Things I Think About - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Things I think about way too much



It’s not illegal to practise canabalism but where would you find the meat legally

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6 years ago

Things That I Needed To Hear But Never Did (Part Two):

- Someone loves you, somewhere. Even if you feel like they don't. They do. They do. I promise you, they do.

- You're important to someone. You're just as important to someone as they are you. To them, you are the first choice.

- Nothing is wrong with you. There is no coding that needs to be fixed.

- You are you, and that is so great and so important, and you are unique and original. No one could ever replace you.

- Someone will fall for you as much as you fall for them. Those sappy notes and letters you write? Someone will do the same for you.

- Hugs are important. Physical affection is important. Not everything results in you getting hurt.

- Someone would die for you as much as you would them.

- You matter in someone else's world. You are apart of their story as they are yours.

- You can and will be found.

- The darkness isn't forever.

- If you disappear, someone will go on a journey to find you.

- There will be someone that will never, ever leave you despite anything you say or go through.

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