This Motherfucker - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

Tw: r8pe

Little outlast 2 rant.

I finish o2 a while ago but I went in knowing nothing but character names. All I saw was the thumbnail for it.

My dumbass looked a papa knoth and thought "oh cool, another religious figure that's gonna be the worst tour guide ever but maybe he'll be a little better than father Martin."

I love plus sized characters by the way. I love all the leatherfaces, mother gooseberry, Chris Walker and nightmare from fnaf. I would happy to add another character to that list. I genuinely thought papa knoth was gonna be some sweet character after I learned his name.

HE HAD PAPA IN HIS NAME AND USUALLY CHARACTERS WHO HAVE PAPA IN THEIR NAME A PRETTY NICE AND SWEET CHARACTERS. he was also plus sized and a common thing with plus sized characters is that they're sweet.

This absolutely motherfucker was that exact OPPOSITE of what I expected him to be. He's sexist, a rapist, con artist, knowingly spreads STDs and blames it on the other person, manipulative, controlling and a pedophile.

The worst part is my brain already decided he was my favorite character from this game and after learning he was the things listed above it's still said "we ain't going back now"

I don't know why I'm like this with fictional characters. I just pick one and even after finding out they're an awful person I subconsciously refuse to let them go. I think it may be my ADHD that need something to cling onto to keep my focused on finishing the game and it unfortunately chose the worst option.

Papa knoth is a guilty pleasure of mine and I fucking hate it.

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7 months ago
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1 year ago
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