The Fates - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

The fallen star: I've made the perfect fate

The other fates, gesturing to Scarlett: no, you've fucked up a perfectly good teenage girl is what you did. Look at her. She's got anxiety.

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3 years ago

Gavriel: I will now torture you with my sick little game

Scarlett: *gasp* knife monopoly!

Gavriel: I was actually going to hunt you for sport but now I'm really curious about knife monopoly

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12 years ago

There's a downstairs in everybody. That's where we live.

The Three Fates, The Sandman : The Kindly Ones Neil Gaiman

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2 years ago

I honestly can’t tell who’s evil or not in Legendary. They tell me the fates are evil and that they were trapped by a witch but how can I tell that what the witch did was good? What if she was the evil one and she just won? Victors write history after all. The ‘evil’ thing that Jacks does so far is try to get his powers back which I can’t exactly hold against him since they’re his powers, they belong to him in the first place and yk they’re apart of him. Was kissing Tella bad? Yes, but he was doing to get his powers back. But that’s the only bad thing I can think of for him so far. That and all those half eaten apples he wasted .

Also Legend hasn’t been evil like at all this book or the last. The only bad thing I can think of his him wanting the power of the fates for himself. Also on that topic why doesn’t he like the fates, the narrative makes it seem like he has personal beef with them when the fates were before Dante became Legend.

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7 months ago

I was rereading some of my posts from 2021 and was reminded of how much meta I used to write so imma share my crazy headcanon/ theory which i thought up as plot for a revolution fic:

RR verse is on the "Olympus will fall" timeline and Zeus' actions are speeding it up.

In the recent decade there has been several great prophecies back to back. And people have remarked how weird it is that there have been so many. What if the reason is because of Zeus?

Remember, in greek mythology there is a major theme of how Your Fate Cannot Be Defied. And Zeus, king of Olympus, has a major Fate: being overthrown. However he managed to "defy" it by eating Metis.

My idea is that he has been forcefully clawing out a future where he is still king of Olympus. By doing this, he is literally changing the flow of fate. And obviously fate wants to correct itself, so the harder he fights it, the more counterforce he triggers. All prophecies meant to lead to his overthrowing are suddenly sped up. Olympus begins to lose power. Zeus is aware of this. He is also aware how people are becoming suspicious. And he needs a scapegoat. And who better than the god of prophecy who is also a threat to the throne?

Apollo mentions that Zeus blamed him for his oracle revealing a prophecy "too early" and therefore causing it to happen early. However, everyone knows it's not possible to actually cause a prophecy to happen why would Zeus even have this weird line of thought? everyone probably dismissed it as Zeus being irrational, but there a juicier theory this ties into:

Apollo being the one to overthrow Zeus.

The idea of "fall of the sun, the final verse". What if this is the final prophecy that is meant to happen before Zeus is overthrown? And what if the fall this speaks of is actually when Apollo fell close to chaos? When he pulled himself together there?

What if he reformed different from his original godly form. He was literally almost gone, his body was disintegrating. Maybe he pulled himself together using the energies of chaos. Apollo himself isn't aware of this, due to a suspicious memory gap between him clawing up from the cliff and him waking up next to Artemis.

And this adds to another headcanon of mine, the fates choose Apollo to be the god of prophecy on purpose. At first glance, this is a horrible match. If they wanted a good servant, why would they choose someone so closely tied to his heart and so likely to fight fate? Someone who dares get them drunk just to extend a human's lifespan? UNLESS... they WANT him to eventually try and defy fate??

Imagine if fate was a compass and Zeus had forcefully wrenched the needle point at a bleak dark future where Olympus falls with him. And this river direction has been set so deeply in stone and run on for so long, it has worn a grove and become the mostly likely future.

you need someone willing to fight, someone to wrench the needle out. SOMEONE FAMILAR WITH FATE AND Prophecy. Someone who has the power to fight it and win. Someone who has the will. Perhaps a baby god who was willing to fight Python, and who would have likely died there. But if he successfully did take on the powers of prophecy, one day that same godling would fight Python again, would absorb the powers of chaos to recreate himself.

Perhaps not today and maybe not even for the next four thousand years

but one day that godling would stare down at that wretched compass hand and decide to yank the flow out of its place. And maybe, that godling means a chance for Olympus to have a different future.

Anyways that's my crazy theory i hope it wasn't too confusing. It also links up with my other story theme idea about fate, hope and apollo blah blah blah, which i rambled about in a different post.

I Was Rereading Some Of My Posts From 2021 And Was Reminded Of How Much Meta I Used To Write So Imma

Edit: just remembered my other crazy thought, what if ZEUS PURPOSEFULLY TRIED TO GET RID OF APOLLO NOT ONLY CAUSE HE IS A THREAT TO THE THRONE BUT ALSO BECAUSE AS THE GOD OF PROPHECY HE IS MOST LIKELY TO REALIZE SOMETHING IS WRONG AND THAT ZEUS IS MESSING WITH FATE?!???? Basically pulling a imma say you're the murderer before u realise im the murderer. (i cant remember the actual saying Lmaoo)

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7 months ago

Fates Come in Threes

You’re sitting in a smoke-filled tent,

Bursting with the anticipation of the crowd around you.

Lights circling the arena land on three rings in the middle of the stage.

In the first, a young girl spins a long thread,

Her eyes wide with wonder and excitement,

And the audience shares in her joy and curiosity.

In the second ring, a woman measures the thread.

She carefully watches the joys and sorrows of life play out in the colors of the thread dancing and spinning in her hands,

And the audience is enraptured.

In the third and final ring, an old woman quickly cuts the thread

With no regard,

And the audience sits in solemn silence,

Their hearts full of melancholy nostalgia.

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