Tw Weapon - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

GT 2023 Day 15: Rage/Wrath

GT 2023 Day 15: Rage/Wrath



Though this doesn't happen canonically (or may be used for an AU), this man's life does become like a plot for a horror movie later on. I just used the younger counterpart of his for this.

Peter belongs to me. (Whooaa, super secretive OC name reveal?!?!?!)

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7 months ago
This Is The Only Pokemon Art Ill Do Today

this is the only pokemon art i’ll do today

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11 months ago

And my lightning bolt keychain

not to be controversial but respect trans women or die by my sword

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1 year ago


Everyone who uses she/they pronouns had carried concealed weapons, and they legally didn't have to disclose what weapons they had.

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1 year ago

Okay I'm breaking away from Battletech with this one but that's okay. A good friend of mine got married recently, and I wanted to make him something from me. We used to play Destiny a lot together, the game came out when I moved across the country, and Destiny became one of the ways we'd still hang out. We stopped a few years ago, and I still go back and visit every now and again. Don't worry, I made the bride something too. The gun is the exotic hand cannon Thorn, by the way

Okay I'm Breaking Away From Battletech With This One But That's Okay. A Good Friend Of Mine Got Married
Okay I'm Breaking Away From Battletech With This One But That's Okay. A Good Friend Of Mine Got Married
Okay I'm Breaking Away From Battletech With This One But That's Okay. A Good Friend Of Mine Got Married
Okay I'm Breaking Away From Battletech With This One But That's Okay. A Good Friend Of Mine Got Married
Okay I'm Breaking Away From Battletech With This One But That's Okay. A Good Friend Of Mine Got Married

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3 years ago

Trust me. Love me. Shoot me.

Trust Me. Love Me. Shoot Me.

Atsumu Miya x female reader

Summary: Atsumu finds himself with a young woman who is more that what she seems.

A/n: Writing this was fun. It was fun. Please enjoy the awkwardness and watch me try to build character dynamics. Yay ::) please do not repost, but feel free to reblog or like!

Warnings: drugs and alcohol mentioned, weapons mentioned, Atsumu gets punched lol, I didn’t edit yet again



Trust Me. Love Me. Shoot Me.

The minivan was quiet, except for Bokuto’s light snores. Akaashi was driving with Kuroo in the passenger side. Kenma was sitting in the back on his switch, and occasionally pushing the sleeping Bokuto off of his lap. Y/n sat behind Akaashi, passing maps and snacks to Kuroo. Atsumu was directly beside you, looking out the windows as the buildings  turned into fields then back to buildings.

Akaashi was planning to drive to the Nekoma headquarters, where a majority of Fukurodani  also stayed. Nekoma preferred to stay in Tokyo’s countryside. It was close enough to the city, but remote enough for no one to care. It was a strategic location.

When the minivan pulled to a stop, not a a rest stop this time, a tall warehouse sat in front of the group. The tall metal walls started down at the very mini minivan, the windows were ominously empty. The warehouse had a spooky feeling to it, it felt as if no one had been there for years, yet every single step was being carefully watched and criticized.

The first time Y/n came to the warehouse, she was terrified, but none of the boys knew. After all, she had to keep her reputation as a force to be reckoned with. The rumours which shrouded Y/n were always enough to scare someone out of their wits. She was often described as a ghost who disappears into the shadows, blends in with the crowd and masquerades herself as anyone, then strikes when you think you are safe. She became anyone, a local grocery store worker, a waitress, a prostitute. She manipulated people to get what she wanted, then killed then. She camouflaged herself in the crowd and went unnoticed. Because of this, she was dubbed “The Chameleon ”. Y/n fed off of this respect. The fact that when her name was mentioned, people would visibly shiver. She didn’t care if she was called a monster. As long as she got praise and the respect that she deserved.

The 6 boys got out of the car and made their way towards the dark warehouse. Kenma knocked on the door, 6  rhythmic knocks, before the large sliding door slide open with a crash. Kai welcomed the group in, hesitating when he saw the 6 foot blond. Apprehensively, he let him in. The warehouse smelled like marijuana and alcohol. Y/n noticed that Lev and Yaku had yet to return. As the group entered the building, people from all angles yelled out in greeting to the group.

“Hey Chameleon! Did you kill anyone yet?” Yelled Yamamoto, along with other calls to the group such as, “Hey Owl!” (Referring to Bokuto and his strength, or his hair. No one has ever been brave enough to ask), or “Raven, I need your help on this assignment!” (Akaashi was dub this for his intellect. This man is smart). Other voices called for “The Hyena” (Kuroo was named this for his hyena like laugh that you would hear right before he killed you) and “The Caracal” (Kenma got this name thanks to his crazy kill methods. That man can be unhinged. Just take away his switch and get ready to die).

Y/n walked through the warehouse soaking in every word, but not replying to any. Right now she didn’t want to be the happy, friendly Y/n. Right now she had business to do. She kicked open a metal door which lead to a large office. The office wasn’t fancy, but inside sat the bosses of Nekoma and Fukurodani. As Y/n walked in, followed closely by the boys, keeping Atsumu behind them, she swiftly slammed the door shut with a loud bang.

The two old men looked up at her and the boys before their eyes landed on Atsumu. They looked surprised to say the least.

“L/n, why did you bring him here? Now were have to kill him.” Said the first old man, Nekomata. He was a carefree old man who was often smiling. Despite his appearance, Y/n knew that he could kill someone in less that a second.

“Nekomata, he is part of the Inarizaki family. If we killed him then they would be after you. So instead I propose we keep him here until his leg heals, then we make the trade with Inarizaki. They get back their man-child, and we get they alliance. Doesn’t that just sound wonderful? Akaashi and Kenma help me think of this.” Y/n asked, speaking in her sweetest, most convincing voice. She knew the last part was a lie. Kenma didn’t care about what happened to Atsumu, and Akaashi didn’t want to keep him around any longer than necessary. You just hoped he didn’t realize.

“Well L/n,” spoke the other old man, Yamiji, “I think its a good idea, except your safe house was destroyed because he was there. And how will we convince them to come, without an attack?”

“Well that’s simple, we can stay in the hotel in the city. The five of us can stay there with Atsumu. And I can take care of an arrangement.” Y/n said slyly. “I will even give you sometime to consider it. It is so much more beneficial to return him than to just kill him. Don’t you think?” She finished, leaving the room, with the boys, close behind her.

After about 10 minutes, both Nekomata and Yamiji stepped out of their office. Everyone in the warehouse, even the wasted men in the corner, stood up, as a sign of respect. Y/n had a more friendly relationship with the two men, and all parties were much more informal with each other.

“Y/n, we will let you go. Make sure that you trade him off in 3 weeks or else we will kill him.” Said Yamiji. “But, it is under the conditioned that the hotel he doesn’t get injured. We will send him off unharmed.” He finished, still staring at Atsumu.

After Yamiji’s speech, the warehouse burst into talk and gossip. “Can you believe the Ferocious Five have another assignment?” Or even “Why are the Ferocious Five getting such an easy assignment? They just have to make sure the dude doesn’t get hurt”. The group walked quickly to the store room. Inside there was the wall of guns and a separate wall for knifes. The drawers under the display of other weapon are held devises which were only common in spy movies. Y/n took multiple knife and hid them on her body. Two for each boot, one in each sleeve, and another on her ankle. She also took a tube of lipstick and a small jar of pills. Y/n loved the lipstick. If it got into your blood stream, it would kill you in a few hours. It would start to seep your energy within minutes, and then it would kill you. She also went to the hidden closet and grab different clothes. She grabbed a formal dress and a cute little picnic dress. She also grabbed a long coat, glasses, a collared shirt, dress pants, jeans and multiple pairs of shoes. But of course she also threw in a pair of loose fitting sweat pants and a sweatshirt. She grabbed a duffle bag and placed the clothes in the bag. She also found a few different purses and bags which she added to her bag.

After she had packed everything she needed, she regrouped with the boys. Kenma was fiddling with 6 cell phones and his bag rested on his feet. Akaashi was nearby, calling the hotel to book the rooms (He seemed very tense when he was talking on the phone). Bokuto and Kuroo were busy stuffing a bag full of food. Atsumu was staring at the ground, daydreaming about something. Y/n paced towards him, pick up a Polaroid camera on the way. She fisted her hand and punched him in the face. Hard.  As her fit collided with his cheek, he groaned at the contact. A bruise was starting to for on his right cheek in a red mark formed on his face. Atsumu looked at her with a look disbelief while she shook out her fist.

“What the hell was that for? Ya crazy bitch, ya just said that A would be unharmed?” He yelled, while Akaashi in the corner was trying convince the hotel employee that nothing was happening.

“I just needed you to form a bruise, besides you’ll be fine. Now sit down so I can cover it with some makeup” Y/n ordered.

Compliantly, Atsumu sat down, while Y/n grabbed a foundation, concealer and a pallet of nude eyeshadows to help hide the redness of his cheek, and a blush. Carefully, she applied foundation across his face. After blending it, she applied concealer under both of his eyes and on his cheek. The concealer hid the red cheek while giving his skin a flawless sort of look. Next, with a small brush, Y/n altered the colour of the bruise, holding her face uncomfortably close to his. As she move from each product, she became more aware of the closeness. She could feel his breath on her hands as she fixed little parts of his face. As he looked more alive and functional, the more she realized his beauty. His dark eyes focused on hers as she scanned his face for any flaws in the makeup. She had covered his scar on his face, to make him look like any normal person. His skin looked clear and hydrated, and his cheeks were slightly blushed. Perfect. He was perfect and ready to go.

Together they stood up, Atsumu a little slower and more clumsy, and walked towards the door. Kenma handed everyone a cell phone, each person's number already entered in. Akaashi grabbed his bag and a bag of medical supplies and placed them in the car. Bokuto then took the rest of the bags and left them in the car (He was upset that Akaashi wouldn’t let him grab his bag too).

Once the group was in the car, Akaashi assigned the room to people. He explained that each room will have two bed. They were all on the different floors, but he would need to check them in.

“Bokuto-san and I will be in room 303, Kenma-san and Kuroo-san will be in room 204, and L/n-san and Miya-san will stay in room 405. Also, we will not be able to switch rooms. I was able to get the last three rooms for the next 3 weeks.” Akaashi explain as he drove the minivan.

The car ride was short then that mornings, once the fields turned to buildings, Bokuto got excited. He knew that the car ride was almost over (He was like a small child after an hour car ride). After another half hour. Akaashi pulled into the parking lot of a large hotel. After grabbing the bags, which Bokuto insisted on doing, the group walked into the hotel, and was greeted by the sitting room. It was a beautiful room. There were exquisite decorations along the walls. On the ceiling there was a beautifully complex chandelier. There were many people in the sitting room, drinking water or talking to each other. Akaashi, confidently walked up to the counter. The group was sitting on a large couch when Akaashi returned. He handed each person a key card for their room.

The group piled into an elevator and slowly got off at their floor. First Kenma and Kuroo got off, then Akaashi and Bokuto. Finally, there was just Y/n and Atsumu. The 30 seconds of the elevator going up were excruciatingly awkward. Neither said a thing, but a few glances were stolen when the other wasn’t looking.

When they got off the elevator, Y/n held both people’s bags as the looked for the door which read 405. When they found the door, Y/n slide the key card into the reader, after shifting all the bags onto one hand. They opened the door, they were met with long windows and a flat screen TV. There was a closet to the right of the door and the bathroom door to the left. There was a small desk against the door and a large glass panel separating the bathroom from the bedroom. In the bedroom, the bed was decorated in white sheets and many throw pillows. But there was a problem in the room. There was only one kind sized bed

Taglist: Please request to be added to taglist!

@kayleighbeccaa @jojowantstocry  @m1lfluv3r

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10 months ago
Weapon Parallels.

Weapon parallels.

(Self-indulgent art)

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6 months ago

These weapons I make, the weapons I attach to myself, they're for self defense right? They're only a precaution right? Only two blades and a blunt object. That's where it'll end, right? Why do I feel like the more I make weapons, the closer I get to wrapping my hands around the grip of a glock? Am I turning myself away from my empathetic and gentle origins? I don't want to hurt people. I don't like it when people get hurt. Not usually. If I make more weapons am I only putting up the barricade around me with a door for friends or will the wall block out everyone? I don't want to be alone again.

So many weapons that could be made, and yet I don't know if I could even get myself to use them. I don't know if I could willingly put a blade through someone's flesh or bash a blunt object against someone's skull. Am I turning myself into a danger?

If I let myself strike someone, how long until I can strike at the ones I love without remorse? I need protection, I know, but how much is too much?

When do I wind up going too far?

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6 months ago

These weapons I make, the weapons I attach to myself, they're for self defense right? They're only a precaution right? Only two blades and a blunt object. That's where it'll end, right? Why do I feel like the more I make weapons, the closer I get to wrapping my hands around the grip of a glock? Am I turning myself away from my empathetic and gentle origins? I don't want to hurt people. I don't like it when people get hurt. Not usually. If I make more weapons am I only putting up the barricade around me with a door for friends or will the wall block out everyone? I don't want to be alone again.

So many weapons that could be made, and yet I don't know if I could even get myself to use them. I don't know if I could willingly put a blade through someone's flesh or bash a blunt object against someone's skull. Am I turning myself into a danger?

If I let myself strike someone, how long until I can strike at the ones I love without remorse? I need protection, I know, but how much is too much?

When do I wind up going too far?

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6 months ago

These weapons I make, the weapons I attach to myself, they're for self defense right? They're only a precaution right? Only two blades and a blunt object. That's where it'll end, right? Why do I feel like the more I make weapons, the closer I get to wrapping my hands around the grip of a glock? Am I turning myself away from my empathetic and gentle origins? I don't want to hurt people. I don't like it when people get hurt. Not usually. If I make more weapons am I only putting up the barricade around me with a door for friends or will the wall block out everyone? I don't want to be alone again.

So many weapons that could be made, and yet I don't know if I could even get myself to use them. I don't know if I could willingly put a blade through someone's flesh or bash a blunt object against someone's skull. Am I turning myself into a danger?

If I let myself strike someone, how long until I can strike at the ones I love without remorse? I need protection, I know, but how much is too much?

When do I wind up going too far?

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5 months ago


!!Weapon, slight disturbing imagery!!


If you repost this on another website, please give credit. Do not put my art in any ai or repost it as your own work. You are free to use this as a pfp as long as you credit. Any like or rebblog is greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading! -dixidin

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1 year ago
Hey, Possessed Women, Am I Right?
Hey, Possessed Women, Am I Right?
Hey, Possessed Women, Am I Right?

Hey, possessed women, am I right?

So, somehow my first fanfic for the three fandoms I've written for (Dinosaur King, The Owl House and The Amazing Digital Circus) ended up having my favorite character possessed. But yeah, two of them already had fancy clothes, so I thought I could draw them all like this.

Reese Drake belongs to Sunrise and Sega Lilith Clawthorne belongs to Dana Terrace Ragatha belongs to Gooseworx Creator Ree and Philith made by me The Influncer belongs to @ask-the-rag-dolly

Dinosaur King fic: Remake!Out of Time and Space (planning on a rewrite) -, Wattpad, Ao3

The Owl House fic: Someone Else Is Pulling At The Strings -, Wattpad, Ao3

The Amazing Digital Circus fic: And All Is Not Fine - Tumblr

More info including slight spoilers for these fanfics:

Creator Ree

Real name: Reese Drake/Rias Tatsuno

Possessed by: The Dark Pterosaur

Result of: Experimenting with the Dark Pterosaur's energy to use for time travel

Abilities: Controlling dark matter and illusions, gaslighting, gatekeeping, girl bossing, guilt-tripping

Close ones hurt: Zoe Drake/Malm Tatsuno (relation: sister)

Song: The Law by Reach


Real name: Lilith Clawthorne

Possessed by: Belos/Philip Wittebane

Result of: Shielding her sister from Belos' attack

Abilities: Transforming own body into green goo and shaping it into weapons, glyph magic, gaslighting, gatekeeping, girl bossing, guilt-tripping

Close ones hurt: Hooty Clawthorne (relation: best friend)

Song: Discord by The Living Tombstone

The Influencer

Real name: [REDACTED] commonly referred to as "Ragatha"

Possessed by: A virus consisting of hundreds of voices

Result of: Giving into a virus that has infected the circus

Abilities: Spawning things out of thin air, spreading the virus' influence, gaslighting, gatekeeping, girl bossing, guilt-tripping, having four mental breakdowns within one hour

Close ones hurt: [̷̹̍R̷̻̃E̵͙̊D̷̘͂A̴͇̓C̸͈͋T̴̗͛E̷̺͝D̴̩͑]̶̪͗ commonly referred to as "Jax" (relation: ̵͇̂͌ͅ?̷͖̈́̂?̵̫͈̾?̶̢͈͠͝); [̴̝͝Ȓ̷̘̈́Ë̵̥̙́D̶̺̟͆̿A̵̭͐Ĉ̶̪̮T̷̥̤̿E̴̤̾̽D̴͑̇͜]̷̦̞̅́ commonly referred to as "Pomni" (relation: f̶̢̺̕r̵͙̊̄i̷̞̐̇e̶͔̻̊͛n̶̯͚̊d̷̕ͅ?̴̦̟͒̾, c̷͉̣̈̏͐͝r̷͇̠̒ǔ̵͕̯͔̥͖s̴̛̖̝̳̍̍͘ḧ̶͚̘́)

Song: Entropy by Awkward Marina

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7 months ago

this is exactly what we asked for holy shit /pos

pspsps could we have a black nd white/grey scale punk stimboard :3 /nf

Pspsps Could We Have A Black Nd White/grey Scale Punk Stimboard :3 /nf
Pspsps Could We Have A Black Nd White/grey Scale Punk Stimboard :3 /nf
Pspsps Could We Have A Black Nd White/grey Scale Punk Stimboard :3 /nf
Pspsps Could We Have A Black Nd White/grey Scale Punk Stimboard :3 /nf
Pspsps Could We Have A Black Nd White/grey Scale Punk Stimboard :3 /nf
Pspsps Could We Have A Black Nd White/grey Scale Punk Stimboard :3 /nf
Pspsps Could We Have A Black Nd White/grey Scale Punk Stimboard :3 /nf
Pspsps Could We Have A Black Nd White/grey Scale Punk Stimboard :3 /nf
Pspsps Could We Have A Black Nd White/grey Scale Punk Stimboard :3 /nf

I tried my best! im not very familiar with this aesthetic so i hope i got it! i also hope you are asking for grey-scale punk and not grey scale!punk,,,,

x | x | x

x | x | x

x | x | x

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