Jaime Lyn Beatty - Tumblr Posts
uh so “professor birthday” is Jaime Lyn Beatty (professor birthday is a tiktok account uh that I had watched and i didn’t know it was her and she uh posted a face reveal) it’s just uh pretty cool to me:)
It’s time to vote once again!!!
I love headphones. Jaime Lynn Beatty can belt IT IS TIME…TO DIE in my ears and no one else is concerned for my mental stability
My favourite scene in Black Friday (BLACK FRIDAY SPOILERS)
Personally the best scene in Black Friday is President Goodman’s first scene where he starts arguing with Jaime, Jon and James’ characters over the Wiggly doll. It’s a great blend of comedy and tension and introduces General McNamera. It gives the audience a basic understanding of what Wiggly does to people. When they all started threatening each other I was terrified but also in fits of laughter at Curt’s delivery of the “cocka doodle doll” line. The look of terror and confusion on all of their faces when Jeff comes in and explains what Wiggly is was really powerful. Also it’s followed by an absolute bop.

Assigning Starkids to Spooky Month characters
Kevin - Jon Matteson

Dexter Erotoph - Jeff Blim

Michelle Erotoph - Jaime Lyn Beatty

Patty Azure - Mariah Rose Faith Casillas

Jack - Corey Dorris

Rick Hedony - Dylan Saunders

Jaune - Lauren Lopez

Aaron - Joey Richter

Costume Guy - James Tolbert

Ignacio - Curt Mega

Radford - Jae Hughes

Carmen - Kim Whalen

Rewatching Nightmare Time and listing things that aren't appreciated enough (6)
That last shot of the opening song where the care-bears turn in the Lords in Black, brilliant
They gave Frank a dog just to kill it, seriously, the fuck?
The brown and blue color pallet of Sherman's regular clothes actually working really well
How well they set up the in-universe toys as believable brands
Jaime being the goat this episode
Barry Swift manages to be developed past just The Man In A Hurry while still entirely revolving around being in a hurry (his ex-wife left him because he was in a rush to start a family, that's fucking amazing comedy writing)
Ted "Doomed by the goat's narrative" Spankoffski appearing just to die by several gunshots (one of which being to the nards)
The specific use of the phrase "inbred" to describe the Hachetmen who killed Sherman's father makes me think the Metzgers were directly involved.
Sherman's "I've outgrown you, mother" line is raw as fuck and a great climax for the reveal that he was more aware than anyone knew
Killer Track
Jae's performance as Kale
False Lashes needs to be another fandom in-joke
How good the black book prop is
Duke owns a cat, seriously, why does no one talk about this?
How damn cool the idea of a sentient, predatory sound is
"By popular demaaa-AA-aaa-AA-aand"
Kale's death, that was badass

this picture is everything
bi panic, bi panic, bi panic, bi panic
i’m surprised my friends don’t hate me.. or maybe they do???

“hold this for me”
i’d simply die if joey gave me an apple
i saw someone do this with the starship album and i wanted to make my own sijwiqjwj-

omg baby starkid!!

I like to imagine the excitement and crazy in their eyes as they revealed their project, rivaled that of the Stratfords explaining Great Astronomical Discoveries to Benjamin.

I'll do one of these for each pulp character one day, but for now I'm giving you all Anna and Charles!!! It's no secret that The Brick Satellite is arguably my favourite episode lmao
(Psst- A Bonus rendered anna sans satellite-interior-background because who can be bothered with that in this day and age. In the eventuality that Matt Dahan hires me as a concept artist for pulp I will put the effort into learning how to do backgrounds (never gonna happen))