Trolls Incorrect Quotes - Tumblr Posts
Brozone brothers, Poppy, Viva, Brandy, and Y/N are spending some downtime getting to know each other. Aka JD is introducing you, his slightly estranged spouse to his family.
Bruce jr. trips and starts bleeding. Brandy immediately goes to help him and is surprised by you holding out a first aid kit.
Brandy: "You keep a fist aid kit on you?"
Y/N: "I'm married to a walking disaster. Of course I keep a first aid kit with me at all times."
Brozone Bros: "So, how did you meet Floyd?"
Orchid: "He found me in the trash can and decided he was my friend now because I 'obviously needed one'."
JD: "Why was that obvious?"
Orchid: "Because I go days or weeks without eating and don't notice." Shrugging, "It's not as if it's killed me."
And with those words they realized why their brother always ate/shared food with this woman.
John Dory telling everyone that Branch and Poppy should take their time and not get delustional.
Bruce/Spruce, "Says the guy who was doodling his joint tombstone with Lily at the age of sixteen and still hasn't asked her out over twenty years later."
*Brozone bros, Poppy, Viva, and Brandy all look at JD.*
Branch, "You did that?" He is shocked but doesn't know if he should be happy that Lily would be officially a part of the family or appalled because that's his mama.
John Dory stands still blinking for a moment before saying too loudly, "I need to go check on Rhonda, see you later!" And running away.
Interview soon after Bitty B joined the band, and JD just finished introducing everyone with their roles (Leader, Heartthrob, ect.)
Interviewer motions to Lily just off stage, "And what does she do?"
JD, "She keeps the brain cell."
All the bros, "All hail the keeper of the brain cell!"
A few months after the events of TBT and everything calms down/ the trolls are healing.
Lily showing her stump, "The Bergan chief would have made me into soup if it wasn't for this guy." Seeing the bros horrified faces, "I know, I would have been a better pizza."
Bruce: Looking at Lily concerned, "Is dark humor how you handle a depressive episode?"
Lily, "Episode? Papa blue this is a depressive series that's in season twenty and still going strong."
Bruce looked at Brandy who immediately called the family therapist.