The Owl House Boscha - Tumblr Posts

Something quite curious and that goes very unnoticed is the fact that Kikimora manipulated Boscha because in some way she is reflected in her but by doing that, Kikimora makes Boscha become more toxic, she is hurting Boscha, and therefore, she is hurting the younger version of herself.
It's no coincidence that Kikimora manipulates Boscha because in a certain sense Kikimora IS Boscha: both are terrified that others see them vulnerable and they end up mistreating others as a way to hide their vulnerability so as not to be hurt by anyone and both also have the tendency to idealize to the extreme a person they love, admire or respect (Belos for Kikimora and Amity for Boscha) but they get angry with them for not fitting in with the idealized versions they had and even when they see them again before getting angry with them for not being what they thought, Kikimora and Boscha ask Belos and Amity to give them a chance to prove themselves. The difference is that Boscha realizes her flaws and tries to improve as a person while Kikimora becomes more toxic to the point that she hurts others without realizing that she is hurting herself and isolating herself from any positive relationship with others.
Kikimora is what Boscha would have been if she didn't realize her tendency to hide her vulnerability through mistreatment of others and her tendency to idealize others are quite toxic to herself and others.

Something quite curious and that goes very unnoticed is the fact that Kikimora manipulated Boscha because in some way she is reflected in her but by doing that, Kikimora makes Boscha become more toxic, she is hurting Boscha, and therefore, she is hurting the younger version of herself.
It's no coincidence that Kikimora manipulates Boscha because in a certain sense Kikimora IS Boscha: both are terrified that others see them vulnerable and they end up mistreating others as a way to hide their vulnerability so as not to be hurt by anyone and both also have the tendency to idealize to the extreme a person they love, admire or respect (Belos for Kikimora and Amity for Boscha) but they get angry with them for not fitting in with the idealized versions they had and even when they see them again before getting angry with them for not being what they thought, Kikimora and Boscha ask Belos and Amity to give them a chance to prove themselves. The difference is that Boscha realizes her flaws and tries to improve as a person while Kikimora becomes more toxic to the point that she hurts others without realizing that she is hurting herself and isolating herself from any positive relationship with others.
Kikimora is what Boscha would have been if she didn't realize her tendency to hide her vulnerability through mistreatment of others and her tendency to idealize others are quite toxic to herself and others.
Amity: Luz is the prettiest witch on the boiling isles
Boscha, holding a mirror: I beg to differ
Willow, looking up from her scroll: you gonna be begging for a while
A lot of people want to see Eda and Lilith and others again. But do you know what I wanna see? A BOSCHA REDEMPTION!!!
Raine mesmerized by Harpy Eda
The hallucinations of Caleb Belos had
The puppets
The students forming a resistance
Collector and King
Odalia (glad she is treated like shit)
Belos possessing the bby Raine
Willow problems (poor baby)
Hunter re-assuring Willow is great
Luz's palismen being a little baby noodle!
Huntlow! Huntlow! Huntlow! Huntlow! Hun-!
Oooooooo shit Collector what you gonna do!?!?!

A Place to Go
[The Owl House] Amity Blight x Female Reader
Word Count: 3.02k
Proofread: Yes
Content Warnings: Yelling, crying, general angst, Odalia being Odalia, and talk of an unsafe home environment.
[A/N]: Here's story 1/3 for Amity!
P.S. the reader / [Y/N] / you essentially replace Luz in the story. It doesn't change how anything plays out, I just figured I should mention it to explain the relationship.
“Amity, I don’t care about whatever it is you think is more important than your schoolwork, but this is unacceptable! You’re hardly trying anymore, for Titan’s sake. Are you trying to make me look bad?” Odalia sneered down at her youngest daughter, waving Amity’s report card in front of her face to show her recent grades. “Mom, I still have almost all A’s! I don’t see why that’s such a bad thing to you,” she hollered in return, glancing to the side to find Edric and Emira peering in anxiously from the doorway. “Almost isn’t good enough, dear. You know that. You’re doing so much worse than you ever have. I feel like you’re doing this intentionally,” came her mother’s retort.
Amity sighed and ran her hands down her face, already beginning to feel the anger boiling and bubbling up to the surface. “Mom, I’m not intentionally doing anything. I’ve just been…distracted is all.” Odalia scoffed and rolled her eyes. Her free hand came up to pinch the bridge of her nose. “So I’ve noticed.” Her mother then grumbled something underneath her breath, glancing back over the sheet of paper in her hand before handing it over to one of the Abominations that stood in place of a servant. “Ever since that human came to the Isles, it seems you’ve been distracted every day. Honestly, I don’t see what interests you so much about her. She’s beneath us, Amity. You know that.”
The twins winced at the statement, watching as their younger sister tensed up and visibly grew irritated. They glanced at each other, silently wondering how they could step in without escalating the situation even further. “How dare you talk about her that way?” Amity yelled in return, stepping forward. “You know nothing about her! She’s actually the one who’s been listening to me and making me genuinely happy!” Odalia’s eyebrow perked up as she thought for a moment. She hummed with a knowing smirk.
“Is that so? So she’s the one who has been distracting you from your responsibilities? I suppose your father and I will just have to do something about her in that case.”
Amity’s body froze, her blood running cold as she stammered. “Y-You wouldn’t. You can’t! She’s all I have!” “All you have? Amity, have you forgotten all I’ve done for you? I gave you a name, a title, a reason for others to fear you. I gave you power and status! You’d be nothing without me, and you know it. [Y/N] is nothing but a pest who needs to be squashed. If that’s what it takes for you to return to normal, then so be it.”
Trembling harshly, Amity stepped back and tangled her hands together in an attempt to steady them and ground herself. “But…I don’t want to be feared,” she whispered. “I-I don’t want to have power and status if it means I can only use it for something bad.” She swallowed the lump in her throat and sucked in a shuttered breath. “[Y/N] treats me with the respect you never have,” she started again after a moment of silence, finally looking back up to her mother to look her in the eye as she forced her confidence once more.
“[Y/N] is a better person than you’ll ever be.”
Odalia gasped at that, her features contorting as she grew infuriated with her youngest daughter’s attempt to fight back. “Amity, you have no right to speak to me that way. And how would you even know that? It’s not like she means anything to you.”
“She means everything to me! She’s my girlfriend!”
Her hands came up to clasp themselves over her mouth as she gasped. She didn’t want to tell her mother about her relationship with [Y/N]--she knew she’d be disowned for being involved with someone her mother saw as inferior. Had she ruined everything? What if she had to break up with her? She let her gaze drop down to the floor. If that’s what she had to do to make sure [Y/N] was safe, she would, but she knew how painful it would be. There had to be a way to avoid her getting hurt.
“Girlfriend? Oh, no, Amity. You’re mistaken. You can’t date someone so far beneath us. We’ll find you a new girlfriend–one who’s better suited to be with you.” Amity’s jaw clenched, her teeth grinding painfully against each other as her arms dropped back down to her side. “And how do you know who would be suited to be my girlfriend? You don’t know what I need.” Odalia faked a laugh. “Oh, but I do, dear. You need someone who will benefit your place in the world. Someone who will better our reputation.”
Finally, Amity lunged forward and snatched her report card from the servant, glancing over it before holding it back up to show her mother. “If your reputation is all you care about, and you don’t care about me being happy, then I don’t want any part of it.” In a swift movement, she tore the paper in two, then let it fall to the ground beneath her feet. Her eyes never left her mother’s, however, which narrowed. They stared at each other for a moment, the tension in the air growing thicker with each passing second.
At length, Odalia sighed and crossed her arms. “Very well. I can always find a better replacement. Feel free to stay here if you’d like, but don’t bother taking any pride in your little stunt. Either way, [Y/N] will be punished for ruining your future.” Amity growled in frustration. “She didn’t ruin my future, she is my future! All you do is cause problems! I hate that I have to live here with you! You’re the only reason I don’t enjoy having the name Blight,” she hollered as loudly as she could, then spinning around on her heel to turn and storm off.
After she made it to the front parlor, she heard her mother start to bicker again. She picked up her pace quickly before sprinting out the door. She had no plan on where to go–she had never tried to run away before. She knew it was only a matter of time before someone found her and forced her to go back to living at the Blight Manor–she knew that–but she just wanted to get away for enough time to clear her head.
Tears blurred her vision, making it almost impossible to see where she was going as they spilled from her eyes in thick masses. She wiped furiously at her eyes, sniffling and hiccuping. The late hour certainly wasn’t helping: the sun hadn’t quite set all the way yet, but with every passing minute, the world around her grew darker.
In an attempt to calm herself down, she thought of where she could go. Her first thought was her hideout at the library, though that idea was quickly shut down. She knew that was one of the first places her family would look.
There had to be somewhere else she could go.
There was no way she was going to run to Boscha’s house, or any of her old friends for that matter. None of them would comfort her the way she needed. Her family would also look there anyway, so there was no point. In the midst of her thinking and weeping, she had sent a text through her scroll at some point, though she couldn’t quite make out whatever it was she had typed.
After several minutes of running in a random direction, Amity came to a halt, huffing and panting heavily as she hunched over to rest her hands on her knees. Her eyes closed, already growing weary from the tears that had barely dried while streaking against her face. Where could she go?
Where would her mother not look for a while?
Where could she go to feel understood and safe?
Her eyes shot open after a moment, her mind screaming at her feet to start moving again. She managed to pace herself in a light jog, eventually realizing it wouldn’t get her where she needed to be for a long while. She brought her hands up to cup the sides of her mouth as she hollered out. “Ghost! I need a ride,” she called out. Her palisman took a moment, but finally made it. Amity summoned her staff and quickly hopped on, flying off as quickly as possible.
She didn’t know how she hadn’t thought of it immediately: The Owl House was definitely a place she could go to whenever she needed, and unless her siblings ratted her out for it, Odalia would never think to even check that place for a while. She’d have at least a few days to recollect herself.
Another round of sniffles sounded from her as she mumbled where she wanted to go to Ghost, who flew even faster in that direction. It had only taken a few minutes for them to make it, though it felt like hours had passed to Amity. She hopped off of her staff and managed to run to the door, ignoring Hooty’s greetings and heading inside. Eda and King both asked what was going on, though all Amity could hear was ringing. Her body felt like it was going to collapse at any moment, and all she wanted to do was hold [Y/N] before that happened.
Racing up the stairs, Amity stumbled hurriedly to [Y/N]’s bedroom door, shoving it open and struggling to catch her balance as her eyes searched the room frantically. She sighed once her gaze met [Y/N]’s. A choked sob quickly forced its way through her lips as she walked forward and fell into the girl’s embrace. There were so many things on her mind that she wanted to talk about, but none of them came out coherently.
[Y/N] gently shushed her and told her to take her time. “Just breathe for me right now, okay?” Amity nodded and sniffled, squeezing [Y/N] in return as she struggled to steady her breath again. The feeling of her girlfriend’s arms around her torso was the only thing keeping her grounded to reality. That, and the sound of [Y/N] whispering soft words of reassurance beside her ear while she rocked her back and forth in a soothing manner.
Eventually, Amity managed to calm herself enough to start talking about what had happened. [Y/N] listened intently as she ranted, only speaking here and there to show that she was listening. After a good half hour of speaking, Amity crumbled into herself once the two of them sat on the bed. “I-I just don’t understand why her name is more important to her than her actual children. Why does she think her reputation matters more than me?”
[Y/N] could feel her heart shattering at her words. She pulled Amity into another hug. “I…I don’t know, Amity. I really don’t. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: every child deserves a parent who will love them and keep only their best interest in mind, but not every parent deserves a child, especially if they aren’t willing to put in the effort it takes to help them feel loved.” She leaned back to look Amity in the eye. Her hands came up to gently cup her face, and she could feel her heart throbbing again as the girl in front of her could only close her eyes and lean into the touch.
“You deserve so much more, Amity. You deserve everything you want. I hope one day your mom realizes that.” Amity hiccuped and began to cry again. Her head lowered, allowing her to bury her face in her hands. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry again.” Gently, [Y/N] lifted Amity’s head and moved her hands. She cupped her face once more before letting the pads of her thumbs stroke her face to wipe her tears away.
Another sniffle came from Amity before she opened her eyes. She glanced up at [Y/N] and smiled weakly. “No, it’s not you. I just…you have no idea how badly I’ve needed to hear someone who isn’t my family say that. Thank you.”
The two shared a smile. After a moment or two, [Y/N] leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to Amity’s forehead before speaking. “You look exhausted. Why don’t we get some sleep? There’ll be plenty of time to figure things out in the morning, okay?” A small nod was her response. The two of them then shuffled around for a bit to get the room more comfortable. The lights were turned off, and multiple blankets and pillows were brought in to provide a larger sense of comfort.
They laid down on the floor, bundling up underneath the blankets and facing one another. [Y/N] grabbed ahold of Amity’s hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, whispering a few more words before letting her eyes flutter shut. Several moments passed, but Amity was struggling to fall asleep peacefully. Every time her eyes closed, she thought of what would possibly happen to [Y/N] if her mother ever got ahold of her.
After gathering a small amount of courage, she scooted forward towards [Y/N] and rested her head against the girl’s chest. [Y/N] tensed at the feeling, looking down at her. She never asked why she moved closer, almost instantly understanding what was happening. Amity finally managed to fall asleep after focusing on the sound of her girlfriend’s heart beating behind her ribs. She counted the beating until she crashed. Considering all that had happened that night, she managed to have a relatively decent dream, her mind finally processing that she was safe at the Owl House.
She wished she could call this place her home instead of Blight Manor.
Maybe she could talk to [Y/N] about it when they woke up. She knew her girlfriend would be on board with her living there for the time being, but she would also need to make sure that Eda and King would be okay with it as well.
She’d have to wait until she woke up the next morning.

“Alright, that’s all for today. Remember there’s an extra credit assignment that’ll be due next week if anyone chooses to do it.” After the teacher made final announcements for the day, the students in class began to pack their things back up. Amity smiled at the thought of going home. She gathered her belongings and waited patiently for the bell to go off. Her eyes shut as her palm supported the weight of her head, propping her arm up against the table as she remained in her seat.
“Hey, Amity! Think you could help us with the extra credit this weekend?” Skara suddenly quipped, making Amity jump and look over at her as she and Boscha made their way over. With a dismissive wave of her hand, she smiled. “Ah, no, sorry. I’m not gonna do it this time. I just want to stay home and relax for a while.” Boscha’s eyebrows raised before a look of confusion crossed her face. “You aren’t doing the extra credit?”
Amity’s eyes squinted a bit at her. “Why? Is that such a bad thing?” Her tone came across a little more aggressive than she intended, but she didn’t have a visible reaction to it. Boscha shrugged. “No, I just don’t remember the last time you skipped doing anything for extra credit. Can’t blame you though,” she waved her hand with an exasperated expression. “The assignments are always boring anyway.” Amity only hummed, not contributing to the conversation any further.
Finally, the bell screamed throughout each class, echoing down the hallways. Amity beamed brightly and stood up, ignoring the surprised and confused glances from the others as she rushed out the door.
She made her way out the main doors of Hexide, summoning Ghost at her side before flying off to the Owl House. She landed relatively swiftly before jogging inside, finding that [Y/N] had already made it home before her and set up her phone to binge watch the shows she had been begging Amity to try watching for weeks. Amity smiled wider and laughed, gently discarding her school supplies before joining her girlfriend on the sofa.
They bundled up together under the blankets that had been set out, snuggling against each other before [Y/N] started the show. Amity grinned as [Y/N] laughed at a joke here and there, sighing contentedly as she leaned further against her girlfriend. She didn’t entirely understand what was happening in the show–and she definitely didn’t get any of the references made–but she was enjoying it anyway.
Something about the way [Y/N] held her and talked so passionately about what was playing on her phone made Amity feel safe and wouldn’t let her stop smiling. She had never felt this happy at the Manor. And although she knew she wouldn’t be able to stay here forever, she was glad her mother agreed to let her live there until the Day of Unity, though she didn’t appreciate the way she had explained why she was allowing it.
She ignored that though, and instead found herself falling even more in love with [Y/N] than ever before. Being able to spend every day together meant they could do everything together: go on dates, walk around town, crack bad jokes about what had been happening at school. Eda treated her like her mother never did, always making sure she was taken care of and keeping her best interests in mind. And King, although it wasn’t much of a surprise, became like a younger sibling to Amity. Anytime she was feeling upset and [Y/N] wasn’t there to make her smile, King found a way to make her laugh.
She loved every part of it, and she loved [Y/N], the girl who saved her from her lowest point in life and welcomed her into her new home with loving arms.

Playing Minecraft with Boscha
[Just a few general headcanons on how I think playing Minecraft with Boscha would go if she were ever introduced to it. It's been a while since I've just written preferences instead of a full short story, so I hope it's up to par.]
-Okay, so–
-At first, when you introduced Boscha to Minecraft, she didn’t really care for it.
-She thought it was just some random game for little kids.
-It wasn’t until you finally convinced her to join your game while you played with Luz, Amity, and Willow that she gave in and decided to see why it was so popular in the human realm.
-After figuring out the controls, she was HOOKED.
-A game where you can control pretty much everything you want? Sign her up!
-She’d definitely prefer to play on creative so she could fly around and not worry about having to constantly type in cheats to get the materials she needs, but she’s not upset about playing on survival either.
-Defintelyyyy loves being one to farm for XP. It gives her the chance to kill enemies in the game and even get creative with it. She LOVES it without a doubt.
-For a while, she didn’t want to play alone. She had been introduced to the game with other friends, meaning she could kind of rely on them to help her gather resources and fight tougher enemies. She started playing on her own, however, upon realizing she could impress you and the others with her newest designs for her skin and builds (which she totally didn’t look up multiple online tutorials for at all).
-After a while, she really started to enjoy just being able to hop online and play with only you.
-It was really fun getting to spend time with you alone on such an intriguing game. She got to vent about her day and absolutely loved being able to crack jokes with you and just laugh and talk until the early hours of the morning when the two of you would finally log off and go to bed.
-Definitely expect her to spam you with requests to join her game whenever she isn’t busy.
-”Boscha, hun, you’ve gotta stop spamming me.”
-”But look at this thing I just found out about! If lightning strikes a creeper, it supercharges it and–”
-Will absolutely find a way into the Nether before she even has any of the gear remotely needed to survive.
-She doesn’t even know how Nether portals work, she was just messing around with lava and water, or somehow stumbled upon an abandoned portal and managed to ignite it.
-Speaking of ignition, you’d better hope she turned “fire spread” off because once she gets her hands on Flint and Steel, she’ll be setting everything ablaze.
-Will 100% go spelunking without any torches or backup pickaxes/shovels, and then complain when she finds out that she has to have a certain kind of tool to mine up diamond ore.
-Will also be the one who tries to take on multiple creepers, skeletons, or even the Enderdragon at once without a proper weapon. “I’ll beat your ass with my bare hands! Or–eh–whatever the hell these square-looking things are…”
-*QueenBoscha was slain by an arrow*
-"No fair! How'd you kill me, you bony bitch?"
-If, for some reason, she can’t play on her own console, she’ll invite herself to your house and either play split-screen with you on yours, or slide up behind you and hold you, resting her head against your shoulder while she watches you play. She’d definitely be interested in watching you play since you’ve played it much longer than her. She can learn different building techniques, ways to get around different terrains without boats and similar transportation, and hey, maybe she’ll actually learn how important it is to cRaFT A TOOL.
-Playing with her is always fun because she’s so quick to act snarky towards the fictional enemies in the game. Sure, she’ll jokingly yell at a zombie if it smacks her, but she gets so defensive if something attacks you.
-Sometimes it seems like she forgets that the game is entirely fictional and you aren’t actually being hurt. After a while of you teasing her about it, she starts to make fun of herself in a way. She’ll use the voice she had when mockingly reading one of the Azura books aloud. “I shall avenge thee!”
-For sure has pink-themed “equipment,” as she calls it. I’m talking pink controllers/keyboard + mouse, pink (probably LED) headphones, pink wrap for the console itself, etc. And not, like, pastel pink. Neon pink or a really bright shade of magenta.
-Her voice actress (Eden Riegel) said she’d absolutely be one to set trends in the human realm, but I think one of the trends she’d follow herself is trying to start a gaming channel.
-She’d definitely expect you to fully support her and even create a channel of your own so you could collaborate on the game.
-Eden also said Boscha’s favorite human snack would be Takis, so I can picture her snacking on those while she’s playing anything online.
-Overall, Boscha would absolutely love playing Minecraft, especially with you, and would kinda grow a little too obsessed with it for a while before moving on to a new game, though she'd always come back to Minecraft if she needed to relax.

[The Owl House] Boscha x Female Reader
Word Count: 3.82k
Proofread: Yes
Content Warnings: Pure angst: one-sided love, a small fight at the end between Amity and Boscha, toxic (?) friendships, language.
[A/N]: Final story for Boscha for now. It might take a while for me to upload again, but it's because I've got multiple drafts already written for several other characters that I need to finish.
“Amity, look at Boscha,” Skara whispered with a knowing smirk as she nudged Amity’s shoulder to gain her attention. Amity, who had been staring down blankly at her book, unable to study with all the nearby commotion, huffed and flipped the cover shut. She lifted her head to glance up at Skara, then followed where she was pointing. From surprise, her eyebrows raised. “Did she forget that other people are around?” She replied just as quietly. Even from her angle at her seat in the middle of her group’s cafeteria table, Amity was able to watch as Boscha held up her scroll.
She had been asked to take a picture of a few people, one of which was [Y/N] [L/N], the girl everyone knew Boscha had fallen for. She had her camera up on her screen, but it was very clear that she had zoomed in to get a visible shot of [Y/N] instead. A soft crimson managed to dust itself across the witch’s features as she bit back a smile. Before she turned her scroll to show the group, she snapped a much quicker photo after carelessly zooming back out in an attempt to hide what she had just done. [Y/N] grinned upon seeing the group photo and thanked her. She asked Boscha to send her the photo before she sat back down at the table across from Amity.
Boscha enthusiastically agreed and typed away on her screen. Within seconds, [Y/N]’s phone went off to show she had done as requested. She grinned up at the taller girl, whose face reddened even further as she giddily took a seat next to her. “Thanks!” “Yeah, no problem.”
Curiously, Amity cocked an eyebrow at her. When Boscha turned and made eye contact, she seemed awkward about something–almost as if she was wanting to ask a question. Instead, she turned to the surface of the table in front of her, her gaze landing on a drink she had brought in with her a few moments ago. With a small breath to steel her spiked nerves, she slid the drink over to [Y/N], who glanced over at it with confusion.
“I heard you liked that drink from a few people, so I figured I’d get it for you.” The grin she was met with as a reply made her own lips stretch up into a wide smile. “Oh, thanks! You didn’t have to do that.” “It was no problem, really.” Almost immediately, [Y/N] took a sip from the small cup, humming happily in satisfaction once she placed it back down.
Amity could see how Boscha got lost in a daze–much like the ones she found herself in once Luz arrived in the Demon Realm. The three-eyed witch’s gaze softened, a small smirk playing at her lips again as she continued to stare at [Y/N], who had turned away a bit to strike up a conversation with Amelia and Kat once they questioned the drink. Happily, [Y/N] explained to them that Boscha had bought the drink for her out of the kindness in her heart, to which the other girls glanced at each other. “That’s awfully sweet of you, Boscha,” Kat snickered. Boscha hadn’t even paid attention to the conversation, which was evident from the way she blinked at the sound of her name and finally managed to tear her eyes away from the girl sitting next to her. “Huh?”
Stifled chuckles were her response. She glanced at them in confusion, but ultimately shrugged it off and turned her attention back to [Y/N]. Amity pretended to open her book to continue reading, but she kept her hearing focused on what Boscha said, all the way up to where the bell rang. She had pretty much been talking about nothing at first, but eventually asked [Y/N] if she’d be at her “big Grudgby game” in a few days.
[Y/N] assured her she would be and started packing up her things from the table. She stood to toss her empty tray into the bin once the bell went off, then slugged her backpack onto her shoulders, still sipping from the drink Boscha had gotten her. She waved to the table and told them she’d see them at lunch. Before she could make it to the cafeteria door, however, Boscha practically bolted up from her own seat and darted over to catch up to the smaller girl, offering to walk her to her class.
No one at the table saw it, but they all knew [Y/N] had accepted her offer.

A groan of pure annoyance slipped past Skara and Amity’s lips as they tried their best to tune out Boscha’s words. All day every day, for the past several days, Boscha had been talking almost nonstop about [Y/N]. It only worsened after the final Grudgby match of the season, where she had shamelessly tried to flirt with [Y/N] after meeting up with her after the game. She messed up each line she tried to use, but didn’t mind it when the sound of [Y/N]’s sweet giggles met her in reply. It was hard for her team to witness, only because they had never seen Boscha act that way around anyone before.
That, and they weren’t sure how to let her know that [Y/N] wasn't interested in her in that way.
On top of the entire match being awkward, it had been clear that Boscha was trying to show off the entire time. More than she usually did, anyway. This time it was obvious why she was doing it. It wasn’t because she wanted to intimidate her opponents, nor was it because she wanted to impress her own team. Instead, she was showing off to an extreme because she wanted to catch a certain girl’s eye. She hadn’t been so aggressive during the first round, but that almost instantly changed once she finally spotted [Y/N] in the bleachers cheering her on.
Today seemed to be worse than the others. From the moment she walked in the building, Boscha had been talking nonstop about her, all but gushing about how incredible of a person she was. “Oh my Titan. Boscha, could we please talk about something else? Anything else? Anything at all,” Skara whined as the three of them sat down at their table for lunch. “Yeah,” Amity started, equally as exhausted, “I know I was pretty bad when I first started crushing on Luz, but I knew when to stop talking about her the way you’re talking about [Y/N]. I mean, talking about a conversation or a game or something is one thing, but the way you’re pouring out compliments left and right is kind of… tiring.”
“Yeah. Plus, there’s no way you have a chance with her,” Skara muttered, thinking no one had heard her. Amity stiffened in her seat, her breath hitching as her head snapped over to glare at her and her hand lifted to smack her arm. Upon realizing what she had said wasn’t just heard by herself, Skara gasped silently and covered her mouth, wishing she could take her words back. No one in the group had the heart to break the news to Boscha. They didn’t want to either.
Ever since [Y/N] had torn down her walls, Boscha started to soften up and take on a much kinder approach when dealing with others. They didn’t want her to find out the truth and revert back to her old ways. They were proud of her for showing she was willing to change for the better, and they didn’t want to ruin it for her or anyone else.
Boscha frowned as she turned to them. “What do you mean? Wouldn’t she tell me if she wasn’t interested? I’m pretty sure it’s clear to her what I’m doing. I mean, it’s obvious to everyone else, apparently.” She grimaced and looked down at her hands, watching as she tapped away at the backs of her hands with her nails. “I thought I was hiding it well, honestly.” Amity sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, mentally preparing herself for the conversation she knew she couldn’t avoid any longer. Silently, she turned to Skara and gave a small motion, to which Skara nodded and stood, slipping away to another table and making sure the others left them alone.
“Boscha, I have to be honest with you. I can’t see you do this to yourself any longer. Just… promise me you won’t freak out and make a scene, okay?” Now, with her expression entirely riddled and contorted with confusion, Boscha could only nod. She subconsciously felt her hand sneak up to toy with the charms on her bracelet–the one that [Y/N] had given to her as a thank you for her first gift after stumbling into the Isles.
Letting out a shaky exhale, Amity pulled out her scroll and clicked onto a specific conversation she’d had with [Y/N] about a week or two prior. Upon finding it, she turned it around for Boscha to see, watching as she scanned through the messages. A nervous chuckle escaped her throat as she gripped at her charms tightly now. “Wh-What is this?” Amity frowned. “You know what it is, Boscha. These are texts between [Y/N] and myself. And, based on your reaction, you read the whole thing.” The taller witch now averted her gaze and dipped her head down to hide her face, staring at her lap.
Attempting to comfort her, Amity placed her hand on Boscha’s shoulder, only for it to be shrugged off. “I’m sorry, Boscha. I figured you would’ve found out for yourself, but I guess you were too focused on how you felt for her instead.” She waited, staring expectantly at her for some kind of reaction. “I’m sorry,” she repeated.
“She already likes someone else.”
The moment the words left her mouth, Amity could only watch as Boscha trembled before forcing herself to stand. She picked up her bag and finally looked back at the youngest Blight, whose eyes widened only a fraction once seeing how dull Boscha’s eyes now seemed to be. “Tell the rest of the teachers that I wasn’t feeling good, alright? I’m going home.” She nodded as an answer and frowned as her eyes followed Boscha leaving the room.
She glanced back over at Skara, who was already looking over at her. Her features crinkled with concern, a sign she wanted to know what happened. Amity huffed, ran her hands down her face, then moved to join her and the others at the other table to explain.

Nearly a month had passed since Boscha was made aware of [Y/N]’s feelings for someone else. For the first two weeks, she tried to move past it and pretend she was still fine. She wanted others to think she was mature enough to understand it wasn’t the end of the world. She knew it wasn’t, logically speaking, but it felt so much like everything was crumbling around her. She had been trying to change herself for [Y/N], hoping to catch her eye, only for it to all fall apart.
Amity tried to tell her that she shouldn’t have been trying to better herself just to impress someone, but quickly stopped bringing it up after seeing how distraught Boscha seemed at the mere mention of anything that had happened. [Y/N] hadn’t been made aware of anything, although she thought Boscha knew anyway. She could still sense something was wrong, however, and slowly shifted where she sat in the cafeteria to give the witch some space. Ultimately, she ended up sitting at the table Luz shared with Willow and Gus.
It only sent Boscha spiraling further. Soon enough, she started to hide from the others during the times they’d usually meet up. During breakfast and lunch at school, she’d eat in the auditorium, out by the Grudgby field, or would skip eating altogether. Anytime Skara or Kat tried to invite her to hang out with them like they used to, she’d come up with some excuse to stay home.
As much as she hated teenage angst, and as much as she knew she was likely being overdramatic, Boscha couldn’t help but feel heartbroken. Her world seemed to shatter around her. She eventually stopped attending Grudgby practices and matches, only showing up when absolutely necessary to avoid getting kicked off of the team. To add insult to injury, because of her absences, she was demoted from Team Captain, the role instead being given to Skara.
It made it harder for her to keep attending classes or practice, even after Skara offered to ask the coach to give her the role back. Boscha denied it and told her she’d give the team a better chance anyway before ghosting her again, the same way she had been doing to everyone. It became rare for anyone to get a response from her. Most of the time, she could be found lying face up on her bed, her eyes blank and dull as she mindlessly stared up at the ceiling. She knew her social life was ruined, and she knew she needed to start moving on, but even a small glimpse of [Y/N] or something that reminded her of the girl had her curling up and away from the outside world all over again.
Amity and the others had to start bringing her the schoolwork she had missed, much to the dismay of their teachers. They eased up, however, once being made aware of the situation. They sympathized with her, but still continued to tell her she needed to try to keep up. After all, a love life wouldn’t get you anywhere in life. You needed to focus only on your future career, and that included any work that was involved. That’s what Amity’s mother, Odalia, had been saying anyway.
Amity eventually stopped bringing the events up around her family. Boscha had enough on her plate. She didn’t need her mother complaining to Boscha’s moms about it–that would only lead to them bombarding her with endless questions and unintentionally making her feel more guilty.
One day, Boscha seemed a little more hopeful than she had been. She came back to school and managed to make it throughout the whole day, attending each of her classes and even participating as much as she could. When Amity asked if she was feeling better, Boscha grinned, though it was clear it was forced. “Not exactly,” she muttered. She yawned, the lack of sleep visibly getting to her. “But I think there’s still a chance.”
Before Amity could ask what she meant, the final bell of the day rang, echoing down the halls to announce the dismissal. Boscha almost immediately headed out the door and hopped onto her staff once making it outside the building. She flew off. Amity sighed and looked over at the now empty seat next to her, spotting Boscha’s bag still resting on the ground.
She picked it up and carried it in front of her as she walked out to place her books in her locker. Once making it there, she gently let the bag settle on the ground in front of her, then tugging her books out from her own backpack and tucking them away in the large maw of her locker. “Amity, hey!” Luz called out, joining her over towards the wall. “Whose bag is this? I saw you carrying it over here. Is it some kind of collection of yours? Maybe like the ones Eda has piled up everywhere?”
Softly, Amity laughed at her excitedly laced words and shook her head. “No, no, nothing like that. It’s Boscha’s bag. She left it in class by accident.” Luz tilted her head, now concerned. “She forgot her whole bag? Jeez.” A short moment passed. She wanted to think ahead of how Amity might react to her next question. “Is she okay? She’s been seeming so… down lately.” The witch’s frown returned, and she shrugged. “Yeah, I know. She’s not doing so well. I can’t exactly talk about it, but she’s pretty heartbroken right now.”
Luz nodded, not wanting to pry any further. She glanced back down at the bag again. “Are you gonna bring this to her tonight? I know it’s the weekend now, but I’m sure she has plenty of work to catch up on. Kinda hard to do that without all of her folders and binders.” Amity nodded. “Yeah, I’m going to go give it back after dinner. I want to message her to let her know ahead of time so I don’t just show up unannounced.”

Amity knocked on Boscha’s door urgently, the bag she had tugged along the entire flight there long forgotten. She had messaged Boscha after dinner, just as she had told Luz she would do, only to receive a response for her to get there immediately. “Boscha? Are you alright?” She reached to twist the doorknob, only for it to rattle and rotate from the other side. She jumped and stepped back a bit once the door swung open.
Amity couldn’t help but gasp at Boscha’s appearance: hair tangled and matted, clothes wrinkled and messily thrown on, and tears streaking rapidly down her face. “Amity,” she choked out between sobs, instantly pulling her into the room and tugging her into a tight hug. Her body trembled with each cry and whimper that wracked throughout her body. She eventually collapsed to the ground, Amity barely managing to catch her.
“Boscha, what happened?” A much louder chain of weeping erupted from the three-eyed girl, making Amity’s heart stop for a moment. What had happened in the span of a few hours that had left her so devastated? “I fucked it up. I fucked everything up,” she finally responded after a moment.
“What do you mean? What did you mess up?”
Finally, Boscha pulled back from the embrace, summoning her scroll and clicking on her most recent conversation. She continued to sob as she handed it to Amity, who read through everything quickly. “Oh… Boscha, I’m–” “She rejected me. I finally managed to tell her how I feel, and she told me she didn’t see me that way: she doesn’t love me. That she loves someone else and–a-and,” she stopped mid-stutter before she could choke on her ragged breathing.
“And wants to confess to them and ask them out,” Amity finished for her. Boscha hunched over, now letting her head press against the rough, wooden floorboards beneath her, her arms flying up to cover herself. Another cry slipped through, though it was far weaker, her shoulders finally slumping with defeat. “I shouldn’t have said anything to her,” she managed to whisper after a long moment. Amity had no idea what to say. She could only stare down at her friend with tears pricking her own eyes and blurring her vision.
She tucked the scroll away to let the only source of light dwindle off before lifting Boscha enough to take her into her arms. Soft words of affirmation managed to leave her lips as she rubbed soothingly at her back. “It’ll be okay, Boscha. I promise it will. These things just take time to heal from. I know you can do it, though.”
Gently, she lifted Boscha’s head to look her in the eye as best as she could. “You have me and Skara, and I’m sure Amelia and Kat wouldn’t mind helping you through this too. We aren’t going to leave you to deal with this on your own.” Boscha sniffled, straightening her back a bit to sit up. She wiped at her wet eyes, though more tears spilled soon after.
“But I don’t want to do it without her. I don’t want to do anything without her.”
Amity nodded with a small sigh. “I know. But you can still do it either way. I know you don’t want to, but just give it a chance, okay?”
Boscha’s eyes flickered back and forth for a bit, as if reading a script. A concoction of emotions flooded her senses, fury and sorrow leading the brew. Chipped fingernails dug into the fabric of her shorts as she shuddered. There were so many things overwhelming her mind–so many things she wanted to say, all out of her need to channel her anger after bottling it up for so long. She didn’t know what to do, and certainly didn’t know what to say, but she tried for an exhaustingly long moment to come up with something.
Finally, with her brows furrowed tightly together, she sniffled and managed to stand, using the collar of her t-shirt to wipe away her tears. “I’m not promising anything. I don’t want anyone’s help either. I can do stuff on my own. I have all my life. I don’t need anyone else.”
“Boscha, don’t–”
“Get out.”
She stepped forward and practically shoved Amity out the door once she stood to meet her eye-to-eye, slamming it right after and locking it. Amity, surprised by both the sudden motion and change in mood, knocked repeatedly and rattled the doorknob. “Boscha, please, open the door. You can’t lose yourself over something like this. You have to move on.”
“Don’t you fucking dare tell me to move on!” She hollered back from the other side of the door, punching it to emphasize her anger. “I’ll do whatever I want, got it? Get out. Leave. Just– leave me alone already!”
Amity tried for an hour more to convince Boscha to let her back in, but quickly slipped out of the house once she heard the front door downstairs opening and closing, followed by familiar voices. Once she was sure she was alone, Boscha curled back up on her bed and threw her covers over her head to muffle out her cries.
Her heart throbbed uncomfortably in her chest, hammering against her ribs. She hated the feeling. She hated all of her feelings lately, including the ones that led her to believe making a last attempt of confessing would fix everything. She bit down harshly against her blanket, trying to prevent herself from letting out another audible cry. The last thing she wanted to deal with was her moms trying to comfort her. She wanted to be alone, even if it meant dealing with her bubbling emotions on her own.
Every nerve throughout her body felt numb, making her limbs feel impossibly weak. She couldn’t have even lifted the blankets back off of her if she tried. She closed her eyes, trying desperately to stop her silent rivers of tears and fall asleep, hoping it would ease the headache pounding in her skull. She hated all of the pain, both physical and emotional. She wanted it to disappear forever.
The feeling was only temporary, she knew. The one-sided love that had destroyed her and her life, however, was eternal.