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Ya'll when I put on my dad fit
inspired by: @_waltenpepper_ on tiktok
I'll remake this when I get my old phone back
Does he though?

Did my own takes on Chi CHi and Bulma + some minor changes to Goku and Vegeta Hope u guys like it!!

Thought I posted this-
Here ya go.
- Yes my Goku wears a 4-star db choker. Yes he wears glowing stars in his tail. Fuck yes, he wears cut off shorts.
- Yes, my Vegeta wears gauges. Yes he wears his gloves 99% of the time. Of course he wears gym shorts and has top scars. 💙💙

Quick sketches of the first Saiyans I could think of.

I found more of my paper child photos I wanted to share. I will be uploading more of them soon.
If you watch DBZ Abridged, you’ll get the joke in this one.

I just finished another part of the drawing I’m working on with Vegeta in the Batman suit. Honestly, this is how I imagine Goku at a comic/anime convention. Not to mention I see him as the Superman of anime.

I finally finished this drawing that I've been working on for some time. I didn't want them in superhero poses like I usually would draw them. I thought it'd be a little funny if they were cosplaying them as if they were at a comic/anime convention. All three of them can be seen separately and as sketches in my archive.
Like I said in my earlier sketches, the superhero designs are based off of the ones in the New 52 DC Comics. This idea was in my head for over a year but I got the motivation to start this after watching the trailers for Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice (both the teaser and the recent trailer).
Lozt Goku Suit

Lozt Goku Suit

Lozt Goku Suit

We dont talk enough about the fact that Goku wasnt born strong. Gohan, Vegeta, Broly, Goten, Trunks... all born with innate strength. But Goku... Goku was weak. His entire life growing up, there was ALWAYS someone stronger than him.
For a saiyan to be outmatched by earthlings... ridiculous. But he was. Several times over. Every bit of strength Goku has, he had to work for, train relentlessly for. Its easy to forget because hes so strong now and continiously comes out ahead. But thats the POINT.
Vegeta grew up knowing he was the pride of the saiyan race, born strong, elite, a prodigy. He was hopelessly outmatched by frieza and some of his army, but for a saiyan, vegeta was the strongest (or so he believed).
Because the saiyans put so much belief into power you were born with, power you were destined to have. You either had strength or you didnt. And Goku didnt. So he was third class. His destiny wasnt power, it was weakness.
Its why Vegeta is so constantly thrown off by and therefore obsessed with Goku in the beginning. Because how could someone born so weak be THIS strong? It didnt make sense.

Then we have Gohan, born with incredible hidden reserves of power. Unlike Goku, Gohan was born with potential. His strength was always there. And sure, he had to work incredibly hard to unlock it but its a story arc we keep seeing repeated with gohan. Either its unlocked with anger or someone unlocks it for him (the grand elder, old kai, etc.)
And then Goten and Trunks, both super saiyan by the age of 7. Power came EASY to them. It was as natural as breathing. Goku, Vegeta, and even Gohan all struggled to reach super saiyan. It took a toll. But Trunks and Goten take that power from literal legend and make it a game.
No one has ever had to work as hard as Goku to achieve strength. And you can argue with me on this all day long if you want to. He didnt have hidden powers. There were no hidden reserves, no one to unlock his innate abilities. When he was a child, his unnatural strength compared to human made him special. But for a saiyan, goku was one of the lowest of their race.
Every bit of strength, every morsel of power in gokus body, was built through training. He didnt unlock hidden potentials, HE CREATED them. Its why Goku is the mortal who figures out how to unlock ultra instinct. Because he almost never won a battle purely based off a sheer power, no. Goku had to be smart, needed to be clever. He was forced to hone technique just as much as power, was taught by all his masters the importance of harnessing his mind as well as his body. He grew up meditating, sensing energy, learning not to rely on his eyes, but all his senses. He was training to filter out his own extra unnecessary movements all the way back when he first met Korin and then later again with Kami.

Goku lost fights a lot. All the time. But everytime he lost, he learned. Because he was forced too. Because when Goku lost, there was no backup. He was it. And so he would HAVE to come back stronger, have to find the way to win. Or everyone would be dead.
Maybe its just me but i just think theres something incredibly special about a saiyan labeled as "weak," a saiyan no one bothered to pay any mind to being the first to become legend. He avenged their entire race. That little boy with a tail, born with a power level of 2, became the strongest of them all.
Ok ok, i have no idea what this movie is
And I am not Italian
But as a Maltese child, if you wanted to watch cartoons and you didn't have cable it's gonna be Italian
So let me attempt to translate-
Feel free to correct me if I get stuff wrong
I can deduce that it's like home alone but Italian
Basically these guys are trying to steal stuff from the hotel goers
The kid answers and they're like
"hi can we come in?"
And the kid goes
"my parents aren't here"
"but we're the cleaners"
The kid says something I don't understand and closes the door
Next they try to pretend to be a girl
The kid basically tells them to go away bcus he's watching dragon ball
And then that-
TL:DR home alone but make it Italian
i need a compilation
Goku swearing will never not be funny there should be a compilation video.
He swears more in the subs we were robbed

Why are these two so cute. Why.