This Would Be Hilarious - Tumblr Posts

Shen twins or bros au where the Shens go through Qiu Manor and Wu Yanzi together but only Shen Jiu joins Cang Qiong with Yue Qingyuan. Cut to Cang Qiong facing a problem that needs the expertise of a demonic cultivator and Shen Jiu presents the most powerful and elusive demonic cultivator as his brother is it that the demonic cultivator brother is nicer than the one dressed in pastels

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1 year ago
An Invitation For A Midnight Snack I PART 1 I
An Invitation For A Midnight Snack I PART 1 I

An invitation for a midnight snack I PART 1 I

May the fallen trees show mercy to the lumberjack, for their roots will feast on his corpse.

An Invitation For A Midnight Snack I PART 1 I
An Invitation For A Midnight Snack I PART 1 I

My delusion makes me believe that the Curse of Strahadanya cast is going to find themselves on Druskenvald.

An Invitation For A Midnight Snack I PART 1 I
An Invitation For A Midnight Snack I PART 1 I

And MAYBE interact with the EOM cast.

An Invitation For A Midnight Snack I PART 1 I
An Invitation For A Midnight Snack I PART 1 I
An Invitation For A Midnight Snack I PART 1 I

I don't think it's going to happen, but I can dream.

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2 years ago

70 year old borrower who’s gone through too much shit to even bother hiding from the humans, she will steal in full sight if she pleases then turn and fuss at the giant for not buying more nutritious food.

the giant spends most of their time begging tiny Meemaw to “PLEASE, I can LIFT YOU, you don’t need to USE A GRAPPLING HOOK YOU’RE SEVENTY” and Meemaw brushes them off, tells them to get a haircut, and continues puttering around the house in ways that stresses the giant out immensely

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2 years ago

borrowers who are socially aware enough to know about memes but they aren’t aware of their short lifespan

the giant’s getting used to being dabbed on every time the borrower gets away with something. they don’t have the heart to tell them no one dabs anymore

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1 year ago

G/T thought of the day is a borrower not knowing how doors or sinks or other random appliances work and thinking the human they live with is just magic

“So, the giant - guys, listen - the giant goes up to this metal box, called it a toasted oven. He puts in bread, and get this, it comes out brown and warm. I was watching from the mouse hole and I couldn’t believe-“

“The box obviously contains fire, then.”

“No! There were no flames, but twisted metal that glowed red! He’s discovered warmth without fire!”

“By the gods……. the giant is a sorcerer.”

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1 year ago

Crab Day!!!

Crab Day!!!


Here on Tumblr!!


Buy crabs!


As we now know, Tumblr is $30 million dollars in debt. Oops. Tumblr has announced some major (and unpopular) changes to the site in their attempt to get back above water. The alternative is that Tumblr ceases to exist. But maybe we can change that...


There are 327 million unique tumblr visits per month, and almost 500 million active accounts. If 10 million unique users (or less, if we bought more than one) bought or gifted Crabs from the Tumblr store, we could knock out Tumblr's debt easily. Buy crabs!


July 29, 2023 is Crab Day, running through August 5 (for anyone who can't log on that day) as Crab Week!


Everyone!! If you truly can't afford to participate with a $3 crab, (or other item from the shop) post crab memes!

Time for Tumblr users to rise again and surprise everyone...

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3 years ago

i’m gonna make a movie where two normal ladies fall in love. everything’s chill, no age gap, they’re both out of the closet, their families love them, everything’s fine. the catch is that one lady has a cat and the other lady never figured out what the cat’s name was cause the Owner Lesbian ALWAYS uses a dumb nickname and now it’s been three years and they’re getting married and it’s too late to just ask

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4 months ago

the day Hennessy clocks the Decladam parallelism is going to be worst day of Ronan’s life. Seated for it

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