THIS IS POETRY - Tumblr Posts

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why does this give me ‘guy you see at the party you never wanted to go to but your roommate talked you into it and he’s in the backyard with his friends. you catch his smile through the living room window and everything cliche you’ve ever read about uni starts to make sense but it’s more than that bc you want it. you want a piece of that cliche for yourself and for some reason… in this moment… it looks like lee jeno and now you’re determined to make it happen which is so unlike you. you weren’t even supposed to come tonight. you had one of those period dramas you know by heart all ready to go and something sweet waiting for you in the fridge and the cheap wine you tried for the first time in your church’s basement years ago on the kitchen counter. and somehow… somehow… your mind spun a web around the boy in the backyard with a pretty smile and rings on his fingers. now you’re just hoping he’ll come inside because well… look at him. something… some unknown desire floating around in your orbit slid into place and everything clicked. “if i asked you to introduce me to someone… would you?”’
As a lesbian, I find it difficult to understand attraction to men. That being said, when I see some bara-style dilfs with big soft bellies, I can't help but feel like a warrior watching a display of martial skill from a respectable rival school. I lock eyes with the master leading his students in their daily drills and give him a single nod of undying respect, and he returns the gesture. We both understand that the difference between Dilf and Milf is a single letter.

like ive been thinking about this line from that creme brulee brownie recipe for days like literally where is this woman now like how is she doing
I feel like a fair deal has been said about Eddie being a monster fucker extraordinaire, but can we spend some more time considering how much of a... something else the Symbiote is for falling in love with a human? And I don’t even mean the obvious aesthetic differences, that from the perspective of a sleek, half-liquid, glimmering symbiote would still (I think), despite their shapeshifting abilities, make us read to them as trypophobic centipede nightmares.
The difference I’m more interested in focusing on here is that the symbiotes as far as we know from the times multiple scientists in comics and other Marvel media examined them, have no additional bacterial flora of their own, no parasites, no well… nothing. All symbiote’s cells are symbiote’s cells. The human cells are outnumbered by the bacterias living among them 10 to 1.
Oh, imagine loving a haunted city.
The city that protects and hides you. The city that gives you life and shelter. Its citizens surround you, you feel them passing around you. You feel them passing through you. They do not see you. They do not hear you. They go about their life, mindless and blind and voiceless. Only the city talks. But only to you. Their carcasses fall on the streets, to be swallowed by the concrete, the concrete you worship. The city cares not for them, only for you, its only citizen with a voice. It loves you, and you love it back. You love its buildings, growing endlessly, each room filled by a blank face. You love the avenues, crowded, yet deadly silent. Each beautiful graveyard.
Oh!! Imagine loving a haunted city!!
icy hot take: articulated is a great word that shows that you are, in fact, good at writing words.
i wish i were a better poet. i wish i were better at articulating words, writing down how i feel. maybe i would be a better lover, a better friend, if i were a better poet.
I hear you, I promise
also it is funny to think abt like. as a kid you hear ppl say "words are an instrument" and you go yeah yeah ok pretentious much. and then you learn how to play it and
I hate how every autumn appreciation post is about sweet, warm September and golden colors of leaves and sunlight. Where is the love for the quiet comfort of the cloudy gray, the music of the heavy rain, the leafless trees crowned by their own branches, the life and adventures of the wind... Autumn is the nature burning like a phoenix and the November rain is what puts the flame out.
"nothing is real atoms never touch each other youve never touched anything in your life" ok. well when i pet my dog he is soft and when he licks my hand it is wet and that is far more real to me than whatevers going on at an atomic level