Vegeta X Bulma - Tumblr Posts
It kinda fucks me up how Bulma literally looked at Vegeta, said “I can fix him,” and actually succeeded
![Did My Own Takes On Chi CHi And Bulma + Some Minor Changes To Goku And Vegeta Hope U Guys Like It!!](
![Did My Own Takes On Chi CHi And Bulma + Some Minor Changes To Goku And Vegeta Hope U Guys Like It!!](
![Did My Own Takes On Chi CHi And Bulma + Some Minor Changes To Goku And Vegeta Hope U Guys Like It!!](
Did my own takes on Chi CHi and Bulma + some minor changes to Goku and Vegeta Hope u guys like it!!
![OMGOD I Fuckinasdafas I Said I Was Gonna Be Gone For Awhile And Here I Am! Goddamit!! I ALWAYS DO THIS](
OMGOD I fuckinasdafas i said i was gonna be gone for awhile and here i am! goddamit!! I ALWAYS DO THIS asdf but OK just posting this and THEN im out for real this time asdkfgalf
but omg yea miraculous ladybug best show best show go watch it asdfghj
Una promesa para tres años
Anime: Dragon Ball Z
Rating: M
Pareja: Vegeta & Bulma
Sinopsis: One-shot. Vegeta ya no estaba tan seguro de abandonar ese planeta. Pero no debía tomar una decisión apresurada, después de todo, tenía tres años para pensar en ello y mientras tanto... tener a esa mujer.
Advertencia: Lemon (NSFW)
Por: Maeda Ai.
Bulma se la pasó trabajando hasta que no pudo más. Eso es lo que ella quería, mantenerse ocupada para no pensar. Así, por primera vez en la vida, la peliazul se rehusaba a pensar, pensar en la última infidelidad de Yamsha, la misma que dio fin a su historia con él.
Cómo deseaba ella no ser el genio que es, ser una total estúpida para poder tragarse la tonta excusa de su ex-novio.
Bueno, total, ya había pasado y ni siquiera le había dolido tanto cómo creyó que debía ser; esa relación era más tormento que nada.
Así fue cómo terminó trabajando en cuanto podía, todo lo relacionado con Capsule Corp., pero esta marchaba a la perfección, así que terminó por quitarle a su padre la responsabilidad de diseñar y construir todos los robots que Vegeta usaba en sus entrenamientos.
Entonces, Bulma agradeció en verdad que el sayajin destrozara en segundos las maquinas, porque así no solo ocupó su mente, sino que se sentía útil en esta futura batalla.
La mujer, incluso comenzó a ver al príncipe de otra manera. Como discutían a menudo sobre el funcionamiento de los robots, pasaron más tiempo juntos del que debían, quizá sin que ninguno se percatase de ello.
Y para cuando se dieron cuenta, ya estaban aquí, sobre la cama y completamente desnudos, él sobre ella, en silencio, tan solo mirándose fijamente.
El mirar de la mujer era más bien de cautela. Bueno, estaba un poco nerviosa, si, pero. . .
""¿En verdad está pasando?, ¿él y yo juntos?.""
Pensaba la joven, aun sin poder creer lo que estaba viviendo.
En cuanto a Vegeta, bueno, su ceño fruncido para variar, no dejaba mucho terreno para indagar que estaba pasando por su mente. Igual, quien sabe desde hace cuanto permanecía célibe. El guerrero necesitaba una mujer, eso era seguro y Bulma estaba ahí. Ella era la única y la más indicada, por así decirlo.
Esa agresividad le gustaba al sayan quien no pretendía acostarse con una chica que temblase de miedo ante él. Al menos la peliazul había dejado de temerle hace mucho tiempo.
""Eso está bien, me divierte.""
Pensó el guerrero mientras una sonrisa de superioridad le cruzaba el rostro.
Bulma se sonrojó, maldita sea, no necesitaba verse a un espejo para saber que así era.
* ¿Qué pasa, mujer?. . . ¿nerviosa?. *
La voz del príncipe sonó burlona y sin embargo tan varonil, esto provocó que el rojo en las mejillas de la mujer se intensificara, no obstante, Bulma fue capaz de enfrentar a ese hombre.
* ¿Por qué habría de estarlo?. *
* Podría matarte !!. *
* Atrévete y a ver quién te ayuda con tu entrenamiento. *
Vegeta alzó una ceja, su sonrisa se había borrado.
Él no necesitaba ayuda, necesitaba oponentes, pero incluso los robots eran más dignos que las basuras que ella tenía por amigos, así que. . .
El joven se dejó de conversaciones estúpidas que no lo llevaban a ningún lado y reclamó entonces los labios de aquella mujer; tan suaves y dulces, que al príncipe le resultaban algo irreal por lo que intensificó el beso, volviéndolo más profundo, exigente, agresivo, de forma casi salvaje, su lengua penetró en la boca de Bulma, obligándola a acompañarlo con la suya.
Fue tanta la brusquedad de ese hombre que incluso mordió el labio inferior de la joven, haciéndola sangrar.
¿Quién iba a pensar que él lo hizo superficialmente?. Vegeta se estaba controlando y sinceramente le estaba costando mucho trabajo. Todo fuese por no matar a la mujer.
""Dios sabe que si no lo hago, tendré que olvidarme del placer que estoy buscando.""
Pensaba el muchacho, una de sus toscas manos palpando el pecho izquierdo de la humana, quien cerró los ojos y gimió agradada.
Ese hombre era fuego, podía adivinar todo el deseo que embargaba a ese hombre en sus negros ojos.
La peliazul dejó a sus manos saciarse de aquel hombre y se enredaron en los alborotados cabellos del sayan, luego, mirándolo fijamente, se dedicó a llenarle de caricias el rostro.
Ella lo consideró atractivo desde la primera vez que lo vio.
""Lo malo no le quita lo terriblemente apuesto.""
Pensaba la chica, sin comprender porque ahora le parecía mucho más guapo.
Luego, sus pequeñas manos siguieron un camino imaginario, recorriendo los marcados músculos del guerrero, deleitándose con esa figura insoportablemente varonil; su fuerte tórax, esa espalda tan amplia que le encantaba y un poco más abajo, apretando su bien formado trasero.
El sayajin emitió un ronco gemido mientras Bulma sonreía traviesa.
Los ojos del príncipe lucían opacos a causa de la lujuria, misma que no pudo controlar.
Vegeta sostuvo por la cintura a la mujer y sin previo aviso, se dedicó a besar los redondos pechos de la humana, quien se arqueó ante la placentera sorpresa, deleitándose con la magia que ese hombre hacía sobre sus sensibles senos, mordiendo, lamiendo, succionando con nula delicadeza.
* Ahh, Vegeta. * _Ese hombre era un bruto cuando se trataba de acariciar a una mujer y sin embargo. . ._ * ¡ Me encantas !. *
Susurró la peliazul, aunque el guerrero parecía no escucharla, pues seguía dedicado a esa tarea de llenarla y llenarse de placer.
Aferrándose a aquella pequeña cintura, el sayan se deleitó con la suavidad de esa criatura, él era un guerrero, así que en su vida no había tenido un contacto con una mujer tan frágil y delicada, le parecían tan insignificantes y sin embrago, ahora no tanto.
Era agradable, en verdad estimulante.
* Exquisita !. *
Dijo él, más para sí que para la mujer, una vez que mordió suavemente el sonrosado pezón izquierdo.
El muchacho alzó el rostro, encontrándose con los azulados ojos de su compañera para esta noche, quien respiraba agitada, temblando, deseosa de más.
* ¿Qué pasa, mujer?, acaso soy demasiado hombre para ti?. *
* Hazlo !. * _Vegeta borró su sonrisa, ligeramente sorprendido ante la petición de la humana, petición que no esperaba._ * ¡ Hazlo ya !. *
Ella alzó la voz; sus hermosos ojos brillando intensamente. Ansiaba a ese hombre, por dios, estaba desesperada por sentirlo dentro suyo.
Vegeta arrugó el ceño.
""¡ Que mujer tan altanera !.""
Pensaba el sayan, ligeramente incomodo de que una simple terrícola lo apresurara y tratase de controlarlo. Pero al menos para sí, él tenía que aceptar que le atraía esa muestra de valor y carácter, lo incitaba y le fascinaba.
Así, Bulma separó sus piernas y Vegeta se posó entre estas, tomando el lugar que la chica le ofrecía. Ella buscó la mirada del hombre, cómo tratando de adivinar que pasaba por su mente en ese momento, más no logró que el mirar del guerrero se posara en ella.
Vegeta se posó sobre la mujer y empujó suavemente las caderas, clavando su espina en la intima flor de la mujer. Bulma arqueó la espalda, recibiendo al hombre; disfrutando el simple hecho de sentir cómo se abría y se amoldaba para él.
La chica no pudo evitar pensar en Yamsha, pues agradecía que Vegeta no hubiese sido el primero, de ser así, el dolor habría sido más grande y eso que el guerrero no aplicaba en su cuerpo ni la milésima parte de su fuerza.
""La destrozaría.""
Meditaba el sayajin, mordiendo el cuello de la mujer bajo su cuerpo, meciendo las caderas en un ritmo pausado, pero fuerte y constante.
* Eres muy grande !!. *
* Por supuesto. *
Los ojos azules de la mujer brillaban ante una emoción en la que se negó a profundizar, y en cambio, se adueñó de los labios del príncipe, negándose a abandonar su boca, luego, dedicándose a llenar de besos el apuesto rostro de su amante.
Él era fuerte, salvaje, bruto, era un hombre insaciable y lo adoraba. Bulma no se sentía completamente consciente de esta entrega, era tanto el placer que ese hombre le hacía sentir, que ella no podía hacer más que empujar las caderas una y otra vez, al encuentro del duro pene del sayajin, refregando su sexo contra ese palpitante miembro viril.
* Mmm, Vegeta. . . *
Bulma cruzó las piernas alrededor de la espalda del pelinegr6o, aferrándose a él. Cerró los ojos con fuerza, soportando el frenesí que nacía de su intimidad y que sacudió su frágil cuerpo.
Su vagina, agradecida, se contraía estimulando la espina del muchacho, induciéndolo a vaciarse en su interior.
Vegeta sonrió satisfecho y agradado, pero había pasado mucho tiempo desde que tuvo a una mujer para complacerlo, así que tenía mucha energía aun. Esa mujer no se iba a librar de él en toda la noche.
* ¿Qué pasa?, ¿es todo lo que me puedes dar?. *
* La verdad. . . * _Le hablaba ella, entrecortada, respirando agitada._ * es que quiero más. *
Tras estas palabras, Bulma comenzó a frotar su cuerpo contra el del sayajin, pegándose completamente a él.
Vegeta podía sentir bajo su pecho los senos de la mujer, y eso lo encendía, lo volvía loco, por Kami.
Y el hombre volvió a empujar las caderas una y otra vez, enterrándose completamente en el delicado y pequeño espacio que esa humana le ofrecía, regalándole este momento.
El guerrero buscó los labios de la mujer, ansioso por degustar su dulce calidez, ella gimió entre el beso, más poco después rompió este. El cosquilleo que la llevo al clímax volvía otra vez. Era el éxtasis más intenso, sofocante y maravilloso que solo un hombre cómo el príncipe sayajin, Vegeta, podía hacerle alcanzar.
* Ahhh, Vegeta. *
Bulma gritó su placer en el nombre de aquel que la poseía con fuerza y desesperación. Las fuertes palpitaciones de su vagina estimulaban y agradaron al príncipe, quien tras lanzar un ronco gemido, liberó su esencia, llenando a la mujer.
Las agitadas respiraciones eran lo único que se escuchaba en la oscuridad, lo único que esos dos amantes compartían ahora.
El sayan seguía con su pene clavado en la vagina de la mujer. Y fue Bulma la que buscó los labios de aquel hombre, probándolos sin ningún problema.
* Comprenderás que esta no será la única vez que te toque, ¿no es así?. *
Ella sonrió sutilmente, ante aquella amenaza, incluso sus ojos brillaban desafiando la oscuridad, ilusionada.
* ¿Lo prometes?.*
Sin dar una respuesta, Vegeta abandonó el cuerpo de su compañera, más no la habitación, ni siquiera la cama. Se quedó allí con ella, descansando de su locura.
Bulma lo miró por largo rato. El era un asesino, sádico, desalmado que solo pensaba en pelear y muy probablemente en destruir la tierra o en el mejor de los casos, conquistarla.
Más no le importó, ella quería estar con él.
""No puedes dejar ir a un hombre que te hace el amor de esa manera.""
Pensaba la joven, sonriendo, cerrando los ojos y durmiéndose poco después.
En cambio, Vegeta se preguntaba aun: ¿cómo pudo involucrarse con esa mujer gritona, mandona y vulgar?.
""Es verdad que es la mujer más hermosa que he visto, no solo de la maldita tierra, sino del universo entero.""
Pensaba el sayajin, recordando esa fragilidad que lo volvía loco.
* Tal vez quedarse aquí no sea tan malo.*
Susurró él para sí.
Vegeta había decidido largarse de este maldito planeta cuando venciera a los androides y por supuesto a Kakaroto, pero después de esta noche ya no estaba tan seguro.
El guerrero cerró los ojos, no tenía caso apresurarse a tomar una decisión, después de todo. . .
* Tengo tres años para pensar en ello. . . y para tenerla.*
Siempre tuve tantas ganas de escribir mi versión sobre este romance tan desquiciado y querido a la vez.
Creo que está bien, ¿no?, a mi me gustó mucho y es quería describir a Vegeta lo más fielmente posible a su personalidad y no darle sentimientos, los tiene, pero no en esa etapa, al menos no lo demuestra.
Este fanfiction fue escrito por MAEDA Ai. Y es material de "Fallen Angel".
Totalizado el 09 de Septiembre de 2007.
La dama del Hentai: Maeda Ai.
Goku x Vegetas Daughter
"Y/N" Trunks called out into the forest where his elder sister was busy training. "You sure she's here Trunks?" Goten asked also in search of his sister figure "KAHMEHAMEHAAA" there was a yell off in the distance and a large blast followed "FOUND HER" both boys perked up at the sound. They where quick to take off into the air following the destruction that was left behind. "Okay that was awesome, but you have to make sure you use you hips more when you send it" The boys landed next to her and Goten's father. "Ah dad, what are you guys doing?" Goten asked with Goku standing there with his hands on Y/N's hips showing her the movement he wanted her to do. "Oh Goten, Trunks Hey guys" Goku smiled brightly and released Y/N hips. "I was showing Y/N how to get more power behind her Kahmehamha" Y/N stood straight and looked up at Goku. "Thanks for the training session, Dad refuses to help me with my form" She said bowing in thanks. "It's not a problem at all, always a pleasure when it's just the two of us" Goku brought her into a side hug, his arm slung over her shoulder. "Oh yeah, Mom said the feast is ready, she said we're just waiting on you Goku" Trunks remembering as to why they where there. "OH YEAH, I'm starving, come on Y/N we better not keep them waiting" Goku was already in the air the two youngsters following suit. "Oh um a-actually, Mom said she doesn't want to see Y/N right now" Trunks frowned as he told his sister what their mother had said "WHAT but Y/N had a full day of training and she's hungryyyyy" Goku wined at the information. "Dad maybe it's best if we leave her, m-mom not happy you've been spending so much time with her either" Goten said. He was trying to keep his farther out of the dog house. "but, Y/N, are you?" Goku was so sad, Him and Y/N where like best friends, they battled, hangout, and even took the boys training together all the time "Oh it's okay Goku, go eat I'm sure you're hungry. Plus I'm um mm Fasting thats right, a cleanse" She lied, she knew he would offer to stay or bring her food but that would only get him in trouble with his Wife. "You sure, I could" "No no go enjoy, I'll be here like always" she smiled and ushered them to leave. "Well okay, I guess we better go then" and with that the boys took off heading towards Collapse corp. "Dad you have to stop running off with Y/N" Goten complained " Yeah Goku, Mrs.ChiChi thinks you're cheating with my sister" Trunks complainant as he circled to the other side of Goten. "WHAT, that's insane, sure Y/N is sweet and really pretty and a great fighter but I love ChiChi, it's just nice having someone to hang with that can match my energy" Goku confessed while looking back "She makes me feel normal, you know?" He look back forward. "I get it dad we love Y/N too but nobody else does" Goten felt so sad whenever discussing her. "But i just don't understand, She kind, smart, powerful, and just perfect" Trunks defended his sister. "I agree Trunks, there has to be more to her and Vegeta's history then what we have been told" Goku face changed to one of determination "and I think we need to find out" "Yeah, lets do it" the boys where more than excited to find out why their beloved sister was hated so much. "I thinks we've been left out of the loop and I want in" Goku said "ALRIGHT OPERATION UNCOVER IS A GO" Trunks cheered before they began their decent to the ground.
"GOKU WERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?" Goku was already saddened by his wife's voice. "AHAH ChiChi hey, I've just been training with Y/N" Goku said a light sweat forming. "WHAT HAVE I SAID ABOUT THAT BITCH" Chichi ignited with straight furry. "She's a whore who just wants in your pants" she glared at Goku, If only looks could kill. "HEY, DON'T SAY THAT ABOUT MY SISTER" Trunks desperately wanted to defend his sister but he was never allowed to. "TRUNKS" Bulma holler walking in with Vegeta "What have I said about calling that THING you sister" Vegeta scolded him. "I,- DAD SHE'S YOUR KID" Trunks was almost in tears "He's right Mr.Vegeta" Goten intervened "Goten, shush" ChiChi was quick to silence him. The boys always argurded about Y/N especially Trunks, He loved her deeply but today a new voice intervened. "You know Vegeta, I've always wondered how Y/N came to be" Goku pushed the conversation on. "I've already told ya, She was a Fling back when I was working with Frieza" "Right but that doesn't explain why you hate her" Gohan was now involved. He had always been fawn of the girl, but his mother had forbidden him from talking with her as they grew up. "I never asked for her, she nothing but a burden that is utterly useless to me" Vegeta set the cup he was holding down. "Plus she's far to weak to actually be my child" he had a smug look on his face. "Naw I don't think so Vegeta, She's really strong. I've seen it myself" Goku was determined to defend her as much as he could "ARE YOU CALLING ME A LIAR KAKAROT?" Now Vegeta was enraged. So Bulma stepped in "Now boys please, Goku you know we don't accept Y/N because she is nothing but a danger, and Vegeta said her mother was rather hot headed meaning she could explode at any minute" "But Vegeta's hot headed, why is Y/N any different?" Gohan asked. He has never truly accepted their reasons but he had always respected them being thats how he was raised. "BECAUSE Y/N'S MOTHER WAS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS" Bulma yelled in anger her veins showing and pulsing. "Damn Bulma cool your tits" Goku was surprised by her sudden outburst. "Kakarot just drop it" Vegeta warned. "No" for once Goku was taking his stand. Y/N is very dear to him and He wants to know why they should hate her. "GOKU" ChiChi was surprised by her husbands serious tone. "Kakarot" "Y/N is very dear to me, she's one of my best friends and both her and I deserve an explanation as to why she's hated" Goku was stern with his voice "So do they because they love her" He said pointing to Trunks and Goten. "Kakarot" Vegeta interrupted in a much softer tone. "ARE YOU CHEATING ON CHICHI?" Bulma threw out a rather large accusation "WHAT" "I KNEW IT GOKU, YOU'RE ALWAYS OFF WITH HER" Tears where running down her face it's like the women could cry on command. "TELL ME DO YOU FUCK HER? HUH YOUR BEST FRIENDS KID? DISGUSTING MAN, SHE'S LIKE A CHILD!!" Chichi was balling and hyperventilating. She was angry one second and now shes this. Goku was so confused "WHY WOULD YOU ASSUME THAT?" then it clicked, Goku was suddenly very aware of what was going on. Bulma and ChiChi were hiding something and they created a scene to cover it up pinning him as the villain. "THAT'S NOT FAIR, ACCUSING ME OF SOMETHING LIKE THAT!" Goku tried to defend himself but as he looked at his friends for support, all eyes where on him with nothing but hate. "I think, I thinks you've done enough damage" 18 said coming to hold ChiChi.
"What, I-I didn't do" Goku was cut off by a swift punch from Krillin. "Goku, I thought you where better than that". The emotion that Goku felt was so unreal, How could they not even let him defend himself, and even worse think so little of Y/N. "Fine, I'll leave, But don't come calling for me to save you" Goku hovered above the ground doing one last look through the group. He saw a distraught Vegeta, as is he was regretting something. He didn't stick around to listen tho, a quiet goodbye and with that Goku left, flying back to the only comfort he was guaranteed to always have . Y/N. "DAD/GOKU WAIT" the young boys got ready to follow before they where intercepted by their mothers. ChiChi held Goten close crying about how she was betrayed and heart broken and how she needed comfort from her son, her child who she knew loved her. "M-Mom let go, HOW COULD YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT" the sudden energy spike from Goten surprised her and she released. She was expecting him to listen like he always did but he retaliated. " Y/N is very kind and Dad loves you, H-how could you" Goten had tears in his eyes now, "Come on Trunks let's go" Goten pulled Trunks out of Bulma's grasp. "Trunks you leave, you'll be in deep shit" Vegeta threatened. Trunks looked at his parents right in the eyes and said, "Makes sure it's so deep I'm at the same level as you" They then took off to the sky in pursuit of Goku.
As Goku landed in the forest, he was quick to start his search. "Y/N" He yelled. He walked aimlessly for a good minute till "You won't find her like that" a voice spoke from behind him "Boys!?" He was surprised to see both Trunks and Goten. "You boys should go home, They hate me, no need for them to hate you too" Goku had a look of utter defeat, like his whole world just came crashing down. Which is kinda did in a sense, Lost his Wife, Home, his friends and all because their was a damn secret that 'had' to be kept. "Dad, w-what happened back their wasn't your fault for once, t-that was just scary" Goten admitted beneath his breath. "Yeah Goku, that wasn't right" For the first time in forever Goku felt like crying. He was genuinely heartbroken. Sure he married ChiChi because she tricked him at first but he came to tolerate her enough to considerate love and he loves their two wonderful kids. Then his best friend that he grew up with, was the one that accused Him of being the cheater. She's known him the longest and to think she thought so little of him "Trunks, d-do you know where Y/N is, I really need her" Goku was so defeated that he was admittedly asking for help, he was on the verge of begging for it. "Y-yeah" Trunks began to lead them. It genuinely scared the boys to see Goku, the worlds savior like that, hollow almost life less. He was stripped of almost all his will to fight, he even left without eating. "She has a house she built, it's huge too" Trunks was almost bragging about it. Making an attempt to brighten the mood "But you need to have a secret code to find it" he walked right up to the mountain wall and began to feel around.
"Trunks?" "FOUND IT" Trunks interrupted Goten. "Dear the gods" he began. "My family is not always my blood," Trunks took a breath "bless the all father, This mask has seen life through death, this is a honor" as he finished the wall began to shake, splitting in the middle and forming into the shape of a door. "Come on, there's not long till it closes" Trunks rushed the other two in after him. "TRUNKS IS THAT YOU?" Y/N voice came from somewhere within the house. "YEAH AND GOTEN AND GOKU" He hollered informing his sis of the extra guests " Ah Goku, Goten, I just finished Dinner" Y/N had came from the stairway down the hall. She was dressed for bed in her Bowser P.J pants and a black tank-top. "Welcome, I could sense you guys, sorry I just got out the shower" She apologized while trying to dry her dripping hair. "Ah it's no problem Y/N, just glad you could have us" Goku smile was back but it wasn't as bright as it usually was. Y/N was quick to notice, and seeing his slight red eyes told her everything she needed to know. "Hey boys, why don't you go set up the guest room, I'm assuming your staying the night?" Y/N knew the answer but she just want confirmation. "Yep, is that okay?" Goten asked while Trunks was already up the stairs. Y/N bent down to Goten height, "Of course baby, go help Trunks tho, sleep over" she did little jazz hands to emphasize her excitement. "THANKS Y/N, I LOVE YOU" Goten was quick to hug her then sprint up the stair in tow of Trunks. Y/N smiled but it faded as she adjusted her view onto the man who had settled in on the couch. "Goku, you okay?" Y/N was caution, this was new territory for her. "Have you ever fucked up so bad that your life fell apart?" Goku voice was nothing more than a whimper. Goku cursing surprised her slightly. "You know I'm a fuck up" Y/N sat next to Goku, opening her arms for him. He was quick to fall into them. "Y/N, tell me, why are you hated?" "I-uh, I really shouldn't say m-my farther will be mad" Y/N had made a promise to keep their history private. Even though he hated her, she still respected him. "Y/N, I-I lost everything..." Goku took a shaky breath in. Wide eyed Y/n ran her finger through his spiky hair. "Goku, what happened?" her whispered voice sent a calming chill down his spine. "ChiChi and Bulma accused me of cheating with you, and then everyone turned against me. my friends, my wife, my best friend, everyone" Goku finished with a hiccup. He adjusted so he was now laying on her lap "But, why, you do so much for them" She felt tears, did this really happen and why would they turn so fast? "They where mad I was with you, then they stared saying bad things about you, a-and I wanted to defend you but then I asked what happened in your past, that's when it all went down hill" small tears striped down her face. 'did he really risk everything for me?' she thought to herself. She felt horrid, she would hate to lose Goku but if it was his happiness or hers "Goku, I'm not worth your happy life, just apologize and then promise to never see me again, that should fix it" She wanted him to be happy, the people who love her where always suffering because of her. She didn't want that. "Goku you have a wonderful family, wife, friends, if they don't want anything to do with me then leave me, I'm not worth all your happiness" Y/N grew up being told she was worthless, she didn't want Goku to waste his life on her. "You know Y/N thats really selfish of you" He was now staring right at her, feeling her tears drip onto his cheeks fusing with his own, "My life is amazing because you're in it, You're my best friend Y/N, life without you this wouldn't be as fun" He smiled up at her, a real smile. "Oh Goku, you are my best friend too, and I" She was interrupted by the pitter patter of feet running down the stairs. "Y/N, WE FINISHED" Trunks yelled, in search of her, " Yeah can we eat now?" Goten asked finding them sitting on the couch.
"Oh, I'm guessing you told her?" Goten asked seeing both of them crying, he was scared but he did what he felt was right, however "D-Dad, where are we going to live?" Goten had come to that realization while setting up the bed, He didn't want to go back home and he knew they where searching for them. "Umm I'm not sure yet buddy but we'll figure it out" Goku only hoped to calm his poor son who was trapped in the middle of this whole mess. "What do you mean figure it out? The answer seem pretty clear to me" Y/N said removing Goku from her lap and standing to comfort the boy. "Here obviously, I have enough room as long as Trunks is okay with bunking?" She looked over at her brother for approval. "HELL YEAH, I GET AN ACTUAL SIBLING" Trunk would be more than happy to share, especially with Goten. "Goku, you can take my bed tonight since the other room isn't ready yet" Y/N picked both Trunks and Goten up and made her way to the kitchen "No no I'll take the couch, really" Goku was not usually one to give up a good sleep but at the moment he felt like he should. "Goku, my wonderful monkey alien, you have had a long night, please take the bed and rest up" She set the boys down and began to plate their dinner. "Y/N you are to good to us, also I thought you where fasting?" Goku only now realized that she had made a feast. "I uh Iliedbecuaseiknewyouwouldinsiteonstayingwithme" She said really fast, Goku only being able to catch lie. "really, Y/N?" He had a fake pout. "Oh shush, eat up and then go shower and off to bed" She set the plates on the table and allowed the boy to got to work. "THANKS FOR THE FOOD" they said before digging in.
"Y/N, the waters getting cold" Goten complained from the tub he was sitting in. "That means baths over boys, time to get out" Y/N unplugged the drain and set two towel for the boy on the toilet sink. "okay, dry up, P.J's on then we'll hang and then bed. Deal?" She question while heading out the door. "DEAL" both yelled as the door shut behind her. "Okay boys bathed, me bathed, now to check in on Goku" she made her way towards her bedroom which was currently the temporary home for the hero. "GOKU" she knocked on the door, waiting for a response. "Yeah, come on in" once she got her reply she enterned, and found the man snuggled up in her bed, tucked in nice and cozy. "I see you're comfy" she laughed a little. "Very," he said with a smile " alright get some sleep, I'm gonna put the boys to bed, if you need me I'll be on the couch" She left him quietly and shut the door behind her.
Not to long after that the boys where tucked in their bunks and sound asleep. Y/N settled herself on the couch with a blanket and pillow, slowly drifting into sleep. Being tired from the training and emotional stress. That is until heavy foot steps echoed. Y/N could only guess who's steps those could be, not even asking question she called out to him. "Goku, everything okay?" She look towards the hall to see the man rubbing his eyes, standing only in sweatpants. The site made Y/N blush slightly but she quickly got rid of it after looking at his face. "Hey um, c-can you sleep next to me?" He sounded almost scared. "I-it's weird not feeling energy next to me a-and yeah" He sounded so shy but Y/n didn't hesitate, in all honestly she had always loved Goku but she didn't want to fuck up his wonderful relationship, so she kept all emotions at bay. "you sure?" she was willing of course, however not wanting to take advantage of him in anyway. "Yeah, that would help" He grabbed her hand and began to walk with her back up to the bedroom. As they passed the many room, a soft but shaken voice rang through the silence, "Y-Y/N?" Both looked back to see Goten holding the hand of Trunks who was half asleep peeking out from behind a door. " I uh I kinda had a nightmare, c-can we sleep with you guys?" He whispered cautious of the half asleep boy beside him. "Oh Goten come on not bud, you're to old for this" Goku knew ChiChi would always comfort Goten, allowing him to sleep with them. But he did not want to cause anymore trouble than he already was. "Oh Hush Goku, Of course Goten my bed is big enough for the 4 of us" Y/N was quick to pick both boys up and carry them to the bedroom with Goku in close tow. As they all cuddled down together, for the first time all day, Goten and Goku felt comfort and safety. "Good night boys sweet dreams" Y/N gave each a kiss on their head. "Good night Y/N, we love you" Goten said slowly drifting to sleep. "Y/N, thank you for everything" Goku said bringing her closer "Of course Goku" "I love you Y/N" He said also drifting. "I-good night Goku" Y/N knew she couldn't say it back because she would not mean it in the same way he did.
After that night the boys moved in with Y/N. ChiChi and Goku got divorce a few months later after trying to work things out. With Y/N'S help Goku won custody over Goten, which he was thankful for but it was messy. They agreeded that Goten was free to visit when ever he wanted, which was very little. Bulma was still mad at Trunks so Vegeta allowed him to stay with Y/N already annoyed with Bulmas increase in bitchy attitude. Some things went back to normal, Goku and Vegeta began to train together again, making sure to avoid Bulma. But other than that everything changed. Everyone basically Blacklisted Goku, Goten, and Trunks. ChiChi and Bulma continue to spread lies about Y/N and Goku's affairs. However The 4 accused where living rather peacefully, Y/N was going to college, taking some advice from Gohan and started studying Law, she also took on a part time job to help with food and everything. Goten and Trunks mostly stayed home and were doing online school. Even Goku got a part time job, he worked at a meat factory, perfect for him with all the heavy lifting and 'punching bag' as he had called the hanging meat. He was happy that he got to pick the job he wanted. However, all the peacefulness went out the door when an invitation was deliver to Goku by Gohan to a certain women's birthday part. (TO BE CONTIUNED)
PART 2 to my Goku x Reader Series ❤️
“An Invitation to Bulma's Birthday?” Y/N asked, as Goku read the letter out loud. “Yeah, Gohan brought it when we were training” Y/N was currently helping the boys with their math homework, explaining how angles work. “Interesting… Should we go?” She was unsure, which made sense since they’ve been basically blacklisted from that group for a good while now. “Can we Y/N? Pretty Please??” Goten was looking at her with hopeful eyes, puppy dog eyes if you will. “Me and Goku will talk about it, see what the best plan of action is” She looked to Goku for a little back up but it seemed he was lost in his own world. “Should we really go though? I mean, what if another fight breaks out?” Trunks asked while heading towards the kitchen. “True, but Goten it’s been awhile since you’ve seen your mom right?” Y/N returned her attention to him. “Y-yeah it has been, I’m still scared to be around her alone” He confessed, slightly embarrassed at his cowardliness. “Then it’s settled” Y/N looked towards Goku whose eyes were blown wide surprise that she changed her mind so fast.. “W-wait, we haven’t even talked about it” He argued unsure if this was smart or not. “Goku look, it’s been forever since Goten has seen his Mom, and he needs her” She gently grabbed Goku's arm so they could talk in another room. “But he has you, he calls you mama sometimes” Goku emphasized on Goten calling her Mom. “Sometimes like when he’s exhausted or just had a bad dream, he’s only looking for comfort” Y/N sighed shaking her head “Look, I know how hard it is to have a bad relationship with you parents, Obviously” Goku brought her into a hug of comfort, ever since the incident she been a little more sensitive about her parental situation. “I don’t want that for him, and if the best way for him to talk to her is with us around, then we have to bite the bullet” She pulled away from Goku taking his face into her hands. She could tell how uneasy he was about even the thought of seeing Chi-Chi again and Bulma to add to it. “Okay, as long as you’re there to keep me grounded I think, I think I can manage” He took a deep breath and grabbed her hand in his. Y/N has been noticing that little soft moments like these have been happening more and more recently. It scared her but at the same time gave her a little bit of hope that he might feel the same for her. “Okay,” She pulled away, heading back to the boys. She grabbed the invitation off the coffee table and read it out loud. “It says" You are invited to Bulma's Birthday Cruise, Location City Doc, be there by 12:00 pm, August 14, Dress is casual formal, RSVP by August 5. Hope to party with you” Y/N finished looking up at the faces of them all. “So, how do we RSVP?” Trunks asked, ignoring the fact that they have to RSVP today. “Umm Goku when did you get this?” Y/N asked, “Gohan gave it to me yesterday” “Ugh, They obviously don’t want us there” Trunks groaned “They gave it late in hopes that we wouldn’t be able to attend” He said pointing out that very obvious fact. “How are we going to RSVP? None of us has even talked to them in months' ' Goten was confused on how exactly they were supposed to do this. “And I don’t train again with Gohan till next week” Goku said with his hand on his chin “What about farther? Train with him today?” Trunks asked, “No, I trained with him yesterday as well” “Ugh, I have an idea but I really don’t want to” Y/N groaned and started to walk towards her bedroom. The boys sat patiently waiting for her return, intrigued as to what the plan was. “Call Old Man” The sound of ringing took over the living room as she returned. She took a seat next to Goku, laid her head on his shoulder and set the phones on speaker. “What the hell do you want?” A gruff voice whispered from the other side. “H-hey dad, It’s Y/N” She said calmly “Yes, I’m aware, Like I said what the hell do you want?” You could hear his thin patients through the phone. “Well. we’re calling to RSVP for the party” Y/N said gaining a little confidence as Trunks took her hand.
“WHAT” two other voices were now introduced to the call. “Chi-chi and Bulma?” Goku mouthed to her. She responded with a head shake “Yeah, there will be 4 of us, Me, Goku, Trunks, and Goten” She said smiling at the boys. “Um Yeah of course I’ll make sure to write your names down on the guest list” Vegeta said, “Perfect, I’ll see you then” She was about to hang up “Y/N wait” Vegeta called before she could hit the red button. “I’m assuming I’m on speaker, take it off but pull Kakarot so he can also hear this” They could hear shuffling on his side, as if he was moving rooms. Y/N followed in instructions, and pulled Goku right next to her face so he could hear through the phone. “Listen carefully, I want to talk to you about something when you get here, just us 3 I owe you an explanation and an apology” This surprised the Duo, “Also Chi-Chi, she’s umm what the Earth word.. She’s become a ?” He questioned his wording. Y/N tried her best to surpass the giggle. “At the party, I warn you two she is going to do all her power to make Kakarot jealous… She really hates you and Goku so just know.” There was silence for a moment. “ I just wanted to warn you so she doesn't ruin whatever that two of you have together, Okay” Now that surprised both of them. “VEGETA GET IN HERE” Bulma's voice boomed “I'M COMING WOMEN” He yelled back just as loud. “Okay, I’ll see you later” He said before hanging up. Both were too stunned to speak, finding out that Vegeta thought they were dating? “So I guess to them we are a thing?” Goku asked “Y-yeah, I’m sorry about his warning” She felt bad, as if Chi-Chi could betray him anymore. He sat still for a moment until he jumped up “Let’s do it!” Goku suddenly had this determined look on his face. “What exactly are we doing?” Y/n was definitely lost “She’s trying to make me jealous, lets fake date, so then she’ll think to back off” Y/N couldn't help but roll her eyes. “Where did you get an idea like that?” “A movie,” Goku admitted. “Please, It could be really fun, Plus we can get the boys to play along, Think of how badly they hurt us” He was now giving puppy dog eyes, practically on his hands and knees. “Never took you for the revenge type, but I don’t know” She was conflicted, sure it would be fun and hilarious to mess with them but would it hurt her even more after it was all done. “Fine, let's ask the boys” She caved.His stupid puppy eyes were just as good as Gotens “If they agree then we will be the “Perfect” family” She gave a small smile, giggling at the mischief they would be doing. “YES” Goku was exhilarated that she agreed. “Boys, we’ve been thinking” Y/N looked to Goku to finish “Would you guys like to go to the party?” Goku was secretly praying they would say yes “HELL YEAH” They yelled simultaneously. “Okay so it’s a yes but we need to get some more formal clothes, other than training” Y/N said grabbing her coat so they could leave now. “But Y/NNN I don’t want toooooo” They wined and moaned. “Last I checked None of you even have polos, plus it will be fun and we can go eat after” she tried bribing them. “FOOD?/FUN?” Goku was excited for the food while the boys were happy to hear fun. “Yep, get dressed, let's go now” She sent the boys to get dressed and waited outside for them.
+Mini time skip+
The boys shopping was relatively easy considering Trunks wanted a Pink Polo, Goten got a green polo as to be opposite of Trunks and Goku decided to wait till Y/N got her dress so they could go matching. "Okay Boys seems like you two are set now we just gotta get my dress" Y/N smiled while paying for the boys shirts. They wondered the mall for a little seeing if a store was to catch their eyes. "Oh Y/N what about this one?" Goku pointed to a store with lots of fancy and formal dresses at the window. "OHHH this looks perfect" Y/N quickly rushed into the store. "Hello there and welcome to Arias formal dress shop, Would you like me to set up a room and help with your outfits?" The store lady asked. Goku and the boys followed in soon after. "Oh a family trip, how lovely" The little shop lady clapped her hands "I'll get a room ready Right away" she then rushed to show Y/N her room and pick out of dresses she thought would looking good on her. "You boys sit here and your mamma will come out to show them" The man they assumed to be the shop keepers husband, handed waters and pointed to a couch in front of a makeshift runway. "Oh, so cool" They thanked the man for the drinks and took their respective seats on the couch. A few minutes had passed when the shop lady came out from the dressing room door. "We present the first dress" She did little jazz hands as Y/N stepped out in a deep blue dress, that had little stars on it. "Oh wow Y/N that looks amazing" Trunks smirked at the beauty of his sister. "I like it" Goten added smiling brightly at her. Goku got up and did a small walk around with his hand on his chin. "I uh sorry Y/N but that color just" Y/N frowned at his comment. "It looks great on you but doesn't it kinda remind you of Vegeta?" he asked shaking his head. A look of realization spread across her face. "Oh i guess so yeah, Okay lets try to stay away from the Blues?" Y/N took his comment to heart and asked the Shop keeper to continue their search. To which she happily agreed to. The next dress was a dark Green, with a little lace on it. "No, not my favorite" Trunks was quick to turn that one down much to Goten displease. "I personally liked that one" He muttered. But non the less Y/N went to try on the next one. This dress was pink and had little white hearts on it. "You look like that mouse character" Goten stated. "NO WAY THAT ONE LOOKS AMAZING" Trunks argued. "HEY YOU WOULDN'T LET HER MATCH WITH ME SO SHE CAN'T MATCH WITH YOU" Goten yelled back. "Hey" Goku hollered sternly, "What have I said about fighting?" He looked down at the two. "Only do it with our fist not our words" They said looking down but then glaring at each other. "Right, but settle that later" Y/N said with her hands on her hips. "Yes ma'am"
After another hour of trying on dresses non of the boys could agree on one. "Okay this is the last dress" The shop keeper said, her hair out of place and breath slightly heavy. Y/n walked out in a deep red dress that complement all her curves and had slight glitter scattered on it. "You look" The young boys stared "Perfect" Goku was quick to finish, getting up to stand next to her. "This one, this is the dress" He said making her do a spin. "YEAH IT'S PERFECT" Trunks got up and flew around his sister admiring the dress. "Yeah Y/N this is the best one" Goten followed after Trunks. "So this is it?" Y/N Asked looking at herself in the mirror running her hands over her curves. "Yes, this is it" Goku said smiling at her through the reflection. "Alright let's get checked out and head home" Goku said before the Shop lady stopped him. "WAIT, I have a matching dress shirt for your husband here" she said handing Y/N a shirt that matched the dress exactly. "Oh, perfect now we have everything we need for the party" Goku said quickly trying on the shirt to make sure it fits. "Yep and we match, how cool" Y/N giggle hooking her arm around Gokus. "And for such a lovely family, I'll give you a discount" The man checking them out smiled brightly. "Oh thank you so much" Y/N bowed.
"BYE THANK YOU" The small fake perfect family walked out the store and out the mall to head home. One they arrived at home they put their party outfits away and Y/N began to cook dinner. As their night came to a close, Goku was starting to like acting like a family again. Specifically with Y/N who fit into the roll perfectly. He looked up into the bathroom mirror and smiled seeing Her things spread about her side of the counter. He gently picked up her perfume and took a deep whiff of it. He found it intoxicating but he didn't know what these feeling where exactly. "a-am I falling in love with my best friends daughter?" He asked quickly looking up at the mirror again to stare at his reflection as if the answer was awaiting him there. He chuckled before setting the bottle down, "I guess I am, but this is nothing like Chi Chi" He smiled and began walking out to the front room where she where waiting for him. As he walked in he smiled at Y/N and the boys "Because this is real" he muttered under his breath. "What was that Goku?" Y/N asked glancing up at him. "mm Oh he-he nothing, just remembered I forgot to grab jeans" He giggled, scratching the back of his head. "Oh, thats okay I can just order you some" Y/N smiled, opening her arms so Goku could lay with her. He set his head on her lap and smiled looking up at her. "I love you Y/N" He said. Y/N heart flutter, this time was different that all others, the look in his eyes and the tone of his voice. 'He really does' Y/N thought a blush and butterfly forming. For once since they began living together Y/N knew she could return those words and they would have the same meaning as his. "I love you too Goku". To this Goku smiled brightly up at her.
Pt 3 goku x reader
The day had finally came, Bulmas birthday party was in full swing. "You don't thinks they're actually coming do you?" She looked nervously to her husband, praying that the familar faces wouldn't apear and spoil her mood. "Well Woman you did invite them and they did RSVP so." Vegeta answered with a snarky voice, He had told her it was a bad idea but she had refused to listen. "BULMA" Chi-Chi called, walking up the stairs with a guy attached to her arm. "This is Zack, He's my boyfriend" she smiled happily before leaning up and kissing his cheek. He was tall, not nearly as tall as Goku but still tall. She looked back to her friend and smiled, "I can sense their energy" Vegeta stated looking to the sky. Both Bulma and Chi-Chi stilled, "G-Goku? and Y/N?" Chi-Chi's fist balled as anger and jealousy started to over take her.
With Y/N and Goku
"MOM HOW MUCH FARTHER??" Goten complained. "Yeah Mum this is such a long flight" Trunks whiney voice followed. Y/N chuckled, the boys had started to call her mom the other week as a joke but the name just stuck. "Aren't you both sayians? this should be a breeze." She looked to Goku for a little back up but he shared a tired looking form. "You guys stayed up late training again huh?" She asked, glancing at the three. "Whhhaaattt? No Y/N. I'm a responsible adult I would never let them" Goku made an attempt to defend himself. "But dad you're the one who asked us to help you with mmffmdf" Goten was quickly cut off by Trunks hand covering his face. " Dude shut up" Trunks whisper in his ear glancing between Y/N and Goku. She only rolled her eyes and continued forward. "We are almost there, maybe like 5 more minutes," she gave a forced smile. As they got closer her nervous where really kicking in. What if acting this way caused a fight?? She had no doubt that her and Goku could win but she hated the thought of having to hurt some of the people who where once Gokus closest friends, some even family. "Hey, It's okay. We are going to be okay" Goku gently took her hand, giving her a comforting smile. "Whatever you think is about to happen, we will face it together... All of us" He took a glance at the boys who offered their own smiles in an attempt to comfort her. She took a breath before returning the smile, "Right we are a happy family" Her voice held no sarcasm only joy in remembering that fact. "Thats my girl," Goku smiled maintain her hand in his. "FINALLY" Trunks yelled finally seeing the venue come into view as they approached.
"GOTEN, TRUNKS, DAD!!" Gohan called, quickly flying up to meet them. He gave Trunks and Goten loving nuggies before being brought into a group hug with Goku. Y/N only smiled softly at their actions, admiring their affection for each other. Spotting her father from the corner of her eye. She watched with wide eyes as he beckoned her over with his hand. Looking around ensuring that the wrench Bulma was not near, she cautiously made her way down to him. "Old Man" she greeted him with a straight face. At the moment she felt like crying as his cold stone face relayed no emotion. He starred at her for a moment before pulling her into a deep hug. "Hi little" He greeted her, digging his head into her hair. Oh how long it had been since he called her that, keeping up an act like this was tough on her. For a long time she thought he had actually started hating her but his affection, his hug, his uneven breath that she could feel on the top of her head, put all those worries to rest. "Hi Daddy" she whispered before hugging him back with just as much force. "I'm so so sorry" He whispered into her head, he pulled away and looked down at her to find tears in her eyes but a soft smile. Y/N sniffled slightly, but jumped at the sudden power spike from the boys who where now behind here. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MA?" Trunks was suddenly up in Vegetas face forcing him to take a step back. "Yeah Vegeta, you better have a good reason for making Y/N cry" Goku said, throwing an arm around her shoulder bringing her to his chest. "Relax Kakurot, remember how I told you we have much to discuss?" Goku's eyes remained sharp, "What about it?" He was now defensive, unwilling to deal with someone who had hurt Y/N so bad. "This," Vegeta gestured to the area around him, "Is all an act" To say the Sons, and Trunks where surprised was an understatement. "W-what, as in hating Y/N?" Gohan asked wanting conformation. "Yes, unfortunately.." "VEGETA GET IN HERE" Bulmas voice pierced the air. "Birth Giver" Trunks whispered with slight venom in his words. "I'M COMING WOMAN," He hollowed back. "That is the reason" Vegeta said before quickly walking back through the doors waving his hand for them to follow.
"Y/N what was that about?" Goku asked moving his arm so he could hold her hand. "Goku, I'm sorry I'm…" She looked at him with a face of guilt. "I'm under a oath that I can't speak of what I am or who I am," Her tears fell freely, "I'm so sorry Goku, I never wanted to lie to you but" Her face was cupped by a large hand. "Hey Hey Love, If there's something you can't tell me thats okay," He gently wiped her tears "I'll do anything, fight anyone to make sure our found family stays just like it is" He whispered his words making sure they sounded as sincere as he meant them to. "Thank you Goku" Y/N smiled her hand coming up to hold his, "I love you Y/N and I mean that in more ways than you think" He gave her a soft kiss on her forehead, made sure her tears where gone, then led her inside.
"Y/N how lovely, " Bulma was the first face they saw once they had entered. "GUYS THE HOME WRECKERS HERE!" she called out causing everyone's head to shoot up. "Please, feel free to socialize" She finished with a wicked smile. "Uh thanks Bulma" Y/N only returned the smile before walking away with Goku, arms interlocked. "Guess much hasn't changed" Trunks huffed holding Y/N as to not get separated. "Yeah, unfortunately you guys always end up in the conversation" Gohan said, glancing around at the glares that where being shot at the small happy family. "Y/N!" A female voice cheerfully called out. Looking around Y/N found Gohan's wife Videl walking towards the group with a big smile. "How are you?" She smiled taking Gohans arm and holding it. "I've been okay, but you know I'm a home wrecker so watch out" Y/N made fake claws and smiled with a grin, this caused Videl to giggle. "Oh, yes How could I have forgotten," She sighed shaking her head. "I really am sorry, you did nothing wrong" Videl tried to comfort the girl. "Oh it's okay, all I need are these three right here" she said glancing as her boys smiled. "We're doing quite alright" She shook her head as Goku leaned down to her whisper something to her. "If you're uncomfortable we can always leave" He gently kissed the spot behind her ear, Y/N reaction made Goku chuckle as she flushed red slightly. "Mama, I'm gonna go wonder with Trunks," Goten quickly took Trunks hand and drug him away from the four adults. "He calls you mama huh?" Gohan asked smiling at Y/N, "I'm sorry, I had no intention of taking that role from your mother but I'd hate to ask him to stop because it gives him comfort" She lowered her head in shame. 'I should've stopped that damn habit'
"No no please, I'm happy he's found that comfort again, In all honest I don't think what moms been doing would be good for him" He sighed shaking his head slightly. "Oh Zack you're so funny" Chi-Chi loud laugh was heard approaching. "Oh your mom met somone?" Y/N asked happy that the female seemed to have moved on. "Uh not exactly. see she keeps coming up with different men, at least once a month" Gohan sighed while looking down at Videl, "And the worst part is, she's not trying to move on she just wants to make you jealous dad" Looking up at his father who's attentions was focused on the approaching figures. " Well unfortunately, I'm quite happy" Goku's big smile was back and he turned his head to acknowledge his son. "GOHAN THERE YOU ARE" Chi-Chi yelled before dragging Zack right behind her. "Hon this is my son Gohan, he didn't leave me" She smiled completely oblivious to the others standing. "Gohan this is Zack my boyfriend" She was completely engrossed in getting the two antiquated and left out Videl, Goku, and Y/N who only took glances at each other before shrugging their shoulders. They watched silently as Gohan awkwardly tried to maintain conversation with the new stranger. "Oh yes very uh very interesting" Zack continued on and on about whatever he was talking about, while Gohan turned slightly eyes begging for assistance. However Zack seemed to have found another conversation starter. "Hellllo Doll," Zack quickly maneuvered around Gohan and approached Videl. Gohan slightly stunned watched as this whore man walked right past him and straight to HIS wife. "Hello baby, you are quite the looker" His voice was low and gravely, 'Gross' Y/N thought carefully watching the situation. Gohan was about to intervine when his mother grabbed him and started to drag him away. "Oh Gohan I must show you" She continued talking and talking, "Wait mom, Videl" Gohan tried to get his words in but by the time he had processed the situation he was gone out the room and left Videl with Zack.
Yeah no thank you, please take a big fucking step back" Videl quickly put space between her and the creep, making sure her discomfort was known. Her hands instantly went to shield her stomach which caught Y/N and Gokus attention. "Come- on love, just a little talking" He smiled but his eyes held no good intentions. "Ah lets stop right there lover boy" Y/N quickly stepped in when his eyes began undressing Videl. "Oh you're" He looked at Y/N for a moment, "hey wait a second... You're the homewrecker" He looked her up and down as well "I see why he left her, so wanna wreck the home again" He attention was now completely on Y/N. "Actually, I'd like to wreak your face for those disgusting comments but my sons are here so I'd rather not" Her smile was sickeningly sweet but her eyes told a whole other ordeal. He was slightly taken aback by her look, it was murderous. "So why don't you run along and find YOUR girlfriend and leave us alone hmm?" She titled her head slightly and closed her eyes adding to this innocent act. "Uh yeah, bitch" He muttered under his breath before speed walking way. "Videl you okay love?" Y/N quickly went to condole the girl "Do you think he was any strong?" Goku asked, curious as to if he had found a new opponent. "Goku," Y/N sighed shaking her head slightly. "I swear he never changes" she whispered to Videl who giggled at the comment. "You sure you okay? I can still kick his ass" Y/N double check with Videl before bidding a goodbye and returning to Gokus side. "I don't like that guy" Goku said as he remained staring at the direction Zack had ran. Y/N would never admit it but at that comment her heart hurt slightly, 'Was he Jealous?' She worried that Chi-Chi's might be working. Her thoughts where interrupted when Goku cupped her face and bought it so he could see her eyes. "I don't like the comments he made about you," His thumb running above her cheek bone "Made me wanna hit him" He closed his eyes before presenting a bright smile. "Maybe because I love you so much" He giggle, Y/N felt her heart sore, Chi-Chi's plan was working, Goku was jealous but it was all working in Y/N favor. However she would still feel guilty at time, 'Maybe I really am a home weaker'