Trans Advice - Tumblr Posts

Ok so message for all my cis folks out there on how to deal with trans people being dead named/misgendered, it’s really simple actually, you just, lemme see here:

✨✨Correct them✨✨

Unless this a specific situation where the trans person isn’t out and correcting them would out them, correct people 👏

It’s really scary correcting people when you’re trans and most the time it isn’t malicious so you feel bad and you don’t want to have to explain to people you barely know that you’re transgender

It also reinforces the ‘screaming trans person correcting everyone’ stereotype when we do. Some cis people get really defensive when they’re corrected and it’s stressful dealing with that multiple times a day so a lot of trans people just let misgendering/deadnaming go.

It doesn’t matter if you barely know them or if you’ve never even talked, if someone misgenders them just correct them. Don’t call yourself a trans ally if you do nothing when misgendering and deadnaming happens

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2 years ago

Early next month I'm gonna go to my first appointment at the gender clinic! I'm so excited but also really scared and stressed out about it :(

The apartment itself takes place at another towne which is quite awhile away so I either have to be driven there or take the train

I just hope I don't need to fight to be able to get on Testosterone :/ I'm 21 so my words should be able to carry me further than if I was a teen (sadly) so I hope for the best

What arguments would someone recommend when it comes to discussing the possibility of testosterone?

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1 year ago

Soooooooooooooo..... I'm going to the gender clinic tomorrow and I want to know what to wear. I know it's not something I should worry about, but I really want to make sure the people at the gender clinic understand that I am serious about going on T.

I'm really scared of biases towards me being nonbinary and that they will refuse T, which might be a weird fear. I had to wait for 13 months for my first appointment, which they continued to delay by moving the date to the point of placing it in the middle of Easter, which then forced me to cancel the appointment.

And with the added factor of this being the exam season, I need to make everything count. Funny enough, the secretary asked if I could "just cancel the appointment and come to us in another time" as if I did not have to wait for over a year to simply get an appointment to talk.

I swear, if I have to deal with waiting for another year for simply talking about going on T, I will fucking kill myself (jk). I'm just really mad at the system, and the fact that I am not dealing with the worst part of this is also really bad.

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1 year ago

Soooooooooooooo..... I'm going to the gender clinic tomorrow and I want to know what to wear. I know it's not something I should worry about, but I really want to make sure the people at the gender clinic understand that I am serious about going on T.

I'm really scared of biases towards me being nonbinary and that they will refuse T, which might be a weird fear. I had to wait for 13 months for my first appointment, which they continued to delay by moving the date to the point of placing it in the middle of Easter, which then forced me to cancel the appointment.

And with the added factor of this being the exam season, I need to make everything count. Funny enough, the secretary asked if I could "just cancel the appointment and come to us in another time" as if I did not have to wait for over a year to simply get an appointment to talk.

I swear, if I have to deal with waiting for another year for simply talking about going on T, I will fucking kill myself (jk). I'm just really mad at the system, and the fact that I am not dealing with the worst part of this is also really bad.

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10 months ago

Denmark's gender clinics are terrible. I've been denied T two times in a row and was told I can only reapply for my next appointments next year, which means I have to endure the wait time AGAIN.

This could result in the next time I can TRY to get T is in 2 years... And that's not even going into the details of how much money I've had to spend just to attend the appointments

because the place where I have to physically show up are 5 hours away. and Twice now, I've had to book a hotel just to have the chance of meeting up on time... I can't even say I'm angry or anything, I'm just... defeated.

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10 months ago

Denmark's gender clinics are terrible. I've been denied T two times in a row and was told I can only reapply for my next appointments next year, which means I have to endure the wait time AGAIN.

This could result in the next time I can TRY to get T is in 2 years... And that's not even going into the details of how much money I've had to spend just to attend the appointments

because the place where I have to physically show up are 5 hours away. and Twice now, I've had to book a hotel just to have the chance of meeting up on time... I can't even say I'm angry or anything, I'm just... defeated.

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1 year ago

Help needed!

I have a trans friend (MTF) who hasn’t started hormone therapy yet but plans to when she moves out; I’m just looking for perspectives from trans women and advice! She just got herself some feminine clothing from a friend but she also isn’t out to a lot of her friends and family (some, she is!) I sent her a lot of resources and she has done her own research but also looking for people to say their experiences with hormonal therapy / transitioning in general! Thanks so much! /gen /pos

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5 months ago

What haircut should I get to make myself look more masc ? (15, FtM, round face)

What Haircut Should I Get To Make Myself Look More Masc ? (15, FtM, Round Face)

This is how I look rn btw

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11 months ago

I just followed you because you inspired me for one your beautiful and I applaud your bravery and this is what I come to ask you ..... How did you do it Im not worry about rejection but more of knowing it's still frowned upon and not totally excepted and it's hard to find fem groups or circles of you will so I'm hoping maybe you can give me some advice and maybe a point in the right direction because I love the life I live and not ashamed but I could really use some encouragement thank you for your time

Nobody will be happy no matter what you do. Stop caring about what people think.

You only get one life and you’ll regret how much time you’ve wasted letting other people stop you from truly being happy.

As long as you aren’t harming anybody else who cares what they think? I put in effort to look and feel good as hell all the time, that’s how it’s easy for me to tune out the haters.

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