9 months ago
No Thoughts Just Pam And Minthara

No thoughts just Pam and Minthara

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3 years ago
Draco Kissed His Forehead Again, More Firmly This Time. Goodnight, Harry.

Draco kissed his forehead again, more firmly this time. “Goodnight, Harry.”

“Night, Draco.” Harry wrapped his free arm around Draco’s waist and let his eyes fall shut, the exhaustion of the day fully setting in. He fell asleep feeling safe.

from Chasing Shadows, by @manixzen for @harrydracobang

my ao3 post is here, if you want to stop by and give it some love ♡

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1 year ago


It has come to my attention that not everybody knows about the wangxian ice dance performance so in honor of it being figure skating season and the Olympics being held in Beijing, here y’all go💖

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7 months ago
240728 TXT Japan Official's Tweet
240728 TXT Japan Official's Tweet
240728 TXT Japan Official's Tweet
240728 TXT Japan Official's Tweet

240728 TXT Japan Official's Tweet



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4 years ago
Chloe X Halle

Chloe x Halle

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6 months ago

Aarmau cooldown before bed yesterday

Aarmau Cooldown Before Bed Yesterday

Letting you guys know that print preorders are available :3c cool stuff is happening and it’s exciting yay!!!

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8 months ago
But I Pray For Her Each Night, Dreaming That It Might Catch Her Ear

but i pray for her each night, dreaming that it might catch her ear

i’ve been working on a good omens au inspired by the album burn pygmalion!!! a better guide to romance by the scary jokes. hoping there might be some crossover there but even so my gomens friends have been pretty enthusiastic about the concept ( ^3^)~! i’m planning on writing a fic for it as well!! very excited

gonna include the concepts i drew for the character designs under the cut <3

But I Pray For Her Each Night, Dreaming That It Might Catch Her Ear
But I Pray For Her Each Night, Dreaming That It Might Catch Her Ear

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8 months ago
Women Should Be Sweaty In The Garden And Also Touching Each Other. Like If U Agree
Women Should Be Sweaty In The Garden And Also Touching Each Other. Like If U Agree

women should be sweaty in the garden and also touching each other. like if u agree 👍

‼️ cottage wives for @chernozemm ‼️

my commissions are open too !! <3

Women Should Be Sweaty In The Garden And Also Touching Each Other. Like If U Agree

OKAY the vision for this was initially like this ^^ really cropped image of just their torsos so you couldnt see their faces and her Hand. but then i got carried away and its all there now!

i also got a lot of help for this from my artist besties (blows all of u a kiss) because i love second guessing myself. 7 + 9 = 14 yaknow. but sometimes this is good cus i did fix a lot of things. eg crowleys braids did NOT look this pretty until i redid it like 4 times. lmfao.

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11 months ago

Birdwings (dragons of paradise)

Birdwings (dragons Of Paradise)
Birdwings (dragons Of Paradise)
Birdwings (dragons Of Paradise)
Birdwings (dragons Of Paradise)
Birdwings (dragons Of Paradise)

the first image is an older drawing i did from 3 years ago, older concept design. Snd these are the new and improved concept ideas!!!

Despite their seemingly welcoming name, the dragons of paradise are all but welcoming. These hostile and stand offish dragons are threatening towards outsiders (other dragon tribes) but amoug their community, they are kind, organized and joyful. Living in the dense jungles of the Nervego (Ner-Vah-go) (literally nevergo but mixed up, if you couldn't tell lol). The jungle itself isnt particurally dangerous, with the most dangerous plants being the manchineel tree and a monsterous fly trap plant that is easily identifiable and avoidable. (They take slow to consume so one must use a knife or talons to get out. However the inside of the plant is thick, meaning your talons or knife need to be sharp.) The reason it is dangerous is because dragons went missing. Many were killed by birdwings or just got lost and starved to death. Birdwings are predatory animals. But they also eat fruit! They have the ability to inject venom into anyone they bite on command, the venom paralyzes the victim and in large doses can be fatal. A dragonet is taught at a young age how to control and use this ability. This tribe is covered in feathers (shown in the older drawing) they're a but medium sized with large wings. They are more like tree hoppers and climbers, which is why they have those large hooked fingers on their wings, to grab onto branches. Their claws are long and hooked so they can get into the bark. The horns, shapes, sizes, feathers and everything varies, however the designs (physical base) remain relevant. They are very colorful dragons with colors ranging from all over the rainbow. Birdwing names are usually involved around bird names, particularly exotic ones from jungles (or africa), Flora and fauna from the jungle, and types of land revolving around a jungle. Their queen is queen Astrapis (a bird of paradise). She is shown in image 2 and 3. Only the dragons of the royal family have the crest on their head. Their history is different, from other tribes. After an ancient war many many centuries before, the birdwings had lost. They were driven from their home (then the plains and forests of the now greater horned dragons (rhinowings)) and forced to find a new home. In a desperate attempt to help her dragons, then queen cassowary lead her dragons into the unexplored jungles. Though brutal and almost uninhabitable at first, the dragons soon coped and became used ti the conditions, building villages and training themselves. Now they weren't forgotten, not at first. The other tribes knew of their whereabouts. But the dragons of paradise didnt show themselves simce they moved, and were slowly forgotten completely. It is only the rhinowings royals who are aware of their existence. As of now, they are stand offish but less likely to kill anyone aho seeks into their land, but rather kidnap them.

Their territory and kingdom is deep within the depths of the jungles

Birdwings (dragons Of Paradise)
Birdwings (dragons Of Paradise)
Birdwings (dragons Of Paradise)

The palace rests in around and amoug the biggest tree in the forest. A waterfall somehow runs through it

Birdwings (dragons Of Paradise)

[All images from google.] [Things searched: dense jungle, big tree in jungle]

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1 year ago
Some Character Design Practice Through Hadestown Fanart
Some Character Design Practice Through Hadestown Fanart

Some character design practice through Hadestown fanart 😌

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