Then Boom - Tumblr Posts
Mother is unaware father's temperature is rising
at the anatomy store, he is committing sins
destroyer i love you, but being a hardmode boss that dies to holy arrows from a daedalus stormbow within 0.1 nanoseconds is just sad
could you draw Eileithyia?

A little factoid about her in Desire For Peace, she is the second child of Hera and Zeus, with the birth order being Hebe, Eileithyia, Hephaestus, and Ares. Yes, Hebe, the goddess of youth is the oldest sibling, I thought it would be funny and it is.
I do encourage more people to send doodle requests! Send me some deities or some scenes with them to draw!
Ooh boy! First tma g/t here we go!
Tw for fear play and general Elias-ery, panic attack I think? Spiraling/circling thoughts
Jon used to love living in the institute. He could see all different kinds of humans and here what they were scared of. Not to say it was comforting, knowing the creatures that towered over him could feel small and terrified like he could...
But it was definetly comforting knowing that the creatures that towered over him could feel small and terrified like he could.
The lady, "Archivist" Gertrude read the stories out loud, and Jon, from when he was a little boy, had always been entranced. Much to his grandmother's chagrin, he would stand at the edge of the wall entrance to her office and listen.
He found himself wandering the walls to her office even more, after the spider. Too big, too spindly, hypnotizing. Jon was lucky a chair bumped onto the wall he was in, snapping him out of the terror of the spider and into the terror of the human.
A few years after that, Gertrude didn't show up to work. The day after, people were in and out of her office like ants in a line. The man with the clicky shoes- Elias bossed people around as they lifted boxes of stuff out of the room.
One of these days, Jon was on the book shelf. He enjoyed going behind the old dusty books and being pressed against, like knowledge was giving him a hug. Of course he could never read that big a book, it'd take him ten minutes to turn the page, but it was comforting.
That's where Jon was when he heard the clicking shoes. Elias. He froze in place, not breathing or moving a muscle. The office had been finished being cleaned out a week prior. Surely he wouldn't look at the dusty old books NOW.
"I Know you're there."
Jon bit his tongue. What the hell. He must be talking to someone else, there was no chance he saw Jon, and there's nothing Jon left behind that would make a human think "borrower" first, rather than "a few scraps of string I need to pick up".
No, there was no way Elias was talking to him.
Jon was thrown out of his thoughts at the book he was behind shifted, pulling away from him and letting the too bright lights filter onto the shelf where he was.
Okay okay okay. Elias peered down at him. It's fine, he just needed to shimee behind the shelf to get out. But that takes a few seconds, and that might prompt Elias to try and pick him up. But he was exposed, standing there and breathing so hard that all the archives could hear.
He couldn't tall he couldn't think he couldn't BREATH-
Jon has lived in this place long enough to know what humans did to things they found unnatural. Maybe Jon would be in a box in a cabinet for the rest of his life. Or dissected. Or just killed like any other pest, an intruder. In his own home.
Jon backed up into the wall and shrunk into the shadow. Please no please god no-
"Oh cone on," Elias picked him up with ease, wrapping a hand around the full length of his torso like it was nothing. Jon yelped as his whole body was washed over mith motion. "Don't be like that. I thought you were interested in what we did here."
Jon was placed on a hard metal surface- a desk. He tried to back up again, not wanting to crane his neck up to look at that already way bigger than he thought human, but was stopped by Elias's cold hands.
Elias's eyes cut into him more than any scalpel could. Jon felt like his insides were already open to study. He was frigid cold, but his face and chest were damp with sweat. His breathing was unsteady, and the intake of cold air made him shiver.
"Do you have any other friends?"
"No." The answer spilt out of him. Jon gasped, slapping a habit over his mouth.
He felt like he was looking up at the spider.
"Hm," Elias hummed. He chuckled. "I can assure you I am no spider, Jon. And though I do wait for my prey to come to me-"
At that he bapped Jon on the head with a single finger, ruffling his dark hair.
"I do not intend to kill so quickly," Elias smiled. Jon didn't like Elias's smile, he decided. "I prefer my patience to be rewarded handsomely. What do you know of the archives and the institute?"
"I've lived here my whole life, humans come in here to tell stories of scary and abnormal things that have happened to them," Jon's mind raced to answer Elias was quickly as possible. "Sometimes there's scary objects and they're all kept in a room my grandmother wouldn't let me go into. The Archivist read some written stories out loud and she has been gone for two weeks. There used to be... actually a lot more people before she worked alone."
Elias hummed again. "Very astute. I would have thought someone of your sort would have wanted to keep themselves as far away from the host it leeches off of."
Elias cut off his back handed compliment and returned his full focus to Jon, pulling in his arms closer to force Jon to scuttle closer to him.
"I've caught you," Elias stated the obvious. Jon still felt his mouth go dry. "So you're not exactly in a position to refuse anything I offer you. So here's how this will work. You will fulfill Gertude's roll in reading statements and being the Archivist and you can continue living in the archives."
"And the catch?" Jon said automatically. He had heard Gertrude say that to plenty of people. The lady with the books. Her assistant that could pull any string. The boy with black hair.
Elias didn't like that much.
Hands encased Jon, compressing him tight to the point he could Varela breath. With how short and fast Jon was getting air, he doubted he'd last more than a minute like this.
"The catch is same as it always has been," Elias glared. "I can See you at any moment, I could do away with you whenever I want. I can send another spider on you, I'm sure my friend would just LOVE that. I can give you to any monster I want. I See and Know you, and all these years I let you live in comfort and ignorance. So just be thankful, and don't try and get anything else out of me."
The hands released their pressure, allowing Jon to breath. But they were still around him.
"Do you accept?"
It wasn't something he could say no to, Elias already made that clear. The fact he was asking was anything if a little insulting.
"No one can know I'm here," Jon balled his fists, looking back at Elias. "I'm... humans shouldn't know we exist."
Elias sighed. "I suppose that doesn't necessarily detriment your new job. And I do like the idea of a secret only I know. No one shall know of your existence."
Jon flinched back. If someone knew he was here, even if it was a human, they could have saved him.
"I'll... I'll do it." Jon nodded.
Elias smiled. God, did Jon loathe that smile already. "Excellent."
Elias swiftly opened a drawer, nearly throwing Jon inside. He hit the rougher wood with a thud.
"Ex- excise me!" Jon shouted up, doing his best to stay cordial as his heart threatened to leap out of his chest. "You said- I thought I wad able to return to my home!"
"Oh Jon," Elias tsked, looking down on him. The walls were not quite double his height, but still impossible to climb without his equipment. "I said you can stay in the archives, didn't I? I'm simply restricting your access. Besides, here I can watch you and make sure no one else will see you. You'll be much safer in here than in some dusty walls, where another less... compassionate human could find you, or where another spider could get you for good this time.
Jon covered his ears as the drawer slid close, the world going completely dark. Jon tried to keep his sobs quiet, knowing it was futile to keep up a defiant facade if Elias could "See" him.
"I'll see you tomorrow, Archivist," Elias's shoes clicked towards the door. "And don't worry, I'll have some friends to keep you company soon."
Jon pressed himself into a corner. Stale dusty air ripped through his lungs as he cried himself to sleep.
Screaming and crying because baby Tenko is just so freaking adorable and only deserves the best 😭
Only the best 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
I just think it's important for people to know what i learned today. Ren was canonically naked during the Beheading. If your fanart doesn't have Ren's dick out and it isn't long it's not accurate to canon, sorry :/
For the expression charts; E5 for '17 Darkwing and A3 for '17 Launchpad. Maybe Darkwing said something hurtful?

F in the chat for lp, boys
When requesting, please don’t forget to use the format or something similar! Extra details are always welcome!
Character DT17/DT87/DWD91, Chart, Expression

Wh! Stanley, the test isn't in the broom closet! Come back!
Yall ever get like super dizzy? For no reason??????? Cause this shit is making me mad D: