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Kaori- Kuroo Tetsurou

“Hello?” Kuroo whispered into his phone,
“Hi. heh! You see, I really have an emergency right now”
Your mind was racing, unable to wrap around the fact that your roommate who you have barely conversed with had even called you. At the sound of an emergency, you were already scrambling on your feet to gather your stuff halfway through your kickboxing training.
“Did you burn the house down?”
“What? No. I just…”
All you heard was radio silence on his side. Pulling away the phone from your ear, you checked if you or he accidentally hung up.
“Yeah. You see, I am naked right now.”
“NO.no. It’s not what you are thinking.”
Looking around, Kuroo saw the cause of this situation, his speaker that rolled away when Kuroo bashed himself into the shower wall on his side. He wouldn’t have had the courage to call his roommate, who he very much feared, if it wasn’t for his arm, which refused to move and was developing an ugly bruise.
“I think I broke my arm”
“And you’re naked because?”
“I broke my arm while showering, ok?”
Kuroo was beyond embarrassed. He thought the best of his roommate, the coolest. Maybe cool to the point where she was distant, but cool. He had seen her return from her practice with her boxing gloves tied together hanging from the side of her bag strap; her knuckles still wrapped in her white hand wraps. He would always be secretly glancing at her as she sat on the couch tugging off the hands wraps with her teeth. Kuroo would be there to see her head away from her, having no words to spare for him. Kuroo knew and understood you would return home tired, but secretly wished to befriend this very cool person he saw. He would often wonder what she thought of him, but that wasn’t important at that moment.
“And you thought I was the best choice for this because?”
Now, by all means, you were trying to sound rude, but you were headstrong about not wanting to see your roommate naked because he managed to break his arm while showering. A roommate, you didn’t know about beyond, his name, choice of cereal and unhealthy amount of fish that he likes.
“you think I should wait my friend to make a hourlong drive to get here while I sit here with my damn- arm tingling like freaking bitch”
Kuroo was in pain. That would be the only way he would explain this to his normally well-mannered self.
“True, I don’t see you yell, but I can hear you yelling. I’ll hang up now. I need to drive.”
You didn’t mind him yelling. Actually, you didn’t care at all. You knew it was the pain speaking having had some terrible injuries yourself, but you really need to concentrate on driving, though it was a sort of muscle memory to drive back home. You were glad that you had taken the car today. Just help Kuroo in the car and the hospital shouldn’t be too long of a drive.
“No,no,no, don’t hang up, please”
“I won’t just hang up and not come home, you know that, right?”
Of course, Kuroo knew that.
“I think my head might be bleeding too?”
“Oh fuck. Right. Ok. Where are you right now?”
“In the tub”
You could resist but rub your temples trying to soothe some stress out at that.
“Can you get out of the tub and maybe get some pants on for me?” You tried,
“About that, one broken arm, one broken leg, and maybe a bleeding head.”
“ what the fuck, even happened?”
“You see-”
Kuroo was just trying to have a good time. He had to house all to himself, after all. Pulling the currents shut, Kuroo stripped down, naked as the day he was born. First stopping by the kitchen to get himself some cereal, then sitting his naked butt on the cool surface of your precious couch enjoying some cartoons. Deciding to shower and refresh himself before your arrival, he prepared his clothes. Noticing your wireless speaker on the kitchen counter, Kuroo brought it to the shower with his phone. Starting a playlist, Kuroo was the main character of his world, until the mood of the playlist switched. Unable to stop himself, Kuroo was still covered in sud, reaching for his phone , going through his playlist while leaning on a single hand against the wall of the shower. It was all fine until Kuroo reached for the speaker to increase its volume. One miscalculated step and Kuroo was crashing against the wall, injuring himself with the tap of the bathtub he stood in. Elbows giving out, as he turned to support himself to balance. Falling on his back with only his phone in his hand. Kuroo tried to get up but quickly noticed his right arm not moving as he wished. The pain was incredible, but the shame had him sitting in his position for ten minutes until he finally gave in and called you.
“So yeah…” Kuroo scratched behind his ears as the embarrassment finally set in.
“Um… I am coming up the building right now, going to hang up.”
Kuroo wasn’t sure about hanging up. He deeply believed that he was going to pass out with how much effort it took to keep his eyes from drooping. He almost knocked himself out until he heard the front door unlock.
Calling out Kuroo’s name , you warned him of your presence. Knocking on the washroom door, before entering. Carefully taking in the situation had unfolded while you were away. Wet bathroom floor, with soggy cereal floating in the little puddle by the tub. Your speaker lay by your feet near the door, somehow still working. Leaning by the misty shower wall sat Kuroo, hiding his face in his hands. The shower was still pouring water to fill the tub. Grabbing the towel that was at arm’s length from where you stood inside the bathroom. You flung at the boy sitting in the tub, forgetting for a second about his potentially broken hand.
“Uhh, cover what you need to first.”
“Are you serious? Just pretend I am not naked, or else I will be sure to die in your arms.”
Pinching your eyes shut, you stood in your place contemplating what you did that led you to this moment. Realizing soon that he must be in pain, you said,
“Fuck it”
Kuroo’s head finally made an appearance from between his hands. Maybe he should have thought a little harder before speaking because now you were standing beside him, kneeling, hands reaching out for him. His eyes grew in size as you draped the towel over his lower body. Kuroo felt a gentle hand reach for his head, feeling around for a bleeding spot. Luckily, finding none, but a bump on his forehead, swollen for taking the hit. Kuroo finally breathed when you left the bathroom. A shaky breath escaped him while he waited for you to return.
Making Kuroo a makeshift sling for his possibly broken arm, you warned him to hold still as you placed one arm behind his knees and the other around his back, pulling him up bridal style. Quickly, but carefully, you placed him on the washroom counter.
Kuroo was lightheaded.It wasn’t because of the injuries he had brought upon himself, but it was the warmth of your hands on his bare skin that made blood rush to his head. Breaths swallow while all he could breathe was the peaches and vanilla scent that you always wore. He rested his head on your shoulder as you continued to dry him off the best you could without hurting him.
“Will you be fine getting some clothes on by yourself? I could ask our neighbor’s grandson to come help you if you need,” Kuroo’s head shot up at that.
“NO. I mean, no. You know the kid is Satan reincarnated himself. He would never let me live this down.”
“So, do I leave you with your clothes?”
No. That was the answer he should have given you. Turns out, pulling a pair of underwear with only one functional hand without hurting your broken leg is pretty hard. He couldn’t even pull it up his ankles. All those past years of stretching for volleyball weren’t coming to any use at that moment. The final nail to the coffin was his hand falling out of the sling you had so kindly tied for him.
“Fuck it.” He thought.
“Roomie~ don’t kill me. I need your help.”
And so…
You had to dress him with your eyes set to the ceiling. Admittedly so, you ended up poke around places you would want to be touching. A broken leg, broken arm and a hard on, and Kuroo was all set to head to the hospital.