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Theory Time 🕘
Box of the Miraculous

So, long, long time ago, the Kwamis were born. And a magican, whos name was "Mage"……… created the Miraculouses, object, what's allowed to the Kwamis to communicating with people and the people could use the Kwamis powers. And there is where the theory starts.......

So, Mage created the Miraculouses, but two of them were stronger than the others:
The Ladybug 🐞 and the Black Cat 🐈.
So......think it over...... It's a fact there are twelve, chinese "zoodiak" (😜) based Miraculouses and two, very strong......
But what if those two get into wrong hands? Maybe all the others won't be enought to stop them.....
But what about the other five Miraculouses?
So, I'm think there some kind of ranking for the 7 Miraculouses, to save the world from each other, like:
Ladybug 🐞 - Butterfly🦋:
In the show, we could see multiple time when Ladybug purr-ifly (😸) an Akuma.
Butterfly 🦋 - Black Cat 🐈:
Maybe, because of the "bad luck"… but the Akumas can easily enchant poor cat.
Black Cat 🐈 - Turtle 🐢:
We alredy saw the Cataclysm could shell-tear a part (😸) the turtle's force field.
Turtle 🐢 - Bee 🐝:
Just like all the armored animald, the turtle can hide in his/her shell when someting attacks. So, acording to me, the turtle immunite to the Venom, if the bee sting him/her on a suit-covered body part.
Bee🐝 - Peacock🐦:
I thout the Bees weapon working similar to the Ladybug yoyo. Maybe create a small, yellow tornado, suck in the feather and give out in the bottom puriflyed....(in Miraculer, we saw the feather was cleaned by Ladybug 🐞, but I'm till hopeing)
Peacock 🐦 - Fox 🦊:
The peacock has a fan as a weapon. And the peacocks wear eye symbols on they tail feathers. So peacock may can see throught the fox illusions. Also maybe he/she can create a small wind with the fan to blow away the Mirages.
And for last, but not for least:
Fox 🦊 - Ladybug 🐞:
I thout the flute is a well designed, usefull object, but not the best weapon....... so, what if it can do more thing? As you can play more melodys with it, maybe the Fox based superhero has the power to disturb the small ladybugs when they restore or creat the Lucky Charm.....
So, we are around. Maybe it won't be like this in the show, but is could be. It would be cat-chy 😸
I think every "Sidekick power" needs a name

Jade Turtle 🐢
Guys, did anybody (who saw "Battle of Miraculouses") notice "Felix" is the last episode where we could see a Jade Turtle transformation?
And I hope they will do it, because:
I love transformation scenes
He deservs it
He is such a good character
I like this designe
I want to see him in action (in Love Hunter, he doesn't do too much)
Because so far his tryes was more epic than the succesful one
He has the possibilitys. I mean; 3 akumas at once.....
Because this is the very last episode where he could....... 😿
The relased date of the episode is:
November 13th / 16:00 (today)

Hi Alisha, who are your perry ocs?

Hi Watchdog Hank! My Perry OCs are Groucho Perry, Fedora Perry, Female Perry, and Fez Perry😉They may have similar appearances to Perry but they each have unique personalities. They’re Perry’s siblings and if you’re wondering what their accessories they’re wearing are, those are their miraculouses cuz they’re miraculous holders! Groucho Perry uses the rooster miraculous, Fedora Perry uses the Ladybug and Mouse miraculous, Female Perry uses the bee miraculous(cuz she’s actually based on Chloe Bourgeois), and Fez Perry uses the turtle miraculous respectively. Perry also uses a miraculous too! He uses the black cat miraculous! With the help of their kwamis, they transform into animal themed heroes. They’re also half dream demon and siren but they use their powers for good. I am also planning on making posts on them so that way you can get to know them and ask them questions! You can ask them questions too but plz follow the guidelines!
Heya guys! I’m back with another post! But this one is about Fez Perry! If you guys wanna ask Perry and his siblings questions, I’m deciding to make posts about Perry and Sibs so you could get to know them before asking them questions! Finally we have the semi aquatic egg laying mammal of action in fez, the Fez Boi himself, Fez Perry the Fez Platypus aka Agent FezP!

Name: Fez Perry
Gender: Male He/him/his
Age: 12(currently in 2023)
Physical Appearance: Fez Perry is a greenish teal male platypus with yellow tinged tangerine webbing only on his back feet(odd traits that platypuses outside of Danville don’t have) He also has three black hairs on his head, a low long salmon orange beaver tail, deep dark brown eyes in an unnatural walleyed position making him look mindlessly stupid and derpy as a pet, and a duck bill that matches his webbing color. Under his fur, he wears the amulet of Juatchadoon, a siren pendant, and he mainly wears a fez on his head as Agent FezP. FezP also wears a fedora on his head but he wears it on underneath of his fez. Around his arm, he wears a light teal turtle bracelet which is his miraculous in camouflage mode.
Height: 2 feet (60.96 cm)
Nemesis/Enemies: Dr Doofenshimirtz, Rodney, L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N., Dennis the Bunny, and Professor Parenthesis
Friends/Allies: Doof, Phineas, Ferb, Candace, Major Monogram, Carl, Monty Monogram, Lyla Lolliberry, Stacey Hirano, Milo Murphy, Diogee, Balthazar Cavendish, Vinnie Dakota, Melissa Chase, Zack Underwood, Ortan Mahlson, Pinky the Chihuahua, the other agents, Perry, Groucho Perry, Fedora Perry, Female Perry, Bunka da Bunkaquan, Parable the Dragon-pus, Master Perry, Rebel Perry the Rebel-pus, Perry the Platyborg, Sweary the Swan, Perry 2(cousin), Peggy, Ricardo, Penny/Phyllian, Whitney, Mishti, Dairry, Emily, Rose, Amy, Nelson(evil cousin), Pansy(mom), Percy(dad), Kyra(lover and love interest), his backup dancers/dancing trope, and Wayzz(kwami)
Family: Perry(brother), Groucho Perry(brother), Fedora Perry(sister), Female Perry(sister), Kelly(sister), Bunka da Bunkaquan(brother), Parable the Dragon-pus(brother), Master Perry(brother), Rebel Perry the Rebel-pus(brother), Perry the Platyborg(brother), Sweary the Swan(brother), Perry 2(cousin), Peggy(cousin), Ricardo(cousin), Penny/Phyllian(sister), Whitney(sister), Mishti(sister), Dairry(sister), Emily(sister), Rose(sister), Amy(sister), Nelson(evil cousin), Pansy(mom), and Percy(dad)
Nationality/Species: Australian(native to) American(domesticated in) , Male Platypus, half dream demon, and half siren
Born: January 21st 2011
Occupation: Top Secret agent of The OWCA, Household pet, Top watchdog spy of the Hater Empire, Leader of the Watchdog Spies, Lieutenant General of the Hater Empire, and holder of the turtle miraculous
Affiliations: The O.W.C.A.(Organization Without A Cool Acronym), The S.O.K.W.C.A.(Secret Order Of The Knights Without A Cool Acronym) Flynn Fletcher Family, and the Hater Empire
Hometown: Danville
Boss: Major Monogram
Owners: Phineas and Ferb
First Appearance: Phineas and Ferb and The Temple of Juatchadoon
Alinement: Good(in PaF) and Evil(In WOY)
Likes: Being very sassy, showing himself off, wearing a fez, being manipulative, hanging out with my brothers and sisters, making dramatic entrances with his backup dancers, dancing, music, my theme song “Perry in a Fez”, and Favorite Songs: What’s My Name by China Anne McClain and Perry in a Fez
Dislikes: Wearing my fedora under my fez, being questioned about my fez, and why he’s not in Egypt
Miraculous: Turtle Miraculous
Kwami: Wayzz
Hero Persona: CaraFezPerry
Villain Persona: ShellShockFezPerry
Powers/Abilities: Shell-Ter and Protection(as CaraFez), Apportion, Clairvoyance, Cross-Dimension Awareness, Illusion manipulation, Intangibility, Innate Capability, Nigh Omnipotence, Laser Manipulation, Levitation, Molecular Manipulation, Nightmare/Dream Manipulation, Nightmare/Dream Inducement, Possession, Pyrokinesis, Size Shifting, Telekinesis, Telepathy, and Mind Reading(as a half dream demon) enchanted singing voice which allows to manipulate or control others’ actions with its compelling tones. The more of the negative energy he consumes, the stronger his voices becomes, and the farther he could spread his good magic(as half siren but uses it for good)
What his speaking voice sounds like: Very cool, very calm, very collected, and he has a Sassy accent.
Status: Active and immortal
Voiced by/Speaking and Chattering Voice: Dee Bradley Baker
Singing Voice: China Anne McClain
Personality: He can be best defined as “The Sassy Bossy Flirty Dramatic Entertainment" younger brother to Perry. He kinda has same aspects as Perry, but the difference is that he is mostly sassy, bossy, dramatic, and entertainment. This is seen from the fact that he brought backup dancers to a long-lost temple and when he was dancing. He also seems loyal enough to wear a fez even though he wasn't in Egypt. He does have a difficult relationship with Perry but sometimes they get along with the rest of his brothers and sisters. As Agent FezP, he is proud of his abilities as a fez platypus and wants to prove himself to Perry that he can be a good secret agent for the O.W.C.A. As a dream demon, he can be manipulative and he is always sassy in order to get what he wants. When he’s making a deal with someone, his greenish teal hand starts burning with light teal flames. As a siren, he plays with someone’s emotions and he’s ready to show off his singing voice and feeds on the positivity around him.

Tortue Peinte - AKA Painted Turtles - AAKA Turtle!Marinette
So I downloaded a wheel options app n made a wheel for the kwamis n another for the teens. This was the first spin!
It was a lotta fun! I already spun for the next one n I think it’s going to be an interesting challenge.

Power couple :)
Ever since I first saw these designs by @zoe-oneesama , I’ve been dying to draw them together- they just look so cool!!
Do you have any drawings of Chloé using other Miraculous? I always wondered what she would look like with the Snake or Chat. Although the world would be doomed if she had those...

I'm not saying you should become a patron to see these months ago but I'm also not not saying that =3=

The great kids that picked up Scarlet Lady’s slack in Season 4. +Bonus Pigella.
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Dragon Marinette? Turtle Adrien?

This is the closest to me drawing that LadybugxDragon fusion you'll ever get.
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Wave 1 is now complete.
Wave 2, Wave 3, Cat and Ladybug.
Bonus Bee:

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Bold of you to assume I haven’t made these already.
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Bee!Alya and Turtle!Kagami! These are some simple designs based off drawings I a few years ago and are related to a story I’ve had for a bit.
I think Alya would go by Rumble Bee. Pollen and her would honestly be a dangerous mix cause Pollen would boost Alya’s self confidence into a pretty intense ego. Alya would be very good with Venom as a power because of training with her sister.
I don’t have any name ideas for Kagami, but I think her and Wazz would be a really good mix. She wouldn’t really like him at first, but he would help show her how to relax and just enjoy quiet moments. Kagami is also used to going on the offense all the time so it would be an interesting learning curve for her to be the defense player for a bit. Not that she wouldn’t find a way to totally thrash people
I love your style, and I kinda curious about how Ivan looks like, at least his civilian form, and if you can his hero form (Cat, Mouse or Fox), both or not.

🇺🇸: Thank you so much!!!
Tbh, I'm not very good with varying body types (anatomy, facial features, etc), and I really want to be well studied in body variations and such before drawing some characters (to not accidentally twinkify everyone I touch Lol- but I know unfortunately I have this habit :,) )
But I tried. Somehow I read "mouse" as turtle (???) so I ended up also doing both hahah. I tried to base some small parts on metal/rock bands outfits (since he likes metal songs) and the cuts/scars in his masks are based on his shaved eyebrow. I also tried to vary his hair styles but not sure if it really looks like him tbh
(The full body outfits are definitely not as similar to him but I think it is cool to see the full outfits)
Anyways, pushing myself to try to come up with those different outfits -in a much smaller time I usually spend on this type of stuff- was a fun experience :)
🇧🇷: Muito obrigada!!!
Pra ser honesta eu não sou muito boa em fazer tipos de corpo variados (anatomia, características faciais, etc), e eu quero ser bem estudada nesse tipo de coisa antes de desenhar alguns personagens (pra não twinkificar acidentalmente todo mundo que eu toco kkkkk, mas sei que infelizmente eu tenho esse vicio :,) )
Mas eu tentei. De alguma forma eu li "rato" como "tartaruga" (???) então acabei fazendo os dois kkkk. Tentei me basear em roupas de metal/rock pra algumas partes (já que o Ivan gosta de metal) e os cortes/cicatrizes são baseados na sobrancelha chaveada dele. Tb tentei variar os estilos de cabelo dele, mas não sei se ficou muito parecido com ele pra ser sincera
(A parte das roupas de corpo inteiro definitivamente não é tão parecida com ele, mas acho legal ver as roupas inteiras)
De qualquer forma, me ""forçar"" a tentar pensar nessas roupas diferentes, em um período de tempo muito menor do que eu costumo gastar, foi uma experiência divertida :)

Y’all think I’m joking about how many times I came back to Turtle Alya’s design? A lot of these I liked better than what I ended up with, but they were too far off “turtle” imo.
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Can we see Dragon!Stephan and Turtle!Ivan, for some reason I started to ship them.

This is the second time someone said that they ship them xd and like,,, its kinda cute

Finally did carapace! I actually like most of his suit. The problem is in the shape of the hood, it just makes him look so goofy. The way the bottom of it turns up like that, just looks strange and it makes his head look even bigger. I changed the color palette a bit adding a bit more yellow toned greens and added a few more pattern details to the suit. I also gave him some headphones and replaced the silly goggles with a mask. If alyas eyesight can be fixed by the miraculous than so can his. I hope nino gets a bit more development. I think showing more of his dynamic with adrien would be cool to see as well as seeing his dynamic with marinette get fleshed out a bit.
I’ve finished the water power up redesigns but for some reason I still am not sure if I like them. I think it’s because I left the pink as a secondary color on ladybug. I’m wondering if changing it to blue would work better.