Vegimals - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Octonauts Headcanons because they consume my brain (sleep edition)

Shellington cannot sleep if he isn't holding something, usually a plush toy or his own paw.

Dashi takes a while to get comfortable, tossing and turning for up to an hour.

Captain Barnacles has a special cooling blanket because polar bear.

The vegimals will routinely sleep in one big pile of the greenhouse floor for no apparent reason.

When stressed, Peso will make a nest out of blankets and pillows to sleep in.

Kwazii will knead his pillow before he goes to bed.

Tweak is a very active sleeper. She's a sleep-talker and -walker.

Inkling will occasionally fall asleep in the library. His little ear things will also twitch if you touch them.

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3 years ago

Incorrect Octonauts Quotes: Interactions I've had in school

(Please note I'm the voice of reason in most of these)



Kwazii: I got suspended

Barnacles: You got suspended!? How???

Kawaii: I tried to steal a urinal...


Kwazii: Keyword: TRIED


Peso: Please stop eating the starburst wrappers...


Peso: Just because they are safe for consumption doesn't mean they should BE CONSUMED


Shellington: *goes nonverbal*

Tweak: Hey!


Tweak: Hey!!

Shellington: ...?

Tweak: Ohhh!!! We're playing the quiet game! Ok, bet!

*proceeds to not talk for the rest of the day thinking it's a game/challenge*


Kwazii: Ow-

Peso: You good bro?

Kwazii: Ye, I just stabbed myself with a pencil

Peso, panicked: yOu GoOd BrUh?????


Shellington: How dare you assume I'm Cis


Kwazii, walking down the halls: Down with the cis! Down With The Cis!! DOWN WITH THE CIS!!!

Some random cishet guy: YEAH!! DOWN WITH THE SITH!!


Kwazii under his breath: listen you discord mod wanna be-


Some big + tall guy: *lunges forward suddenly trying to intimidate Dashi*

Dashi: *charges forward after him*

The guy: *runs in fear as Dashi chases him*

Barnacles: Haahaa, nice


Shellington: These are my husbands: Kwazii, Peso, and Dashi ^^ (queer platonic relationship)

Shellington: And these are our adopted children

*takes a deep breath*

Tunip, Codish, Barrot, Grouber, Tominnow, Pikato, Halibeet, Sharchinni*, Perchkin, Yamchovy, Wallabaga, Charchard, Maccoli, Carprika, Albachoy, Salepeño, and Tardelery!!

Shellington: Am I forgetting any?

Kwazii, whispering: Vegi-bot

Shellington: VEGI-BOT!!


Tweak: I take extreme pride and pleasure in being able to scare an entire football team just by existing


Barnacles, thinking: this stress ball is pretty good! Super strong and resistant too. It won't break ^^

*2 minutes later*

Stress Ball, which is filled with liquid gel: *breaks, and spills all over Barnacles*

Barnacles: fuCK-


*any vegimal after Sharchinni only appeared in the books

I hate to ask this, but if you see this post, can you please interact? I took a small break and my spread/reach went way down, and I'm not 100% sure as to why-

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3 years ago

Incorrect Octonauts Quotes: Christmas/Holiday ^^


Barnacles: ...

Barnacles: Care to explain what happened-?

Kwazii, up to his waist in fake snow: no


Peso: I love the winter season :)

Peso: *remembers he has like 50 siblings*


Peso: fuck


Dashi: Alright, everyone line up, it's time to see who had the ugliest sweater! Professor Inkling is the judge, as always, with the Vegimals of course

Peso: *is wearing a sweater his mom made*

Kwazii: *is wearing a sweater he made by cutting up and sewing other sweaters together with a mirror taped to it*

Shellington: *has a normal sweater because the ugly ones are too scratchy for him*

Tweak: *tossed on a normal sweatshirt and attached lights and ornaments to it*

Dashi: *has an over sized fluffy sweater that can kill a man*

Barnacles: *had a sweater on before, but it got too hot so he took it off*

Professor Inkling:

Professor Inkling: I don't know what to do with this-


Shellington: *is trying to make cookies*

Kwazii, walking into the kitchen: Whatcha making there Shellington?

Shellington, holding a burnt tray of cookies: regret


Tweak: Alright, fake snow machine is ready!

Kwazii: LET'S GO!! *pulls the lever down completely*

Tweak: waiT NO-

Machine: *explodes, causing an insane amount of fake snow to covering the entire HQ in deep [fake] snow*

Kwazii: ha-

Kwazii: ohno-


I'm still trying to figure out how to get my reach back here ^^;

I was doing so good before lol

Incorrect Octonauts Quotes: Christmas/Holiday ^^

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3 years ago

Incorrect Octonauts Quotes but it's all dumb things I've said + winter activities


Tweak: No, you can not sleep with the Enderman. They are not meant to be slept with


Kwazii: I'm an expert at identifying birds! Point one out, and I'll name it >:3

Dashi: *points at Peso*

Kwazii: Presious, pure, a true good boy


Dashi: Ok fair-


Barnacles: Would anyone like to have a snowball fight? Professor Natquik will also be joining

Natquik: *looks at the team with a calm but devious expression*

Shellington: Pass ^^;

Peso: I'll also pass- I'd rather watch

Dashi: I'd rather film anything that happens...

Tweak: Maybe...

Kwazii, who has no idea what is about to happen: BET!!!


Kwazii: *walks into the med bay with a black eye*

Peso: What happened!? Are you ok!?

Kwazii: Do you remember seeing those ice sickles outside?

Peso: Yes, why?

Kwazii: I unfortunately didn't-


Shellington: *makes a cup of hot coco*

Vegimals: *instant panic*


I've run out of ideas again-

As I've said before, requests are open ^^

I'm currently working on rules/a system to them, so here's the basics of what can be asked:

• ships (can be poly) [scenarios or incorrect quote]

• headcanons for character

• (possibly) drawings

• Other fandoms ^^ you can ask which ones I'm in :)

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3 years ago

Incorrect Octonauts Quotes but everyone is getting hurt in some way (nothing serious)

(+ note at the end)


Barnacles: Alright, explain how this happened again?

Professor Inkling, who is tangled in his own tentacles: I challenge Kwazii while he was on cat nip-


Peso: Good morning Twe...

Peso: Um, Tweak?

Tweak, whose arm is stuck in a gup: Oh, mornin' Peso!


Kwazii: *backflips off a wall and into an Octoshoot*

Barnacles, who is walking near the end of the shoot: Something is telling me that something bad is about to happen...

Kwazii: *exists the shoot at full speed and crashes into Barnacles*

Barnacles, who is now on the floor: Ah, that's what it was...


Dashi: *is taking pictures with flash on*

Dashi turning the camera towards her: I wonder...

*blinds herself while taking a picture*


Shellington: *trips over nothing in front of Kwazii*

Kwazii taking advantage of the situation: Can't stop falling for me Shellington?

Shellington, confused: Wha-


Vegimals: *doing their little cooking thing*

Vegi-Bot: *chaotic beeping*

Tunip in Vegimalese: Oh no-

The kitchen: *explodes*


Peso examining a patient: Ok, almost done

Kwazii walking in: Oh hey Peso! I was wondering if-

The patient: *freaks out at Kwazii*

Kwazii: *freaks out back*

Peso: o _ o


I want to apologize for being so inactive for a while + not getting to asks as quickly as I should. Some (pretty bad) things happened, and I deleted all social media from my phone in a panic. I'll be trying to crank out a lot more content now (I'm on break from school)

Also, sorry for this being so short/dull lol

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2 years ago

Happy April 1st! Have some Octonauts stuff with April Fools

Headcanons - Incorrect Quotes


- Barnacles is the prime victim of Deez Nuts and other verbal jokes

- Barnacles doesn't REALLY participate, but one time he put salt in everyone's coffee/tea (minus Inkling) because Kwazii and Dashi convinced him. He even put it in HIS OWN DRINK because "it's only fair"

- Shellington would be victim of more harmless pranks, such as moving around or hiding books (but NEVER his comfort items)

- Doesn't play pranks unless Kwazii, Dashi, and Tweak are with/need help

- Kwazii would be playing dead/faking injuries/emergencies every other hour

- That or do random whoopee cushions everywhere

- Buckets of water above the door. He would forget they are there and get soaked

- Peso doesn't do too much, probably place stickers at random places

- Or put googly eyes on random objects because it's funny

- Dashi would change everyone's ring tones to meme song

- And would Rick Roll everyone by rigging the Octoalert

- Tweak would set up elaborate pranks to get multiple people at once

- They would 100% use those hand buzzers and shock pens

- Would rig some doorways to drop powder on people

- She would also (probably) work with Dashi to dress up the Vegamals in Among Us outfits

- Everyone THINKS Inkling wouldn't participate or know anything, but this old man is a MENACE

- Knows every trick in the book and how to prank everyone

- The Vegamals aren't too good with pranking people, they would just slightly oversalt something. Not even noticeable





Barnacles: So, how's everyone's day been?

Tweak, soaked: fun

Kwazii, covered in powder: very fun

Dashi taking photos of them: Yes, very fun


Peso placing googly eyes on a door: heehee

*two hours later*

Peso: *walking the halls*

Peso: *sees the door with googly eyes*

Peso: AAAAA-


Barnacles: Dashi! Sound the Octoalert!

Dashi, struggling not to laugh: Mmh- Got it Captain!

*presses button*


*music plays*

Everyone in the Octopod: *collective screaming*


Kwazii placing a bucket of water above a door: Aw yeah, this is going to be awesome

Shellington: *walks under the door*


Shellington: *gets a nice bucket to the head*


Tweak over the speakers: Everyone report to HQ asap!

Everyone: *confused and lowkey panicked*

Barnacles: What's happened? Why is the steering wheel activated?

Kawaii: Did you catch someone? Some THING?

Tweak: Dashi?

Dashi: On it *clicks button*

*steering wheels lowers to reveal Vegamals wearing among us costumes*

*among us music starts playing*


Have a great day everyone ^^

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2 years ago

hi!! could you do octonauts comforting headcannons? like you had a bad day or just feeling sad, how they would react. thank you!!!! 🥰🥰🥰

YESS!!!! It's been so long since I've written something in this format, let's go >:)

I also added some other characters ^^


Captain Barnacles

- Instant Dad Mode (said as if he's not in Dad Mode 99% of the time-)

- Doesn't always know what to do, but he tires his best

- Would ask what was wrong or if anything happened

- He honestly (almost) takes the most time out of anyone here to make sure you're ok [not that the others don't take time], this man is thorough

- He gives great bone crushing hugs, the type of hugs you'd never forget (in a good way)

- Gives the Dad Pep Talk (TM) to you (the good one, not the "What's 6 × 3" angry pep talk)



- Doesn't really know how to approach at first

- Ends up going in calm before going more energetic

- Always asks if your up to do anything to distract you from whatever may have happened

- Would 100% tell you stories about Calico Jack or some things they've done before joining the Octonauts

- Wraps their tail around your arm/hand/wrist in comfort (if you're ok with that)

- You have a high chance of getting softly tackles and purred on by Kwazii. As well as getting biscuits made on you



- I'm 90% sure he's the oldest (if not one of the middle-older) of like, 50- most are cousins but they are basically siblings in a Spanish family (- from a Spanish person)

- The first time he's a little nervous, but after that they find things that will work for you ^^

- Would build a pillow fort, no questions asked. They are the 2nd best in the Octopod when it comes to pillow forts

- Probably pulls out a sticker sheet and gives you some, ESPECIALLY if they have puns

- Movie night, you guys just vibe in a pillow fort watching some good movies with some snacks. Maybe the Vegimals will join you guys



- No hesitation, grabs your hand (or asks you to follow her if you don't like touch) and plans something fun to do

- One of the first questions out if their mouth is if you want/need to vent

- Hypes you up no matter what. Got in an argument? Get it, you stood firm and held your ground. Someone left you? You're going to get better, you're doing amazing now.

- She'll show you her photo album/vidoes, especially photos of funny moments she managed to capture

- They'd 100% pull out a box of horror movies that are so bad they are funny, and spend the night watching them with you



- It takes a bit for Tweak to fully notice, but when they do, it's game over

- Pillow Fort. You can't tell me that they aren't the best at making pillow forts

- Yes, they are working on something while you're talking (if you are OK with talking) but she is paying attention and holding on to every detail while planning on what to say

- After a while (especially if it's late) they will have their video game console ready to go with another controller ready for use (if you want to play)

- Probably plays some more chill and calming games, like Harvest Moon, Animal Crossing, or Uno

- That or more high energy games, like Splatoon, Bioshock, or Overwatch (those games do a good job at taking your mind off of things)



- Gestures for you to give them your hand

- Guess what? You now own a very cool looking piece of coral

- After that they lead you to their lab and starts setting up a little blanket fort (different from a pillow fort)/nest for you guys to vibe in

- The Vegimals join after a little while and will just lay on you guys

- Shellington would read to you, no questions asked

- That, or set up a projector they have and watch some movies (probably Disney or Pixar, maybe a history movie or two)


Professor Inkling

- Looks at you for a bit to get a good read on you, similar to Shellington

- After a while he'll approach you and ask for you to follow him to the Library

- There, there's already tea and other things ready for you guys

- Doesn't pressure you to talk to him about anything, just grabs a book and starts reading (out loud if you ask)

- Give some of the BEST advice. He's pretty old, and is seen as a grandfather by anyone he works with. This dude has wisdom and knows how to give it to you in a nice manner



- Will either bake something for you, or get you to help them bake for others (and yourself, depends on what you like)

- You get to see the chaos unfold around you as flour rains down around you

- That, or they will take you to the Garden Pod to do some gardening with them (this normally ties in with baking/cooking tho, they need to get ingredients)

- I headcanon that they can purr, and they pur LOUD

- One would just climb on your back and start purring (probably Salepeño, Barrot, or Codish)



- Gives you their jacket, and no, they won't take no for am answer here

- Also makes you some hot coco/coffee/tea

- Lets you talk when you want to, it's your choice

- Likes to show you cool things they found to take your mind off of things

- At some point they'll break the (likely) silence with a flurry of encouragement and affection, "You're doing amazing", "I know things are rough, but you'll be able to pull through", "You should be proud of yourself, you're doing well" and other other things


Professor Natquik

- He knows. That's it. He knows

- Doesn't even question it that much, he kinda just... takes you???

- Think about the thing cat's do with their kittens, that

- Makes you a nice drink, sits you down, and just talks with you. You don't have to respond if you don't want to, he'll gladly ramble on about his work and support for you

- Tells some really funny stories (such as how he met Barnacles by hitting him in the face with a snowball) [headcanon]

- You'll probably end up falling asleep by mistake, but he's happy. Brings out a fluffy blanket and drapes it over you. Get some rest, you deserve it ^^



- Orson and Ursa are already on you asking questions, but they only want to cheer you up and help you feel better

- Bianca probably sends them off to play for a bit while she stays with you

- Instant hug (if you're ok with it), just as strong as Barnacles

- She gives amazing advice, and is always willing to help (and throw hands, just in case)

- Ursa and Orson come back after a while with little snow bunnies they made


Ranger Marsh

- Would ask what was wrong but walk away before you could answer

- Then he'd have a baby alligator in his arms and just hand it to you/put it on your lap

- Congratulations, you now have a therapy alligator

- He would also hand you a packet of crackers and some water. Don't think when you're dehydrated/hungry, there's a fair chance that your brain and body is being pissy. He's a walking Snickers ad in a way

- Also does the (good) Dad Pep Talk (TM) at the end


Calico Jack

- How they respond depends on where you are, so for this I'll just say your guys are in the Amazon-

- Congratulations, you are now in a Capybara cuddle pile with Calico Jack laughing (but in a nice way, like "aww, cuddle pile")

- He does the same thing as Kwazii, wraps their tail around your arm/hand/wrist (if you're ok with it) and does the purr

- Like Grandfather like Grandspawn

- Would 100% make a fake treasure hunt for you to take your mind off of things



- I don't know much about Panni, but I feel like he'd offer you a nice rock

- If you guys are outside he'd try to take you to a place with a good view and have a little picnic with you (that they TOTALLY didn't make last minute /s [he made it last minute] )

- Just vibes with you watching the sky and clouds. Also probably looked at the sun by mistakes at least once no I'm not projecting

- Will try to get you to talk about it, but will back off if you don't want to. He's glad to fill the silence with things he's done



Sorry for being gone for so long, exams are next week and my brain is ascending into the floor rn lol

Requests are still open ^^

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8 months ago

Guess who's back from the dead


Barnacles: So... explain to me what happened?

Kwazii, hat on fire: No...


Barnacles: Are you alright?

Peso: Short answer or long answer?

Barnacles, concerned: Short?

Peso: No.

Barnacles, very concerned: Long?

Peso: Nooooooo. Definitely not.


Shellington: Okay, but what if we went to dinner not as friends this time?

Kwazii: AS ENEMIES?!

Shellington: facepalm


Professor Inkling, reading a recipe: Beat three eggs?

Kwazii: It means in hand-to-hand combat.

Professor Inkling: Oh... erm...?

Vegimals, all of them: Get out.


Barnacles: Alright Shellington, Kwazii. Let's go over this one more time.

Barnacles: If something breaks?

Shellington: We try to fix it before Tweak gets home.

Barnacles: And if that doesn't work?

Kwazii: We blame Peso.

Peso: Seriously!?

Barnacles: No.


Tweak: My hands are cold.

Dashi: Here, let me hold them.

Tweak: My lips are cold too.

Dashi: covers Tweak's mouth with their hand


Dashi: Let’s not Kwazii this into a worse situation than it already is.

Kwazii: Did you just use my name as a verb?


Kwazii: This date is boring!

Shellington: This isn't a date. I said I was going to the store.

Kwazii: Then why did you invite me?

Shellington: I didnt, I specifically said "don't come with me," then you said, "fuck you Shellington I'll do whatever I want!


Professor Inkling: Did you study for the marine biology test?

Kwazii: Of course I did! Listen: fish are remarkably well adapted to water. What’s more, they can swim.

Professor Inkling: sighs with exhaustion only achievable by an elderly man who has dealt with too much can achieve


Shellington: We should be partners.

Kwazii: You mean like, partners in crime?

Shellington: Yeah... that’s precisely what I meant.


Barnacles: Does everyone know their job for today?

Professor Inkling: Water the flowers.

Tweak: Vacuum the carpet.

Dashi: Wash the dishes.

Kwazii: Pretend to be a wolverine.

Barnacles: Close enough.



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6 months ago

Octonauts - A new Generation

Chapter 8

The father- I mean founder

Inkling’s pov

Missing humuhumunukunukuapua'a part 3

The trio have been gone for hours once again. Inkling hated when missions took this long. He would always get concerned about the effect it would have on the others. He cared about them deeply, they were like his children to him. He had watched how they helped him make his dream come true, his dream of making the oceans a better and safer place, despite knowing the dangers in doing so. He will never be able to express his undying gratitude towards each team member for everything that they have done. And now the captain, the lieutenant and the medic are out searching for a creature in need of help for several hours once again. If this continues, it will most certainly have a negative effect on their sleeping schedules.

“What’s wrong Inky?”, Min's concerned tone can be heard through the Octo-tablet.

Inkling would often call Min whenever he was troubled.

“Ah, nothing much. I’m just worried about the trio”, He says with a sigh.

“Have they been gone for a long time again?”, Min asks in a soft tone.

“I’m afraid so”, Inkling replies.

The two of them share a moment of silence. Inkling can already tell that Min is waiting for him to further unpack his troubles, but sadly he isn’t good at doing that.

“So…how has your week been?”, he awkwardly says in an attempt to change the subject.

“Inkling…”, Min’s calm and patient, yet clearly concerned tone pierces through Inklings heart. Min usually refers to him as ‘Inky’. She doesn’t call him ‘Inkling’ unless it’s a serious matter. Which just makes the sting worse.

“I’m sorry, you know that I’m not good at this sort of thing”, Inkling confesses, “I just…they’re like my children, you know? And what kind of father would let their child go through all of this?”

“So you feel guilty?”, Min asks.

“I…I guess so. I just want what’s best for them”, Inkling slumps into his chair in defeat.

“They all knew the risks they were taking when they applied for the job. They made the choice to go out there and risk their lives”, Min’s voice was gentle, but Inkling could hear how it was shaking.

“I know. You’re right. Despite that, I still feel guilty for some reason”, Inkling says, deciding not to confront Min for now.

“As you already said, it’s natural for a father to be worried about their children. Just trust them with the choices they make. They are old enough to take care of themselves”, Min’s voice was like a gentle breez, bringing comfort to the professor.

“I suppose you do make a good point”, he says. After sighing, he proceeds to show her his gratitude for always being there for him and for comforting him. They talk for about an hour after that before ending the call. With a smile on his face, Inkling turns towards a bookshelf and picks up whichever book is in his reach.

Inkling had just finished going around the Octopod to make sure that everyone was in bed, when the trio finally came back. They came back earlier than they did yesterday, which made the professor happy.

“Welcome back you three. How did it go? Did you find the missing humuhumunukunukuapa'a?”, Inkling asks in a joyful tone. There is a sudden shift in the atmosphere as Inkling realizes the sorrowful expression on all three of the trio’s faces, especially Peso’s. In fact, by the way the cat and the polar bear are handling the penguin, it seems like they’re trying to comfort him.

“Wh-What happened?”, Inkling stutters, the fear of a concerned father rising up.

“We sadly had no success finding the fish, professor”, the captain replies in a calming but firm tone.

“Are you alright Peso?”, Inkling asks.

“Yes professor, I’m just a little worried about the lost fish, that’s all”, Peso answers more quietly and shy than ever.

“Are you sure that’s it? You know that you can tell me anything”, the professor proceeds, desperate to find out what’s bothering the medic.

“It’s nothing, really”, Peso answers, this time in a more persuasive way.

“Alright. Well, the three of you better head to bed now”, Inkling says, despite still not being convinced by Peso’s words.

“You’re right”, Barnacles agrees while yawning, “After all, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.”

And with that, the four of them go their separate ways.

Cornin should have been here by now. Every evening, at about this time, Cornin would always come by and give the professor his bed-time-tea. Inkling is starting to get worried for the wellbeing of the Vegimal, and decides to go looking for him.

“Cornin? What happened?”, Inkling asks with concern.

“Oh, I’m sorry about that professor. While I was on my way to deliver your tea to you, I heard some strange noises coming from Peso’s bedroom. I went inside to investigate and found him fumbling around with something. When I had asked him why he’s still awake, he said that he couldn’t sleep. I gave him your tea, since I know that it helps you sleep. I’m preparing another cup right now”, Cornin explains in Vegimalese.

“Alright. I’m glad you gave him the tea. I wonder what’s been bothering him lately”, Inkling says while slowly drifting deep in thought.

“Perhaps you should go talk to him while you wait for your tea to be finished”, Tunip suggestes.

“What a wonderful idea Tunip! Just make sure that you all go to bed on time as well, okay?”, Inkling asks, while eying Barrot.

“Yes sir!”, Barrot says while saluting.

“I’ll come check on you later just in case”, Inkling mentions before he goes to Peso’s room using the electric chair that Tweak had made for him.

“What are you doing awake at this late hour Peso?”, Inkling asks with the patience and concern of a loving father.

“I’m just struggling to sleep, it’s nothing severe”, Peso replies.

“Peso, please be honest with me”, Inkling pleads.

Peso looks him into his eyes for a few seconds before looking down at the floor. Peso was sitting on his bed, with the tea cup in his flippers. The room was dark, with nothing but Peso’s bedside lamp providing some light. Inkling got out of his chair and made his way over to Peso to sit next to him, while the penguin puts his cup aside.

“Please tell me what’s wrong Peso. I want to help you”, Inkling gives one more desperate attempt to finding out the truth.

Peso remains quiet and continues staring at the floor. They stay seated that way for a while, until Peso abruptly turns towards the professor, catching the octopus by surprise.

“My older brother Pedro. He had gone missing for a long time. When he was found… He was badly injured… Months had gone by… It was way too late… I just…I just don’t want the same thing to happen again”, Peso stutters and stumbles over his words, but he finally manages to tell the professor what has been bothering him. They share a moment of silence, until Inkling pulls Peso into a hug. They stay like that for a while. Not a word is needed to be said. The comfort of the hug is more than enough. Peso’s shoulders violently shake as he starts crying, as Inkling tries his best to further comfort the penguin.

Despite everything that Peso has said, Inkling can’t help but feel like Peso’s still hiding something.

Other chapters

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6 months ago

Octonauts - A new Generation

Character bio

✨️ The Vegimals ✨️

Octonauts - A New Generation

Grouber loves eating. He eats when he’s stressed, eats when he’s bored, eats while he’s working. He eats during every and any occasion. Tunip gets annoyed at the amount of food he eats, but Grouber doesn’t really care. Grouber absolutely adores being a douchebag towards Cornin. He is especially nice and sweet to his brothers Barrot, Codish and Tominnow. He’s the kind of person, or rather Vegimal, to give tough love. Codish and Tominnow look up to him. As the strongest out of the eight, he is naturally their protector. Codish and Tominnow spend a lot of time with him. Grouber is incredibly over protective of them.

Tunip loves his brothers and the Octonauts. At first, the language barrier decided the two groups. After a while, the Octonauts became family. Tunip puts a lot of efforts into knowing every single member of the crew and his brothers, so that he knows exactly what to do depending on their mood. Tunip loves cooking and he loves helping others. He is the second oldest, but often acts like the oldest. He is seen as the leader of the group. All of his brothers respect him, expect for Grouber.

Cornin is the third oldest and loves being left alone. Most of the time, Cornin stays in the library with professor Inkling. Sometimes the two of them will have a conversation with each other. In his free time, Cornin writes his own novel about the life on the Octopod. No one if aware of this hobbie of his. Corning loves keeping things organized, which is why Grouber loves being chaotic. Corning enjoyed his peace and tries to be calm all the time. He gets along just fine with his brothers, expect for Grouber. He barely spends any time with his brothers. The only one that he hangsout with is Charchard.

Charchard and Albachoy are twins.

Charchard loves going around the Octopod and helping where he can. Whenever there’s an event happening, he insists on being the planner. Cornin often helps him plan and organize the events. Charchard looks up to Tunip. He gets bored very quickly and often ventures around the Octopod to look for someone to play with. More often than not, no one is available. For the majority of the time, the only one that will play with Charchard is Cornin or Barrot. Sometimes Grouber will play with him if he’s in a good mood.

Albachoy spends most of his time in the kitchen trying new recipes. He takes pride in being the main chef of the crew and being the mastermind behind most of the recipes that the Vegimals use. Tunip often kicks him out of the kitchen, telling him to go be productive. Albachoy is often annoyed, mostly because of Tunip thinking that he’s the boss and Grouber constantly picking on Cornin. Albachoy’s short temper has caused many problems amongst the brothers. Albachoy secretly cares a lot about his brothers, but doesn’t want to show it.

The twins only ever get along with each other when Charchard annoys Albachoy so much, that Albachoy decides to do as Charchard wants in order to get him to leave Albachoy alone.

Barrot is incredibly sportive and competitive. He is constantly trying to find something exciting to do, which is why he spends a lot of time with Kwazii. Barrot loves it when Dashi shows her competitive side. While he works, Barrot rushes through everything in order to get it done and go do something fun. This annoyed Tunip a lot, but Grouber always defends him and even takes over for him sometimes. Barrot is incredibly greatful for Grouber’s support.

Codish enjoys being the second youngest. He’s cute, he’s adorable, and he can get away with so many things. He likes being mischievous and causing trouble. What he likes the most though is studying others’ character. Codish finds great joy in really knowing a person, although he doesn’t do it for the same reasons as Tunip. Codish also loves trying new things. Lately (at the beginning of my AU) he has been into taking photos. He has even summoned up the courage to ask Dashi for advice on how to take good photos. When he isn’t doing any of that, he is sleeping. If he isn’t sleepy, he has a great need to be mischievous.

Tominnow is the youngest out of all eight brother, and is naturally also the cutest. He loves drawing in his free time and is generally joyful most of the time. He wants to help his brothers with the chores around the Octopod, bu they refuse to let him work. The only time they let him work is when they need help with the garden. All of his older brother are extremely protective of him. Tominnow spends a lot of time with Codish.

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