Trans Werewolf - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago




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8 months ago

I love my Adam's Apple because it let's me snarl like a wild beast 🥰

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7 months ago

Realization of A Sense of Self

Realization Of A Sense Of Self

......Or alternatively just my transition goals :-]

This is a very personal kind of self portrait piece reflecting on how I see myself through my therianthropy and trans identity and how comforting that actually is.

This was originally done as an artistic nudity piece so you can see that under the cut ^_^

Realization Of A Sense Of Self

.....can you tell I've never drawn a penis in my life

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7 months ago

Small Rant/Vent

Cw/Tw/Mentions: Genitals in a Nonsexual Manner + Gender and Species Dysforia

Aaghhhhh this is probably going to sound really weird but I genuinely think I would prefer to have a more realistic werewolf sheath (with or without a shaft nub I don't care) packer than I would a usual humanoid realistic packer.

I've been getting pretty bad bottom dysforia lately and one of the things that has been comforting me is calling my bottom growth my sheath and my tip because of the way it feels in my hands. And that makes me feel so much better because it makes me feel way more like a t-fueled werewolf that's growing his sheath in rather that a sad human with the wrong set of genitals (even though I am technically both a sad human and a happy werewolf).

Plus the idea of having more werewolf oriented genitals gives me both gender euphoria and species euphoria, as someone who is both transgender and a canine!!

But it's not like I'm saying that I wouldn't be over the moon with a typical packer!! Quite the opposite actually, the idea of having a normal penis is still very appealing to me, hence why I plan to get bottom surgery in the future ^_^

Sorry if this rant(vent?) was weird or offputting, I just really needed to get my thoughts out of my head!!

P.S: If anyone knows where I could get something like I described please let me know!!! I probably will end up making my own at some point but It'll take a lot of work and sewing on my part-

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3 years ago

hello? + reintroduction

hi, i haven't been here in several years aa i left bc i felt scared of expressing myself as i created this acct while i was still in high school and experiencing lots of bullying and emotional abuse. i was afraid of someone somehow finding me here and hurting me, so i left tumblr.

but now that i'm older and i no longer care what others think, i've decided to return, as the comfort i experienced when i was here last was so overwhelming and nice! i just wanna come back and see all the lovely kin related things here, and be around the community again!

- so in my return, here's a bit abt me: ☾ u can call me lune ☾ i'm a transboy, he/him pls ☾ i'm 22 yrs old and an aries ☾ i would identify myself as werewolfkin! ☾ i love soft, forest/earthy aesthetics, as well as moon aesthetics! ☾ i'm panromantic demisexual ☾ i do art as a hobby and occasionally for money <3 ☾ i love anime! my favorites are jujutsu kaisen, my hero academia, yuri on ice, and naruto ☾ i have adhd, severe anxiety + depression, and constant disassociation - so pls have patience with me!

i haven't been here in a very long time, so pls forgive me while i relearn how to use this site ;-;

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3 years ago

☾ wearing chain necklaces really brings out something within me. i feel somehow proud to wear them, like they’re some award or prize. i always feel so natural wearing them.

☾ i love when my nails grow out long enough to file to a point. i love just looking at them and touching them, feeling the pointed tips against my skin. if only they were stronger.

☾ i actually really enjoy brushing my teeth. taking care of my fangs makes me feel strong. i love looking at my canines in the mirror.

☾ i really want to buy myself some nice fingerless gloves, especially those ones with little paw pads sewn on them. soft enough to feel like paws, but with the ability to show off my claws.

☾ as stereotypical as it sounds, i love wearing my red flannel. seeing myself in it makes me feel all giddy inside.

☾ *taps nails against hard surface for clicking noises*

☾ i use an ipad to draw and i have a widget that shows the moon cycle everyday. turning my ipad on just to see that is so fun.

☾ i got a seafoam colored calcite the other day from a local festival that’s shaped like a tiny moon. i love holding it and feeling it in my hands. its sort of a good luck charm for me now. maybe i’ll find a way to put it on a chain necklace.

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3 years ago
I Feel As Though, While A Werewolf, I Am And Always Have Been A Gentle Soul. I Dont Have Memories Of

i feel as though, while a werewolf, i am and always have been a gentle soul. i don’t have memories of attacking other creatures. i don’t have memories of digging my claws into flesh. all i can remember is running through deep earthy forests and wide open meadows. i vividly remember the snow covered woods and the feeling of the cold bark against my hands. i feel as though maybe i collected stones or feathers, and maybe the bones of deceased creatures, but i can’t remember ever outright harming anything or anyone. i think the wolf inside just felt content enough in solitude and with the ability to fear nothing.

i have the fondest memories of the moon, and looking up at it through the treetops. i crave that type of peace again. my fangs remember the feeling of the cold night air passing through them as i ran for miles through the woodlands. they remember the hard things i chewed on to keep them healthy. my claws remember the dirt and stones they’ve touched. they remember scratching and climbing up tall trees.

at the same time, i remember how it felt to bear my teeth, how it felt for all the hair on my neck to stand on end, the way my ears felt pressed against my skull. maybe i was more of a frightened creature than a violent one. perhaps that explains the anxiety and fear of many things i have now. in the present, i simply wish to reside in my home alone, covered in fur blankets and with a nice warm sweater. while i crave the smell of the forest, the human in me finds peace listening to nature sounds with my dogs. while things are different now than they once were, i feel i am no less a wolf than i always have been.

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2 years ago

☾ about me.

my apologies, it would appear i've vanished again. sometimes even posting online anonymously can cause anxiety for me. since i'm attempting another comeback, here's a new introduction:

-- 🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘--

☾ you can call me lune or lucien ☾ i use he/they ☾ i'm 23 ☾ aries sun / pisces moon ☾ i have adhd + autism, pls have patience w/ me

i like to post + reblog the following:

☾ werewolfkin / werewolfcore / wolfkin aesthetics ☾ woodland / deep autumn / foresty aesthetics ☾ the occasional appealing recipe ☾ songs / lyrics i resonate with and most of all... ☾ my werewolfkin ramblings ~

i'm a very casual blog and i'm not terribly active, but i highly appreciate all the love and kindness this community has shown me and i hope you'll all continue to enjoy my werewolfy content, because i'll certainly be enjoying yours <3

 About Me.

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