Tsukishima - Tumblr Posts - Page 2
Prehistoric Love

Pairing: Tsukishima x Reader
Summary: After graduating college, Tsukishima’s finally started working for the Sendai City Museum. At first it seems to be a dream come true: no one annoys him and he gets to spend all day hanging out in the dinosaur exhibit. But how is he gonna deal with the cute new regular at the museum who’s started leaving him dinosaur pick up lines on his comment cards?
Genre: Strangers to lovers, fluff, humor, lil bit of angst
Warnings: Swearing, suggestive language, and way too many spongebob memes
Status: Finished!
Y/N and the boys | Tsukki’s squad
Part One: Y/N Hate Club
Part Two: The Grind Never Stops
Part Three: The Love Expert
Part Four: Married to Volleyball
Part Five: Imagine Being a Simp
Part Six: It’s Exposing Time
Part Seven: We Got Him Boys
Part Eight: Proud Parents
Part Nine: Hot French Fry
Part Ten: Lick Some Bread
Part Eleven: Connected the Dots
Part Twelve: Character Development
Part Thirteen: It’s a Date
Part Fourteen: You’re the Worst
Part Fifteen: Catch These Hands
Part Sixteen: Soft on Main
Part Seventeen: Account Deactivated
Part Eighteen: In (S)pain
Part Nineteen: Commit Homicide
Part Twenty: All Men Do is Lie
hot things tsukishima does
here are the creators and their posts that inspired this!
@0ik6lut - hot things oikawa does (OG)
@ahtsumu - hot things suna does
when you’re at your desk and ask him for help on something he places his hand on one side of the desk and leans down, basically encasing you in his arms
additionally, he’ll talk in your ear and when you look up at him he’ll look down at you and just…smirk before pulling away and telling you to figure the problem out yourself
leans on the doorframe; sometimes you’ll be leaning on wall next to the doorframe and he’ll come up and lean on it next to you, his body warmth making your heart beat 11x faster
when he wakes up one hand is stretching upwards towards the air while the other scratched his stomach and…. :) iz just nice
grabs your chin to look at him and uses his pointer finger to caress your chin before kissing you
has worn the maid costume once. you have a picture of it. on your phone. confidential. you look at it sometimes…. <3
Comfortable in his sexuality and lets you dress him up however as long as he can watch movies while you do it
when you watch movies together he’ll nonchalantly feed you a piece of popcorn but his fingers brush past your lips really slowly and when you both are looking at each other in anticipation he’ll lean back against the couch’s arm rest and pop a piece of popcorn in his mouth
you’re on your laptop and ask him for help with something and instead of wait until you move you arm out of the way he puts his hand on the mouse pad next to yours and his pinky links with one of your fingers….
says “oh? and you’re gonna stop me?”
when he’s stressed with his work on the computer he’ll sigh lightly and slip off his glasses and place his hand on his chin to look at you across the room, his tongue darts out to wet his lips, his gaze is dark and half-lidded
he’ll be doing something that takes his focus and you think he can’t see you staring at him, but then he’ll suddenly glance at you with thoe electric honey eyes of his and quirk his brow. no smile on his face. just intense stare
taps his pencils and pens against his pretty soft lips out of habit. sometimes looks at you while doing it
wears an plain silver chain anklet
has a prominent adam’s apple and when he drinks water after a game and there’s sweat dripping down his chin it’s. just. yeah.
has pretty hands with long fingers; sometimes he just mindlessly rubs the edge of his desk with his fingers and you can’t help but watch.
actually takes care of his nails – like the cuticles are pushed back and they are filed in a pretty shape. occasionally uses nail oil
his style. either it’s a lazy loose sweatpants (not grey ones, sorry, he knows that trend) and a long sleeve t-shirt or when he goes out and feels like trying it’s khaki pants with white socks and vans with a white button up and a vest pullover on top of it. just. preppy tsukishima. please god.
when he’s sitting on a bed he has one leg outstretched and one leg bent with his arm resting on it, his head in that hand, his other hand scrolling through his phone until you walk in and his eyes flit to you and trail after you until you leave the room
the hottest thing about tsukishima is his stare. the power his eyes hold over you, with or without glasses, is shocking. his eyes are just such a pretty shade of amber with a dark ring around them…the type of guy to forget his glasses one day and everyone has a picture of him from that day because. damn.
bonus: is the progressive kid in class who you think hates everyone equally but when someone says some Fucked Up discriminatory shit he goes Off on their ass and absolutely schools them
bonus bonus: tsukishima’s legs. nuff said
a/n: i was inspired by @blockedbykei's fic over here because tsukki's hands TT. thank you so much for posting it <3 --
you're absolutely in love with tsukishima's hands. when you hold hands, you sometimes get reminded how massive they are compared to yours. interlacing your fingers with his, yours reaches just past his knuckles.
you're curling into him in his bed as he reads a book in one hand, while you're fiddling with the other. his fingers are long and slender, and you don't know how else to describe it but "a work of art". they are the exact ones that wrap around your wrist as he pulls you along with him through a crowd, the ones that you help bandage together when he needs help, and the ones that weave through your hair during makeout sessions. of course, you can't resist the urge to press your lips against the tips of them, each and every one. although his hands are callous from his intense volleyball training, they still retain some sort of softness, some sort of comfort to them.
just as you placed the last kiss on his pinky, kei pulls away to flick your forehead, something he has a habit of doing, but he always rubs the spot with his thumb at the end.
"don't you have anything better to do?" he gives a snarky response without leaving his eyes off of the book, but his hand comes back to rest on your lap. and if you look up at him, you'd notice him smiling.
"actually, now that you mentioned it, i do have homework i'm supposed to do." you tease, making a show of removing his hand from you and standing up from the bed. he finally turns to you, rolling his eyes and letting out a sigh in exasperation. you stumble back into the bed as he pulls you by the arm and traps you with his legs. you laugh.
"you're so annoying." this time the book is now forgotten and laying open on the bed. he has his arms wrapped around you from behind, nestling his face on your shoulder. he takes your hand in his assertive yet reassuring ones, holding onto them tightly.
sure, you love his hands, but you love him much more.
you fall first, but he falls harder
a/n: i can only write fluff, so please trust me that it's fluff. there's like, one usage of 'she', timeskip spoilers, and a bit of language. it's my longest fic yet (which isn't saying much), no beta we die like daichi
you don't know that tsukishima kei knows about your crush on him. it's so damn obvious, how you turn red so easily when he's around. unfortunately for you, though, he doesn't reciprocate, nor does he bother confronting you about it. you are his closest friend other than yamaguchi, and as much as he hates to admit it, he doesn't want to lose you as one. it's so tedious, anyways.
"it's our last year in karasuno, do you have anything planned?" you ask as you lay on the floor of tsukishima's room. you're supposed to be studying, since it was what you came over to do with kei and tadashi, but you gave up somewhere halfway in geography.
"it is my last year, but who knows about you? you've been slacking so much, you'd probably have to repeat a year. and could you get up?" he sighs and nudges your side with his foot.
"asshole," you mutter, cheeks growing red. if you know that he just dodged your question, you don't do anything about it. "just you wait, i'll enroll into kyoto university and make you eat your words, beanpole."
"sure." his reply drips with sarcasm, but he doesn't doubt that you can make it far. there's a knock at the door.
"sorry for being late!"
kei knows you can read him like an open book. you can tell he's having a bad day just by a conversation with him through text. he also knows that when he says that he doesn't want to talk, you immediately ring his phone.
the first time it happened, he had tried to decline your calls, or just ignore it entirely, but you're insistent. eventually he picked it up, filled with pure irritation at that point.
"could you--"
"i'm heading over. i promise i won't push for any details. i'll even get strawberry shortcake on the way." you immediately stated. he paused to mull it over.
"fine, but if the cake sucks, i'm kicking you out." it's safe to say that the cake was good enough to make this a habit. at this point, tsukshima doesn't even know why you still call him to let him know you're coming over. the both of you know you will no matter what.
so here you are, sitting on his bedroom floor with him and eating desserts in silence, save for the music playing softly from his computer.
"you're gonna get in trouble with your parents when they realise you snuck out." he remarks. you shrug your shoulders, stuffing the remaining taiyaki in your mouth.
"i know."
"don't eat with your mouth full." you roll your eyes with a furious blush. somehow, you being here with him becomes sweeter than the strawberry shortcake.
you were there when tsukishima made the decision to go professional with volleyball.
his last match as karasuno's middle blocker had ended. his body was sore all over, but somehow the freak duo managed to convince him and yamaguchi to play one more match back at school, just the four of them with yachi. but even with landing third in nationals and a final intimate match with his teammates, he still somehow feels so unsatisfied.
the walk home with you was silent. he was grateful you didn't say anything. he couldn't handle anymore questions about how he was feeling when he himself was unsure. it was when you two stepped outside the convenience store after getting ice cream did he come to the conclusion that he never wants to have a last match.
"i'm not going to give up on volleyball after graduation." he announced out of the blue. you were caught off guard for a bit, before grinning at him. "i expected that."
"you call hinata and kageyama freaks for being so insane about volleyball, but you don't even realise that you're just as equally crazy about it as them." you said it so nonchalantly as you eat your ice cream, like you're stating a fact. now it was his turn to be taken off guard. he took a while to let it settle in before chuckling softly.
he should have known that you know him better than he does himself.
it's graduation day. tsukishima and kageyama are stuck with their four teary-eyed friends by their side. kei awkwardly pats your head, not knowing how to comfort you. you laugh at his feeble attempt, your rosy cheeks burning red. have you always been this cute? in the midst of all the bittersweet interactions, you get distracted by something on your phone, and let out a gasp.
"what is it, (name)?" yamaguchi asks. you're trembling slightly, and tsukishima grows worried.
"i, uh, got into kyoto university," you say in disbelief. "i actually got in!" everyone congratulates you, but you only care about one thing.
"tsukki, remember that day i told you i'd make you eat your words?" he hums in acknowledgement. you shove the acceptance email in his face, but he can only focus on how proud you look with that shit-eating smirk. "what do you have to say now, beanpole?"
he smiles. that's my best friend right there.
you were gone before the new year, and kei was handling your absence well until semester started. he had believed it'd be fine, you were only across the country, not across the world. plus, you promised you would call as often as you could.
but he doesn't sees you in his classes anymore, and you don't come over when he's having a bad day. he got himself strawberry shortcake to lighten his mood like it usually does, but he only feels hollow. it doesn't help that since he's going pro, his volleyball training is almost everyday now, and with your commitments, he rarely gets to call you anymore. it hurts like hell inside.
"hey tsukki, you've been off recently. is everything ok?" tadashi calls him one day.
"i'm fine, yamaguchi." kei lies. tadashi isn't convinced.
"does it have something to do with (name) being in kyoto?"
"why would you say that?" he answered too quickly for his liking.
"well, you bring (name) up quite a bit, and when you realise she isn't there, you get all quiet and snappy." tsukishima is about to retort back, but then it hits him.
oh shit, he's in love.
the day you finally return back to miyagi to visit, tsukishima waits at the station with yamaguchi. kei's eyes are constantly searching the crowd and flickering to his watch every so often.
"tsukki, relax, she'll be here soon." he ignores tadashi's reassurance.
tsukishima kei is a composed man, always able to think before he acts. but when he catches sight of you, he runs. before you can register anything, he hugs you, gripping onto you like a lifeline, like he will die if he lets go of you.
"gosh, i missed you so much, you idiot." he knows you could have easily lost feelings for him when you were away.
"i've suffered so much because of your stupid, dumb ass." he doesn't care.
"i like you, so go out with me before you have to head back to kyoto." you're back, and he's scared to lose you again. every second you stay quiet, the louder his heart beats in his ears.
"really?" you finally say, your voice barely over a whisper.
"yea." another pause.
"guess i'm yours then, beanpole."
"you know, i knew about your crush back in high school."
"what the heck?"
"you didn't necessarily hide it well."
"then i'll have you know that yamaguchi told me everything that happened when i've been gone."
Bullies Were Never My Kinda Thing
italicized means Japanese
This is based on that one trend from tiktok where the k-drama fmc gets the classic milk dump and the american student puts her hands up making the cafeteria a wwe ring.
the song I listened to: tiktok 1 hour repeat of 'Dumb wit it' aka not my song
my inspo: k-drama bully scene & american student trend
My bike makes a skidding sound as I pull up in front of Karasuno. A new school. First school in Japan, but probably won't be the last... Not with my track record.
I park my bike and lock it to the bike rack. I walk in, my shirt untucked, and drinking from a juice box. My bag is hanging off one shoulder, and full of study materials I probably will forget about in a week.
I find a bench and set my bag down, trying to find my schedule. As I'm digging through it, I feel a body bump into my butt. I whip around, ready to smack a bitch, only to find a girl. Shorter and a little thinner than me, but definitely needs a shove from the right person to get her to move. I catch her by the shoulders. "You good?" I ask her in English, forgetting that not everyone knows English- shit.. um.. "元気ですか?" (Genki desu ka?) I stutter, trying to find the right words for the context of the situation.
"Ah! You don't have to use Japanese!" She waves her hand and smiles.
I sigh in relief. "Thank god. Okay. You good? Any bumps or bruises?"
"Oh, no! Himari just bumped into me! No problem." The girl waves her hands around, looking like she's trying to dust something off.
"Okay... just... watch yourself, hun." I let go of her after making sure she is stabilized. I turn back around and look for my schedule. I finally find it and look for my first period.
As I walk over to my homeroom, I enter and see an empty seat next to the girl who I caught. I cock an eyebrow and look around for a different seat. Of course, she just happens to see me.
"Hey! Come here!" She waves me down. I sigh and walk over.
As I walk over, another girl comes over and bumps into me. I shrug it off, but a voice cut through the peace that was my mind.
"Aren't you going to apologize?"
I whip around. It's another chick. "Got a pro- um..." I rack my brain for the equivalent of my question, but shrug and walk to the girl who waved me down. "You are seriously going to sit by Yachi?"
"Yeah, I am. Do you have a problem with it?" I turn around and stare who I assume to be Himari.
Himari freezes up, catching my eyes.
"I said, do you have a problem with that?"
"N-no." Himari scoffs, flouncing her hair and her posse follows after her.
"You-you didn't have to do that!" Yachi blanches white in the face, waving her hands around like a mad woman.
"Nah, no problem, hun. Besides...
Bullies were never my kinda thing." ______________________________________________________________
I now walk Yachi to class every day to make sure Himari doesn't push her around.
That doesn't mean I can be there all the time.
"I noticed Himari seems more... confident, nowadays." I raise an eyebrow at Yachi, seeing her face flush.
"Well... she knows my routine... she's also in the Photography Club." Yachi rubs her arms; her English way better than it was at the beginning of the year.
"That's what I thought." I frown, my nose flaring slightly. "I'm gonna beat a bitch..." I mutter, fire rising in my chest.
"Y/N! You can't do that! It's against the rules!" Yachi tugs at the cardigan tied around my waist.
"I know. Doesn't mean I can't wait for the perfect moment." An evil smile crosses my face with a laugh taking over my body.
"Y/N! Calm down! You're going to attract attention!" Yachi grabs at my short sleeve this time.
"Everything will be okay, hun. I've got it under control." I smile at Yachi, trying to keep her spirits up.
"O-ok!" Yachi smiles, walking to homeroom now.
---------- After homeroom, during a break -------------
"Hey, Himari! I need some help with something!" I call for the bitch while Yachi is looking at another club or something.
The girl smirks and walks over, sitting on the desk.
"Hey, new girl. What do you need help with?" Himari smirks, flicking her hair again.
I smile all nice and pretty and lean close to her, like I'm going to point something out to her. Instead... she's going to know not to pick on Yachi again.
"If you ever push Yachi around again, I will personally make sure to make whatever area we are in a WWE match that you will be guaranteed to lose... got it?" I smirk, waiting for her response. I can feel her cold sweats radiating from her neck as I smile behind the big textbook.
"Whatever, new girl." Himari tries to leave, but my hand clamps on her shoulder.
"My name is Y/N... and you should do good to remember it." I smile all pretty to really send the message home.
Himari scoffs and walks off in perfect timing with Yachi coming inside.
"Hey, Y/N! I found another club! It's for the boys volleyball team. I'm going to be like a... 'mini-manager', as you would call it."
"Sounds perfect for you, Yachi. Are you sure about this?" I know she gets nervous around new people.
"Su-sure! I met their 'main manager', Kiyoko. She seems nice." Yachi smiles and gets more comfortable talking about the club.
"Okay. But I'm coming with you. No one is allowed to mess with you."
"O-okay!" Yachi stammers, getting into her seat for our class.
"Hey, guys. I remember you talking about how the team would need a new manager, so... Meet your new manager." Kiyoko introduces Yachi.
I stand off to the side, ready to throw hands if need be.
"YOU'RE SO CUTE!!!" Two boys jump at Yachi, and Kiyoko and I hold them back.
"Hands off!" I shout at the two loud boys.
"Huh?" They look up at me. I cross my arms and stand protectively in front of Yachi.
"You're pretty too!" My eye twitches. 'Did those two idiots think I was jealous of Yachi?'
"Not what I was here for, but okay." I shrug and take up my post beside Yachi again.
"You're the new American transfer, huh?" The tall blonde asked rhetorically.
"The one and only, beanpole." I stay indifferent. This is no different than American schools.
Minus the fact that there is less school shootings and fist fights...
So a little boring, but it's fine.
"So why do you use Japanese, if pretty much everyone knows English?" A little carrot sprout asks me.
I smirk and look him up and down. "Because people get weirded out if you don't know their culture or language, sweetheart. Especially when it's only one person in a school of hundreds."
"Well, everyone has noticed how Blondie here has a bodyguard after a few run-ins with Himari. That's you then." Tsukishima attempts to get under my skin.
"What can I say?
Bullies were never my kind of thing."
I noticed how Yachi is being a recluse again, a tell-tale sign of Himari bullying her again.
I sigh and continue trudging on. I'm just kinda hoping that Yachi stands up for herself now.
As we go into homeroom, Himari shoulder-checks Yachi as she walks to her seat.
I sigh and shoulder-check Himari back, giving her a tired look and shaking my head. "Don't start that shit today, Himari. I'm too tired for this crap."
Himari just giggles and sits down. I sigh and roll my shoulders, sitting down. I pull out my materials for class and do the work.
--------- After classes, now lunch time ----------
"Hey, Yachi? I'm gonna go get some lunch. Be right back." I wink and send her a finger gun.
I walk to a vending machine and grab a drink for my lunch.
"Hey! Y/N-san!" Hinata shouted in the halls, running at me.
"Ahhhh!" I wait for impact of a short carrot sprout, but none comes. I let out a breath of relief.
"What do you need, Carrot?" I ask Hinata, walking back to my classroom.
"I need help with tutoring, and I know you and Yachi share a class, so I was hoping you could help me?" Hinata asks me.
"Um... Why don't you ask Tsukishima? He's a pretty smart guy too." I shrug and walk on.
"Tsukishima is rude, and while his methods of studying works... Hinata can't handle the pressure." Kageyama joins us as we pass a milk vending machine.
I shrug, "Makes sense. Mine's not any better. I just use a different method, but sure. Whatever you guys want."
"Awesome!" Hinata jumps in the air.
"So I need help with math and English class. I'm pretty sure Kageyama needs help with everything-" Hinata is quieted by Kageyama who is slapping the back of his head.
"Boke, Hinata, BOKE! I don't need help with anything!" Kageyama pouts and shakes his fist angrily.
"But didn't you fail your English test? And your formal Japanese tests? And your..." Hinata's words are drowned out by the scene that plays out in front of me.
Himari is laughing... and pouring milk on Yachi's lap.
Instantly, my body locks up, all of my muscles tensing. I don't even hear my bag dropping.
"Um... Y/N-san?" Hinata's voice sounds as if it's far away.
"I'll be right back, Hinata." I say as I walk over to Himari, putting my hair up, eyes wide and tunnel vision on Himari.
"Oh no..." Kageyama says as Tsukishima passes the classroom with Yamaguchi.
"What are you saying 'oh no' for King? Did someone steal your milk?-" Tsukishima is cut off seeing Y/N tap Himari's shoulder. He immediately pulls out his phone and starts recording.
Himari turns around and is immediately met with a fist to the face. Himari falls to the ground, her hair whipping around and almost catching on Y/N. Y/N grabs Himari before she can fall and lands another five-fingered punch, letting her fall this time.
"Come on, bitch! I know you can understand me because you reacted when I talked in English!" Y/N lands a hit on Himari's stomach, causing the bully to keel over.
"I thought you said you were the baddest bitch in the school! Or did I hear wrong?!" Y/N hits Himari with a right-handed uppercut followed by a left-handed punch directly on her cheek.
By then, Himari is so pissed. All of her friends back off and cringe.
"You'll pay... you illiterate American cunt." Himari quietly talks, throwing a weak-ass punch.
Y/N blocks the feeble punch, not even bothering to hit again. "I serve cunt, you repugnant skid mark."
Y/N, after not having anything fun to do around the school, finally grins. She has been waiting for this moment.
The moment her rage can be unleashed.
She held nothing back. She hit left and right, left and right, left and right... again and again... and again.
Himari was helpless against the rage of an American teen.
As Himari lays helplessly at Y/N's feet.
"So who's next?" Y/N looks around the classroom, a dark grin appearing on her face. Nobody dares to face her.
Y/N takes a deep breath, "Come on, Yachi. Lets get you cleaned up." Y/N leads Yachi out of the classroom.
"I want that footage, Tsukishima!" Y/N shouts at the tall boy.
The other boys just walk out of the classroom, scarred.
"I'm gonna tell Tanaka-senpai." Hinata bolts down the hall, going to his own class.
Kageyama goes to his classroom, knowing he will probably hear about it later at volleyball practice.
Yamaguchi and Tsukishima go to their respective classes, knowing they will see Y/N there later.
"Y/N-san! Why would you do that?! You're gonna get in trouble!" Yachi exclaims from her side of the bathroom.
Y/N sighs, expecting this. "What can I say, sweetheart?
Bullies were never my kinda thing."
Author's Cup of Tea:
Teehee *loudly slurps tea*
Tell me what y'all think. It's my first time writing in the Haikyu!! universe. Should I do it again? Should I do the same prompt in a different universe?
See you later, caffies~
Also, i am hyperaware that even tho i am a native speaking English-woman, my english is actual garbage. Any CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is greatly appreciated. Thank you 🤗
"where are you running off to?" [nsfw]
!["where Are You Running Off To?" [nsfw]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/0e85b74f4b169f1d84029ac53ae91e6a/a75856724c098ac4-5e/s500x750/4eda8f69a59bce37d3c1add52bc8bd2c6efd5494.png)
note: crawling or moving away from hq boys while they’re going to pound town. this is definitely not self-indulgent I just think the phrase is extremely hot
warnings: hair pulling, manhandling, vulgar language, degradation, slapping, choking, spit roasting, mentions of implied female body parts
featuring: iwaizumi, bokuto, kuroo, tsukishima, oikawa, kageyama, atsumu
!["where Are You Running Off To?" [nsfw]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/6e3fce87d1b1e5aadec65989e6aca324/a75856724c098ac4-16/s500x750/1d749f2b76d23ff4f54ef36c10af7b4e43362e9b.png)
bokuto, who a man of his size, often forgets just how strong he is. what doesn't help is his never wavering stamina to go with it. his grasp on your hips is firm and surely is going to leave bruises behind. he pounds into you loud and messy, the sound of skin on skin drowning out your whimpering and crying. each time he slams back into you, your breath is knocked out of your system. "k-kou, 'is too much!" you squirm, wiggling away from his body. you attempt to push at his thighs and the frosted-tipped-haired man grumbles, quickly pulling you back so your ass is flush against him. when you try to move away again, he simply pulls your body up before turning you around so you're now facing him. you think he's finally listening to you but then he takes your legs and throws them over his shoulders. pressing them up further to your chest so that you are in a mating press, he groans when he sinks back into you. there's an obscene squelch from how wet and messy the two of you are and you can’t help but clench around him. he bites and nibbles on your ear before saying, "baby, don't be difficult. let me fuck you like how I know you need to be fucked, okay?"
atsumu who gets antsy at a team dinner because he can’t get over how beautiful you look. from the minute you stepped in you have had several people turning their heads to look at you. he’s very proud of having you as his significant other and puffs out his chest, bragging about you to whoever he can whenever because he knows he’s lucky. but eventually he starts to get pouty when he feels like eyes have been lingering on you for too long. the setter politely announces you two need to leave early, only for him to drag you inside the backseat of his car to fuck you out of possessiveness. your legs are over his shoulders as he rams into you. eyes roll to the back of your head as he hits your sweet spot repeatedly. but after both of you cum once, atsumu’s pace doesn’t falter. it’s clear you both are too sensitive right now but he ignores that. you find yourself scooting your shaking upper body towards the door and against the window. atsumu only pouts before he grabs your neck and pins you even harder to the seat. "w-why are ya trying to run away? depriving me of ma pussy is so rude baby. its mine, right? and this fat cock is nobody’s but yers, so just sit tight and take it.”
oikawa taunts you for whining and saying that "it's too much". he prides himself in the fact that he knows his dick is a lot to handle but he also prides himself in knowing that you're a slutty whore who can take whatever, and whoever-even his best friend at the same time as him. you didn't know that iwaizumi had been watching the two of you fuck. and you didn't know that oikawa brought him to join you two. that’s how you find yourself stuffed and filled with two cocks. both men relieving their stress by using you. oikawa takes your sweet ass and iwa fills your pretty mouth up with his delicious cock. the athletic trainer grunts as he fucks your mouth, blessed that at least once he could experience what it felt like. oikawa’s eyes are zeroed in on your cunt and how you suck him in. you feel so full and overwhelmed that you try to move back from both men. your restlessness doesn’t go unoticed by oikawa and he slaps your ass. “don’t move, not until all your holes have been stuffed full.” the setter snaps. he thrusts so hard into you from behind that you end up taking more of iwa in your throat. he moans loudly at the motion and the gagging come from your mouth. he then laughs and tilts your head up so you’re looking at him before saying, “yeah princess-mmhm fuck-don’t run away. it’s rude not to finish your meal.”
kuroo who absolutely gets drunk off of watching the two of you fuck in front of the mirror. he loves seeing and hearing all the cries and whimpers that come out of you, and bursts of pride run through him because he knows he’s the cause of it. but one thing that will drive him absolutely insane is eye contact. when he looks at you through the mirror while balls deep in your cunt, he can’t help but move his hips faster. harder. this motion causes you to cry out and attempt to move away from him due to how harsh he is. kuroo only scowls before he grabs you by your hair and pulls your body flush to his chest. your back arches against him and he doesn’t hesitate to ruthlessly drive into you so that you’re seeing stars. the fucking is obscenely loud but he doesn’t hesitate to bend down and say into your ear, “where are you going? i’m not done with you yet. not until you get to fully see how fucked dumb you can be from my cock. that’ll teach you not to run away from me.”
kageyama who came home from practice still high on adrenaline. you’re making dinner in the kitchen and greet him sweetly when he comes to say hi. something is odd about the way he is unusually quiet. that confusion is quickly gone once you feel him slither his arms around your waist, hard on pressing into your back. next thing you know, you’re bent over the kitchen counter whining out pleas of, “slow down tobio” and, “too much too much!” while he’s pounding your ass. you try to squirm your way from between him and the surface and feel his grip on your hips tighten before pinning you harder against the counter. now you could really feel every inch of his cock inside of you. kageyama whines and buries his head in your neck, kissing the sensitive skin. he shuts his eyes tight as the only thing he can think of is your addicting cunt and it’s warmth. “baby please, need to feel all of you. need to be buried so deep in your pretty pussy. you can let me have this, yea? don’t runaway, need to be as close to you as possible. gonna fill you up so good.”
tsukishima who cant stand how annoyingly attractive you are. it’s much worse over time as your relationship has established because you know exactly how to rile him up. so when you show up to one of his volleyball practices for the sendai frogs, short skirt and thigh highs, flirting with everyone in plain sight–he sees red. he’s eerily quiet on the drive home, neither talking nor looking at you at all. when you reach the front door you feel bad by that point and open your mouth to apologize. “i-” “shut the fuck up.” he snaps. the next few events happen fast when he’s storming over to you, carrying and throwing you onto your shared bed. he pulls your underwear to the side, pushing his shorts and briefs to his ankles before sheathing into you hard. his hulking figure consumes you and it’s all too much for your senses, causing you to babble and cry. you try to discreetly scoot yourself up in the bed so he won’t notice but freeze when you hear a cold chuckle and harsh yank on your body. “who the fuck said you could runaway? brats like you need to fully take their punishment. stay fucking still or i’m gonna fuck your ass so hard you’ll be struggling to remember how to walk.”
!["where Are You Running Off To?" [nsfw]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/c843a5b7786724bf723a81376976a066/a75856724c098ac4-fd/s500x750/4b8f8c149cf92373eb2aae1d76ef475053d61a76.png)
do not copy and or repost. likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated though. (c) 2022 hyque
!["where Are You Running Off To?" [nsfw]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/20455827264da3e39dd3d19cae3d1455/a75856724c098ac4-c3/s500x750/a1a6b7663a892f369a5b894c2658db4788d4cc9d.png)

Haikyuu!! Wallpapers
Karasuno H.S VBC | Middle Blocker | 1rd Year | #11 | Tsukishima Kei
Request by Anon

I’m just re-reading Bleach. And every time I see Tsukushima,I wonder that he would be perfect uke! Can’t stop thinking about this……And then he stay all alone with Byakuya sama 😳

I’m just re-reading Bleach. And every time I see Tsukushima,I wonder that he would be perfect uke! Can’t stop thinking about this……And then he stay all alone with Byakuya sama 😳

I’m just re-reading Bleach. And every time I see Tsukushima,I wonder that he would be perfect uke! Can’t stop thinking about this……And then he stay all alone with Byakuya sama 😳

Look at my precious boys. I love them each individually so much. Their so adorable I cAnT!!!
Onigiri Miya Tidbits Ch 10
Title: the big game
Genre: gen fic, reader insert
Word Count: 4.8k
Summary: Onigiri Miya is now hiring and you just happen to be the right person for the job. The business has been gaining popularity since its grand opening, and many customers travel from different cities just to have a bite of Miya Osamu’s delicious recipes. You did expect some craziness from working in food services, but what you didn’t expect was to be bombarded with frequent tomfoolery from a bunch of attractive volleyball players during your shifts.
disclaimer: manga spoilers
A/N: i present to you...a new chapter a little earlier than usual because im not good at making productive decisions for my life or getting enough sleep :D

You’re greeting yet another hungry customer during work, but your surroundings are a bit different from usual. Today, you stand behind the Onigiri Miya food stall at Kamei Arena Sendai. Osamu had planned to set up a stall for the V. League Championships event to promote his restaurant. Even though he won’t admit it, he is also here to support Atsumu.
The different setting isn’t the only thing that was new, however. Today, you had an extra worker helping out with the stall.
“Dai-kun, can you refill the Grilled Mentaiko and Salmon onigiris on the shelf?” You ask a male standing behind you while passing an order to the awaiting hands of a father and his child.
He jokingly salutes at you. “Aye aye, captain!”
Kimura Daisuke is a cousin of yours that is a year younger than you and has recently moved into town to transfer into the local university. He currently has an online tutoring job but has shown interest in working at Onigiri Miya around the time you’ll be leaving. Having your cousin assisting today is sort of like a trial run for your boss to assess. It’s also nice to have an extra pair of hands since the day was surely going to be very busy.
Osamu suddenly bumps your shoulder. “Have I already been replaced as the boss? Kimura-san seems to listen to you more than his potential employer.”
“I don’t know. Maybe you’re just slacking?” A small giggle leaves your mouth and he returns your smile.
It’s been a couple of weeks since that day. After Osamu had walked you home in the rain, he didn’t treat you any differently during work despite the slightly intimate moment you two had shared the night before. You couldn’t bring yourself to mention anything, so you decided to just act like nothing happened. It was honestly a bit of a relief since you don’t think you really have the mental capacity to deal with your feelings while trying to prepare for your new life in graduate school.
Your thoughts are cut short when you hear Osamu let out a noise of recognition. “Oh hey! It’s you, uh...from Karasuno! You were the one with that really nasty jump floater!”
A tall male with freckles scattered across his face responds to Osamu’s exclamation. “Ah. It’s Yamaguchi.”
Your boss snaps his fingers as he remembers something. “Oh yeeeah. This is Sendai. Duh. It’s your home turf.”
“Yeah. But, even if it wasn't being held here in Sendai, there’s no way I’d miss this game.” There’s a certain glint in Yamaguchi’s eyes.
Osamu grins knowingly. “I bet you wouldn’t.”
As the two look up at the Adlers vs. MSBY banner behind the food stalls, you decide to voice the question that had popped up in your mind when Osamu first greeted Yamaguchi. “Hey, you said you went to Karasuno, right? Does that mean you were teammates with Sho-kun? Or, uh, Hinata-kun?”
Yamaguchi is a little flustered when he realizes that you’ve been listening to the whole conversation but nods his head. “We were on the same volleyball team all three years of high school. Are you a friend of his?”
“Yup! I actually met him in Brazil and we’ve been good friends ever since. He’s told me a lot about his former teammates, but I’m just bad with names.”
He points to you in realization. “Oh! So, you’re the friend from Brazil! Hinata’s mentioned you a couple times when we talked over the phone.”
You chatted with Yamaguchi a bit more and even got to meet another girl named Yachi who had also been involved with Karasuno’s volleyball club. Eventually, they both had to leave since the game was starting soon and needed to meet up with a friend.
Once the Adlers vs. MSBY game commenced, there weren’t that many customers, so you were able to watch the majority of the game undisturbed. You were, however, surprised to see Akaashi when he came up to the stall to buy some onigiris. You haven’t seen him since your first day of work, so it was a bit comical to witness him slightly deflating when you mention that you haven’t told anyone about the tax incident.
For the rest of the game, the only sounds you make are ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ as you try your best to follow the fast pace (Although, you did meet a nice guy named Koganegawa who practically jumped like a child when you handed him his food). Even with all of the things you already know about the sport, this volleyball game was just too intense for you to digest everything. Before you knew it, the match was officially over with MSBY scoring the win. You felt proud of Hinata and was thoroughly impressed by all the other athletes you’ve come to know at work.
Osamu and Kimura both cheered in joy at the fantastic game as well. Even though you technically didn’t win anything, you still wanted to take advantage of the positive atmosphere, “Do you guys want to take a picture as a memory for this day?”
Your boss smiles. “Sure. I can take it with my phone. Get in!”
The three of you stand close to each other to get into the frame, with you being the middle. Osamu takes the picture and pulls it up to show you and your cousin how it turned out. Just as Osamu is about to take another photo, Kimura steps aside and you both look at him curiously.
“You guys should take a picture with just the two of you!” Kimura suggests.
You tilt your head in confusion. “What about you?”
“I just think you guys should take a picture together since you’re technically the ‘real’ workers...and some other things.” Your cousin mumbled the last part of his sentence, but you couldn’t ask him what he meant since he had already turned around to speak with someone at a nearby stall.
Both you and Osamu just shrug your shoulders at Kimura's explanation. Osamu puts his phone in a selfie position again and gestures for you to get closer. You comply and muster up the happiest smile you could make. The man beside you also produces a bright grin and snaps the picture. Afterwards, Osamu sends you both pictures and your expression softens.
Now that the game has concluded, there’s an influx of hungry customers that leave your stall busy for about an hour or so. Osamu has allowed Kimura to man the second register and your cousin has been doing fairly well for his first time on the job. After helping an elderly man with his order, the lunch rush seems to have finally died down.
You take off your apron and put it off to the side. “Osamu-san, Dai-kun. I’m gonna go to the bathroom. Will you guys be okay on your own for a bit?”
Kimura nods his head fervently.
Osamu waves his hand at you. “We’ll live.”
You snicker at his response and make your way into the closest restroom, which was actually a lot further than you expected. After taking care of your business, you walk out of the bathroom and see two male strangers loitering in the hallway, both adorning tracksuits of a team you can’t recognize. You attempt to walk past them unnoticeably but fail to do so when they stop conversing and stare at you with lingering eyes.
“Oh, hey there. You’re pretty cute.”
“Yeah. You got a boyfriend?”
The two men slowly walk over to where you’re standing and corner you against the wall from either side. You did not want to deal with this right now. “Doesn’t matter to you. Move out of the way.”
One of them scoffs and a drop of spit lands on your cheek. “What’s the big deal? We just complimented you. Can’t you see that we’re being nice?”
You wipe your face in disgust. “I’m trying to get back to work. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”
As you try to push past them, you feel a rough hand grip around your wrist tightly. Another arm threateningly wraps around your waist and your steps are halted. You struggle a bit to escape, but their holds are too constricting. In the back of your mind, you wish Osamu was there.
You grit your teeth. “Let me go.”
The one with the grip on your wrist uses his other hand to grasp your chin and you glare at his face. “Listen, we’re volleyball players. Isn’t it like every girl’s dream to hang out with cool athletes like us? Clearly, being nice isn’t enough, so we’ll just have to use force.”
Having had enough, your instincts tell you to raise your leg and get ready to kick one of them. Just as you’re about to wreak havoc, a new hand grabs onto the wrist of the man in front of you. The vice grip on the man’s wrist causes his hold on you to loosen. The arm on your waist also disappears and you don’t hesitate to pull away.
In your haste, you almost lose your footing but someone catches you and pushes you behind them. Your face is assaulted by a comforting citrus scent and you immediately know who you bumped into. Sure enough, when you look up, a freshly showered Hinata is standing in front of you. He’s staring at the men who were harassing you and you’ve never seen him carry such an angry expression.
When you finally take in your surroundings, another familiar figure comes into view, his blonde hair still wet from washing up after his recent game. The mysterious hand belonged to none other than Miya Atsumu. “Looks like we’ve got some pieces of shit that leaked out of the bathroom.”
Surprisingly, Ushijima was the one who had pulled the other guy away from your waist. “Indeed.”
Both of them glare at the harassers coldly. Starting to feel a bit threatened, the strangers step aside and begin walking down the hall while looking behind them. “Ugh, these guys are just from those big shot teams. We better run before we get banned from playing.”
The men started to pick up their pace but suddenly ran into another tall figure. When they look up, Kageyama is intensely staring them down in silence. The strangers’ faces pale at the sight of the Adler’s setter.
“Dude, that's Kageyama! I think we made him angry!”
“Fuck! S-sorry!”
The two practically sprinted away leaving behind a rather confused Kageyama. He has absolutely no idea why they ran away from him. Despite what had just conspired, you internally laugh at how unaware the male was.
“Are you okay, (Name)-san?” Hinata turns around and faces you. Any traces of anger had completely dissipated from his face. “They didn’t hurt you or anything?”
“I’m okay. I appreciate it, Sho-kun.” You give him a reassuring smile.
“Man, those guys are scum,” Atsumu says with clear irritation in his voice. Even through his irritation, you can still recognize the concern in his own eyes as he focuses his attention on you. “Lucky you had your knights in shining armor?”
“I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself, Atsumu-san.” You raise your eyebrow at his words but wonder if this was his way of comforting you.
The blonde raises his hands in front of him in a defensive stance. “Oh, I know. I’m sure you can deliver a nice blow to the next guy that dares lay a hand on you, sweetheart.”
Ushijima speaks up from his usual quietness to give his own input to the conversation as he remembers a certain incident the first time he visited Onigiri Miya. “She has actually already done so to one of my former teammates.”
Atsumu smirks. “Well, damn.”
You get flustered for being exposed by the stoic spiker. “It was an accident!”
Before you could suffer any longer, the moment is interrupted by loud voices echoing the halls.
“Oh, wow! Are we finally gathering for that arm wrestling competition?” Spiky grey and black hair animatedly sway from side to side as Bokuto sees all of you together.
Behind him, Hoshiumi runs up to the group enthusiastically and starts to jump in place. “Oh, boy! Count me in!”
Kageyama blankly stares at his bird-like teammate. “Ah, Hoshiumi-san.”
With the addition of two more rowdy people into the group, Atsumu looks like he’s about to have a heart attack with the way he clutches his chest. “No, no! We’re doing this again?! What is this ‘let’s overwhelm the reader part 2’?!”
You have absolutely no idea what he was talking about and just shake your head in indifference. It was probably best to just leave him alone in his own strange distress.
Your movement catches Hoshiumi’s attention and the male waves his arm in greeting. “Oh, hey (Surname)-san! Did you watch our game? Did you see my skills?”
You giggle at his excitement. “I did. I was impressed by your jumping ability. You all played really well. ”
Bokuto perks up at your comment. “You have a pretty nice view from Myaa-sam’s stall, so you’ve seen all of my spikes too, right?!”
“Of course, Bokuto-san.” You briefly check your phone and realize that you’ve spent far too long going to the bathroom. “Speaking of ‘Myaa-sam’, I should probably head back to work.”
You quickly waved to all of the volleyball players and they each gave you their own warm goodbyes before walking back to their own locker rooms. However, one person stayed behind.
“I’ll walk you back, (Name)-san!” Hinata offers.
“You don’t have to. It’s not that far of a walk.” You put your hands in front of you.
He shakes his head and sends you a friendly grin, but a hint of concern is laced into his eyes. “Just in case.”
Understanding his worry, you nod and let him stay beside you as you start walking down the hallway. Right as you turn the corner, a figure wearing a face mask leaning against the wall startles you.
Hinata is momentarily shocked as well but relaxes when he realizes that it’s just another one of his teammates. “Omi-san? What are you doing here?”
Sakusa doesn’t answer Hinata and moves away from the wall to make his way towards you with his hands in his pockets. As soon as he’s in front of you, a single word leaves his mouth, “Hand.”
You’re confused but slowly lift up one of your hands anyways.
“No, the other one.” Sakusa looks at your other arm.
You comply and lift up your other hand instead and without warning, the masked man takes his hands out of his pockets and squeezes a generous amount of hand sanitizer on the wrist that was manhandled a couple minutes ago.
You stiffen at the sensation and just watch in bewilderment as Sakusa leaves without uttering another word. “What...just happened?”
Hinata softly smiles at the interaction. “That’s just how Omi-san shows he cares.”
“Me? Why would he care about me?” You ask.
“Hm...that’s something even I’m not too sure about. Omi-san can be pretty hard to read.” He places a finger on his chin in contemplation. You hum in understanding and spread the hand sanitizer around your wrist thoroughly.
Both of you continue walking back to the food stalls when Hinata comes up with an idea. “Since you’re here already, do you want to meet my former teammates from high school? They’re all staying for the whole duration of today’s games, so you can meet them after you finish work!”
“Are you sure?” There’s a small part of you that wants to meet the people who helped shape Hinata’s bright personality. “I wouldn’t want to impose on your reunion.”
“It’s no problem at all! We already kind of met up after the game, and I would love everyone to meet you since we’re also close friends! Kageyama will be there too, so you’ll know at least one other person.”
You give it another moment of thought before answering, “Alright. I’d love to meet them.”
You finally make it back to the Onigiri Miya stall after what felt like hours even though you’ve only been gone for a little while. Osamu nods his head at you first and Kimura vocally welcomes you back.
“Ah, I was wondering what was holding you up.” Your boss turns his attention to Hinata and gives him a pat on the shoulder. “Hey, man. Good game out there.”
“Thanks, Miya-san!” Your orange haired friend gives you a quick hug. “I’ll see you later, (Name)-san!”
“See ya, Sho-kun! I’ll text you when I’m free.”
Once Hinata leaves, it’s just the three of you behind the stall once again. Osamu claps his hand loudly and glances at his two co-workers. “Ready for round 2 of the pre-game lunch rush?”
“Yes, sir!” Both of your voices respond back in unison and you all get to work.

All three of you let out a final huff as you finish packing up all of the supplies and equipment used for the stall. You’ve been working nonstop for a couple hours now, but the day is finally over and everything has been cleaned up.
“You said you were meeting up with those Karasuno folks, right?” Osamu questions. “You can head over to meet them now.”
“But, what about all of this stuff?” You point at all of the boxes and tables you’d just organized.
“Kimura-san and I can take care of it. I rented out a van to move everything, so we’ll just borrow two carts to avoid any second trips,” your boss explains. He walks behind you and gently places his hands on your shoulders. “Don’t worry about us and go do your thing.”
Without much room to argue, you’re pushed away from the stalls. “Okay, okay. I’m going. I’ll see you tomorrow, Osamu-san. See you around, Dai-kun!”
Both men respond back with a shout of their own and part ways. You quickly shoot a text to Hinata telling him that you’re done. Your friend messages back immediately and lets you know where everyone was meeting up.
It wasn’t too difficult to find the Karasuno alumni since their group stood out quite a bit from others. You were able to spot Hinata first because of his apparent orange hair and even Kageyama’s furrowed eyebrows have become common enough for you to recognize. You walk over to where they are and try to position yourself in your friend’s line of vision.
“(Name)-san, you’re here!” Hinata makes eye contact with you and cuts off the conversation he’s having with a tall blonde to greet you. “Our old coach left with our kouhais since it was getting late, but most of my former teammates are here.”
Now, you’ve caught everyone’s attention and feel a bit flustered. “Um...hello. I’m Sho-kun’s friend, (Surname) (Name).”
There’s a brief pause and you wonder if you’ve already done something wrong. Suddenly, a chorus of ‘hellos’ and ‘nice to meet yous’ fill your ears and you’re slightly overwhelmed by the enthusiastic greetings.
A broad shouldered man approached you first with two other people following closely behind. He holds out his hand and you place your own in his for a handshake. The handshake is firm yet comforting. “It’s finally nice to meet you, (Surname)-san! I’m Sawamura Daichi, former captain of the Karasuno Boys’ Volleyball club.”
The grey haired man with a mole under his eye introduced himself next, “Sugawara Koshi! Hinata’s told us a bit about you, so it’s nice to finally be able to put a face to the stories. This guy next to me is Azumane Asahi; he’s a bit of a shy one.”
“S-Suga! I’m not like how I was in high school anymore. Stop teasing me!” Asahi whined to his friend before turning to you once again. “I’m Azumane Asahi.”
The rest of the group took turns introducing themselves and you were delighted to see Yamaguchi for the second time today (Although, you’re not sure why Kageyama introduced himself again since you’ve already met before). You felt more comfortable knowing that you weren’t the only girl in the group, but you’d be lying if you said that Kiyoko didn’t seem a bit intimidating with her beauty. Even Yachi’s cuteness almost blinded you.
You were in the middle of telling Yachi and an uncaring Tsukishima how you’d met Hinata in a foreign country when the man named Tanaka let out a shout to get everyone’s attention, “Guys! Noya-san wants to video chat!”
Most of the guys crowded around Tanaka’s phone and eagerly waited for ‘Noya-san’ to appear on the screen. It wasn’t long before a man with spiky dark hair and a tuft of blonde popped up a little too close to the camera. “Ryu! Everyone! What’cha guys been up to?! I caught a Marlin this morning!”
“Nishinoya! We’re doing great! We’re just meeting up for a bit before we have to leave. Hinata brought his friend too!” Daichi responds.
At the mention of a new friend, Nishinoya’s eyes light up. “Oh! Who are they? Can I meet them?”
Tanaka shifts his phone so that you’re the only one visible on camera. Feeling a bit awkward, you just give a slight wave. “Uh...hello, I’m (Surname) (Name).”
For a minute or two, the male just stares at you with wide eyes. You have no idea what to do, so you just stand still and hope for someone to intervene. Nishinoya is the first to speak and his tone turns serious, “Ryu, take me to Shoyo.”
Tanaka turns the phone to Hinata who is just as confused about the sudden change in demeanor. Once the focus is on the MSBY spiker, Nishinoya holds out his arm in front of him as if he were virtually holding the younger man’s shoulder. “You’ve done well, my young disciple.”
Hinata blinks. “Huh?”
The audio almost cuts off as Nishinoya yells his next few words, “SHE’S GORGEOUS!”
Your cheeks turn bright pink at his exclamation as the rest of the guys laugh at their friend’s antics. You weren't sure whether to feel embarrassed or flattered by the compliment.
Luckily, the excessive attention on you is short-lived as Nishinoya switches to another topic. “Should I send you guys some souvenirs? I saw this strange mask that kind of looked like Ryu from high school, and I think you guys would really like it!”
Tanaka looks amused and begins to smirk when a sudden idea pops into his head. “Noya-san, you should definitely get Daichi-san one of those!”
Daichi begins to panic. “What do you mean, Tanaka? What are those?”
“Ah, yes!” Sugawara mischievously grins. “I think he’ll like one of those!”
At this point, Asahi is nervously sweating.
Hinata looks up at Kageyama, perplexed. “Kageyama, do you know what they’re talking about?”
“No, dumbass.”
“What?! Why’d you have to add ‘dumbass’?!”
“‘Cause that’s what you are.”
A new voice pitches in. “Oh? Is the tyrant back for his new reign?”
You’re standing off to the side with Kiyoko and Yachi, sweatdropping at the chaos enfolding in front of you. “Were...were they always like this?”
“Yeah...they haven’t really changed, huh.” Yachi lets out a lighthearted sigh. Kiyoko laughs softly.
It takes a couple minutes before everyone calms down, and Tanaka eventually ends the call with Nishinoya. It doesn’t even take a second before Sugawara makes a suggestion. “Hey, guys! We don’t know when we can all meet like this again, so let’s take a group picture!”
Tanaka jumps in agreement. “That sounds like a great idea!”
“I can take the picture,” you offer and Sugawara passes you his phone gratefully.
Hinata steps to the spot next to you. “Are you sure you don’t want to be in the picture too?”
There’s no way you’d feel comfortable butting into their picture, so you shake your head. “No, it’s fine. This is your reunion. I promise I’ll take some nice pictures.”
Everyone gets into position and you take multiple photos while making sure to capture all of their comical poses. Once everyone is satisfied, the group relaxes.
Daichi checks his watch and musters a tired sigh. “Alright. I should probably head back to work. I’m up for a night shift today.”
“I have to go too. I have a couple exams that still need to be graded by tomorrow.” Sugawara stretches his arms upwards. “We should definitely eat together next time!”
Everyone seems to agree to call it a day which is your cue to leave as well. “It was nice meeting you all.”
Asahi smiles at you. “Same here! If anything, we’re glad Hinata was able to find a good friend while he was in Brazil. We were all pretty worried about how he would fare in a new country.”
Hinata rubs the back of his head bashfully and you share a knowing look with him. “He helped me out just as much, so I’m glad too.”

After parting with the Karasuno alumni, you stopped by the bathroom before heading out. It seems like the universe has decided that you haven’t had enough chaos today when a shadow looms over you and a chill washes over your body.
You quickly turn around ready to chuck your bag at the mysterious entity but stop yourself when you make eye contact with yet another familiar individual. He’s once again in a professional black suit alongside his usual bedhead. “What the f-! Kuroo-san?”
Said male smirks. “In the flesh. How have you been, register girl?”
“What are you doing here?” Your body relaxes, but your mind is still sharp since you never know what the man is plotting.
“I work for the Japan Volleyball Association. I think it would be natural for me to be at a volleyball game, “ Kuroo explains nonchalantly.
“Could you not sneak around like some horror movie creature?”
“Oho! Already so sassy and we’ve only met once before!”
“You just give off a sassable vibe.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“Whatever you want it to be.”
“Are you dating him yet?”
Kuroo’s sudden change in topic catches you completely off guard and almost stumble in place even though you’re not even walking. “...who?”
He lets out a pitiful sigh at your uncertain answer. “Poor guy…”
You’re confused as to why Kuroo’s acting like this, so you just stare at him blankly. He doesn’t seem to want to answer your unasked question and instead brings up another subject. “Well, if you’re still single, you wouldn’t happen to be interested in a guy that streams online and is also a CEO of a company?”
“If you’re trying to set me up with who I think you’re trying to set me up with, then it’s gonna have to be a no,” you quickly reply. Kuroo looks a little disappointed and you feel a bit bad for shutting him down so harshly. “Not that Kod- Kozume-san is a bad guy or anything. I just...don’t think getting in a relationship right now would be a good idea. I’m gonna be super busy and I won’t be here for much longer anyways.”
The lanky man’s expression shifts to one of curiosity. “You going somewhere?”
You suppose you should get used to explaining yourself since you’ve only told a handful of people about your future plans. “I’m going to a graduate school a couple hours away, so I’ll be out of this area in a few months.”
“What are you studying?’
“Sports medicine.”
Kuroo lets out a low whistle. “Never took you as the type to study something sports related, but that’s pretty cool.”
He reaches into the pocket of his blazer and takes out a business card. He offers it to you with a smirk on his face. “Here’s my business card. My number’s on it.”
You raise your eyebrows at his gesture and cautiously take the card. “I still have your number from when you sent me pictures, remember?”
His eyes lighten up at your revelation. “I’m flattered that you never deleted it. Pass this to a friend of yours if you’d like then.”
“Is there a reason you wanted to give me your business card?” You place the card in your bag for safe keeping.
Kuroo’s face softens. “Give me a call after you graduate. I can hook you up with a few connections for a job.”
Your eyes widen at the unexpected kindness. You’ve only met the guy twice, but he’s already offering to do something so helpful. If you didn’t already know the people he surrounded himself with, you would have definitely been more suspicious of him. “That’s...really nice of you. Thanks, Kuroo-san.”
“Anything for my best friend’s number one fan.” He points to the Bouncing Ball keychain dangling from your bag and you feel a bit shy. The man then places a hand to his chest and lifts his other arm to the side. “Plus, I’m always this kind.”
“Oh, I’m sure.”
The two of you exchange amused expressions before you finally head out of the building. The night air is refreshing after spending an entire day inside of a crowded gymnasium. Despite the variety of personalities that you’ve met in a span of less than an hour, you’re walking off feeling strangely at ease.

A/N: cockblock atsumu strikes again but for the good of the universe this time :D
In case you’re wondering why i added Kimura (cousin) suddenly, i just made him the little dude working with osamu at the stall in the manga hehe

taglist: @kiyoo-omi, @tris-does-stuff, @livshotel, @bokuatsubro, @akkeyomi, @kaleidoscopekai, @hirugachan, @geektastic84, @ntimacy, @sagefzy
I would pay anything to see the haikyuu boys play among us.
and u can quote me on that

warnings: suggestive
Telling him “your eyes are so pretty. Can i have them? ” and he replies:
“no, but your kids can”
—Kita, ATSUMU, OIKAWA, Kageyama, BOKUTO, SUNA, Yahaba, Ushijima, NISHINOYA, Tsukishima, KUROO, Tendou, Osamu, TERUSHIMA, MATTSUN, Akaashi, Futakuchi, Kuguri
I'll take the smart & angsty blond one with the Glasses- oh.
[no one sue me for this- and strawberry boy gets a pass cause look at him.]

I just die-
Matching outfits with the Haikyuu boys
pairing : Tendou, Bokuto, Akaashi, Kita, Tsukishima & Tanaka

Tendou Satori :

Bokuto Kotaro :

Akaashi Keiji :

Kita Shinsuke :

Tsukishima Kei :

Tanaka Ryunosuke :

reblogs are appreciated :)