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3 years ago

My Choice Chapter 8: Rescue

Chapter 7

My Choice Chapter 8: Rescue

The following morning I’m awake at my usual time, dawn, in my usual place, next to the window on Hiccup’s roof. I’d made up my mind about asking for help finding Stardancer. There were still three islands left to search, and if those failed, Hiccup would know where else to look. Which is why I intend to relax until he wakes…….or I could wake him now. I open his window, waking Toothless, and drop to the floor beside his bed. I gently shake him awake. He groans and blinks up at me. “Sadie?” “Sorry to wake you, Hiccup,” I say. “But I need your help with something. Get the gang together and meet me at the academy.” With those words I head back out the window, grabbing my satchel before dropping to the ground and heading to the academy. While I wait for the others to arrive, I study the map up on the wall, comparing it with my own. They were pretty much the same so I grab a pencil and begin crossing off the islands I’ve already searched. As the others wander in. “What do think you’re doing?” Astrid asks. “What does it look like I’m doing?” “Crossing off islands,” she retorts. “Why?” “Because I’ve already searched these islands.” “Searched for who?” “Stardancer.” “Wait a minute,” Hiccup says. “Slow down and start from the beginning. Who is Stardancer?” “My dragon. We got separated during the storm and I’ve been looking for her ever since. It’s been a little over a week and I’ve found no sign of her anywhere. Ordinarily she’d have found her way back to me by now, since she hasn’t I’m assuming she’s either hurt or captured. Either way I’m going to need your help if I find her.” “Why didn’t you say anything before?” Hiccup asks. “Force of habit. If I can do something on my own, I will.” “Did you consider the fact that she might have left?” Astrid asks. “Yes, actually I have,” I reply. “If that’s the case, that’s fine. I’ve never forced her to stay. However, seeing as she can be a mother hen from time to time, it’s unlikely. So, will you help me?” “Of course we will,” Hiccup says. “Everybody mount up. Sadie, are there any islands you haven’t searched yet?” “These three,” I say, pointing to the map. “I thought we could search these and if she’s not there, you might know where else to look.” Hiccup nods and mounts Toothless, I climb on behind him. Everyone else is already on their dragons so as soon as I’m settled we take off and the others follow suit. “How did you manage to get to all those islands,” Astrid asks after a few minutes of flying. “I have my ways,” I reply. She only scowls and falls silent again. We reach the first island minutes later. “Everybody spread out and look for any sign of a…” Hiccup pauses. “What kind of dragons is Stardancer, Sadie?” I smile. “You’ll know her when you see her. Just call her name, she’ll come looking.” Hiccup shrugs. “Alright then, you heard her.” The others spread out and begin calling for her as they go. Hiccup turns and follows me as I head off through the trees. “What if we don’t find her?” he asks. “We will find her,” I say, determined. “Or I will, eventually.” “Where are we going?” “I saw a stream over this way and seeing as a stream means fish–” “And fish means food, I get it,” Hiccup says with a grin. “I wasn’t born yesterday.” “Oh really?” I say innocently. “My mistake.” “Hey!” he exclaims, laughing. “Take that back!” “Uh…” I pretend to think it over. “Nope.” “Sadie!” I feel him come up behind me and then his arms wrap around my waist. “Take it back, or else.” “Or else what?” I smile, letting him pull me against him. “This,” he says, and starts tickling me. I burst out laughing and try to pull away. “Stop!” I gasp. “Hiccup!” “Take it back.” “Alright!” I exclaim, still laughing. “Alright. I take it back.” He stops and lets go. I quickly step away from him. “Not!” I exclaim and take off through the trees. “Sadie!” “Catch me if you can!” I call over my shoulder. I disappear into the brush as Hiccup starts after me. I hurry through the trees toward the stream, Hiccup following behind. At the stream I hide in some bushes and wait for him to arrive. When he steps out of the trees he goes to the stream’s edge, looking around for me. I smile and watch from my hiding place then suddenly let out a cry of surprise as I’m nudged from behind and stumble out into the open, trip over a rock and tumble into the stream with a splash. I hear Toothless chuckle in his usual way behind me as I surface and Hiccup joins him. “Gotcha,” he says as I roll over and sit up, the water nearly up to my chest I roll my eyes as he offers  his hand to help me up. I take it but instead of letting him help me up, I pull him into the stream beside me. He surfaces laughing. “I deserved that.” “Yes, you did,” I say as I stand and wade to shore. “Stardancer!” I scan the bank and the trees for any sign of my dragon. There’s nothing. We look for a while longer with no further results then rejoin the others, who haven’t found anything either. Hours later we’ve searched the other two islands and are on our way back to Berk. “Where is she?” I ask, frustrated and worried. “We’ll find her,” Hiccup says. “We just need to think through our next steps.” I sigh and rest my head on his shoulder. Then I see a flash of white out the corner of my eye. Down below us is a mass of ships with what looks like a Skrill crest on the sails. “What is that?” I ask. Hiccup follows my gaze and I feel him tense. “That’s Dagur,” he says. “Who is he?” “Dagur the Deranged is Chief of the Berserker tribe and also keeps trying to take over Berk.” I study his ships curiously, then in the front one I see a mass of black. “Can you fly down a little closer?” I ask. Hiccup does so and both of us gasp as we glimpse the Night Fury tied down in the bow. “Stardancer!” “A Night Fury?!” Hiccup exclaims. “Stardancer is a Night Fury?!” “Never mind that,” I say. “We have to do something!” “Ah brother,” a man suddenly says, looking for all the world like he was, in fact, deranged. “So glad you could join us. I was saving this little surprise for my next visit to Berk, but I guess there’s nothing wrong with now.” “You must be Dagur,” I say from behind Hiccup and his gaze flicks to me. The smile he sends me gives me chills. “Indeed I am,” he replies. “And who might you be, you rare flower?” I roll my eyes, falling back to my cold and uncaring attitude. “Doesn’t matter. Where did you find that dragon?” He studies my face for a moment. “Why does it matter to you?” “Because she belongs to me.” “Not anymore, she doesn’t.” I sigh and stand up on Toothless’s back. “Let her go.” His gaze hardens and he frowns. “No.” I shrug. “Have it your way.” Toothless is hovering close enough to the ship so I jump from his back, rolling as I hit the deck, drawing two knives as I jump to my feet. “Sadie!” Hiccup calls. “What are you doing?” “Getting my dragon back,” I reply easily, never taking my eyes off of Dagur. “Sadie,” Dagur says, drawing a sword. “Lovely name for a not so lovely girl.” I don’t say anything as he steps closer, leveling the sword at my chest, neither do I move. He takes another step toward me and I flip the knife over, catching it by the point. “Not another step,” I say coldly. He pauses, but only briefly before he rushes toward me, swinging his sword. As he reaches me I duck under the blade and step to one side, one leg outstretched, causing him to trip. The sound of a crossbow being fired reaches my ears and I roll toward Stardancer and get to my feet again, throwing my knife as I do so. The man my knife hits cries out and goes down, still alive. But not before I see his face. In my mind, I flash back to that night, when I watched Alvin kill my parents. There had been another man with him, one I didn’t recognize. But now, here, this was him. Older, but still him. “Sadie!” Hiccup’s voice yanks me from my flashback. “Look out!” Dagur was coming at me again, but more slowly this time, wary of my trick. I pull another knife and cross them together as he swings at me, blocking his stroke. Surprise flickers in his eyes and he steps back, studying me. This time I charge him, taking him by surprise. He swings at me again, I deflect his stroke with the knife knife in my left hand while I spin to the right, around and behind him, putting the knife in my right hand at his throat. “Drop it,” I hiss in his ear. I feel him tense and press the blade harder against his skin. “Now.” He throws it down angrily. “Tell your men to release my dragon.” “Never.” I press even harder, drawing blood. “Don’t think I won’t kill you, Dagur, because I will. Let her go.” He sighs. “Release the Night Fury.” His men hesitate. “Now!” he yells. Seconds later Stardancer is free and I shove Dagur forward, into his men as Stardancer grabs me in her claws and we fly off. Once we’re well enough away, she flips me up into the air, catching me on her back. I sheath my knives again and hug her. “Oh gods, I missed you,” I whisper. “Sadie, that was amazing!” Hiccup says, flying next to us. “How did you learn to do that?” “Lots and lots of practice,” I reply. “And a Night Fury!” He continues as though I hadn’t spoken. “You trained a Night Fury! Where did you find her?” “I found her one night in the woods during a storm. A branch had fallen on her wing, breaking it. I helped her out and she’s stuck with me ever since.” “How long have you had her?” “Almost a year.” “Amazing.” I smile and hug Stardancer again. “What happened back there?” Astrid says suddenly. “What do you mean?” I ask, straightening and turning to look at her. “You froze. Why?” “That’s none of your business,” I say coldly. “You froze right after you hit Savage,” Astrid says. “You’ve seen him before!” “Maybe I have, maybe I haven’t,” I snap. “What difference does it make?” “Savage used to work for Alvin,” she continues. “You didn’t know Dagur so that could only mean you saw Savage when he was working for Alvin!” I don’t reply. “Is that true, Sadie?” Hiccup asks. I stay quiet. “It is isn’t it?!” Astrid says. “How do we know you’re not working for Alvin too?!” I turn Stardancer around to face her and she stops, hovering in the air. “You want to know, fine,” I snap. “I only saw Savage once 7 years ago and I’ve hated him ever since! Satisfied?!” The other riders hover around us in shocked silence as Astrid and I glare at each other. I feel my throat clogging up and my eyes welling with tears, but I turn Stardancer back towards Berk and head off before anyone can see. “Sadie, wait!” Hiccup calls out. “Leave me alone, Hiccup!” The others quickly fall behind and I let the tears fall as I clutch the locket at my throat.

My Choice Chapter 8: Rescue

There you go, guys. I’m going to try and keep posting 1 chapter a week. Hope everybody’s still liking it so far. Let me know what you guys think and if you’d like to be added to/removed from the tag list.

@watercolorfreckles​ @lolafaiy @tobeornottobeateacher @devarctic @onstandbi247 @bleeding-letters

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7 months ago

This Oikawa manga panel has my heart and soul, because his petty pride is truly fantastic, even though we knew him as a monster setter, he never went to nationals so leaving his country as an unknown player to pursue his own path and coming back with a team who realizes his potential, he took everyone by a storm and this is what I live for. ONE OF THE MOST SATISFYING ENDINGS IN THE HISTORY, FURUDATE I LOVE YOU FOR GIVING US OIKAWA, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE GREAT KING <3

This Oikawa Manga Panel Has My Heart And Soul, Because His Petty Pride Is Truly Fantastic, Even Though


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7 months ago

my one but imma go to ten:

new americana by halsey

little talks by of monsters and men

we fell in love in october by girl in red

the exit by conan gray

want u back by neve

all the young dudes by mott the hoople(hi to all the marauders stans out there. drink water and stop reading angsty fanfiction for like fivve minutes pls)

ghost by confetti

lacy by olivia rodrigo

the family jewels by marina

money money money by abba

im bored so lets do another playlist. this is my "on repeat" playlist now. yknow the one spotify makes for you help thisll be revealing.

boss bitch by doja cat

no roots by alice merton

me too by meghan trainor

meet you at the graveyard by cleffy


careful what you wish for(the doctor said to) by jack harris

you are bad by emei

problem by ariana grand and iggy azalea

my strange addiction by billie eilish

dial drunk by noah kahan

shuffle your favourite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. then copy/paste this ask to your favourite mutuals <3

1. Glamorous by Fergie

2. Toxic by Britney Spears

3. The Election of 1800 by Hamilton Original Broadway Cast

4. Peace and Love on the Planet Earth by Stephen Universe

5. Ho Hey by The Lumineers

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9 months ago

new theme for this account why did I eat my main up…

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9 months ago

Guys if KEEFE had abs

That insinuates he goes out of his way to consistently work out to get abs



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1 year ago
Marcus Nightshade,The First True Character In All Of Genome.A Born Extraordinary Of [Earth], His Story

Marcus Nightshade, The first true character in all of Genome. A born Extraordinary of [Earth], his story grew beyond the original constraints of that world. Technically retired now, he's still just as full of life as he was when he first started out in his heroes journey. Albeit, a bit more cynical... [Reposting because I screwed up the scheduling lol]

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3 years ago

Nnnngggg I’m feeling particularly soft today. If anyone wants to send in a couple of (Undertale, Deltarune, or Myst) characters for me to draw cuddling, go right ahead ^^

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3 years ago


After this, I will probably filter so I stop seeing spoilers of the manga. I do want to watch strictly the anime and be surprised by things again.

But after getting just a whiff of what is in the next chapter, I only have one thing to say.

What a glorious day to be a fan of Tenya Iida.

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5 months ago

reblog if you’re a writer who feels guilt whenever they’re not writing and being productive, so I know I’m not the only one lol

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5 months ago
Ive Been Inspired To Make My Own Snack (coincidentally In The Same Colour Palette Lol)

I’ve been inspired to make my own snack (coincidentally in the same colour palette lol)

wrapped up version so you guys can see my epic mushroom plate:

Ive Been Inspired To Make My Own Snack (coincidentally In The Same Colour Palette Lol)
mushroominaforest - Mushroom In A Forest

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4 years ago
New FearsPart 1/3
New FearsPart 1/3
New FearsPart 1/3
New FearsPart 1/3

New Fears Part 1/3

Illustrated version of @the-writer-girl-nerd ‘s poem.

My god, I love this set of poems, I’m so sorry for the super super super late-ness of this but I’m finishing it all up don’t worry-

Please don’t repost or steal 

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