Tumblr Advice - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Ello Peeps! How’s everyone doing?

So I have a dilemma (sorta). . .

I have a crush that a desperately want to get over

BUTT I don’t really know how AND I don’t want to ask anyone I personally know for help (i.e. friends and family)

So tumblr my best bet right now!

Thank you for the help in advice!!

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4 years ago

Hey everyone, is it better to tag your posts with a 'trigger warning', a 'content warning', or both?

I was used to seeing sensitive content tagged with a trigger warning or tw; now I'm seeing it tagged as content warning or cw.

I normally tag it as "tw: *triggering thing*"; is that a good way?

Is there a difference between the two? Is one more useful for people who need to avoid sensitive content or triggers? Do they mean different things? Ty!

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7 months ago

; ID: a cartoon gif of a skeleton orchestra. There is a skeleton conducting, and skeletons playing things like the flute, a violin, a cello, trombone, drums made out of skulls, etc. :end ID

how to use tumblr:

- follow the gimmick blogs. thats literally it they reblog good shit

- I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH, reblog posts (dont just like them thats lame.)

- there is no algorithm.

- interact with people!!! SEND ASKS (SEND ME ASKS SEND ME ASKS)

- when blocking porn bots, mark them as spam instead of sexual content. i read somewhere on here that gets rid of them faster

- check trending every now and then to see whats going on. bonus points if spn is trending (its the only way i get news)

- get involved in fandom! thats the whole site

- make sure you are having fun :)

- hydrate

- who cares if you have followers? nobody. this is no mans land baby! live like its 2010 but 10 years later!

- if you’re really new, customise your profile. people might think ur a bot if u dont. u will get blocked

- nobody cares what you reblog. if you want to reblog 20 billion posts about loki then do it! its your blog!!!

- spread positive vibes. be nice. its not that hard.

- no ai.

- go read some yaoi nerd

- use tags, at least on original posts

- use gifs

- if you make a post and somebody reblogs your post and you like their reblog? you just liked your own post lol

- don’t like, don’t read/interact. same goes for ao3 and literally anything else. its not worth your time babe move on.

me n the gang on tumblr:

How To Use Tumblr:

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9 months ago

Now, is always the best time to start.

I am a bit off my rocker 80% of the time, but -

I will be strong and confident. I have no choice 😀

Now, Is Always The Best Time To Start.

I am 2 years into my dream career as a professional athlete, and quite frankly, I am surprised I have made it this far.

Not because I have achieved anything great, no. But more so I feel like I’ve been living on the precipice of insanity and depression (legit) everyday since I’ve arrived here.

I came from a very elite level in my sport in my home country, and was suppose to be a “big fish in a little pond” when I entered into the current league I am playing in. But I feel as though I am the worst athlete I’ve ever been here, and that I am sliding down this slippery slope to only getting worse.

My teammates don’t really like/respect me as an athlete, and are not supportive.

My confidence has been at an all-time low in my career for the past year and a half.

I do not feel as though I am improving

I feel ashamed that I am not better at my job when people had such high expectations of me coming in

I feel like I’ve wasted a lot of opportunities

I don’t want to be a cloud of sadness, and I try so hard not to fixate on the negativity of my situations but it’s all-consuming.

I genuinely desire to enjoy and grow my career while I still can, but I feel as though I am at the end of my rope mentally.

So I reach out to you oh, great tumblr community — who has been my safe haven since middle school (over a decade ago) — what advice/words of empowerment can you give this lowly athelte?

I feel as though I have read every mental psyche book, listen to every psychologist’s podcast; did every meditation and yoga seminar available to bring me to my “center”/inner peace; I have spoken to my coaches, friends, family etc. I have been searching everywhere for an answer but am still coming up on empty about what’s truly wrong with me.

I love my job so so much, and I am so grateful for the opportunity to play the sport that I have loved since I was a child; having the chance to live out you lifelong dream/goal is a luxury that I know many don’t get to have. So that’s why I just need a bit of help.

I hope this reaches the right people because I truly want to move onwards and upwards.

Please send good vibes, or ominous positivity if you have any.

Thank you❤️

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1 year ago

Ello Peeps! How’s everyone doing?

So I have a dilemma (sorta). . .

I have a crush that a desperately want to get over

BUTT I don’t really know how AND I don’t want to ask anyone I personally know for help (i.e. friends and family)

So tumblr my best bet right now!

Thank you for the help in advice!!

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