Slutty - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
It Didnt Feel Slutty To Chris. Maybe The Rope Was Cutting Off The Circulation. You Can See My Abs Right?

It didn’t feel slutty to Chris. Maybe the rope was cutting off the circulation. “You can see my abs right? The lighting feels a bit harsh. So glad that tie is out of the way. Why didn’t we just use that for my arms?”

Brad ensured the tie went to good use. We would hear from Chris when the shoot was done.

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2 years ago
One Day I Was Mindlessly Scrolling Around Instagram, Looking At The Pictures Of Hot Men, Growing Rather

One day I was mindlessly scrolling around Instagram, looking at the pictures of hot men, growing rather annoyed with how the studs seemed to adopt the mantra of “Chest Day Every Day”. Don’t get me wrong, big meaty pecs on a man definitely turns me on, but sometimes it’s nice to admire a man’s backside too. However, most of the studs online seem to associate having a fat, meaty bubblebutt with being a gay influencer. I don’t understand it.

Anyways, I was getting ready to give up on my search when I stumbled upon a picture of a hot, sexy hunk of a man with arms built so large that they looked like girders. His impressive pecs strained his gas station uniform shirt to the brink of nearly bursting. Best of all was that he had such a hot, sexy smirk that let me know that he knew that he was incredibly sexy. I clicked on his profile and scrolled through his pics, again disappointed to see a complete lack of ass pics.

Sure enough, there was one picture of the hunk that showed him working out at the gym, seated at the pec fly machine with the caption: Chest Day! 💪

“That’s it,” I huffed, grabbing my car keys and heading out.

Being a trickster, it wasn’t hard to warp reality, bending the fabric of space around me until I found myself driving in an unfamiliar town. I couldn’t help but smile when I saw the large, lit-up Chevron sign in the near distance.

I sped up and stopped at one of the gas pumps, snapping my fingers as I headed towards the entrance, the other patrons suddenly deciding to buy gas at another station so as to give me and my guy some privacy.

The gas station doors dinged as I walked inside, and I smiled as I saw that familiar stud working the counter. Due to the lack of customers, he was looking at his phone, but as soon as he saw me, he perked up and greeted me with a customary, “Welcome!” His voice was deep and full of manly bravado.


My heart began to speed up as I finalized my plan. I approached the counter and tried to look as friendly as possible. “Hello,” I said back, “could I please get forty dollars on Pump Five?”

“Sure thing,” the stud said as he began to punch away on his register. His biceps constantly curled out of his tight sleeves and the buttons on his polo threatened to burst off as they struggled to contain his massive pecs. On his right pec was a name tag that let me know that his name is Jett. He definitely was a sight to behold.

I snapped my fingers again. “Is is really full service here?” I asked, trying to sound pleasantly surprised as I pointed at the new sign below the logo that had in bright lit-up letters: FULL SERVICE!

Jett looked out at the new sign, my magic starting to have an effect on him. Since I’m not fully trained, it sometimes takes a while for it take complete control. Hence, the stud furrowed his brow for a moment before slowly nodding.

“Oh yeah,” he muttered in a confused tone. “I guess I forgot about that.”

He walked out from behind the counter and I trailed behind him as we headed to my car. His broad back was thick was muscle and his crazy broad shoulders swayed back and forth with masculine power as he sauntered. However, his butt was lacking the smallest bit, if I’m being honest. Sure his jeans were nice and tight and hugged his perky rear perfectly, but in comparison to the rest of his build, it was obvious that Jett skipped Leg Day every now and then in favor of another upper body workout.

I can help him with that.

Jett filled up my car and checked the fluids before he pulled out a pressure gauge from his pocket that I made appear there. The hunk squatted down and began to check the air pressure from my tires and I snapped my fingers, watching eagerly with anticipation.

Jett checked my air pressure, completely unaware as his decently sized rear appeared to shudder before pushing away from his backside. The back of his pants filled up until his growing ass was pressed tightly against it, but that wasn’t enough. His meaty cheeks kept inflating, rounding out and pushing down the top of his pants. His shirt became untucked and was stuck on top of the shelf created by the new globes that only continued to get bigger and bigger with each passing second. His growing cheeks pushed his pants and shirt further away from each other, looking like a caricature of plumber’s crack.

I snapped my fingers again and the growth stopped, and as a fun touch I made his boxers disappear so that nothing was obscuring my view of his deepened crack.


“You know, I think the tires are okay,” I said, satisfied with my work.

“Oh, if you say so,” Jett said, standing up.

He was perfect now! The hunk still had his beautiful and meaty pecs and biceps, but now those were completely overshadowed by the massive bubblebutt he possessed. The inflated ass stuck out from his back at a near ninety degree angle, and the bottom of his uniform shirt rested on the shelf created by them, showing off his deep ass crack constantly.

“Thank you very much for your help,” I thanked him, even tipping him since it seemed about right.

“Of course, have a great day,” Jett grinned as he took a step back towards the gas station. The bottom-heavy stud froze in confused wonder as he felt the unfamiliar shift from his giant asscheeks shifting wildly behind him. Again, he scrunched up his eyebrows in confusion, and I could see in his worried eyes that he knew something was wrong but my magic wouldn’t let him voice his concerns. He absentmindedly scratched at the back of his head and waddled the rest of the way back inside the gas station. I watched as he left, admiring the way his massive bubblebutt bounced and jiggled with every step he took, and loving how the rotund cheeks threatened to spill out of his incredibly tight pants, exposing more and more of his crack.

I got back in my car and glanced back at the gas station, seeing Jett through the window as he gave his giant ass a tentative poke. My magic finally took over and I could see him visibly relax and go back to manning the store. He waddled around the store, tidying up, all the while his massive ass bounced and swayed behind him.

The next day, I excitedly checked Jett’s profile, eager to see if he posted some delicious booty pics now that he has the goods. Sure enough, he had one incredibly sexy pic of himself doing push ups, his rotund, inflated bubblebutt sticking proudly out into the air. However, with his powerful arms flexed, his booty unfortunately wasn’t the main focus.


Then I read his caption: Chest Day! I have to focus more on upper body since I seemed to overdo glutes! 💪 😅

Damn it!

That was not how this was supposed to pan out! Now instead of getting to see tons of sexy ass pictures from Jett, he’s going to let that massive bubblebutt I gifted him with go to waste. I frowned as I realized that this means that Jett’s just going to post more arms and pecs photos (I’ll definitely admire them, but still).

I was hoping that he’d put two and two together and work with what he now has, but I guess he needs a little nudge in the right direction.

I snapped my fingers and checked Jett’s profile again after about a half hour.

“Nice,” I grinned and as I liked his new post.

The bottom-heavy Jett posted an incredibly sexy booty pic that no doubt made sure that his new bigger ass was the focal point of the photo. He was completely nude and had his broad back turned to the camera, his bare, round cheeks being the first thing my eyes honed in on. Best of all was the caption that he added which read: I so gotta find a man to fukk these massive cheeks of mine!! Any takers? 🍆💦🍑


– – –

(Final Photo Source:

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1 year ago

Kevin Jonas's New Career

Kevin Jonas's New Career

“Good afternoon, Mr. Jonas,” the hypnotherapist, Blue, greeted the hunky singer.

The former boy band member entered the small office and took a seat on the offered sofa. When he sat, his thin t-shirt clung to his chiseled, smooth chest, allowing the hypnotherapist to view his toned body that had helped him gain scores of adoring fans. “Oh please, you can call me ‘Kevin’,” Kevin Jonas smiled, flashing a cute grin at Blue.

Blue simply nodded as he sat down across from the singer, his notepad in hand. “Alright Kevin,” he smiled, hiding the devious glint in his eye, “why don’t we start with why you’re here?”

The stud cleared his throat, running his hand through his curly hair. “Well,” he began, his baritone audible in his manly voice, “I think I’m ready for a new career path. I mean, I’ve been a part of the Jonas Brothers for years, and while I love it, I’m ready to see what else is out there.”

Blue hummed to himself.  “And what do you think is stopping you from taking that leap?”

The singer bit down on his lower lip in thought, leaning back into the sofa. As he moved, his tight shirt strained against his smooth muscles once more, illustrating his dedication to his body. He worked out religiously, aiming to get a toned, more athletic aesthetic that many of his fans could drool over. They loved the clean, good boy look that he oozed with ease— toned muscles, smooth baby face, and an all around happy-go-lucky attitude.

It was no wonder why he’d stayed in the boy band for so long; he was perfect for the part!

“I think it’s just been all I’ve known,” Kevin admitted, shrugging his shoulders. “I’ve gotten too comfortable with it that it’s hard to leave.”

Blue nodded, encouraging the singer to continue.

“I mean,” Kevin huffed, an annoyed tone in his voice, “no matter how much I try to branch out, all people see is that clean cut, Disney singer. I’m ready for a change.”

Blue’s smirk took over his face, and he had to shield it behind his notepad before Kevin could notice. “I think I have an idea,” he mischievously said as he snatched his pocket watch out of his pocket. “Now, just watch this watch with you eyes only as I swing it back and forth. And concentrate on the sound of my voice…”

Kevin did as he was told, his eyes following the gentle swaying motions of the watch—

Blue snapped his fingers. “You still with me, Kevin?” he asked, yanking the singer out of his daze.

Kevin jerked back in the sofa, shaking his head a little as he struggled to regain his bearings. He glanced at the clock on the wall and was amused to see that an hour had already passed, meaning that the hypnotherapy really must’ve been a success. He didn’t remember a single thing! “Whoa,” was all he could manage to get out, still trying to wrap his head around the quick session. Despite it just happening, Kevin could not recall a single detail about what Blue had told him while he’d supposedly been under. No matter how hard he strained his brain, the last thing he could recall vividly was staring at the pocket watch, and that was it.

“This concludes our first session,” Blue smiled warmly. “I’ll see you next week for our second session. In the meantime, if anything comes up, please give me a call.”

Kevin graciously thanked Blue before leaving the office, his head held high as he headed to his car to drive home.

As he walked, Kevin began to tug at the collar of his t-shirt, all of a sudden feeling a little warm. The singer cocked his eyebrow in confusion since it was a cool, overcast day; yet, he couldn’t help but feel uncomfortably warm and a little constricted wearing the tight fabric. He tugged at his shirt collar, trying to get any minuscule semblance of relief in the odd rising heat. Kevin swore that his skin even started to itch, further increasing his discomfort. Even worse, the slight breeze that filtered in through the parking garage made the legs of Kevin’s pants billow and flap, making the singer feel as if they were too big for him.

He knew that it was ridiculous, but when Kevin glanced in one of the car mirrors, he swore his clothes looked way too big for him.

“Did I really leave the house like this?” Kevin blushed as he examined his oversized attire. Despite having on expensive, brand-name clothes that typically showcased his muscled body in a modest manner, he couldn’t help but view them in a different light now. Whereas his pants normally seemed to fit his toned legs nicely, he couldn’t help but notice how they were too baggy in the seat, making his butt look flat and unimpressive. Worse was that his shirt, which normally tastefully showed off his pecs and biceps, appeared more akin to a circus tent due to how loose it seemed.

Without thinking, Kevin tore his shirt away from his body, allowing his bare chest to be on full display. He knew that walking around shirtless in the parking garage was outside of the norm, but he couldn’t deny the rush of relief that crashed over him due to having his chest exposed. The cool air brushing over the pert nipples felt right, and Kevin smiled as he continued towards his car.

Once he was seated in the driver’s seat, the singer couldn’t resist tearing his pants away from himself, feeling leagues better just sitting in his boxers.

As he drove home, a small part of Kevin said that something was off, but he ignored it and instead focused on the road ahead. It wasn’t until he was stopped at a red light that the stud realized that he’d been massaging his smooth pectoral with one hand while driving. He blushed a little bit when he noticed, but his blush deepened when he saw the man in the car next to him staring.

The other man smirked back and gave an approving nod, even going so far as to lick his lips hungrily.

Out of instinct, Kevin gave his nipple a pinch and his jaw went slack as he moaned. His cock started to harden and it tented out his boxers, bobbing in the air in front of him—

The car behind Kevin honked as the light turned green.

The singer snapped out of his daze, his heart racing in his bare chest as he continued to drive home. He tried to wrap his head around what had just happened. Given his good boy aesthetic, he never in his life would have ever considered showing off in traffic, let alone to another man. Still, his cock throbbed with want at the recent memory, and his nipples burned with want. Every so often, during his drive, Kevin’s free hand would rub his pecs and thumb his hard nipples.

This continued until Kevin finally reached his house and parked in the garage. He was slightly relieved that he was finally home and no one could see him in his horny state, but another growing part of him couldn’t get over the flash of excitement that he’d felt when the other guy had seen him playing with his pecs. At the thought of it, his cock throbbed even more and began to leak precum.

Kevin did his best to ignore his throbbing member as he began to walk around his house aimlessly… or at least he thought it was aimlessly, until he snatched up a trash bag. His limbs seemed to move on their own accord, and it took Kevin a while to realize what he was doing. 

The first thing the hunk did was go into the bathroom and throw away every single razor that he owned. He cocked his eyebrow, wondering what had possessed him to do that, but the more he tried to think about it, the more a thick fog seemed to filter in through his brain; and instead of thinking about maintaining his boyish charm and friendly good looks, his mind was bombarded with mental imaged of manly body hair.

His cock throbbed even more.

Next, Kevin tossed all of his pricey colognes and deodorant into the trash bag. Manly musk and smelly pits invaded his brain, and Kevin couldn’t resist lifting his arm and shoving his nose into his hairy pit, taking a large whiff. Only he was disappointed when all he smelt was the chemicals of his deodorant, making him frown. He couldn’t wait until he radiated manly musk.

His cock throbbed again.

Finally, Kevin waddled into his bedroom, his hard cock bobbing in front of him with every step. The first thing he did was rip open the closet doors. He began to snatch up all of his button down shirts, shoving them into the trash bag with an almost giddy excitement. Every single article of clothing that was deemed as too loose or too modest was thrown away, leaving only a few t-shirts that were a size too small and some workout shorts. To these, Kevin took a pair of scissors and trimmed them, making them even smaller and much more revealing. The entire time Kevin worked, he couldn’t help but smile at the thought of wearing such slutty and revealing clothing while out in public, his hairier chest and musky pits on display for all to see—

“Ughh!” Kevin bellowed loudly as his cock erupted, shooting a large load into his boxers. His pecs heaving as he tried to catch his breath, Kevin looked down at the stuffed trash bag and then towards his cut up clothes, and he couldn’t help but blush for the millionth time that day.

He imagined himself strolling around town wearing next to nothing, his body on display as he showed off like some dim, jockbro slut. And what was even stranger was that that thought didn’t cause any sort of humiliation, but instead sent an excited thrill through Kevin, making his cock rocket back to life in a snap.

“What’s happening to me?” Kevin panted, running a hand over his sensitive chest.

[Two Weeks Later]

“Welcome back, Kevin,” Blue smiled warmly as he greeted his patient into his office.

The newly transfigured Kevin Jonas sauntered into the hypnotherapist’s room, his head held high as he basked in the warmth that having another man’s eyes on his form brought him. Instead of the clean cut, good boy next door looking guy that had been at the first session, a new man entered.

Kevin wore a tiny tank top that was two sizes too small for him, and the bottom part had been cut off so that it ended right above his navel. Speaking off, Kevin had quit his shaving routine, allowing his chest hair to grow out more, the wisps of manly chest hair covering his entire torso. His fuzzy pecs were barely contained in the small tank, and when Blue stared more, he could make out the large nubs pressing against the tight fabric from where Kevin had pierced his nubby, sensitive nipples. He wore tight spandex shorts that showcased his thick hairy thighs and his impressive bubble butt. Speaking of, Kevin must’ve been hard at work at his at-home gym because his butt seemed to be a bit rounder and firmer, as if he’d been hard at work trying to look bigger. The large bulge in the front of his shorts was noticeably hard, and Kevin kept adjusting it as he entered the office, his hand seemingly constantly fondling himself under the other man’s gaze, making himself get even harder.

Kevin wore a cocky grin that was framed by the manly scruff on his face, particularly his new mustache. Instead of looking like a heartthrob from a boy band, Kevin now looked like he’d been ripped straight out of some porn site.

When he sat down on the couch, Kevin folded his arms behind his head, letting his hairy pits be on full display, his manly musk permeating the room.

“I see you’ve been doing well, Kevin,” Blue smiled, his eyes running up and down the singer’s new hairy body. “Tell me, have you still been feeling trapped in your career?”

Kevin shook his head, one of his hands still kneading his hard cock as he spoke. “No way,” he laughed, his voice having a deeper and slower quality to it. “I’ve already made up my mind to quit that stupid band.”

Blue couldn’t fight his smirk. “Oh?” he pressed. “And what path have you decided to take instead?”

Kevin mindlessly scratched at a hairy pec. “I’ve been thinking about streaming,” he said, leaning back further into the couch cushions. “I can just play some video games while I flex for people online. I figure for every sub I get, I’ve just flex my tits for them.”

To illustrate his point, Kevin made his hairy pecs bounce up and down, loving the action even more with Blue watching. Plus, the sensation of his shirt rubbing up against his hard nipples made his cock start to leak precum into his shorts, forming a wet spot in the front.

Blue nodded and hummed. “I’m happy to hear that, Kevin,” he commented, feeling a little mischievous spark, “but just to doublecheck…” Blue snapped his fingers.

Immediately, Kevin jerked back in his spot on the couch, looking as if he’d just been slapped. His eyes went wide and a rush of humiliation crashed over him as the realization of what he’d been doing over the past two weeks dawned on him.

The first thing that struck Kevin the most was the musk that wafted off of him. “Wh-what?” he panicked, lowering his buff arms and staring down at his altered body. The stunned singer paled as he glanced at his large, hairy pecs and his pierced nipples. His fingers accidentally grazed one of his hard nipples, and he had to stifle a moan as his cock throbbed like crazy in his tight shorts. His face went cherry red as he vividly recalled himself sauntering into the hypnotherapist’s office, wearing next to nothing and looking like some hairy jockbro slut who was super musky. “What the hell happened to me?!”

“I helped you figure out a new career path,” Blue simply stated. “You were tired of the boy band scene, so I thought that a new change of pace would do you well.”

Kevin gestured down at his altered form. “So you turn me into this?” he spat. “What the hell am I even wearing?”

“You can take it off, if you’d prefer?” Blue suggested.

“I’m not going to take…” Kevin trailed off as his arms moved on their own accord, grabbing the bottom of his tank top to tug it off. He tossed it to the floor, and despite the panic coursing through his veins, he couldn’t deny the spark of excitement he felt over having his hairy chest exposed. It became clearer to him that even though he’d been made aware of what happened, he was still under the influence of Blue’s hypnosis.

“See, Kevin?” Blue said, his smooth voice making the singer squirm in his seat. “I’ve made it so that you’ll love living out your life as a slutty cam boy. It won’t be so bad, right?”

“‘Not so bad’?” Kevin repeated incredulously. “Look at me!”

“I am looking at you, and there’ll be a lot more guys who’ll look too,” Blue explained. “We’ll set up an OnlyFans account to tie into your streaming career. That way, you can totally immerse yourself into your new career path. You’ll love it, trust me.”

The thought of having tons of guys watching and looking at his altered body as he showed it off made Kevin’s cock throb even harder. Kevin was aware of everything he was doing, but he couldn’t stop. Plus, he couldn’t deny that he liked it.

Blue walked forward and grabbed both of Kevin’s meaty, hairy pecs. He groped the large muscle mounds and ran his fingers through the new hairs that covered them. Kevin tried to hold back a moan over the sensation of another man playing with his sensitive chest, but he couldn’t prevent the low slutty noises from escaping his mouth. 

“See?” Blue smirked. “It looks like you like it.”

“Mmmm,” Kevin moaned, screaming at himself on the inside while trying to convince himself that he didn’t like it. His cock was leaking precum like crazy now, and he was rendered inert as he was felt up.

Becoming some slutty cam guy wasn’t Kevin’s first choice of a new career path, but he couldn’t deny the fact that his body lit up with electricity when the other man touched him, and he was desperate for more. He unconsciously bounced his chest and lifted both of his arms to flex his massive biceps. His manly musk started to waft out into the small office.

“Smell them,” Kevin heard himself playfully growl, placing a large hand on the back of Blue’s head.

Blue eagerly shoved his face into Kevin’s armpit and took a deep whiff, loving the manly musk that permeated his senses, making it smell like his office was a gym locker room instead. As he sniffed and licked at Kevin’s pit, Blue’s hand reached up and tugged on one of Kevin’s pierced nipples, making the singer squeal with delight.

“Ooohh!” Kevin moaned loudly, his untouched cock snaking out of his tight shorts and bobbing out in the open air.

Blue pulled away and went to his desk where he grabbed his phone. “Let’s go ahead and make your first video, Kevin,” he said. “And just know, I gave you back your awareness, so you’re free to stop at any time you want. If you choose that you don’t want this, then I’ll help you to return to your old life as a member of goody boy band.”

He pressed record and held up his phone towards the altered hunk.

Something clicked inside of Kevin’s brain, and as soon as he realized that he was being recorded, he couldn’t help but show off.

With one hand, he wrapped his fingers around his hard cock. With the other, he began to tug on one of his nipples, moaning loudly as he pleasured himself in front of Blue. He didn’t want to be stuck as some slutty cam boy, but at the same time, he couldn’t ignore the surge of pleasure that took over him. Despite himself, Kevin couldn’t stop fondling his hard cock or playing with his sensitive chest. He even lifted his arm and sniffed at his own pit, moaning loudly as he breathed in his sweaty musk.

“Oh shit,” he bellowed out, “that’s fuckin’ nice. This is what real man looks like.” He gestured down at his hairy chest. “Not some smooth pretty boy, but this is a real fuckin’ man— uuughhh!”

He came and his load squirted up onto his hairy pecs, which heaved as Kevin tried to catch his breath.

“Well, I think this is going to be a great debut,” Blue grinned. “What do you think, Kevin?”

Dazed as he basked in his post-orgasmic bliss, Kevin nodded. “Fuck yeah,” he bellowed, smiling as his hard nipples burned with want again.

… … …

“Hey everyone,” Kevin grinned as he sat at his desk set up, with his headphones on. The camera was positioned so that the viewers of his stream could see the background of his office, which was decorated with video game collectables and lit up with a neon motif. The streamer sat bare chested, his hairy pecs clearly the focus of the camera as they took up most of the screen. Thanks to his frequent workouts, they’d packed on some serious size, and Kevin liked to lean forward and have the muscled mounds rest on the desk, showing off how large and cumbersome they were. “It’s your boy, Kevin, here, ready to do another let’s play of the latest Pokémon game.”

As part of his new streaming career, Kevin would frequently play video games shirtless, constantly flexing or showing off as he played— a majority of his viewers couldn’t even recall the game he’d been playing, they’d mainly just watched the horny hunk feel himself up. Every so often, Kevin would bounce his muscletits, tug on his nipples, or sniff at his smelly pits. For those followers who wanted to see something a little more mature, he’d set up his OnlyFans account which attracted scores of followers, eager to see the hot, hairy hunk pleasure himself in front of the camera. 

Kevin had completely gone from a clean cut boy band member to a hot, hairy slut.

“Check these out!” Kevin grinned as he thrusted his chest forward, showing off the shiny silver rings on his nubby nipples. “My boyfriend, Blue, got me these piercings. Fuckin’ hot, right?” He bounced his pecs in tandem, making the silver rings dangle with the movement.

On occasions, his brothers Nick and Joe would try to talk some sense into Kevin, asking why he’d been acting so differently and why he’d quit the band. Kevin would typically just snort at them and call them a bunch of little bitches with how desperately they’d clung onto their shiny Disney appearance. Luckily, Blue had reassured him that he would try to get them to understand his new life…

As Kevin played his game on the stream, he would flex here and there, his hard cock hidden underneath the desk. It throbbed with want and the more his viewer count climbed, the more men watched Kevin watch like a heated slut, the more turned on the stud was.

“Ugghhh!” Kevin groaned as he tensed up, his hairy pecs jiggling as he came on stream. The whole time the chat cheered and sent tons of eggplant emojis as the hunk spent his load for all to see.

Kevin loved his new streamer slut life, a dazed grin forming on his face as he tried to catch his breath. “Fuck, that was nice,” he bellowed, already growing hard again as more and more people logged in to watch.

Kevin Jonas's New Career

Tags :
7 months ago
Let's Just Pretend That I Made It In Time For May The 4th Okay ^^' (saw This Outfit And Had To Draw The

Let's just pretend that I made it in time for may the 4th okay ^^' (saw this outfit and had to draw the grumpy star boy in it.)

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6 months ago

𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒎𝒚 𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒈! ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆

✩ call me princess or whatever you want ☆

✩ my acc is NSFW ✩

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

☆ 18, F, italian ✩

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

✩ she/her, bisexual, virgin ✩

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

✩ my kinks: choking, hair pulling, spanked, g4ngbang, bondage, edging, blood, pain kink, BDSM, tied up, being spat on, thumb sucking ☆

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───


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6 years ago
Always Hard To Get Undress After I Got My Ass Pumped. Lets Grow It Even Bigger. Help Me Grow HUGE And

Always hard to get undress after I got my ass pumped. Let’s grow it even bigger. Help me grow HUGE and be the ultimate slutty bodybuilder: DM or

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6 years ago
When Its Too Big.

When it’s too big.

Kidding! I want that ass much bigger!

Help me grow: DM or for meet up, videos and shows!

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2 years ago

This thing’s gettin heavy

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Tell MeGoodbye.
Tell MeGoodbye.
Tell MeGoodbye.
Tell MeGoodbye.
Tell MeGoodbye.
Tell MeGoodbye.

Tell me “Goodbye.”

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