hades-999 - Hades 999
Hades 999

174 posts

Jade Turtle

Jade Turtle 🐢








Guys, did anybody (who saw "Battle of Miraculouses") notice "Felix" is the last episode where we could see a Jade Turtle transformation?

And I hope they will do it, because:

I love transformation scenes

He deservs it

He is such a good character

I like this designe

I want to see him in action (in Love Hunter, he doesn't do too much)

Because so far his tryes was more epic than the succesful one

He has the possibilitys. I mean; 3 akumas at once.....

Because this is the very last episode where he could....... 😿

The relased date of the episode is:

November 13th / 16:00 (today)

Jade Turtle
  • rares222
    rares222 liked this · 4 years ago

More Posts from Hades-999

5 years ago

Theory Time 🕘

Snow me white you feel

Guys, I have an amazing theory!




We know, Cat Noir will understand why Hawk Moth does what he does:

For his wife, for his mother

Theory Time




We know the Miraculouses give you an outfit what you wish for in deep inside.

And Cat Noir will be as disturbed inside as it's posible.




Cat Noir will want the bad thing and he knows it but wants to do the right thing......

Theory Time
Theory Time




What if Cat Blanc wont be an Akuma, but actualy Cat Noir's negative version, without Hawk Moth's control?

Theory Time

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5 years ago

Copy Cat 2

Ok, guys, we get the promo for Felix episode. And......

I must confess: I'm more interested than I thout I Will be.










1. Oath

Copy Cat 2

You can't change my mind; he could be evil, but he do it for true love. And he is realy serious

I think it's like an oath: he "say" he still in love, they are wife and husband. And he won't stop until he brings Emillie back

Also, it reminds me how stange this whole situation



2. Kiss

Copy Cat 2


I'm sure this is Felix

Somewhere I feel she deserve this after she rejected Cat so many times.

But....... No



3. Senti Monster

Copy Cat 2

There's a fan theory; Adrien is a Senti Monster. I prefer that idea Felix is.

After I saw Nathali /Mayura's expression, I'm sure he is.

He has to be just like Adrien for some reason

Maybe Nathalie wants to prove Gabriel and she can have a boy just like Adrien

Or she wants disturb Adrien after she discover he has a crush on Ladybug

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5 years ago

Snake 🐍 Noir 🐈










Ok, anybody who watched Miracle Queen, be honest; thout about this 😹

Snake Noir

Snake Noir

Snake Noir

Snake Noir




As a comic, for anybody who wants it 😹

Snake Noir

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5 years ago

Happy B. day, Marinette !

And B. for Big releval.....




Do you guys remember when Bunnix 🐇 asked Marinette/ Minibug if she wants to see her next birthday gift? It could be just a term for not spoil something good, but also could be a reference for the future:

In some spoiler (sorry, I don't remember witch one) was an informatio; the hamster's name will takes a part in The releval....

If you remember, in episode "Weredad", Tom (Marinette's father) misunderstood the situation and belived Marinette wants to call her hammster to "Nightmare"

And Cat Noir was there as well.......

So, what if Adrien gona give a hammster for Marinette's birthday and sayes she could call it "Nightmare".........

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5 years ago

Theory Time 🕘

New Felix promo

Guys, we get a new trailer for Felix, but first the necescary allert 😌:









So, the new trailer:

Awesome, right?



1. Mother complex

Theory Time

This look of Adrien's got me...... Maybe Adrien sees Nathali as a mother, more than Gabriel as a love interest? Could be.......

That is a beautiful statue and Adrien is nice to visite

It seems he is missing his mother, but also let her go.

2. Felix

Theory Time

Not so happy to see Adrien

More info in my Copy Cat 2 post

3. Akumas fight

Theory Time
Theory Time
Theory Time
Theory Time

Wow, Nathali ! 😁

Wow, Adrien! 😁

May you noticed the other Reflekta in the background. She could be Nathali... (She also "stoped" by Lady Wifi)

So..... There's 3 akumas..... But all of them colourful and have different weapons..... So, they are not Scarlett Akumas.....

Theory: Hawk Moth akumatize himself to be able create multiple Akumas......?

Hawk Moth akumatize Felix to do the same.....?

Maybe they do it, because Adrien thinks Nathali is Mayura 🐦

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