They Had Us In The First Half Not Gonna Lie - Tumblr Posts
[Shinsou and Kaminari, in Shinsou bedroom]
Aizawa, kicking door open with a frying pan: now what in the FUCK did I just hear
Kaminari: not much I just plugged the laptop charger into the headphone jack
Ideal Gravity Falls reboot for me would be if they just released a movie, takes place ten+ years in the future, Dipper and Mabel are adults now going back to gf for the summer and you know there’s a lot of like serious tonal shifts from the original work in that it actually plays a bit more in the horror and drama space that Disney might not have let it originally and one of those dramatic notes could be that when they get to the shack the grunkles aren’t there to greet them and no one really mentions it but they’re talking about stan in the past tense and maybe Dipper gets really defensive every time he’s brought up and this goes on for two hours and we’ve reached the climax and at the last moment it’s revealed that stan and ford aren’t dead or anything they just got pulled over for speeding and Stan got arrested for punching a cop

This is not bad news Screen Rant DO NOT SCARE ME LIKE THAT
Everyone with NPD is abusive.
Well, depending on what NPD is.
If NPD is Narcissistic Personality Disorder, then no they're not all abusive.
If NPD is the police department of a city starting with N, then yes they're all abusive.