We should always start with the basics to develop depth of learning. We must strive to devote ourselves wholeheartedly.”, lectured Momo everyone. “Otherwise, we cannot become top heroes.”

Hiro had formally heart eyes.

Momo wasn't only beautiful, but also smart.

What a turn-on!

In the next battle, the hero team consisting of Shoto and Mezo faces off against the villain team comprising Mashirao and Toru.

The battle takes place in a different building.

Shoto instructs Mezo to step outside, then freezes the building and heats up the floor, immobilizing Mashirao and Toru.

Finally, Shoto casually touches the core, leading to victory for him and Mezo.

Okay, Shoto was so hot!

Why has Hiro only hot people in her class?

How should she decide who to pursue if anyone was so amazing?!

The next battles continued till it was time for Hiro and Koji.

All Might draws Hiro and Koji as the villains and Aoyama, the French and Mina, the alien-looking girl, as heroes.

Okay, this was nothing they couldn’t handle.

Hiro was sure they were strong enough to beat them.

She asked Koji to have some of his animal friends act as scouts, so they would know where the heroes were.

Aoyama and Mina didn't know that pigeons were watching their every move and reporting back to Koji and Hiro.

Hiro then decided to launch a surprise attack.

Koji would protect the bomb, while she tried to take out at least one of the heroes.

Thanks to the pigeons, she knew where they were.

Silently, she followed behind them, and when Mina stopped to check something, she swooped down like a vulture and caught her off guard with tape.

Mina protested, which made Aoyama take note of Hiro.

He shot his navel laser, but she created a light shield.

Then she body-slammed Aoyama with all her might and used tape to restrain him as well.

All Might declared Team Villain as the winner.

After reviewing how Hiro and Koji effectively used their Quirks together, the battle trial was over.

They all left the Monitor Room.

On the ingress of Ground Beta All Might told them: “Good work everyone! We didn't have any major injuries other than young Midoriya, either! You guys took this one seriously! You all did a good job for your first training!”

“To have such a proper class after Mr. Aizawa's class.”, began Tsuyu “It's kind of anticlimactic…”

Nearly every one of the students nodded in agreement.

“We're free to have proper classes, as well! Well then, I must review the results with young Midoriya! Change and return...to the classroom!”

And with that, All Might run away.

All wonder why he suddenly left them so fast.

Whatever they made their way over to the locker rooms, to change back and then return to their classroom.


Amused Hiro watched how Tenya tried to get Tokoyami down from one of the school tables as she heard a commotion around the door.

It was Izuku and nearly the whole class congratulated him on being so awesome.

His eyes found hers and she smiled at him, which made him blush.

Then Hiro turned back to Tenya, as Kyoka told him it was nothing if Tokoyami sat on the table and Ojiro added why Tenya made his hands chomps.

"You people...", growled Tenya. "I cannot condone actions that disrespect the desks the great men and women who are our upperclassmen once used!"

"You're too loud.", deadpanned Tokoyami.

Hiro lay a hand on Tenya's shoulder and told him drily: "You honouring our upperclassman is nice, but it's not like Tokoyami sits on the Holy Grail or something."

"Hiro on which side or you on?"

"On the normal side."

This made all laugh.

That's when Ochaco and Denki returned with their books. As Ochaco saw Izuku she ran over to him, asking him why he was not completely healed.

He explained how Recovery Girl told him it was because of his stamina, and then he noted that Bakugo wasn't there anymore.

"He left super pissed off.", called Hiro over. "He seems ready to kick someone's ass."

Why this makes Izuku take his belongings and race after Bakugo no one knows.

They could only speculate.

Well, another eventful day for class 1A ended.

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8 months ago

A little bit of Fairy Dust 04

A Little Bit Of Fairy Dust 04

Umemoto Hiromi is the daughter of Lady Butterfly and Lightshow, both Pro-Heroes. Despite her Quirk, Fairy, not being traditionally powerful, she is determined to prove that she has what it takes to be a successful hero and surpass her parents. A little Self-Insert!

Chapter 03: Class Representative and the USJ

Hiro wished she had a bucket of popcorn with her!

Seeing Tenya annoy these vultures of reporters with his praises over All Might was just entertaining!

She giggled behind her hand, seeing how death inside the reporters looked and Tenya just continued on.



Then Tenya realized they would be late for class, excused himself by the reporters, who looked glad and took Hiro by the arm to walk to their classroom.

Aww, it was just getting interesting!


“Good work on yesterday's combat training.”, praised Aizawa-Sensei during homeroom hour them. “I saw the video and results. Bakugo. You're talented, so don't act like a kid.”

“I know.”, grumbled the blond.

"And Midoriya...", turned their teacher to the Green Cutie. "You settled it by breaking your arm again, huh? You can't keep saying you can't help it because you can't control your Quirk. I don't like saying the same thing over and over. As long as you fix the control issue, there's a lot you'll be able to do. Feel a sense of urgency, Midoriya."

"Yes, sir!", shouted Izuku passionately.

Hiro had to hide a dreamy sign.

Izuku was so inspiring!

“Now let's get down to homeroom business. Sorry about the late notice, but today, I'll have you…”

Anyone thought: ...take another special test?!

“Decide on a class representative.”

It's actually a normal school activity!

Now all shouted all over each other since they wanted the job, Hiro even so much, that her wings fluttered fast and made her levitate over the ground.

In a normal class, it's about taking on daily duties, so this wouldn't happen.

In a normal class, students might feel like they're just taking on daily duties, and this wouldn't happen.

But here in the hero course, it's a role that allows one to practice being a top hero by leading a group.

Her parents had told Hiro this, both being class-respective in their hero schools.

She felt like she had to carry on the family legacy.

That's when Tenya called loudly over all the voices: “Silence, please! It is a job with the serious responsibility of leading others! It is not a job for just anyone who wants to do it! It is a calling that requires the trust of those around you! If we want to use democracy to decide on a true leader then we should hold an election to choose one!”

All this Tenya said as his arm was raised the highest.

All called him out on this.

“Why did you suggest that?”, asked Denki.

“We haven't known each other for that long, so how can we have trust or anything?”, reminds Tsuyu.

“If that's the case, and everyone votes for themselves…”, says Kirishima.

“Don't you think that is precisely why whoever receives multiple votes here can be truly considered the most suitable person?!”, disagreed Tenya. “What do you think, Aizawa-Sensei?”

Their teacher didn’t care, took his sleeping bag out and got in.

For Aizawa-Sensei it was only important that they finished before homeroom class.

And so they voted.

“I got three votes?!”, shouted Izuku surprised.

Bakugo didn’t like this.

“Why Deku?! Who voted for him?!”

Dry Sero told him it was better than voting for him, while Bakugo got angrier.

Hiro saw how Uraraka was whistling an innocent tune.

Ah, so she was one of the votes for Izuku.

Well, if she hadn't voted for herself, then Hiro would have given her vote to Izuku or Tenya.

Speaking of Tenya he was all doom and gloom about how he didn't get any votes.

Anyway, how he reacted showed how much he wanted the job and all wondered why he gave his vote to someone else.

Aizawa-Sensei called Izuku and Momo to the front of the classroom.

Izuku was sweating from nerves and Momo was cool as a cucumber.

“Then, the class rep is Midoriya, and the deputy class rep will be Yaoyorozu.”, proclaimed Aizawa-Sensei before he lay down again on the ground.

Even if Izuku was in disbelief that he got the job, most of the class seemed happy with him and Momo.


Finally, it was lunchtime!

“There are a lot of people today, too!”, mussed Uraraka, as the four friends sat down to eat.

“That's because everyone in the hero course, support course, and management course meets in the same place.”, explained Tenya.

After they wished each other to enjoy their meal they dug in.

“The rice is so delicious!”, signed Uraraka dreamly.

Hiro nodded in agreement slupring her Ramen Noodles down.

“Even though I've been chosen as class rep, I don't know if I'm qualified for it.”, told Izuku them his worries.

“You are.”, said Uraraka.

"I'm with Ochaco.", agreed Hiro. "You are more amazing than you think Izuku!"

This made the boy blush cutely.

Aww, Hiro wanted to kiss his cheeks!

“It'll be fine.”, reassured Tenya Izuku. “Your courage and judgment at critical moments make you worth following. That is why I voted for you.”

Flabbergasted Izuku shouted: “It was you?!”

“But didn't you want to be class rep, too, Iida?”, asked Ochaco. “I mean, you have got glasses and everything.”

“What have glasses to do with this? I have them too and the only vote I got was from myself.”, said Hiro amused.

"Well you know, people with glasses are smart and responsible!", answers Ochaco.

"And you are a cutie pie!"

Cutely Ochaco hides behind her hands.

"Aww, stop it, Hiro!"

“Wanting to do it and being suitable for it are different issues.", directed Tenya their conversation back to the former topic. "I merely did what I judged to be correct.”

“I've been thinking...Are you a rich boy, Iida?”, asked Ochaco, what she and Izuku wanted to know.

“Rich—! I tried to change how I talked because I didn't want to be called that. Yes, my family has been heroes for generations. I'm the second son.”

The two were flashed by this revelation.

"Ah you know now it makes sense, why you and Hiro are best friends. Her parents are successful Pro-Heroes too.", mussed Ochaco.

Izuku nodded in agreement, while Hiro laughed sheepishly.

Will it was kind of true.

“Do you know the Turbo Hero, Ingenium?”, questioned Tenya.

Of course, local hero-fan, Izuku know him, saying how he's a really popular hero who has sidekicks working at his Tokyo agency.

Proud Tenya declared how this was his older brother.

He told them because of his brother, who honours the rules and leads people, he wants to become a superhero.

However, he feels he still isn’t ready to lead people, not like Izuku surely could.

“This might be the first time I've seen you smile, Iida.”, said Uraraka.

“What, really? I smile!”

"Yeah, but so rare, we should check if pigs didn't start to fly!", joked Hiro.

For that, Tenya dishevelled her red hair like a big brother, while Hiro made a raspberry.

Suddenly a loud alarm sounded.

“There has been a Level 3 security breach.”, informed a female voice. “All students please evacuate outdoors promptly.”

Not knowing what Level 3 meant Tenya asked one of the older students.

It meant someone was trespassing on school grounds!

So our four heroes-to-be followed after the other students, who fled the cafeteria.

Sadly since all were so fearful, they created a mass of shoving and pushing limps.

Hiro had lost her friends and had to push away people, so they didn't harm her delicate wings.


It was like battling against a tidal wave!

Out of nowhere, she saw Tenya in the air and he used his Quirk Engine to boost him to the Exit.

He stood at the door and yelled loudly and clearly: “Everyone, everything is fine! It is just the media! There is nothing to panic about! Everything is fine! This is U.A.! Let us act in a way befitting the best of the best!”

Finally, everybody calmed down.

They saw also how the police arrived and took the reports away.


Good riddance!

After they returned to their classroom for their next school hour, it was time to decide on the other class officers, however, Izuku surprised anyone.

He told how Tenya, who in a crisis managed to calm everyone down and lead, should be the class rep and not him.

Tenya was unsure, but the class motivated him to take the job.

So Tenya became class rep and Momo stayed deputy.


Afternoon class started, which meant of course Hero Basic Training!

“For today's hero basic training, it's turned into a class with three instructors, All Might and me, and one more person.”, explained Aizawa-Sensei their class.

All were surprised.

Sero even raised his hand and asked: “Excuse me! What will we be doing?”

“Disasters, shipwrecks, and everything in between. It's rescue training.”

Everyone talked about how excited they were for it, how good they would do and similar things.

Aizawa-Sensei called for order and told them for this training they could wear whatever they wanted even their hero suits.

Then how they would take the bus to drive to the location.

With this, the teens all took their costumes, got changed in the locker rooms and then walked to the bus, which was waiting for them.

Tenya made his job as class rep all honour, with a whistle and a plan to board the bus.

Sadly his plan was nought since it was a bus that faced seat to seat.

“I didn't think it'd be this type of bus...!”, lamented Tenya.

“There was no point, huh?”, agreed Mina.

"Ah, you will get another chance Tenya.", reassured him Hiro.

She was quite happy sitting beside Izuku.

Been so close she could smell his jasmine and sandalwood smell.

It was really nice!

“I say whatever comes to mind Midoriya.”, turned Tsuyu to him.

Izuku blushed a bit and answered: “Um, yes, Asui?!”

“Call me "Tsu."”


“Your Quirk is like All Might's.”

“Huh?! Y-Y-You think so?”

Why did he react so in panic?

“Wait a sec, Tsu, All Might doesn't get hurt when he uses his.", reminded Eijiro. "They just kind of look the same.”

Izuku let out a relieved breath, while Hiro wondered what was up with that, as Eijiro continued: "But it's nice to have a simple augmenting-type Quirk. You can do lots of flashy stuff! My Hardening's strong against others, but unfortunately, it doesn't look like much.”

“I think it's really cool! It's a Quirk that can definitely pass as a pro!”, encouraged Izuku.

“A pro's, huh? But you have to think about popularity as a hero, too, you know.”

It was like Aoyama had waited for a moment to hype himself up: “My Navel Laser is pro-level in both flashiness and strength.”

Only for Mina to bring him down to earth to remind him how he gets always a stomach ache.

“Well, if you're talking about flashy and strong, it's gotta be Todoroki and Bakugou, though, huh?”, mussed Eijiro.

"Bakugou's always mad, so he doesn't seem like he'll be popular, though.", pointed Tsu out.

"What the hell! You wanna fight!", shouted Bakugo, jumping up from his seat.


"We haven't known each other that long, so it's amazing that everyone already knows his personality is crap steeped in sewage.", added Denki.

This made Katsuki even angrier.

"What's with that vocabulary, bastard?! I'll kill you!"

Hiro stared confused at how Izuku was covering in his seat and shaking, while the other still roasted Katsuki.

"Izuku, are you all right?", asked Hiro laying a hand on his shoulder.

A girl...is touching my shoulder?!

"Y-Yeah, Hiro, I-I'm o-okay!"

Confused Hiro just blinked.

Being okay was something different in her book.

It was then that Aizawa-Sensei informed them they had reached their destination and warned them to act respectfully.

They enter the enormous building where another Pro-Hero waits for them.

“Everyone, I have been waiting for you.”

“It's the Space Hero, Thirteen!”, fanboyed Izuku. “The gentlemanly hero who has rescued tons of people from disasters!”

“Oh, I love Thirteen!”, told Uraraka.

“Let's go inside without delay.”

In Aww, the teens saw so many different big locations, a shipwreck, a landslide, a fire, a windstorm and other situations which demonstrated a rescue.

It reminds them all of the Universel Studios Japan.

“It is a training ground that I made with different types of accidents and disasters. It's called the "Unforeseen Simulation Joint," or "USJ" for short!”, said Thirteen.

It really is USJ.

Aizawa-Sensei asked Thirteen where All Might was.

They whispered a bit with each other before their teacher turned annoyed with them and told them they would start the lesson without All Might.

Then Thirteen took over: “Before we begin, let me say one thing, or two...three... four... five... six... seven…”

It's increasing...!

“Everyone, I am sure you are aware of my Quirk, Black Hole. I can suck up anything and turn it to dust.”

“You have been able to use that Quirk to save people from all kinds of disasters, right?”, said Izuku.

Thirteen agreed but told them how his power could easily kill. He bet a lot of them had similar powers. With Aizawa, they learned their borders, and with All Might how to fight against other humans, now they would learn to use their Quirks to save people.

Out of nowhere the lights flickered and got out.

On the water fountain formed a black-purple vortex.

Out of it looked someone who had a severed hand on his face.

What the…?!

“Gather together and don't move!”, commanded Aizawa-Sensei. “Thirteen, protect the students!”

Out of the vortex stepped the strange guy with the hand on his face and a lot of other people.

Kirishima wondered if this was like the entrance exam.

Aizawa-Sensei disagreed: “Those are villains.”

All the young heroes-to-be gasped in shock.

Oh no, what would happen now?!

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2 years ago

Incorrect Quote #2

Generated by @scatterpatter

Kirishima: Bakugou and I were crossing the street, and this dude drove by and honked at us.

Iida: *Sighing* What did Bakugou do?

Kirishima: He chased him to the next red light, then reached into his window and...

Bakugou: Who wants a steering wheel?

Incorrect Quotes Generator
Incorrect Quote #2

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7 years ago
Winter Fashion Trio!!! Everyones Favorite Model Boys!! Im A Sucker For Black Leggings And Shorts!!

Winter fashion trio!!! Everyone’s favorite model boys!! I’m a sucker for black leggings and shorts!!👏 

[Do not repost / edit / redistribute / etc]

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3 years ago

Finished request for @princeasimdiya12 ! I hope you like it! Thank you for your patience 💜

Fairytale AU with Iida, Uraraka, and Izuku from MHA. Izuku as Aladdin, Uraraka as Cinderella, and Iida as Perseus. Uraraka distracts Iida while Izuku swipes some apples! 🍎

Finished Request For @princeasimdiya12 ! I Hope You Like It! Thank You For Your Patience

(If you made a request or sent me an Ask, and I haven’t finished it yet, it’s not because I’m ignoring you, I just have a lot to do and I will finish requests/Asks when I can 👍)

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5 years ago
fineapple20 - Fanya


He deserves all the love on this planet!!

♡♡♡(*´∀` *)♡♡♡

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6 years ago
Tenya Iida Drawing

Tenya Iida drawing

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5 years ago

don’t ask why but i have a headcannon that Tenya Iida from my hero academia is actually well spoken/fluent in english because during english class he would actually study and practice

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3 years ago

Also just saw today’s episode.

A brilliant reminder of why Tenya Iida is an awesome character that needs more love.

Also Just Saw Todays Episode.
Also Just Saw Todays Episode.
Also Just Saw Todays Episode.

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3 years ago

Wanted to try giving my take on characters, so decided to start with one of my faves!

Tokoyami and Dark Shadow Headcannons

Will forewarn, these will be full of fluff hcs, no angst (nothing against it, I’m just not good at coming up with it :p) Also, this might be word vomit lengthy, so another sorry in advance!

First, Tokoyami!

Goth styles he favors in particular: casual, Victorian, medieval, vampire and steampunk

He is not fluent, but know a good amount of English. He figured learning a second language could be beneficial as a hero.

He attributes his desire to become a hero to The Hidden Arts Hero, Dark Crystal. During a low point in his life, he happened upon a video involving Dark Crystal and was shook. This was the first time he had seen a person with darkness powers that wasn’t a villain! After seeing more and more videos and an interview with him, Tokoyami decided that he would strive to be a hero as well. He would strive to be an inspiration to those who could either have more of an animal appearance than a lot of society or for people who were ‘blessed by the void’ (have dark powered quirks).

Before moving into the dorms, he lived with his father, who is a pilot. His father does love him and shows it, but he is away a lot of the time, so Tokoyami had to learn to be self-sufficient.

The skulls in his dorm were passed down by a relative that was a Wiccan. He learned all about them and tried to incorporate some of their beliefs.

Has a small hand-made shrine to honor the actual god Tsukoyomi in his dorm. After taking up the name, he made it and vowed to bring honor to the moon god. If he performed well today, he gives thanks for receiving his blessing. If not, he asks for forgiveness and hopes to improve. Only a few people know about this. (Shoji, Koda, Midoriya, Asui)

At a young age, being compared constantly to a tengu, rather than hate it, he learned about them, which also got him to be fascinated with mythical creatures. Now, Tokoyami is the ‘Deku’ of mythical creatures, even having his own notebook filled with facts and speculations about them. Only Midoriya knows this.

Of all the teachers, Tokoyami relates and has the best relationship with Ectoplasm. He’s not crazy about the subject Ectoplasm teaches, but they share a lot of beliefs in common. Not to mention the fact that despite his intimidating appearance, Tokoyami can see how much Ectoplasm cares about the students and his fellow teachers.

As villains, Iida and Tokoyami are formidable since they have both speed and power on their side. However, both of them tend to get so wrapped in the roles, they both come across as overdramatic. Nobody has the heart to tell them that because they always look forward to seeing the two of them unintentionally act so extra.

At least once a month, Tokoyami, Koda, Asui and Ibara from 1-B go on a nature walk. Others join from time to time, but it is primarily the four of them.

Tokoyami and Yaoyorozu are book buddies. With a majority of the class not really into books and literature, they were happy that they found someone they could sit and simply appreciate a good story with.

Tokoyami once came across Uraraka stargazing coming back from training with Hawks. What they both thought might be a one time experience slowly ended up being a personal thing between the two of them when there’s a full starry night or a full moon.

Despite his strict attitude towards him, he loves Dark Shadow like a brother.

Now, Dark Shadow HCs!

Any family moniker or title Tokoyami uses on a person( Father, Grandma, etc.), Dark Shadow calls them that too. No one seems to object to it.

Father passed the bird aspects on, as well as his quirk, which is turning the feathers on his arms into a shield. Thus, Dark Shadow acts manly as a shield for Tokoyami a lot of the time. While one of the few things he knows about Tokyo’s mother is she had a sentient shadow quirk. ( Think Dr. Facilier from Princess and the Frog)

Because of his obvious avian appearance, it was easy for people to forget he was a sentient quirk/spirit/being of darkness and not an animal. Thus, when students offer him bugs, bird seed or shiny objects, he’s completely confused. When Koda explains why they are doing it, he asks them to stop.

He only has one similar trait to birds. Ravens specifically. Given enough time, he can mimic anyone perfectly. Boy or girl, young adult or old adult, he can copy them perfectly. When he’s bored, he does this to confuse students and it amuses him to no end.

He also DOES like head pats.

Does. NOT. Like. Bakugou. AT ALL. Not only did he make Tokoyami and him look like chumps in the Sports Festival, he constantly screams and berates Tokoyami and the other classmates. Tokoyami tries to remain civil towards Bakugou when he can, but DS won’t give him the time of day unless it’s to berate him or to stand up for someone. Thinks he’s too arrogant and mean to be a hero.

Developed a crush soft spot for Uraraka after Sports Festival. Not only does she (in his opinion) give the best head pats out of everyone, she was the first to treat him like an equal individual. (Aside from Tokoyami)

While he loves ratting Tokoyami out when he’s not being forthright with his emotions, he’s steadfast loyal when it comes to super personal stuff.

Despite being a little shit to him sometimes, he loves Tokoyami like a brother.

That’s all I can think of now. Feel free to let me know if this is just fine or if it’s too lengthy and how to improve! I do wish to do more of these in the future! Thank you for taking the time to read my own thoughts!

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3 years ago


After this, I will probably filter so I stop seeing spoilers of the manga. I do want to watch strictly the anime and be surprised by things again.

But after getting just a whiff of what is in the next chapter, I only have one thing to say.

What a glorious day to be a fan of Tenya Iida.

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3 years ago
Deku Attempts To Make A Cake For Dad Might's Birthday
Deku Attempts To Make A Cake For Dad Might's Birthday
Deku Attempts To Make A Cake For Dad Might's Birthday
Deku Attempts To Make A Cake For Dad Might's Birthday
Deku Attempts To Make A Cake For Dad Might's Birthday
Deku Attempts To Make A Cake For Dad Might's Birthday
Deku Attempts To Make A Cake For Dad Might's Birthday

Deku attempts to make a cake for Dad Might's birthday

Emphasis on attempt

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3 years ago

Holiday moments with some of my favorite BNHA rare pairs

DekuToru (Izuku Midoriya x Toru Hagakure)

After being dancers in school festival, Toru and Izuku come up with a little dance to perform in front children and their families. With Toru’s quirk, she’s able to make normal Christmas lights “dance” to the music. Songs they perform include Wizards in Winter, Waltz of the Flower, and Feliz Navidad.

When it comes to snowball fights, few can compete against these two. Between Izuku’s Black Whip tossing many snowballs and Toru stealthily striking from behind, these two are a power couple.

These two get in their pjs, cuddle up next to each other and binge watch old Christmas shows.

Toru helps Izuku learn how to ice skate, and bless his heart, after so many falls, he finally gets the hang of it!

MomoSato (Momo Yaoyorozu x Rikidou Sato)

Most people associate Christmas with gifts. These two? FOOD

Rikidou naturally is able to whip up delightful Christmas sweets, especially Christmas cakes. Momo comes up with the perfect tea for each of them.

And Momo supplies with various dishes she learned from her maids and cooks when she was growing up. Rikidou naturally also helps make them. She also gets a LOT of KFC. (This is apparently an actual custom in Japan. Look it up!)

Rikidou also invites Momo and her family to join his for Dongzhi, or Winter Solstice. Their families bonds and there’s more food to enjoy.

Despite Momo being able to just make anything, they make hand-crafted simple knick-knacks for each other to decorate their dorms with.

Setsuyu (Setsuna Tokage x Tsuyu Asui)

Half of the time during the holidays, one will find these two at the kotatsus at either 1-A or 1-B, depending on who’s visiting who. (Setsuna is not as bad as Tsuyu, but she does have a shorter limit than most on how much cold she can take as well. She does have some lizard in her, after all!)

Each year, both of them try to give the other extravagant, festive holiday hairdos. Ibara and Midoriya join in.

Botanical gardens are one of their favorite spots to wander when they have the energy to go out into the cold.

Setsuna was introduced to the rest of the Asuis and found herself reading Christmas stories to Satsuki, using her hands as puppets for different characters. She was loved and approved by the family that very night.

Tokochako (Fumikage Tokoyami x Ochako Uraraka)

Night flights over the city where there’s a lot of Christmas lights.

When some nights get chilly, Fumikage wraps Ochako in a blanket to cover both of them up. Then positions his head on top of Ochako’s and fluffs his head out to add more cover to her, like a bird trying to keep its eggs warm.

Other nights, Dark Shadow becomes a blanket to Ochako and is super affectionate. Ochako has an extremely difficult time deciding which she likes more.(She loves both of course.)

One time, Ochako calls Fumikage out to show her ‘snow angel’. It turned out to be a snowman version of Fumikage using his Dark Fallen Angel move, with large twigs as the “wings”.

Fumikage’s birthday is close to Halloween. Ochako’s birthday is a little after Christmas. Their favorite holiday movie? Nightmare Before Christmas. The one time Ochako “splurges” is to get NBC pajamas for both of them while Fumikage gets some merchandise for her and DS.

Ashoji (Mezo Shoji x Mina Ashido)

Best thing about winter? Having a large boyfriend that can carry you in the front or the back of him in a pack literally made of warm hugs.

Mina had a hard time trying to come up with a gift for Mezo, since she wasn’t sure what to give to a minimalist. Mezo said he’d rather make memories with her than get gifts, preferably. So she came up with an idea. He had never really been to an amusement park before, so she got tickets to go to Disneyland for their first Christmas date. (She was honestly nervous that she was screwing things up.)

Turns out he enjoyed himself immensely, which allowed her to enjoy it immensely as well. They got a couple of photos on specific rides, watched the fireworks, and went on all the rides. Just as Mina was telling herself to not buy him a surprise gift to respect his minimalist lifestyle, Mezo finds her with something in his hands. A Stitch plushie and an Angel plushie, both for her. He called them “their children”. Mina sobbed happily and practically leaped on him.

After losing a bet, Mezo was bullied by Mineta, Kaminari and Sero to wear mistletoe on each of his six hands and get Mina to kiss each of them. Much to their dismay, she unashamedly did just that, and kissed his real mouth at the very end.

Warm couch cuddles by the fire became a time honored tradition.

Iidaoyama (Tenya Iida x Yuga Aoyama)

Joining Izuku and Toru as they perform with dancing, these two perform scenes from Christmas plays. The children love their energy and silliness.

These two have clashing ideas about how the Christmas lights should be placed. There’s disagreements, arguments, tears and yelling. All in the span of five minutes. Then they come back thirty seconds later, sincerely apologize, kiss and make up, and make a compromise.

When Tenya comes back with the Christmas tree, Yuga notices a sign at the top of the tree. In Tenya’s handwriting it says, “Reserved for Yuga”. Needlessly to say, he wept.

Tenya is surprised to find that one of Yuga’s favorite films is Joyuex Noel, and asks to watch with him sometime.

Well, those are the moments I can think of. I hope you enjoyed reading them, and in case I don’t post anything after this, Merry Christmas!

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